Making the Cut (Son's of Templar MC)

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Making the Cut (Son's of Templar MC) Page 31

by Anne Malcom

  I blushed, looking around expecting to see other people in the bar staring at our impromptu slut smack down. Surprisingly, only a few men gave us sideways glances, everyone else had eyes on the dancers. Maybe this kind of thing happened all the time.

  “Football! I told you.” Amy whispered triumphantly from beside me.

  I rolled my eyes. “Not really an important point right now Abrams.” I was more worried about what hid behind Cade’s emotionless façade than my ignorance when it came to American sports.

  “Oh come on Cade, lighten up, so we disobeyed your orders and came to the strip club that you own. Big woop. You are not the master of the universe and we are adults who are entitled to do whatever we want. And tonight we just so happened to want to do some boob job research and teach some sluts a lesson. Get over it and have a drink.” Rosie piped in from behind me, her words slightly slurred but still scolding her older brother.

  “Well I could sure use a beer, and a private dance after that performance.” Lucky smirked and walked off in the direction of the bar.

  Alex shook his head again at Amy and I before joining Ryan and the girls at the table. That left Cade, Brock, Amy and I all staring at each other. I could feel the burn on Cade’s gaze on me. I opened my mouth to say something, I’m not sure what, but I figured alcohol would help me out when a horny biker bet me to it.

  “Abrams, back of my bike. Now.” Brock commanded gruffly.

  Amy narrowed her eyes, “Oh I’m sorry I think I may have just landed in a parallel universe where you have the right to order me around like a dog. No wait. In no universe do you have that right.” She glared at Brock.

  His gaze turned glacial. “Get your skinny ass out the door now Amy.”

  She stood her ground. I was impressed. “Make me.” She challenged with a smug smile.

  They both stared at each other, neither one backing down until Brock threw up his muscled arms.

  “Fuck this. I don’t need to put up with your shit, there are plenty of women around here that are a fuck of a lot less trouble than you.” He stormed off, tagging a barely clothed waitress around the hips and dragging her into a back room. To be fair, she looked more than willing. Amy’s smile dimmed, her eyes on the door before she shook herself out of it, turning to the table.

  “We need shots!” She announced shakily.

  I had been too busy watching all of that unfold to notice Cades attention had not left me. I glanced back to see his intense gaze burning into me.

  “We’re leaving.” He announced hoarsely, eyes hooded.

  “Okeydoke.” I replied immediately. I wasn’t feeling like asserting my feminine independence like Amy, in fact I was feeling desire pooling at the bottom of my stomach at the way Cade was looking at me.

  I turned to my friends, who were laughing over cocktails.

  “My favorite part was when Gwen said, ‘Didn’t your Dad ever teach you? Never rear back when punching someone.’ Fucking Aces.” Lucy exclaimed, while everyone else cackled with laughter.

  “Okay guys, as much as I would love to hear you keep talking about what a bad ass I am, I’m leaving.” I announced to the little group. I ignored the groans of protest, and blew them all kisses before Cade, who had ran out of patience, grabbed my arm and nearly dragged me out of there.

  We arrived at Cade’s, and I was pretty soaked with desire. The entire ride I had plastered my body to his, feeling his muscles taught and hard, knowing he was hanging on by a thread. This thought was corrected when he slammed me against the wall as soon as we got through the door.

  “Jesus Christ baby, you’re full of fucking surprises. Even when I think I couldn’t get more turned on my you and your hot little body and your smart fuckin mouth, you do something else to prove me wrong.” He grunted out, between his plundering kisses. He yanked off my dress roughly, my worry for my couture had vanished and was replaced with sheer animalistic passion. I moaned as Cade sucked my nipple through the lace of my bra, his hand delving into my panties.

  “Knowing you can handle yourself like that, stand up for your friends like that, and still be sweet and wear the fucking ladylike shit you wear. Drives me crazy.” He snarled biting my neck and pushing a finger inside me. I struggled to remain coherent, feeling the orgasm build up inside me.

  “You’re my bad little bitch hiding underneath all those fancy clothes aren’t you?” He asked roughly, tweaking my nipple.

