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The Hazards of a One Night Stand

Page 13

by Ivy, Alyssa Rose

  She shook her head. “No. He doesn’t even know who I am.”

  “Let’s get drinks.” I nodded toward the bar.

  Diane looked down. “I can’t.”

  “Listen, you’ve already done the hardest part. You’re here. Now let’s get drinks.” I started toward the bar, hoping they’d follow.

  I checked behind me, and they were right on my heels. When Diane didn’t say anything to the pledge manning the bar, I took over. “Three cups of the vat.”

  “Coming right up.” The guy filled the cups and set them down. If I didn’t do something, the opportunity would be ruined for Diane.

  “Hey, what’s your name?”

  A small smile spread across his face. He thought I was flirting. “Chris. What’s yours?”

  “It’s not important. I just wanted to know so I could tell your brothers how good of a job you’re doing.” I turned to Diane. “Isn’t he doing a great job, Diane.”

  She laughed nervously. “Very.”

  “Well, thanks. It’s always fun to serve pretty girls.”

  I smiled before pulling Jade’s arm. This was Diane’s chance.

  I glanced over my shoulder. She was smiling and talking to him. Success.

  “Wow. Can you do that for me sometime?” Jade sipped her drink.

  “I bet you could do it yourself, but sure. You’ll just have to tell me who you like.” I nudged her shoulder.

  “There’s no one who’s really caught my eye yet, but I’ll let you know.”

  I glanced around the room, and that turned out to be a mistake. The guy from the front door noticed me again, smiled, and walked over.

  “There you are. That was some brush off earlier.” He crossed his arms.

  “Yeah, I saw my friend.”

  He looked at her pin. “One of your pledges, huh? We have two Delta Mu’s here. That might be a record.”

  I laughed. “That’s a bit of an exaggeration.”

  “Is it?” he challenged me, and the sense of familiarity continued.

  “Do you finally remember me?”

  Something in his words sparked the memory. “Alec. We met at that perspective students event a few years ago.”


  I sighed with relief. I was starting to wonder if I’d had a drunken hook up I didn’t recall or something the way he was pressing me to remember him.

  “I can’t believe you still remember me from that. It was years ago.”

  “We also had stats together last year.” He smiled. “But you sat on the other side of the room, and to be fair, I never said a word to you.”

  “Oh. Okay.” Was he going for awkward?

  “I assumed I’d get beat up by some Kappa boyfriend or something for looking at you the wrong way.”

  “Just because I’m a Delta Mu doesn’t mean I have to date Kappa boys.”


  I put a hand on my hip. “No.”

  Jade touched my arm. “I’m going to see if Diane’s okay.”

  I followed her gaze. Diane was smiling, but she was alone. “Okay, cool. I’ll probably head out soon, but good seeing you.”

  “You too.” Jade hugged me before walking away.

  “Then that Kappa who looks like he’s ready to tear my head off isn’t your boyfriend?” I turned around, expecting to see Tanner, but it was Colt. What was he doing there?

  I pushed aside my surprise enough to answer. “He’s a pledge, not an active.”

  Alec laughed. “Okay. Sorry. I stand corrected.”

  “And he isn’t my boyfriend.”

  “Oh, baby, did you forget to take your meds again?” Colt’s arm wrapped around my waist.

  I pushed him off. “Shut up, Colt.”

  “Hey, at least she remembered your name. That’s better than what I got.” Alec laughed. “If you ever want to catch up, Mallory, you know where to find me.” He nodded before wandering off.

  “What are you doing here?” I hissed.

  “I heard you were here. I thought I’d come see how you were doing.”

  “You can’t be here.”

  “Why not?”

  “You’re a Kappa pledge.”

  “So? None of the brothers are threatening my life. No one else cares about those stupid unofficial rules.”

  I looked around for Jade. She was with Diane, talking to Chris and some other guys.

  “I’m getting out of here anyway.” I tossed my empty cup.

  “Looks like I have great timing.”

