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Inked Fury

Page 6

by Sarah Makela

  A car honked behind her. Mahon was the only one there. Damn him.

  The stoplight turned green, and she rolled forward, going the speed limit. Although, if she did go faster than necessary, she’d risk getting a ticket, but if there were police around, she’d be safe in police’s presence. She’d explain what was going on, not that that was a good idea, but still the thought tempted her.

  Contacting Connor was the best idea she had. He might know what to do and his presence alone would make Mahon think twice about attacking. He had told her what happened, and Mahon had come out worse for the wear.

  “Hey Angel. Just getting off work?” He sounded upbeat and more like his normal self. A relief since they’d both been stressed yesterday.

  “Hey. Yes, I am.” How exactly did she want to approach this? She wanted to tell him straight, but she didn’t want to cause him any more frustration.

  “Is everything okay?”

  “Umm…about that. No, I’m not having a great day.”

  “What’s wrong?” His voice took on a low growl. “The druid? What happened?” He cursed, and his words came out in a rush.

  “Yes, among other things. He’s following me. Somehow he knows where I work.” She bit her lower lip, trying not to panic. She didn’t want to go through the torture again.

  This time it wouldn’t be quite so easy. This time Mahon would make her pay for escaping and getting him injured. This time he’d finish what he started.

  “Shit.” His breathing came out harsh, and he sounded like he was running. “Where are you?”

  She gave him her location and what direction she was headed.

  “Okay, I’ll stay on the line. Keep driving. If you’re driving, he can’t easily get to you.” He sounded like he was trying to convince himself as much as he was her.

  She drove at the speed limit. Mahon stayed right behind her as if they were following each other to dinner and taking two separate cars.

  Kira brushed her shoulder, almost making her careen off the road. She’d nearly forgotten her panther was nestled on her shoulder. Kira usually napped on her lower back. Angelique refocused on driving, so she didn’t look like a drunk, swerving all over the road.

  “Please don’t do that. You scared me.” She loosened her grip on the steering wheel. Pain burned in her knuckles, and they were bone white.

  Kira made an irritated growl, and her claws bit into her shoulder.

  “I understand. I’m agitated and not at my best. I’m just scared.”

  “Is everything okay? You don’t need to worry about that. You’ve been through a lot.” His voice on the phone startled her.

  Angelique jumped again, having forgotten she was still on the line with him even though she held the phone to her ear. She wanted to throw things. All this bullshit started when Connor came back into her life, however, being with him had brightened her life the past week or so. Being able to wake up next to him and enjoy their delicious intimacy…

  “Sorry, Kira startled me. I guess I’m a bit out of it.” She clenched her fists on the steering wheel. Tears rolled along her cheeks, and she would’ve pulled over to cry if Mahon wasn’t stalking her.

  Her vision blurred from the tears, but she blinked them away. In her rearview mirror, Mahon tailed her too close for comfort. Ready to attack.

  God, why me? Why now?

  Chapter Seven

  Relax and focus on getting to safety, Angelique. Safety for her and for Kira.

  “What happened, happened. Now we work to make sure you’re safe.” His voice soothed her like he wasn’t a stranger to life or death risks.

  “I know.” Sleepiness weighed down her eyelids, and she rubbed her eyes. With a quick glance in the rearview mirror, she saw Mahon was no longer there. Her fingers slipped on her phone as panic struck like a physical blow to her chest. Where was he?

  She gasped, and Connor sucked in a breath of air on the other side of the line. “What’s wrong, Angel?”

  “Mahon. I can’t locate him. I was focused on the road, and now he’s not there. I don’t know where he could’ve gone!” Anxiousness bubbled within her, and her knuckles turned white on the steering wheel. If they weren’t on the wheel, she could bet they would’ve been shaking.

  Connor cursed. “You’re sure he’s not back there? Maybe behind a couple cars?”

