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Cave Man's Captive

Page 4

by Juliana Conners

  She wrapped her legs around my waist and I flipped her over. It was my turn to take control.

  I stared deeply into her eyes as I pushed deeper and deeper into her pulsating pussy. It was so tight and wet that I could barely contain myself. I grabbed a handful of her hair and pulled. The more that I pulled, the tighter her pussy seemed to get. I leaned down and sucked on her neck hard, leaving a red mark. She yelped as I sucked harder and harder, but she begged for more at the same time.

  Just when I thought I might come, my dream was interrupted by Harlow thumping me in the back of the head.

  “Hey earth to Elijah, hey! snap out of it!, We’ve got to figure out where we’re going at some point so I’d appreciate it if you joined the conversation instead of staring off into space.”

  We were still outside in the woods.

  “Should we go with him to his cabin or no?” asked Darren, looking around at the group that he had come with.

  I really didn’t understand what all of the debate was about. It seemed fine when the plan had been to hike all the way back to Darren’s cabin. Why did it seem like they were hesitant to come back to my cabin? It was a lot closer than the one that they were trying to go to.

  “I really don’t think that we should. We’ve got half of our group still at the house waiting for us and it will be getting dark soon. Why don’t we just make our way back down through the woods to Darren’s cabin?” Harlow suggested with a worried look etched on his face.

  I looked over at Michelle, the only one who mattered to so see what she might have been thinking. I couldn’t tell from her face, but we did lock eyes a couple of times, only for her to look away shyly. I would have given anything to find out what she was thinking in that moment.

  My daydream had felt so real. I could still feel her warmth all over me. I could smell the sweet aroma of her perfume.

  I wished that there was some way that I could make it a reality.

  In the meantime, I took advantage of the moments that we had there in the woods to gaze at her to drink in all of her stunning magnificence. And much to my surprise and delight, every time I found myself looking at her I noticed that she was looking right back at me.

  Chapter 7


  It had been a very long time since any man had touched me. In fact, it had been such a long time that I was straining to remember the last time that I had been with a man. I remembered a one-night stand two years ago. It was a guy named Sean that my friend Sara from college had hooked me up with. She had been dating his friend, so it was a double date. He and I didn’t seem to really connect. It felt like we were on a date with them as awkward observers. He barely said more than a handful of words to me. Among those words was the question, “So, do you wanna have sex?” And I had been so bored and lonely at the time I agreed. The sex was okay. Definitely nothing to write home about. Certainly unmemorable.

  Had it really been that long?

  Despite the length of time that it had been since I had been with anyone, my imagination ran rampant with vivid ideas of what I wanted Elijah to do to me.

  Sometime after we would get to the cabin, he would ask me to follow him to another room saying that he had something special that he wanted to show me. Not thinking, I would follow him into a secluded part of the cabin. He would slowly close the door with a look of mischief on his face.

  “What did you want to show me?” I would ask innocently.

  He would slowly take off his flannel button down shirt, never taking his gaze off of me. Once his solid chest and firm muscles were in full view, he would tell me, “I want to show you exactly how many ways that I can make you cum.”

  His deep, brooding eyes would send a message loud and clear. I envisioned him taking me in his muscular arms, holding me easily around my waist. It was like I could feel his wiry beard tickling my cheeks as he kissed me passionately. I could almost hear his voice, thick with desire confessing how much he wanted me.

  I imagined that he would lay me down gently on a thick carpeted floor. He would undress me slowly, looking over every inch of my curvy frame with an intense hunger. I imagined him caressing my breasts tenderly, carefully rolling my nipples in his calloused hands. He would take them into his mouth like sweet fruit. My nipples were getting hard at the thought of it.

  I saw him picking me up and squeezing his hard dick into my wet pussy, slamming up against the wall with each thrust of his hips. I would bounce up and down on his dick, him sliding in and out of me easily.

  “You feel so good,” he would repeat over and over, grabbing me around my neck to try holding me in place.

  The thought of him striking a delicate balance between soft and rough turned me on even more.

  My pussy started to get wet at the thought of him slowly slipping each of his thick fingers into my juicy pussy. I could almost feel each digit enter me, one by one, stretching my tight pussy open while I gripped on for dear life. I imagined him putting his bearded face between my legs and hungrily lapping up every drop of sweet nectar.

  Watching the way that he walked ahead of us taking each step with firm confidence, it turned me on so much. Apparently, someone else noticed me watching him.

  “Someone has a crush,” sang Monica, Ramsey’s wife, quietly so that only I could hear.

  “I have no idea what you are talking about,” I said, trying to keep a straight face.

  Monica slapped her knee and laughed hard.

  “I have no idea who you are trying to fool, but you sure aren’t fooling me. It’s so obvious that you have a thing for him.”

  I was so shocked and embarrassed that I couldn’t find the words to respond to her.

  “It’s okay,” she said. “It’s obvious that he has the hots for you too. Do you notice how he keeps looking back at you?”

  I did notice but I wasn’t about to clue her in on the fact that I had.

  “No, I hadn’t,” I lied.

  “Well, he is. This may be a really good thing for the both of you.”