  I moaned, the pleasure and his words too much, I was unable to string any semblance of a sentence together.

  “You want me to fuck you hard? I know you do my little spitfire.”

  I screamed with an orgasm as he plunged into me, pounding me against the wall.

  I wrapped my arms around his neck, clinging to his shirt, reveling in the frantic intensity of our joining. Cade was relentless, holding my neck with a firm grip, eyes burning into mine, searing into my soul. His fingertips bit into my ass as he continued to fuck me against the wall. I could feel myself building again, the friction against my clit almost too much.

  “Cade…” I moaned breathlessly.

  “Come again baby.” He commanded, gruffly, eyes never leaving mine.

  A second later I did, I soared through my release, through the haze I felt Cade’s body tighten at his own, I was too lost to notice, unable to hold myself up I was thankful for his strong arms.

  He pressed his forehead against mine breathing heavily.

  “That was…amazing.” I told him dreamily.

  His hand circled my neck and he pressed his mouth to mine for a tender kiss.

  “Yeah baby it was.” Grey eyes searched mine, “And that better not have been you even considering doing anything with these beautiful babies.” He cupped my breasts, “I forbid you to change anything about your beautiful body.” He growled.

  A couple of days later, Cade and I lay in bed.

  “Happy baby?” Cade asked me drowsily after he had finished ravaging me.

  I was curled up in his arms feeling sated.

  “Mhhmm.” Was all I managed.

  Cade kissed my head. “I’m glad you’ve got such loyal friends.” He murmured.

  “Yeah I’m pretty lucky. I just wish they didn’t have to leave.” I replied, thinking back to the tearful goodbye earlier today.

  “I’m sure we’ll be seeing a lot of them babe. Maybe we could take a trip to New York sometime soon?” Cade suggested.

  My heart leapt at this. Going to New York with Cade? Despite some of the more recent terrible memories that city contained, it also contained some of the happiest of my life, I would love to create new ones with the man I love. Not to mention I couldn’t wait to see the leather clad Cade in some of my glossy old haunts. I giggled at the thought.

  “I’d like that.” I whispered softly before drifting off.

  Chapter 16

  I woke to feel Cade’s hands running down my body and his mouth at my neck, which was not unusual. What was unusual was the sharp pain in my stomach followed by an overwhelming wave of nausea. I shoved Cade off me, which only worked because he wasn’t expecting it. I didn’t have time to take in his confused and angry “What the fuck?” I just pulled the covers back and ran to the bathroom.

  I barely made it to the toilet before I emptied the contents of my stomach.

  Not nice. Especially when halfway through I felt Cade pull my hair back and rub my back soothingly. This was so embarrassing. My super hot and badass boyfriend was witnessing me throwing up. I grabbed a piece of toilet paper to wipe my mouth before trying to push him away with my hand.

  “Go away, I don’t want you to see this.” I whined. I had no chance to hear his answer because my body had decided my humiliation was not complete and I heaved into the toilet again.

  Cade’s hands left my back and neck and I breathed a sigh of relief which was short lived as he returned quickly, I felt a cold flannel and the back of my neck. I sighed the coolness soothing my burning hot skin. I decided I was not going to vomit again and therefor
e flushed the toilet, I tried to snatch the flannel from Cade’s grasp.

  “Please I’ll be fine in a second, just leave.” I whispered, my voice slightly hoarse.

  Cade didn’t answer, he gathered me up in his arms and I gingerly peeked at his concerned face through my hair.

  “You don’t have to carry me Cade, I think I can walk.” I muttered, focusing on settling my uneasy stomach.

  He deposited me on the bed carefully, not pulling the blankets over me, which I was thankful for. I felt his hand at my forehead, then the bliss of the cold compress replacing it.

  “You are burning up baby.” Cade’s voice was full with worry and he frowned down at me. “What did you eat last night?” He stroked my face, speaking softly.

  “Um, just pasta, then junk food with Amy. Nothing that will make me sick, just make my ass fatter.” I joked, feeling slightly better.