  “Cara told you, huh?”

  “I may have asked about your whereabouts.”

  “She probably assumed you wouldn’t come.”

  “She wanted someone to check on you.” He put a hand on my back and led me out. “Going to a frat party alone isn’t the smartest idea.”

  “Yeah, well. I wasn’t drinking much.”

  “So you think. Who knows what they put in that vat.”

  “It’s the Iotas. They don’t do roofies.” We walked down the front steps.

  “How would you know? You don’t know these guys. You’re like a walking target. Especially dressed like that.” He gestured to my short dress.

  “Yeah, well. I didn’t want to go to your house.”

  “Because you didn’t want to see me or Tanner?”

  “Both, but mostly Tanner.” I put a hand over my mouth. I was way too sober to have let something like that slip out.

  He smiled. “What do you want to do?”

  “What do you mean? I’m going home.”

  “Before ten o’clock?”

  “Yeah. What’s the problem?”

  “The problem is the night is young. We’re young. Let’s live it up.”

  I laughed. “How much have you had to drink?”

  “Not much.”

  “You know what sucks?”

  “What?” He stopped walking.

  “That despite everything, all I want to do right now is kiss you.” I clasped my hands together. Why was it impossible to keep my thoughts to myself in front of Colt?

  “Why would that suck?”

  “Because I shouldn’t want to do that.”

  “Why not? Why does everything have to be so complicated with you?”

  “You’re the one making it complicated.” I wrung my hands at my sides.

  “Me? How am I doing that?”

  “Please. You are too high and mighty to just have sex with me. Why does it have to be more?” I couldn’t believe I was the one pushing for casual sex. It went so counter to what I usually wanted, but I was scared of what would happen if we made it something different.

  “Because you’re worth more, and I want more.” He put his hands on my arms. “But the real question is why don’t you want that?”

  “I just broke it off with Tanner.”

  “Fine. I already told you we don’t have to broadcast it.”

  I nodded, feeling a need so strong it felt foreign and nearly overwhelmed me.

  “You know what you want.” He leaned in close, his lips hovering inches from mine.

  I nodded again, slightly buzzed and hyper aware of our closeness and how tempting his lips were.

  “Is that nod a yes, or is it that you know what your answer is?”

  “Can we get some coffee?”

  “Coffee? You’re asking to get coffee?”

  “Yeah. There’s a cute place off East Bay Street that I like. It’s still really early, and I’d love one of their pumpkin lattes.”

  A slow smile spread across his face. “Just to see my pumpkin drink a pumpkin latte, I’m in.”

  “You wouldn’t have taken me if I’d told you I wanted a different type?”

  “I would have, especially since you just described it as me taking you for it. That means you view this as a date, and I win.”

  I groaned. “Can’t you give it a rest?”

  He took my hand. “Let’s get you caffeinated.”

  Settled at a small table with Colton, I finally relaxed. I was st
ill a mix of emotions, but at least I had a good coffee drink and a comfortable place to sit.

  “How’s the drink?”

  “It’s good. How’s yours?” I loved pumpkin flavoring. Coffee, muffins, cupcakes, you name it, I loved it all. It’s like tasting fall.

  “It’s coffee.” He took a sip. “I still can’t believe I’m drinking it at night.”

  “It’s not like we have to go to sleep early.”

  “Are you in charge of my bed time now?” He scooted his chair closer.

  “No. But after your ‘the night is young’ speech, I assumed you’d want to stay up later than ten.”

  “I would if I got to go to bed with you. I’d be all about seven o’clock at night if that were the case.”

  “Seven? Not six?”

  “We’d still be at dinner at six. I can’t exactly expect you to stay up with me all night if you don’t eat.”

  I laughed. “Now I’m staying up with you all night?”

  “I wouldn’t mind.” His eyes locked on mine and my whole body got warm—and not from the coffee.

  “I wish you had your own place.”

  He didn’t miss a beat. “I can kick my roommate out.”

  “In your dorm? I don’t know about that.”