  Monica whistled loudly, getting everyone’s attention.

  “Hey guys. Why don’t we go on down to Elijah’s cabin for a little while? I think that it would be a great change of pace, right?”

  “I don’t see why not,” said Ramsey, following his wife’s lead.

  “I can think of a whole lot of reasons why that’s not a good idea,” said Harlow, folding his arms.

  “Now Harlow,” I said. “Don’t be like that. Besides, it might be good for you to get into a different atmosphere from time to time.”

  “Maybe, but this definitely is not the type of environment that I want to be in that’s for sure.”

  “No problem” I said, pushing ahead of Harlow. “You can just stay here and the rest of us will go on to Elijah’s cabin. Wait for us here. We should be back after a couple of hours.”

  The look of fear that crossed Harlow’s face caught everyone off guard. He was always so macho and never showed real emotion. It was practically refreshing to see that he did have feelings.

  His brothers jumped at the chance to tease him about it.

  “Awwwww little brother! Are you still scared of the dark,” said Ramsey in a voice like he was talking to a baby.

  Darren and Jensen laughed loudly, pushing Harlow back and forth between them as they made fun of him being afraid.

  “Knock it off guys,” said Harlow, pushing them back.

  “Yeah, knock it off,” continued Ramsey. “We would hate for the wittle baby to go potty on himself all the way out here in the woods without a change of clothes.”

  This got a chuckle from everyone in the group.

  Harlow turned away trying to hide his face which was becoming more red by the minute.

  “I’m not afraid at all. I was just thinking about the fact that we have been having a great time so far and we wouldn’t want to ruin that by being in the wrong company,” said Harlow, sending daggers with his eyes at Elijah. I grimaced at how uncomfortable Harlow was making

  “Well good thing we are all on the same page and want this awesome day to continue being awesome. I guess it’s a good thing that we ran into Elijah out here and he was kind enough to open his home up to us.”

  I smiled at Elijah. He smiled back. He looked at me like he was grateful for me speaking up. And while I was fine with my role as peacemaker, I couldn’t help but wonder why Harlow seemed so bitter when it came to Elijah. He seemed like a pretty stand-up guy. He definitely was hot that’s for sure.

  I wondered what it would have been like to fall behind the rest of the group a little bit and have a little sexy fun in the woods. With him living out in the woods and favoring outdoor activities like hunting, I’d bet that he was adventurous in other areas too. I could imagine him pushing me up against a tree, making the bark scrape against my cheek while he fumbled to get my pants down. Fishing out his throbbing, hard dick, he would enter me forcefully, keeping his balance by holding onto my waist. I could almost feel him pulling me back onto him, slamming me against his solid frame so hard that we would have to work hard to keep from falling. He would lean his body into me until his mouth was on my ear. Gray clouds of smoke would billow around my face and he would growl with ecstasy as he would slip in and out of my eager pussy, filling me to the brim, going deeper and deeper as his fat dick opened me, caressing my pussy. His large strong hands would cup my ass as he would ram his dick into me faster and faster.

  I gulped hard and had to cross my legs because my secret fantasy was turning me on so much. I wanted to take Elijah behind the nearest tree and make my fantasy a reality.

  The next thing I knew my toe hit a rock or a stick and I was face planting into the snow.

  “Oh my God! Michelle! Are you okay?” asked Monica, running to where I lay rolling around in the snow. I landed hard on my right side and now it was screaming with pain. But more than that, I was completely embarrassed that I had been so lost in my thoughts about Elijah that I hadn’t been paying attention to where I had been walking.

  I stood to my feet telling everyone that I was okay.

  I was okay for the most part. I still felt a sharp pain in my knee when I put weight on it. But, maybe this was my punishment for having too much fun out here in the woods when I should have been focused on the reason I was out here anyway: my job. I was out having adventures in the woods like I didn’t have a care in the world.

  “Why the long face?” asked Monica, pouting and nudging me with her elbow at the same time. We were all walking at a decent pace, but Michelle’s question made everyone slow down to catch a glimpse of me.

  “Oh no I’m okay. Really. To be completely honest, I am feeling guilty about being out here frolicking in the woods while Whitney stayed behind to look after the little ones. I’m starting to think that maybe I should have stayed behind with her.”

  “Aw, honey! Don’t feel that way! Whitney really wanted you to come out here. She said it so many times. If she had needed you to stay behind with her I’m sure that she would have said so,” said Monica reassuringly.

  “Oh, believe me,” said Harlow. “If my wife wanted anything right now and felt like she wasn’t getting it, she would be a complete dragon lady to all of us until she got it. And besides, there was no way that her pregnant self could have made it a yard let alone as far as we have come. Michelle, you have been a ray of positivity in this experience and I’m certainly glad that you decided to come along. My lovely wife on the other hand, may not have made it such a pleasant experience.”

  “Well, maybe if you’d stop knocking her up every year she wouldn’t always have a reason to be miserable,” said Jensen.

  “She hasn’t been pregnant every year,” Harlow says defensively.

  “Awe don’t get butt hurt,” said Darren, clapping Harlow on the back hard. “We’re only teasing you. And besides, it’s good to know that you guys have found a way to entertain yourselves in case your TV ever breaks. But Harlow, how about giving poor Whitney a break next year will ya?”