  “No, there’s no one else around. I can’t find him.” Nausea began to roil her stomach. She desperately wanted to pull over, but that wouldn’t be a good idea. If he was around, she didn’t want to be taken by surprise. She needed her concentration, not the nervous wreck she currently resembled.

  “Where are you now, Angel?” Connor’s normal calm was quickly disintegrating. He was the last person who needed to lose his cool. She had to take control and help him regain some semblance of composure.

  She told him her current location. “It’ll be okay. If he’s gone, he can’t hurt me.”

  He remained quiet.

  Kira licked her rough tongue over Angelique’s shoulder. She almost nearly smiled. Kira rarely licked her, so for that to happen, Kira had to be concerned. She was happy everyone was all concerned about each other, but when they were all together, that’s when she’d feel better.

  “I’m about to turn onto the road where you are. Wait, I see your car, and you’re right, I don’t see the druid either.” He turned onto the road right as she drove past. She slowed the car, then turned into a gas station, wanting nothing more than to feel his arms around her.

  After she got out, she tugged her jacket closer around her and walked immediately over to his car. He stepped out of his fancy sports car, and to the eye, she bet people would’ve wondered what the two of them were doing together. She had a standard low-end car, and him with his fancy sports car. She didn’t begrudge him. He worked hard.

  Angelique wrapped her arms around his neck, hugging him tightly. He clutched her to him. He made her nearly breathless by the intensity of his grasp.

  The rapid beat of his heart pounded beneath her head, and his breathing was harsh.

  “I’m so happy to see you.” She couldn’t help it. She loved him and needed his touch after all she’d been through today.

  He was the saving grace for her with all of this craziness. He helped her stay safe, and she took that for granted sometimes, even though she didn’t want to. She leaned against him, and he kissed her, taking her lips ravenously as if he were the hungry wolf who wanted nothing more than to devour little Red.

  She wouldn’t mind that at all.

  He gripped her hips tightly, holding her close. For a moment, she lost track of time and space, only caring that they were together. Then a car honked several times, and a man yelled, “Get a room.”

  She jerked away from Connor as if they were school kids caught doing something naughty. Whatever. Screw him. If she wanted to, she could kiss her boyfriend wherever. She kissed him again, showing passion and love. She didn’t want to lose him or be lost to him. Moments like this reinforced the fact she was happy they were together again. She wanted to remember these times, not the ones where they got upset over silly things.

  The business trip with his work would be great. Besides, it would get her the hell away from here. After the incident with the druid, she didn’t want to be here.

  Tears welled in her eyes even though she didn’t want to cry right now. She only wanted to embrace the moment with Connor.

  He leaned away from her and ran his fingertips over her cheek. “Don’t cry, Angel. I won’t let him hurt you. You won’t have to go through anything like that again. You’re way too precious to experience that kind of trauma.”

  She smiled, knowing he meant every word, but he couldn’t be around her a hundred percent of the time. He wouldn’t be able to make sure she wouldn’t ever face pain like that again because she didn’t know either. With her heritage and people after her kind, she’d always known it was a possibility the hunters could come after her.

  “Thanks. I know that i
t might happen because we can’t control—”

  He frowned and pressed a fingertip to her lips. “Angel, I mean it—”

  She brushed his hand away. “I do too. We have no guarantee, just the knowledge that we’ll do what we can.”

  That didn’t matter though. She’d found happiness with Connor. They both knew it, and he would fight tooth and nail for them just like she would for him. They were in this together, no matter what, and she wouldn’t have it any other way.

  He ushered her back to her car. “Let’s get out of here since even though we don’t think he’s around, we don’t know for sure. We need to get you to safety. I’ll follow you back, and we can grab something on the way. It’s been a while since we’ve had Chinese food, right? Maybe we can watch a movie or something like that.” He tilted her chin upward and smiled, pressing another kiss to her lips.

  “Yes, you’re right. It’ll be okay. I’d rather spend time with you on the couch as opposed to seeing Mahon out there again.” She sat into her car, then glanced up at him. “I love you, Connor. Thanks for coming when I needed you.”