  “You still have a question to answer before we go there. Are we going to do this?”

  “I can’t believe I’m into the one guy who won’t do casual sex.”

  “Tough luck, pumpkin. I want more than your body.”

  That was it. His words got me, and before I knew it, my reply tumbled out. “Yes.”

  He grinned. “Say it in a complete sentence.”

  “What?” I stared at him open mouthed. “Are you kidding me?”

  He leaned over to whisper, letting his lips brush against my ear in the process. “Tell me what you’re saying yes to.”

  “I want to be with you, Colt. Is that what you needed to hear?” This was ridiculous. Did I really want him badly enough that I was willing to put up with his antics? Yes. The answer was yes. When I was with him, all worries about my future, Dad, Gasden and everything else disappeared. I just needed him close.

  “Yup. Are you done with that?” He tapped the cup I held in my hand.

  “Yes.” I set down my empty cup.

  “Good.” He stood up, holding out his hand so he could help me up.

  “We’re not going back to your dorm.” I walked next to him, shrugging off the arm he tried to put around me.

  “Then where are we going?” He turned to look at me. “Your eyes are telling me I should be working really hard to get you alone.”

  “The library.” I knew of the perfect spot.

  “The library? First coffee and then the library?” His hand brushed against mine. “Maybe I should be reconsidering my choice in girls.”

  “Do you or don’t you want to have sex with me tonight?” I kept my voice low but above a whisper.

  “Do I really have to answer that?” He got a wicked grin. “Better yet, I’ll show you the answer.” His lips crashed into mine as his arms wound around me. I forgot about being on the street as his lips moved against mine faster and faster.

  I broke the kiss. “Library. Now.”

  “Yes, Ma’am.” He took my hand, and I didn’t stop him.

  The bright lights of the library spilled out onto the sidewalk as he held open the door. I led the way up three flights of stairs and down into the humanities stacks. No one would come back this far on a Thursday night.

  I dragged him past bookshelf after bookshelf, and into a little alcove tucked under stairs that led to a storage area. I’d discovered this spot when I was working on a Lit paper the year before.

  “Here? This is your perfect spot?” He looked around at the piles of books everywhere. This seemed to be the place where people dumped the books they weren’t checking out.

  I backed him up against a table, using every ounce of courage to be the one making the first move. “Yes.” I reached up and pulled his head down to mine. His lips met mine and he quickly deepened the kiss, pushing his tongue into my mouth.

  I slipped my hand under his t-shirt, and he cupped my breast through my dress. “Should I feel some guilt that I’m thinking about doing some really bad things to a girl dressed like an angel?”

  I’d forgotten I was still wearing the angel dress. “No. Just do them.”

  He laughed. “All right.”

  I unbuttoned and unzipped his pants. He groaned when I slipped my hand in.

  A loud throat clearing from behind me had me burying my head in Colton’s chest.

  “Maybe you two should find another spot,” a male voice said with a laugh. I didn’t even turn around, but by the voice, it had to be a librarian or a professor or something. I hoped it wasn’t any one who knew me, or if they did, they didn’t recognize the back of my head.

  “Does my dorm room still sound that bad?” Colt whispered once the sound of the footsteps disappeared.

  My heartbeat slowly returned to normal. “Fine. I guess that’s our only choice.”

  If Colton was embarrassed, he didn’t show it. He repositioned himself and took my hand.

  “Before you even ask, no we are not going in separately. Refraining from broadcasting that I’m dating my dream girl is different from feeling like I’m sneaking around.”

  “Dream girl? I’m your dream girl?”

  He got that goofy grin again. “Yeah, and I probably shouldn’t tell you what you do in all those dreams…or maybe I should.” He raised an eyebrow.

  I playfully hit his arm. “Let’s get this over with.”

  “You better be talking about the act of checking in to the dorm and not the sex.”

  “Of course, that’s what I mean. The sex better take longer than that.”

  He laughed. “Have no fear, pumpkin. You know I’ll take good care of you.”