  The whole group roared with laughter including Harlow. Elijah smiled a little. I could tell that he was enjoying watching Harlow be the butt of everyone’s jokes.

  “In all seriousness, congratulations on baby number three,” said Monica. “You really have a beautiful family.”

  “Thank you,” said Harlow, sincerely appreciative.

  Listening to them talk about Whitney being pregnant made me wonder if I would ever have a family of my own. I loved being around new babies, children, and the families that I worked for, but it just wasn’t the same as having my own family…children who looked and acted like me and whomever their father would be. I tried not to think about it too much and just convinced myself that it would happen when the time was right. Moments like those made me wish that the time was right now.

  “I can vouch for the fact that they are truly beautiful and amazing children inside and out. I was just telling Whitney the other day how grateful that I was that we found each other. It’s not always that easy.”

  “I bet,” said Monica. “I remember when our kids first started school. I looked around at all the other kids and my heart went out to their poor teacher. She was the sweetest lady. She had to be fresh out of college. She came in to work every day looking like a Barbie doll and by the end of the day, she looked like Raggedy Ann.”

  “Yeah, it can be challenging at times that’s for sure,” I said, nodding. “That’s why I feel really lucky that I found Harlow and Whitney when I did. I had just finished working for a family that I’d known and worked at for years. But once the kids grow up, and it happens so fast, there’s nothing for me to do anymore.”

  “Well it seems that ole Harlow here is going to make sure that you’ve got job security for a good while the way that he and his wife seem to be popping them out. And they are truly lucky to have someone as kind and beautiful as you are in their lives.”

  Everyone fell silent at Elijah’s obvious flirt. They smiled secretly among themselves, but nobody said a word. I could feel my cheeks turning a deep crimson red and felt like I was on fire, even in the bone-chilling cold out in the winter woods. I didn’t want to reach too much into it. Besides, between my fantasies and rampant thoughts entertaining a crush for this handsome stranger was making me feel guiltier with each passing minute.

  Monica pulled me off to the side so that we were out of earshot of the rest of the group. She stopped and searched my face worriedly.

  “Are you sure you’re okay? You took a pretty good tumble there,” she asked sweetly.

  “Oh yeah. I’m having a great time out here. Probably too much of a good time,” I admitted, forcing laughter up out of me. I shuddered at how fake it felt and sounded.

  “Honey, you know it’s okay if you relax and enjoy yourself a bit, right?”

  That got a real laugh out of me.

  “Yeah I know, but this is what I do for a living. And beyond that I don’t consider myself a glorified babysitter. I really care about their family and want to do my part in helping to raise happy and healthy children.”

  “That is truly noble of you. But do you see that whole hunk of a man who clearly has the hots for you? If I weren’t married and here with my husband I would be all over him myself. He is what we call a real panty dropper.” She leaned over to get a better glimpse of him, bit her lip, and ended up fanning herself like she was on fire.

  He was so tall and solid. And with all of the layers of clothes that he had on, he kind of resembled the Incredible Hulk in winter gear. Well, the Incredible Hulk without the green skin. Just add a beard and a delectable, tight butt. He was built like every he-man super hero or action figure I could think of.

  We jogged a little to catch up with the rest of the group.

  Snap out of it, I thought to myself. I knew what Monica said had some truth to it. He was definitely incredibly sexy. There was no doubt about that. I just had been hesitant to be Vacation Michelle since I was here with my employer and their family. I had been P
rofessional Michelle up until now. I had passed on the wine at dinner and had spent a large part of my evening in the guest room that I had been staying in at Darren and Hope’s lovely home. I really wanted to focus on making sure that the kids’ routine didn’t get too off course and have us right back at square one. There was no telling how military man Harlow would take another ripple in the routine at home. I could run the risk of things getting so far off track that I didn’t even have a job to go back to after this.

  It would be horrible if I was pulled into their office and told, “Based on your performance on this trip we have decided that we will no longer be needing your services.” Then I would be right back in the land of uncertainty, hoping that my father wouldn’t drink all of his pension away and float us while I got new and stable employment. Besides, a good family was hard to come by so that was why I had been so hyper focused on staying professional.

  But Monica must have noticed the tension in me because she looked really worried. And the fact that she felt the need to say something spoke volumes. Maybe it would be okay to relax a little. Whitney had already told me several times that she didn’t expect that I would be working the whole time. It was a family holiday after all and she was grateful that I accepted, giving up time with my own family. Little did she know that she was saving me from a sad takeout dinner with my dad, who would yell at the TV at whatever football team he was rooting for, but always seemed to disappoint him. He would end up crying, talking about how holidays and our lives would never be the same again now that my mother was gone. He was right, but I could go without yet another sad reminder of that. Being around the Bradfords made me remember just how happy the holidays could really be when you spend time with people you loved and who love you back. Their joy was contagious. It made me wish that I could freeze time so that I could always feel this vibrant and excited for life.

  “Are we there yet?” called out Jensen in his best imitation of his daughter Bridget, the high maintenance 16-year-old who was irritating everyone on the trip.


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