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The Perfect Stroke

Page 21

by Jordan Marie

  “Ida Sue!” I yell, astonished and laughing despite being horrified. Riverton doesn’t need more reason to destroy me.

  “I’m just hosing down the place, sweetie. The stench of the garbage was starting to make me sick.”

  Riverton is yelling out that I’ll be sorry, but when Ida Sue aims the hose full-force right at his face, he shuts up and takes off running with his buddies. Ida Sue lets up on the trigger of the water hose nozzle. No one talks for a few minutes. I think Jackson might be too mad, I’m afraid. That leaves Ida Sue. My eyes go to her and I wish I could read her better.

  “I think it’s time we talked, Claudia,” she says.

  “I do, too,” Jackson says, and the hurt in his voice almost undoes me.

  “Ida Sue, I probably should talk to Jackson alone. I owe it…”

  “Nonsense. We’re family now. Now, I don’t know what’s going on and I’m pretty sure my son doesn’t know. If he did and he’s still doing business with that snake in the grass, then I’m going to rip him a new asshole.”

  “He doesn’t know,” I confess.

  “I can only assume you have a reason for that, dear. But you, I, and Jackson here are going to talk, and for now, we’ll keep it between the three of us. We’re going to have to figure things out soon, however, because that sad waste of ball sweat will be back and I’d lay odds he’ll only get meaner,” she says. I look over at Jackson and he’s nodding his head in agreement. I take a breath and agree.

  “Okay. Let’s go talk in my office, though. I think people on the street have seen enough for one day.”

  As the three of us walk back into the garage, nervousness floods through me. I know they’re right. I do need to talk about this. I need to find a way to tell not only them, but Gray too. I just don’t know if I can handle feeling everyone’s disappointment on top of everything else.

  Especially Gray’s.

  “The trick is the follow-through. See, if you choke your hold on the driver, you’re not allowing the force to hit the ball and you’re just not going to get a long drive,” I tell CC, adjusting her hands on the club and pulling her back into my body as close as I can.

  “Is that a golf ball in your pocket back there, Crayon Man?”

  “Ouch. Golf ball? Couldn’t you at least call it a putter or something? I mean, I’m just asking for a little respect here.”

  “I didn’t realize you were so insecure,” she says, wiggling her ass against my dick. It doesn’t matter that I’m wearing slacks or that she has a skirt and panties on; when I get close to her and she rubs against me like that, I am instantly hard as a rock.

  “Quit trying to make me spank your ass, Cooper. Now pay attention to your lesson.”

  “Not that I’m not loving my lesson… and other things,” she says, pushing her ass against me, “but shouldn’t you be resting up for day two? I mean, you’re a few strokes behind the leaders. I’m not sure what all that means, but I don’t want to be the reason you’re too tired…”

  “Do I feel too tired to you, Cooper?”

  “You never feel too tired, but despite your other super hero attributes, you’re only human, Gray Lucas. Maybe you should sleep.”

  “You could wear me out and then maybe I’ll nap.”

  “We could go back to the hotel,” she suggests, turning in my arms to look at me. She’s wearing a cute little outfit complete with a short skirt, and I’ve been dying to fuck her since I first saw her in it. She’s been better the last couple of days. Ever since Ida Sue came in, actually. Those two have become thick as thieves and whatever Ida Sue has done, she’s somehow worked magic and CC seems less stressed about work. She still won’t tell me what’s going on, but she says she has it handled, and I guess that’s all I need to know. I offered to help; that’s all I can do.

  “What if I told you I’m not sure I can make it back to the hotel?”

  Her eyes dilate and she looks around the course nervously. There are a few people out today, but not many. I don’t know where Riverton or Cammie have gone the last couple of days, but it’s been nice not having them around. I’m regretting ever listening to Seth about getting Riverton’s sponsorship. It might have been harder to get where I am now, but I would have done it. I’ve actually been talking to my lawyer to see if he could get me out of the contracts with Riverton. I don’t know the full story with Cammie, but I know enough to know she and her father don’t respect my woman, and that is not acceptable. Not now… not ever. My need to advance caused me to overlook that for a little bit. That will not happen again. There’s nothing more important than CC to me, and that includes this tournament or any future ones. Without CC, I don’t care if I ever golf again.

