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Defender's Blood The Return (An Urban Fantasy)

Page 10

by A. K. Michaels

  Julia was staring at Lexi - “It's nice to meet you Lexi – how can I help you today?” Julia was friendly – as usual – and welcoming – Alex knew she would be. Lexi gave one of her brilliant smiles - “Hi Julia – I'm going to need quite a few things – we only needed the basics where we were – so what would you suggest?” Lexi spoke giving the older woman the chance to steer her in the right direction. “Now that is music to my ears – I take it this is to come off Zach's account?” Julia asked and Alex nodded.

  Lexi's face turned thoughtful - “Jeez – sorry – I didn't think about how I would pay for anything?” she said worriedly. Alex put a hand on her arm - “Don't worry – we've got plenty of time to make up for – you get anything you want Lexi – anything.” she told her daughter.

  Lexi grabbed her in a tight hug - “Thank you – Conall and I are going to have to think on this stuff – maybe we could do some part time work for you or Vlad – get some of our own money that way?” she said and Alex thought on it – Conall and Lexi would be a great asset and she thought Zach and Vlad would be fighting over who would have them working for them!

  “Honey – we'll work something out – in the meantime – we'll get either of you anything you need. You may want to get some stuff for Conall too?” Alex queried and Lexi nodded - “Yes – wild horses wouldn't get him to clothes shop so I'll get him a few things.” Lexi advised and then Julia took over.

  They walked out the shop with hordes of bags and Alex noticed their car was still in front of the diner – the men must've left in Dmitri's. They got everything in and Alex got her phone out – she called Vlad - “Hi Alex – everything ok?” Vlad answered and she could hear some noise in the background – yells and such?

  “Hi – yes all ok here – what's going on there though?” she asked and Vlad chuckled - “Oh Conall is just showing us his powers – did you know he could fly? It's some sight Alex – Dmitri can't shut up – it's him you're hearing!” Vlad told her and her mind wandered – flying – now that is just weird!

  She focused - “So Vlad we've got a load of shopping here – is their apartment ready?” Alex wanted to know and Vlad responded in the affirmative - “Yes – it's 2B – second floor in the corner – it's one of the larger ones – furnished with everything so they should be fine there.” he told Alex and she was happy that they could just take everything straight round. “Good – that's where we'll be when you lot are finished playing games!” she joked. Vlad only said a quick 'bye' before hanging up!

  Alex drove over to the 'barracks' which was just an apartment block – housing the unmated males – well most of them. Ones like Dmitri who were higher up in rank could have a house if they wanted – some did and some didn't. A few even stayed in the Security Offices building – but only a few. They parked right at the entrance and started to lug the bags inside – a Guard was just on his way out when he saw them. He stopped and took the bags – carrying them up the stairs and to the door of 2B. “The door will be unlocked – the keys will be inside – though I don't know anyone who uses them.” he told them.

  Alex understood – nobody really locked up here – but she thought she would tell Lexi to do so – she was a gorgeous female and she could just see the amount of Guards who would be trailing after her. Lexi broke into her thoughts - “Mother – trust me when I say I won't need to lock the door – it'll be fine.” her daughter said and Alex realised she must've been 'hearing' her thoughts! “Now that's just weird Lexi! Only Zach can usually read my thoughts – I'm going to have to be more careful around you two!” Alex exclaimed.

  “Yes mother – we can read anyone's thoughts – we are trying to block them – with us back here and so many people about I think it'll give us headaches hearing all the different thoughts – once we're adept at it I'll let you know.” Lexi said and Alex realised that it was something their father could help with.

  “Lexi – you and Conall should ask your father to help you – he's really good at it.” Alex advised her and Lexi smiled, again.

  “Okay, now can I ask – do you prefer mother or mom?” her daughter looked very serious as she asked.

  Alex thought on it, “Well it's up to you really – but I'm from Scotland and we use mum not mom – could I ask you to call me that?”

  Lexi nodded and confirmed it, “Ok – mum it is – I've let Conall know so he'll do it from now on. What about our father?”