  Cade continued frowning. “Your ass is not fat, it is perfect.” He clipped, I tried to resist an eye roll. “I’m going to call the doctors, make sure I can get you in as soon as possible.” He informed me firmly.

  I grasped his hand as it reached for his phone, which was on the beside table.

  “Cade, I don’t know if it’s necessary to call the doctor just yet, its probably just a stomach bug. I’m sure I’ll get over it in no time.” I tried to sound optimistic, but I still had a slight churning in my stomach.

  Cade’s eyes softened slightly and he leaned back towards me. “I don’t like my baby being sick.” He declared.

  “Well it was bound to happen since the human race is susceptible to becoming under the weather sometimes.” I glanced at Cade, in all his naked glory finding it hard to imagine his head down a toilet. “Well maybe not super badass bikers like you, who would be to tough to let anything as common as the cold get you down.” I joked, smiling at him. My smile didn’t last for long as I felt another lurch in my stomach, which caused me to bolt to the bathroom. Cade was right behind me yet again, holding my hair and stroking my back tenderly. It was super sweet, but I would rather not have my probably invincible boyfriend witnessing me spewing my ringer out. After I decided I was finished for the time being, Cade scooped me up in his arms yet again and directed us back into the bedroom.

  “Wait.” I commanded, trying to get down.

  “Stop it Gwen, lets get you into bed.” He replied softly but firmly, pushing my damp hair out of my face.

  “Can I at least brush my teeth?” I requested quietly but my voice had a bit of a bite.

  Cade set me carefully down and handed me my toothbrush and toothpaste before landing a kiss on my forehead.

  “I’m going downstairs to get you some water and dry toast baby, will you be okay here for a couple of minutes?” His arms were at my shoulders like he was afraid I would collapse. The concern in his face and his actions made me warm up a little inside and I smiled at him.

  “I’ll be fine honey, thank you, I’m starting to feel a bit better.” I told him truthfully.

  He raised an eyebrow like he didn’t believe me but squeezed my arms. “I’ll be right back.” He promised.

  I watched him a second, wondering how he could be the fiercest man I know when it came to dealing with kidnappers and such, then also be heartbreakingly tender.

  “Cade I promise the chances of me dying of the stomach flu in the short time you are away are slim to none,” I said to him, my joking words deepening his scowl.

  I sat up slightly in bed to meet his stare, he was standing beside the bed with his arms crossed.

  “I’ll be fine.” I tried to convince him. I was feeling much better than I had an hour ago. Cade obviously didn’t believe me.

  “It doesn’t sit right with me. Leaving my woman sick in bed, I wouldn’t be going unless I had to. But this is a pressing security job, I’ll try and be as quick as I can.” He said looking more than a little conflicted.

  I took his hand pulling him down to sit on my bed.

  “I’m fine.” I repeated. “It’s a bug, and I am already starting to feel better, and unfortunately it is beyond all your manly powers to heal me anyway. So instead of sitting here watching me get over this when there is nothing you can do, go and provide some security for someone who I’m sure you can help much more than me at this moment.” I told him softly.

  He paused for a beat then responded. “My manly powers?” He expression had changed and the corner of his mouth turned into a slight smirk.

  I smiled back. “Yes your manly powers, which include but are not limited to; saving me from kidnappers, chasing away my demons, and giving me the best orgasms of my life.” I declared, watching Cade’s face grow soft.

  “Well you better rest up and get better so I can give you some more of those orgasms when I get back.” He ordered in a tone I couldn’t decipher.

  He leaned down and kissed me tenderly on my forehead before walking towards the door, he turned back to me.

  “I talked to Amy and she said she is coming home at lunch to check on you, and I want me to call you if you feel any worse, then no arguments I will be taking you to the doctors.” His was firm.

  “Yes sir.” I replied with a smile. “Now go and put those muscles to good use.”

  The corner of Cade’s lip twitched slightly. “Love you Gwen.”

  My tummy dipped in a good way when I heard those words, which I would never tire of hearing.

  “Love you Cade.”

  He watched for me a second then left.