  “Gray, it’s broad daylight and the tournament… it’s crowded,” she whispers worriedly.

  “It was earlier. Now everyone has gone home. C’mon, Cooper. Live dangerously.”

  “I’m beginning to hate it when you say that to me. It never ends well.”

  “This time, it will. I make sure you’ll get a happy ending.”

  She rolls her eyes at me and I can’t help laughing. But she reaches out her hand, which is a yes, and that’s all that counts. I take her hand in mine and begin leading her to the edge of the woods.

  Time to show my woman how much fun a golf course can really be.

  I can’t believe I’m doing this. I’ve been through a lot this last week, so maybe I’ve finally cracked under the pressure. Maybe it’s the fact that Gray makes me feel like a teen again. Back when sex was new, emotions were honest and raw, and life held more promise. Back before reality slowly chipped away at my dreams.

  It’s been a rough week. Ever since the run-in with Riverton, I’ve been scrambling trying to figure things out. Ida Sue has taken control, though. She told me she had some connections in Texas with a bank and getting the loan wouldn’t be a problem. My lawyer told me that as long as I don’t give Riverton further reasons to foreclose, I have until the end of the month, according to the notice he gave me in the hotel. That gives me almost three weeks, and Ida Sue assures me it will be done way before then. I owe her so much. There’s no way I would have gotten a bank in Texas to save me if it hadn’t been for her.

  So in the meantime, I’m staying away from Cammie and her father—from everyone here at the tournament, really. I spend my time with Ida Sue and Gray’s crazy family, and Ida Sue is helping me to find ways to avoid business dinners and networking luncheons. The last press conference, I declared a migraine, but it’s getting harder and harder to make sure Gray doesn’t know something is going on—a fact Ida Sue is not totally happy with. According to her, she doesn’t want her “little boy” doing business with people like that. He’s too “innocent” to know how people work. I have to laugh. I know they say a mother’s love is blind, but there’s nothing little or innocent about Grayson Lucas.

  Case and point: He leads me to the edge of the woods where there’s a hole of sand. He helps me step down into it with this big grin on his face.

  “Time to strip,” he says.

  “Um… I don’t think so,” I tell him, looking around. “I’m not getting butt-ass naked in a sand dune on a public course. There were hundreds of people here today, Crayon Man.”

  “They’re gone now.”

  “Not all of them.” My eyes go wide as he starts to strip. “Gray!”

  “We’re in no-man’s zone. It’s a bunker, by the way, not a dune. I really need to teach you more about golf.”

  “Whatever. You aren’t getting me to lay down here and have sex with you.”

  “You aren’t going to throw caution to the wind? C’mon, CC. Live—”

  I put my hand over his mouth, not letting him finish. “I told you to quit saying that. It never turns out well. Besides, it’s easy for you to say that. It won’t be you who has sand crawling up their ass.”

  “I got a plan for that.”

  “You do?”

  He nods, laying his pants and shirt down for a makeshift mattres
s. Then he looks up with a sly look on his face. “Your chariot awaits, my mistress.”

  “My chariot?”

  “You got it, babe, because I’m about to take you on the ride of your life.”

  “You really are ridiculous, you know?”

  “But I make you smile,” he says, and this time he’s completely serious. He’s looking at me and I get the feeling he sees deeper than anyone has ever bothered to before. “I make you laugh.”

  “You do,” I tell him. Then, something spurs me on, and before I can stop myself, I’m admitting to something I normally wouldn’t. “You make me happy.”

  His eyes close for a second, and then he’s holding the side of my neck, his lips close to mine.

  “That’s all I want in the world, Cooper. That’s all,” he whispers before taking my mouth in a sweet kiss. It’s different from any we’ve really shared before. It’s filled with emotion.