  “I'm not sure – get Conall to ask him.” Alex replied.

  Less than a few seconds later Lexi spoke again, “Ok – done – will let you know what he says.” and Alex realised that the bond and communication between the twins was vast – far more than even her and Zach.

  Alex looked around the apartment – it was clean and fresh and the basics were all in place – all it really needed were some personal items and cushions and such and it would be quite nice. Lexi walked around looking at everything – she was very quiet and Alex thought she might not like it. “What's wrong Lexi?” Alex asked.

  Her daughter turned to look at her – there were one or two tears leaving her eyes and slowly making their way down her cheeks. Alex moved quickly to stand in front of her and took her into her arms - “Lexi – what's wrong – please tell me?” Alex implored.

  Lexi did a little hiccup and then answered - “Oh mum I'm so happy – we're home – finally home – it's really just hit me and I feel a little overwhelmed, that's all.” Lexi was just about to speak again when Conall appeared in the room - “What's wrong?!” he asked “I felt you were upset Lexi – what's the matter?” Conall moved to his sister's side and laid a hand on her shoulder. Lexi smiled - “Oh it's nothing Conall – I'm just a bit emotional, that's all.” she told her brother. Conall visibly relaxed - “Well in that case – see you later.” and he disappeared again.

  Lexi picked up the bags from the shop and moved to the bedrooms – she checked both before deciding which one she wanted. Then she started to unpack the clothes – chatting all the time with Alex. Alex moved to sit on the bed and watch her daughter – she was gorgeous and strong – she was very proud – though sad that they had only just been reunited.

  Alex had zoned out and realised that Lexi had asked her something - “What was that?” she sheepishly asked and Lexi repeated - “I wonder if you could write some stuff down for us – I mean we have no idea how to use a lot of the stuff here – like the machine for cleaning clothes – that micro thingy – the kettle I think we've got but most other stuff – we didn't have any of it. Would that be too much trouble?” Lexi finished and it hit Alex just how little her children would know of this world.

  Alex got up and took Lexi's hand – pulling her towards the kitchen – she described everything that was there and how to use it. She then turned the TV on – and Lexi took a step back. “It's a television Lexi – it has shows and programmes on it for pleasure – though some of the stuff they show is more punishment than pleasure!” Alex smirked. Lexi stood transfixed and suddenly Michael was in the room.

  Alex jumped at his sudden appearance and Lexi just smiled and moved over to give him a cuddle. Alex noted that Michael's hand rubbed her back up and down – something that Zach would do to her if she was upset. For some reason seeing the large Angel hold her daughter and rub her back made Alex feel uncomfortable.

  Lexi gave Alex a questioning look as if she didn't understand the thoughts that Alex was having. Alex threw up a block on her mind – she was almost as good as Zach and it must have worked as Lexi frowned as if wondering why she could no longer read her mother's mind.

  “It's just not right a child reading a parents thoughts Lexi.” Alex commented and she was shocked when Michael agreed - “You are right Alex – they are going to have to learn how to put blocks in place – maybe you and Zach could help them?” the Angel said. Alex raised an eyebrow at him but nodded - “Of course – we'll do anything we can to help.” she said and Lexi seemed to relax a little – as if Michael's affirmation of what Alex had said had
calmed her. That was definitely a relationship that was strong – between the Angel and her daughter.

  Lexi became excited showing Michael everything in the apartment and the new clothes and shoes she had got. She laughed when she showed the funny boxers she had gotten for Conall and Michael smiled down at her with something that looked very much like love, Alex thought.

  There was a change in the air and Zach and Conall stood there – both smiling from ear to ear. “That was fun.” Conall said and Zach laughed - “It was brilliant – Alex you should see him fly – it's amazing. He is so strong – he threw Dmitri around like he was a toddler!” Zach relayed and Alex's eyes raised - “Just why were you throwing Dmitri around?” she asked her son.