  “I love you too, Angel. I’ll always be here for you when you need me.” He brushed his palm over her cheek, and she leaned into his touch.

  * * *

  Connor took a deep breath, still unable to believe Angelique had been in serious danger again. He hopped from the car. His thoughts raced. Her being alone wasn’t a good idea.

  However, if Dave watched her without her knowledge, Connor would be no better than Monica. After all, Monica had Ted and Gus follow Angelique around. He refused to lose her trust, but he didn’t want to be in a constant state of worry either.

  She stood at her front door, waiting for him with a smile.

  He jogged up the steps of her porch, hitting the button on his car’s remote. The beeping signaled that it had locked. She turned and smiled at him.

  Sex could wait. He wanted nothing more than to hold her, to feel her alive and in his arms. While he knew how frightened she was, he wanted to be strong for her. Wanted her to know he was doing his best to keep her safe. If she couldn’t trust him to be in control of his feelings, then he’d be part of the situation unraveling.

  They walked inside, and he went to the kitchen to grab a Chinese takeout menu. “What would you like?”

  “The usual.” She walked by the kitchen, pulling off her jacket to show her bare arms in the sleeveless blouse. Kira stared at him as they passed, and the big cat huffed.

  He was still getting used to her familiar. For some reason, he could handle her better when she was in her real black panther form as opposed to the tattoo. In her physical body, she wasn’t just a moving picture on her skin. He shook his head, brushing the thoughts away.

  He placed their order. It would arrive in about forty-five minutes to an hour. After putting the menu back on the fridge, he strode into the living room, but Angel was nowhere to be found.

  He pulled off his jacket, then hung it on her coat rack. Might as well get comfortable. Rustling came from the direction of her bedroom, and he relaxed a little more. She was in her room. Safe.

  If he didn’t calm down, he’d risk his beast forcing itself back to the surface, and that was the last thing he needed. What they needed now was to recover from their fear and push forward. He needed to talk to her about being his mate more than ever now. Once he mated with her, the Pack would be required to help him protect her.

  Not even Monica’s influence would hold any sway. And if anyone did try anything, they’d be put down. He would make sure of it.

  He reclined on the couch, leaned his head back, and closed his eyes. The whisper of fabric in the bedroom caught his ear, and he focused on Angelique following her movements. She padded to him on the hardwood floor with bare feet.

  The couch caved beside him, and he opened his eyes.

  She slid her hand over his chest and rested her cheek against his shoulder. Instead of the clothes she’d worn to work, she wore a pair of blue and white checkered shorts and a white tank top.

  “You’re getting awful comfortable over here. Or sleepy?” She smiled and that slight curve of lips was the most relaxed he’d seen her all day.

  “What can I say? Knowing my beautiful company is protected makes me feel better.” He caressed his knuckles along her cheek to her shoulder and down her arm.

  “As long as you don’t fall asleep on me before dinner.” She smirked.

  When should he broach the subject on mating? While he didn’t want to be a coward, he wanted her to keep smiling after the fear and panic he’d heard in her voice earlier.

  He winked. “I won’t doze off, if you don’t.” He wrapped his arm around her shoulders, staring into the black TV screen. “This is one day I’m glad is almost over. Seems we both had quite a bit of anxiety.”

  “What happened? Is everything okay at work?” Concern filled her voice and she leaned a little away to look at him closer.

  “Work has been crazy. John is cracking the whip like I haven’t seen in years. He’s nervous about the upcoming out of town meeting. Are you still good with going?” While work had been stressful, it wasn’t the thing bothering him the most. This morning’s meeting with Lowell and Angelique’s run-in with Mahon held that spot.

  “Actually, I can’t wait to go.” She laughed, shaking her head. “I’m sorry to hear about your boss. Hopefully he’ll calm down soon.”

  He leaned his head back. “I wish.”

  “Is that the only thing bothering you?” Angel crawled into his lap, resting her knees on either side of his hips. “You typically don’t let work get to you.”