  When we break apart, I lift my shirt over my head. Suddenly where we’re at is not half as important as being with him.

  I make her happy.

  It’s not admitting she loves me, but it still makes me feel as if I’m on top of the world. I help her undress, making sure we’re still alone. There’s a reason I’ve led her out here away from everyone and everything. I want CC to experience letting go and being free, but I don’t especially want others to see her. That’s all mine. She’s all mine.

  I help her lie down on my clothes and then lie beside her. I move my hand down her neck and over her breasts. Her nipples are already hard from a mixture of excitement and the cool breeze in the air. I spend some time teasing them more, loving the way they pebble tighter, straining towards me and reacting to my every touch.

  “I love your breasts,” I whisper right before I take a nipple in my mouth, using my tongue to toy with it.

  Her body stretches up towards me, her hands pushing me into her. I can feel her nails score my back as her legs shift, opening for me. My CC is always so responsive, so ready for anything I’ll give her.

  “Gray, stop taking your time,” she urges.

  I have every intention of dragging out her torture, making her need me until she can’t think of anything else, but she does something unexpected: She leans up and places a gentle kiss on my shoulder. It’s sweet, loving… and completely CC. Then I feel her teeth scrape the skin. My cock jerks, wondering just what she’s going to do next. Then she bites into the skin there, sending a sharp sensation that borders on pain but is something else. She does this while at the same time reaching between us to grab my cock, squeezing him and leaving me with no illusion to what she really wants.

  “Are you hungry, baby?” I ask her, my hand already moving between her legs to see if she’s ready. I move my fingers over her clit. She’s already soaked for me, but I want her to the point that when I slide in, she explodes. She whimpers when I thrust a finger in, using my thumb to press down on that throbbing little button while I stretch her. I add a second finger, thrusting into her and stretching her before repeating my movements. My lips finds hers again and I swallow her gasp as my fingers plunge inside of her hard and fast. Her cream gathers around them, allowing me to slide in and out of her with ease.

  “I’m going to come, Gray,” she whispers. I don’t have words to explain what it feels like when she says my name like that. My balls literally ache with the need to empty inside of her and make sure I’ve claimed every slick inch of her.

  I regretfully remove my fingers, then wrap my arms around her to hug her close.

  “Gray?” she questions, confused, her voice thick and filled with need.

  “Shh, sweet lips. I’m just moving so I’m on the bottom and you control this ride,” I assure her. It just seems wrong to fuck her hard when she’s against the hard ground.

  She moans as we roll, but settles on top quickly. Her legs tighten around me as she seats herself atop me. She’s a fucking goddess. The red hair framing her face and cascading down her bare shoulders shines bright as the sun seems to pick up every different shade she has. Her breasts are thrusting out, the nipples so hard it looks painful. Her curves and shape hypnotize me, especially as she reaches her hand between us, encircles my cock, and holds it at her entrance.

  “I really love the way you think,” she tells me.

  “Is that so?”

  “Mmm… hmm,” she breathes, then lowers down on me so as to take my dick inside achingly slow. “And I really like being on top,” she adds.

  By this point, I’m too far gone to respond. It comes out as an unintelligible grunt because the woman of my dreams is sliding up and down on my dick and I can do nothing but feel. She puts her hands on each of my shoulders and begins riding me hard, pushing up and down and driving us both fast towards the point of no return. I can’t look away from her, watching as pleasure shoots through her body and begins to overtake her. My body is so hot, it feels as if it’s on fire. I know I’m not going to be able to hold out much longer. My hands knead her hips as I encourage her to ride harder. She puts a twist in her movements that is nearly my undoing. I know I’m holding her so tight that I’ll probably bruise her. I thrust up, wanting to get as deep into her as I can.

  And then… it stops.

  “CC? Honey, you have me on the edge here. You need to move,” I grunt, a second away from taking control away from her. She doesn’t respond and her body is completely stiff. No more warm, soft, and pliant CC, and fuck if that doesn’t suck. “CC?” I growl like a wounded animal because I’m way too far into this now for her to be backing out. I will if she insists, but I’m not going to like it one bit.