  Conall looked down at the floor, sheepishly - “Uhm well....” and his father came to his rescue - “It's my fault Alex – I wanted to see his powers for myself – make sure he was as strong as he said he was – so we had a little 'training session' and a whole lot of fun. I don't think I've laughed so much in ages.” Zach finished and Alex could see the happiness in his face – it made her smile too and he moved to envelop her in his arms.

  “Ok – we'll leave you to sort yourselves out – do you want to come to ours later for dinner – I'll do your mother's favourite – Steak and Fries – or as she calls them – chips. How does that sound?” Zach asked and both twins were nodding - “Yea dad that'd be great.” Conall said and Lexi just smiled - “Bye” she said as she moved back to her bedroom – she still had a lot of tidying to do! Alex and Zach left and they got in the car – Zach having to adjust the seat back so that he could get in!

  Chapter 10

  Alex and Zach made their way home – Alex's mind was in turmoil – the last twenty four hours had been extremely draining – her emotions all over the place. She was glad that her children were safe and well and to all intents and purposes all seemed well. However, more than a few things nagged at her mind.

  She needed to know details – far more than she had now and then she felt Zach's hand cover hers on her lap. She looked at her mate and she could both see and feel he was also worried. “We need more info Zach – these Fallen Ones – well they scare the beejesus out of me.” she said and Zach nodded his affirmation - “I know hon – we don't have any intel on them and for them to be here and we not know it – that scares me. Especially if they are as powerful as Michael has said.” Zach finished and Alex could only agree. This thing with the Fallen Ones was messing with her mind.

  Zach went on - “I think we can ask the kids tonight for more information – I'm not sure Michael will be forthcoming – he always keeps things close to his chest and gives us dribs and drabs – never the full picture. He infuriates me!” Zach said the last part in anger and Alex could understand why – many things that had happened over the past few years could have gone better if Michael had been open and honest and indeed not giving them only parts of information, never the full picture.

  Alex was also worried at the interaction between the Angel and her children – he seemed too close to Lexi and this was something that Alex was going to keep a close eye on! Zach did a noise in his throat – one that sounded like he had tried not to snarl and Alex looked at him again. His hands were tight on the steering wheel and his knuckles were white – his tension clear for her to see and feel. “We'll keep and eye on that.” Alex said – referring to the Angel and their daughter!

  Thadius called them just as they got to the bungalow - “Zach – glad to have caught you – how're things with the twins? By the way we have had several reports of people seeing someone fly? Was that them? If so they need to be more discreet – folk were more than a little scared.” Thadius finished and Zach smiled – the sight of his son in the air still fresh in his mind.

  “Yes Thadius – that was Conall – I'll tell him to be more careful – if I'm honest it wasn't his fault – Vlad and I urged him to do it – just for the hell of it. Sorry.” Zach finished. Thadius did his usual harrumph and answered - “Well Zach I'm sure if I knew someone could do that I would want to see it too so no harm done. Just be more careful in future. Have they settled into their apartment?” Thadius asked and Zach confirmed they had.

  “They're settling in – they're coming to ours for dinner later. I want to get more intel on these Fallen Ones they are supposed to hunt – I must confess I'm more than a little perturbed about that.” Zach advised and Thadius replied immediately - “Yes Zach, the Council is too – pass on whatever information you get – we may need to make others aware of these beings.” Thadius finished up - “Sorry I've got to go – paperwork you know.” and Zach stopped him.

  “Thadius, wait – can I ask if you're still going ahead with this fight with Daniel?” he asked the wolf and the growl that came over the line had the hairs on Zach's neck standing up. “Indeed I am Zach – there's been too many rogues out there doing all sorts – it's time they realised that there's going to be severe consequences – I think this will send a message and I need to punish him myself! I feel this deep in my core Zach – what he did – especially to that child – well I'm going to make him pay!” Thadius spat out.

  Zach agreed – they were dealing with lots of new cases and the deterrent of jail just wasn't working – he had his reservations about this fight though. “Thadius – please don't take this the wrong way – but would you like to train with me – for the fight that is?” Zach asked and held his breath – waiting on Thadius getting angry.