  Chapter Seventeen

  The brick building stood as an intimidating sight in front of me. I’d walked in and out of the freshman dorms many times, but that night it felt completely different. I stayed close to Colt, trying to avoid making eye contact with anyone as we reached the desk.

  “Hey, Colt.” The student working the desk greeted him by name. Great. So much for making this quick and anonymous.

  “I need to check her in.” Colt touched my arm, and I handed him my ID. That was one of the annoying parts of the freshman dorms. You could only enter if someone who lived there signed you in. At least they didn’t have any archaic rules about checking in the opposite sex.

  I looked down at the floor.

  “Mallory. Okay. All checked in. Have a nice night you two.” The guy’s voice was light, and I knew what he was implying. It was almost like you had to do the walk of shame twice. Once in and once out. Oh damn, I hadn’t really thought about the leaving part.

  Colt walked over to the elevator. I hesitated. “Uh, let’s take the stairs.”

  “I live on the sixth floor.” He pushed the up button.

  “So? Exercise won’t kill us.”

  He leaned in. “If I thought this was about exercise, I’d do it in a second, but we’re not walking up six flights of steps because you’re embarrassed.”

  The door to the elevator opened and a couple of visibly drunk girls hopped out. One smiled at Colt. “Hi!”

  “Hey, Veronica.” Colt smiled at her. It was a completely friendly smile, but it still brought out my jealous side.

  I resisted the urge to lay a kiss on him.

  “We’re going to a party. Want to come?” she cooed. The elevator dinged ready to close. I pulled Colton in.

  “Uh, sorry. I have plans,” Colton muttered.

  The doors closed before the girls could respond.

  “Oh, someone is jealous.” He stepped toward me, leaning me back against the wall of the elevator.

  “Jealous? Of that girl?”

  He laughed. “I think this jealous side of you is kind of hot.”

  “Don’t try to
make it happen again.”

  He brushed his lips against mine. “No?”


  The door opened, and he took my hand. “This way, my dear.”

  “Do you have to be such a comedian?”

  He looked at me seriously. “Yes.”

  I pushed his arm. “And I actually want to have sex with you. Maybe I need to get my head checked.”

  Faster than I could process it, he had me in his arms. “You want to have sex with me again because you know how good it is.”

  “Get a room.” A guy laughed behind us.

  Colt turned. “We’re planning on it.”

  Without a word, he led me down the hall. I waited with bated breath as he unlocked his door.

  The room was exactly what I expected. Two twin beds, two small closets, and two desks. The only problem was that one desk was currently occupied.

  “Hey, Joe,” Colt yelled in the direction of a guy who I assumed was his roommate. The guy didn’t move, but then again, he was wearing a set of those huge over the ear headphones.


  Joe startled and took off the headphones. “Oh, hey.” He stared at me like I was an alien or something.

  Colt didn’t waste any time beating around the bush. “I kind of need the room.”

  “Why? I’m not going to bother you guys.”

  I was so embarrassed I wanted to run from the room.

  Colt, probably sensing it, took my hand. “Yeah, but we might bother you.”

  Understanding crossed Joe’s face. “I have headphones.”

  “Yeah. Not going to happen. See ya, Colt.” I went to pull my hand from his.

  “No. You’re staying. Come on.”

  “I’m not doing that with him in here.”

  “Give me a second.”

  Colt walked over to Joe and pulled off his headphones. “I don’t want to be an ass, but I need the room.”

  “I have a paper due tomorrow.”

  “Then go to the library.”

  “Fine. Give me twenty minutes to finish this section, and I’ll leave.” He exhaled loudly. “But you’re going to owe me.”

  Colt nodded. “I have no problem returning the favor.”

  “I’ll remember that the next time I find myself a hot sorority chick willing to come home with me.” He turned back toward the screen.

  I stifled a laugh. “So what now?”

  Colt didn’t hesitate to share a suggestion. “Let’s watch a movie.”


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