  “Vixen, get out of my thoughts.” He cupped her hips, holding her close to him. “You’re right. It’s not just work. I don’t know if I want to get into this.” Sighing, he squeezed his eyes shut.

  She caressed his cheek with her soft hands. “Talk to me, honey. What’s going on? Let me in.”

  “I-I don’t know. I don’t want us to get into an argument.”

  The look in her eyes said she didn’t care about his excuses. She wanted to know.

  “Fine. My Alpha summoned me to a meeting this morning. He’s not happy with me.” He shook his head. “If we’re not—”

  “Mated?” Her eyes went wide. “He talked to you about us?” She wrapped her arms under her breasts. “Does this have to do with Monica? She still wants you, doesn’t she?”

  He wrapped his arms around her. “Yes.”

  “There’s no way she could have you though.” Her voice cracked as if she weren’t certain. “She’s in Alaska. You’re here.”

  He rested his chin on her shoulder. “It’s not that simple. My Alpha isn’t happy with me. He could either bring Monica back here or send me away to Alaska.” Nausea sickened him, and his desire for dinner lessened by the minute. They needed to change subjects.

  The doorbell rang, drawing his attention to the door. She jumped in his arms. He took a deep breath, and the faint scent of Chinese food drifted into his nostrils. “It’s okay. Dinner’s here.”

  She let out a breath and nodded. “Okay. Guess I’m just really on edge now.”

  Unfortunately she wasn’t the only one.

  Chapter Eight

  After dinner, Angelique retreated to her room while Connor cleaned up. She stared into the bathroom mirror and traced her palm over her side, over the row of stitches from where Mahon had sliced into her, desperate to claim Kira as his own. What would he have done with Kira? She didn’t want to find out.

  Kira meant a lot to her.

  Strong hands brushed her hips, and she spun around. He smiled, but his expression faltered when his gaze met hers.

  “What’s wrong, Angel?” He lowered his attention to the scar on her bare torso, and he pulled her into his arms. “It’s going to be okay. We’re going to find him. I won’t let him hurt you again. I promise.”

  After earlier, as much as she believed him, she didn’t think his best intentions would save her, but maybe she
was too cynical. Either way, fear chilled her to the bone when she remembered the night she’d been tortured.

  The agony had been excruciating.

  Energy buzzed along her skin, and a low rumble reverberated from her lower back where Kira had been napping. Fur brushed along her back, trailing toward her neck and shoulders.

  Angelique breathed out a sigh of relief. Her connection with her familiar made the times when Kira was active a little more comforting. They had a special bond. She didn’t know everything about her gifts, but she’d learned some, especially after what Kira had done to Monica in the alleyway.

  Pain had filled her hands as Kira’s claws extended from her fingertips. Her familiar clawed Monica’s face, protecting her.

  He shook her shoulders. “Hey, are you okay? Should I call out tomorrow?” He frowned. Concern pinched the corners of his eyes. “I don’t want to leave you alone if you’re not doing well.”

  She shrugged. “I’ll be fine. I just need time to get over what happened. Don’t worry.”

  The look on his face sharpened. “I care about you. Telling me not to worry doesn’t help. I love you.” He pressed his lips to her forehead, then pulled her closer to rest his chin on her shoulder.

  She let him hold her close, enjoying the feel of him near. She’d been nearing a mental break down, but running away wasn’t the best thing for her. Mahon had already proven he could find her. The best thing for her to do was to stay with Connor.

  She didn’t exactly need his protection, although it was for the best. He was there for her. His strength and support mattered. He truly cared. The others in her life had come and gone, not helping her prepare for the hunters who happened to be Mahon, a druid. She hadn’t really known what to expect, since her people hadn’t had contact with them for many, many years. Now, she’d been the unlucky one without the experience to protect herself.

  With Ravenna offering to help her to control her gifts, things were looking up, except for the fact Mahon was hell bent on stealing her gift. There was a good chance he’d hold a grudge against Connor for defeating him too.


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