  There was silence on the line for a moment or two then Thadius spoke - “Zach – I think I'll take you up on that offer – if only to show you I'm ready, willing and more than able for Daniel. When?” he asked and Zach thought - “What about now? Or later? Whenever suits you Thadius.” Zach advised and Thadius harrumphed again - “I could do it in an hour or so – is that ok with you?” Thadius asked. Zach confirmed - “Yup – out on the playing fields – is that ok?” and Thadius said it was. “Ok Thadius I'll see you in an hour.” Zach said and hung up.

  Alex was looking at him closely – she had of course heard the conversation. “I'm coming too – I want to see this!” she said with a smile on her face! “Ok – but just us two – we don't want a bloody audience.” Zach chuckled.

  “So do we need to go shopping for the steaks?” Alex asked and Zach advised that they had some in the freezer. “We'll stop off and take them out to defrost and then I want a quick stop at the office before meeting Thadius.” Zach said.

  As they walked into their office they could hear Dmitri's gruff voice – his accented words – and then what sounded suspiciously like a laugh?!

  Alex moved through to where Dmitri and Donna were sitting talking – at ease and joking?! What the hell, Alex thought, when did this happen. A couple of days previous Dmitri didn't even want to be in the same room with Donna!

  Alex walked all the way in and Donna said 'hi' Alex reciprocated - “Hi you two – how're things?” she asked them and it was Donna who replied. “All's well workwise – everything you needed is done and I'm just going over the backlog. Dmitri and I were just talking about Finn – Dmitri came over and had dinner at ours and spoke to him about joining the Guards. He gave him a host of information that he's now trawling through. Then he'll make up his mind if he wants to go to college or join the Guards. Neither of us knew the extent of the work involved or the opportunities so I'm very grateful to Dmitri.” Donna finished and a slight blush made an appearance on her cheeks.

  Alex raised her eyebrow towards Dmitri who studiously ignored it, returning to work on his computer! “That's good Donna – I'm sure Finn would do well in the Guards – he's good with computer's isn't he?” Alex asked and Donna nodded - “Yes he loves tinkering about with them.” she confirmed. “Well I can say from first hand experience Vlad is an excellent teacher in all things computer – he could do far worse than working for the Guards.” Alex told Donna who only smiled – then returned to her work.

  Alex walked back through to her office where
Zach was checking on something in his emails. He lifted his head when Alex closed the door – she never did that – they had an open door policy so that anyone could come and go as they needed.

  “What's up?” he asked his mate. She had a cheeky smile on her face - “I think Dmitri and Donna are getting on – rather well! He was at her house for dinner and giving Finn some help in deciding whether to go to college or join the Guards. What do you think of that?!” Alex asked and Zach frowned – Dmitri didn't 'do' dinner with females! “As long as they're happy that's all that counts. I hope he does find some happiness – he's been alone for a very long time – too long.” he said and Alex agreed.

  Before they knew it they were dashing out of the office on their way to meet Thadius – having got caught up in answering the phone! As they pulled up at the parking area next to the playing fields they saw Thadius – he was doing some jogging – it was definitely a weird sight!

  Zach and Alex got out and walked over – Alex staying further back – not wanting to get in the way. “So Thadius – will we get down to some training?” Zach asked and Thadius nodded once “I'm ready.” and Zach flew at him!

  Zach was much quicker than any wolf but Thadius proved his strength from the first second. Zach had Thadius in a neck hold and the large wolf grabbed his arm and threw him up and over – Zach sailing through the air to land none too gently on his back.

  He was up in a second and he and Thadius started circling one another - “This is when I'm in human form Zach – my wolf is much much stronger.” he advised and Zach took note. They went at one another for nearly an hour and Zach found Thadius to be a lot faster and stronger than he had given him credit for. Both were out of breath at the end and Alex clapped her hands – shouting encouragement to both!


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