  Pretty much as soon as Cade left I felt heaps better, so I got up and showered, dressed and had a small breakfast. I still was feeling slightly queasy so I quelled the idea of going into the store and passing along my germs to customers. Well that and the fact that I knew Cade would be pissed if he knew I wasn’t resting. I had gotten used to his over protective ways, and sometimes even liked it, knowing it came from a good place. But there were still other times when it pissed me the hell off. I was lying on our couch in the sun, typing orders on my laptop when I heard Amy arrive home.

  “Hey Gwennie, just come to make sure you haven’t carked it.” She called from the door, entering the room with a bottle of lemonade and a brown bag. “I also have brought supplies known to settle a stomach bug.” She declared, sitting on the couch beside me and pulling a sandwich out of the bag.

  “I’m actually feeling much better now.” I told her, sitting up and placing my laptop beside the food. Which I immediately ripped into.

  “That’s, weird considering Cade told me you were super sick this morning.” She mused while I took a bite. “You’re not preggers are you?” She joked, retrieving a salad out of the bag.

  I froze mid chew, frantically thinking of dates in my mind while struggling to swallow. Amy noticed my reaction and turned towards me, salad forgotten, her expression disbelieving.

  “Your on the pill. You couldn’t seriously be pregnant could you?” She questioned seriously. I remained frozen, and shrugged, silently freaking out.

  “Okay when was your last period?” She asked rationally.

  “I don’t know.” I replied, trying to think back.

  Amy sat back and narrowed her eyes. “You don’t know when your last period is? Seriously you are not the woman who doesn’t know she is pregnant until she pops the fucker out are you?” She was half serious.

  I scowled at her. “I’ve been skipping my period since I’ve been here.” I muttered, silently cursing myself for wanting uninterrupted sex with Cade. Which he had by the way noticed and that conversion was only slightly awkward. My stomach began to drop as I realized this was an actual possibility. The pill wasn’t 100% effective and we hadn’t been using anything else.

  “Holy shit I can’t be pregnant.” I said, more to myself than Amy. I shook my head, “No I’m not, just because I was sick one morning does not automatically mean I am up the duff.” I decided. “I probably just ate something weird yesterday.” I said firmly, convincing myself. Amy, unfortunately, was not convinced.

ow about you take a test just in case, you really want to be sure about these things.” She stood. “I’ve got a pregnancy test in the bathroom. I always keep one, you know just in case.” She tugged me up off the couch, depositing my forgotten sandwich on the coffee table.

  “I really don’t think I need a test.” I argued as she pushed me into the bathroom.

  “I disagree, and it’s better to be safe than sorry right?” She turned and handed me a test.

  I took it, convincing myself I didn’t need it. I moved my attention to see Amy standing in front of me expectantly.

  “Oh fine, just to get you off my back.” I declared, moving towards the toilet.

  Amy settled down on a plush chair, not caring that I was going to pee right in front of her. Mind you I didn’t care either, we were best friends, and due to long lines in nightclubs and lack of bathroom space, we had peed in front of each other many a time.

  I awkwardly took the test and laid it on the counter before I started pacing.

  “I won’t be pregnant, I can’t be right? I take the pill religiously. I have never missed a day. Nope I’m not.” I ranted to Amy while pacing, certain that I was right.

  “Welp. It’s official you are knocked up.” Amy stated, looking at the pregnancy tests that were scattered around me on the floor of our living room where I was currently sitting. Freaking the fuck out. I had made Amy run out and get five more tests, convinced the first one I took was wrong. It wasn’t, considering the second, third, fourth and fifth were all positive.

  “Holy shit, this so isn’t happening.” I muttered, while going through all the possible reactions Cade could have to this information, then thinking I was going to be a mother. A mother. I hadn’t really thought too much about kids, yeah I thought they were cute and all but I didn’t have that yearning in my loins like a lot of my other girlfriends. I thought one day in the future I could be open to the idea, and lately I had been more than open to the idea after how things were going with Cade and I. But I was thinking in the future. Not now, when Cade and I had barely been together four months, when I had just opened a new business. I was twenty freaking five. I still had at least four more years of child free party life ahead of me.


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