  “Gray! Hush!” she whispers fanatically and so quietly that even as close as we are, I have to strain to hear her.

  Immediately, concern fills me. I hold her close, trying to look around us to see what’s wrong. From where I’m at lying down, I can see next to nothing. I can’t see one thing that would have her in such a panic—and there is panic and fear in her voice. I don’t like that at all.

  “What’s going on?” I ask, holding her and trying to sit up at the same time, but she’s pushing me down and sitting so stiffly, it’s making it impossible.

  “Hush! We’re not alone!”

  Shit. One of the other golfers must have ventured out here. I try to pull her down to reassure her that if we hide in the bunker, they will never know we’re here. I pull her head down on my chest. The shift in her causes my dick to move into her even farther and I groan. Fuck… there’s only so much a man can take.

  “Hold still, baby, or I’m going to fuck you regardless. I don’t care if there is another person around. Just be quiet like this and don’t move. He’ll take his turn and move on to the next spot on the course. Then, we can finish.”

  “What are you talking about, you idiot?” she hisses in my ear.

  “The person you said was here. The golfer. He can’t see us if we just…”

  “It’s not another golfer, you freak!”

  “What? Then what the fuck are you going on about?” I ask her, frustrated and horny. Shit. I’m really, really horny.

  “There’s a skunk!”

  “A what?”

  “A skunk! He’s about ten yards away from your head and if you don’t shut up, he’s going to… Oh, fuck.”


  “Gray, he’s coming over here. What do we do?”

  Shit. Fuck. Damn.

  Panic has seized me. I feel it through every inch of my body. My heart is almost pounding out of my chest as I watch the little black and white terror stare at me. I mean we lock eyes. I always thought skunks looked so pretty. Flowers was my favorite character on Bambi. But watching as he stares at me, this animal doesn’t look cute. He looks mean, hateful, and mocking—almost as if he knows exactly what he interrupted and what he’s doing.

  “Gray answer me!” I whisper again as fear threatens to consume me because the little shit is walking towards us. Strutting, even!

  “Just hold still. If we don’
t scare it, it won’t do anything. It will grow bored and leave.”

  Really? That’s his advice? Okay, he grew up in Texas. Do they even have skunks out there? Because we do in Kentucky, and I’ve never known that advice to work. Of course, it’s usually hunters that I’ve known who’ve been sprayed, so there’s a chance he could be right.

  As the skunk gets closer and closer, however, I start to experience serious doubts. “He’s getting closer,” I whisper in panic.

  “Hang tight, Cooper,” Gray whispers next to my ear, holding me close. I do my best. My body is so still, it feels like I’m balancing on a tightrope. I’m afraid to move, afraid to breathe… until I feel Gray’s dick move inside of me. Good Lord!

  “You cannot still be horny,” I whisper into his ear, biting it to get my point across.

  “I’m inside of you, Cooper. You can’t expect me not to be horny.”

  “There’s a rabid animal circling us!”

  “He’ll move on if you’ll shut your sweet ass up,” Gray counters, which pisses me off.

  Now I think it’s safe to say that I do not react well when my emotions are running high. I don’t plan. I don’t exercise caution. So his pissing me off, combined with being naked, feeling helpless, and having an animal circling us—not to mention all the stuff swirling in my mind about Riverton—pushes me so close to the edge that I feel the line at my feet, a line that I’m going to cross. I know it. I try to gain control one last time, and that’s when I feel it. It’s a feathery brush around my calf, so soft and light that it kind of tickles. Then I feel something wet and cold. My head moves carefully away from Gray as I look over my shoulder. There, I see a furry black face moving against my leg, nothing but a ball of fur, but I see the long white streak down its back and watch as its tail moves from a soft sway. It ever so intricately raises and I watch it go centimeter by centimeter. I push against Gray’s shoulders.


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