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Technology of the Gods: The Incredible Sciences of the Ancients

Page 27

by David Hatcher Childress

  “Sir William Flinders Petrie examined these blocks and described them in Pyramids and Temples of Gizeh. He remarked that the adjoining faces of the block were not flat but had a wavy finish plus or minus .3 inches. I was unable to confirm this when I was in Egypt, because the blocks, exposed by Al Mamun’s tunnel, had slipped since Petrie’s day and are now resting against each other. However, it does make for interesting speculation. Were the faces of the blocks cut specifically to modify sound waves? Could the Ascending Passage serve to direct an interference out-of-phase sound wave into the Grand Gallery, thereby controlling the level of energy in the system? There are mysteries still yet to be answered. But, we are not finished yet! ”98

  Those who would take over the earth

  And shape it to their will

  Never, I notice, succeed.

  —Lao Tzu, Tao Te Ching

  The Great Crystal of Edgar Cayce

  In a similar manner to Dunn’s theories on the Great Pyramid is the “psychic” information from Edgar Cayce and the Association for Research and Enlightenment in Virginia Beach, Virginia. Known as the “sleeping clairvoyant,” Edgar Cayce was born on March 18, 1877 on a farm near Hopkinsville, Kentucky. Even as a child he displayed powers of perception which seem to extend beyond the normal range. In 1898 at the age of twenty-one he became a salesman for a wholesale stationery company and developed a gradual paralysis of the throat muscles which threatened the loss of his voice. When doctors were unable to find a cause for the strange paralysis, he began to see a hypnotist. During a trance, the first of many for Cayce, he recommended medication and manipulative therapy which successfully restored his voice and cured his throat trouble.

  He began doing readings for people, mostly of a medical nature, and on October 9,1910, The New York Times carried two pages of headlines and pictures on the Cayce phenomenon. By the time Edgar Cayce died on January 3,1945, in Virginia Beach, Virginia, he left well over 14,000 documented stenographic records of the telepathic-clairvoyant statements he had given for more than eight thousand different people over a period of 43 years. These typewritten documents are referred to as “readings.” Important to our discussion in this book is that many of these “readings” concern Atlantis, persons’ former lives in Atlantis, and the airships and motive power used in Atlantis. 120

  In reading 2437-1; Jan. 23,1941, Cayce told his subject: “... [I]n Atlantean land during those periods of greater expansion as to ways, means and manners of applying greater conveniences for the people of the land—things of transportation, the aeroplane as called today, but then as ships of the air, for they sailed not only in the air but in other elements also.”

  A number of persons who came to Cayce for individual life readings were, according to Cayce’s reading, once navigators or engineers on these aircraft: “[I]n Atlantean land when there were the developments of those things as made for motivative forces as carried the peoples into the various portions of the land and to other lands. Entity a navigator of note then.” (2124-3, Oct. 2, 1931)

  “...[I]n Atlantean land when peoples understood the law of universal forces entity able to carry messages through space to the other lands, guided crafts of that period.” (2494-1; Feb. 76, 1930)

  Cayce called the motive power used in these vessels the “nightside of life.” “[I]n Atlantean land or Poseidia—entity ruled in pomp and power and in understanding of the mysteries of the application of that often termed the nightside of life, or in applying the universal forces as understood in that period.” (2897-1; Dec. 15, 1929)

  “...[I]n Atlantean period of those peoples that gained much in understanding of mechanical laws and application of nightside of life for destruction.” (2896-1; May 2,1930)

  Cayce speaks of the use of crystals or “firestones” for energy and related applications. He also speaks of the misuse of power and warnings of destruction to come: “[I]n Atlantean land during the periods of exodus due to foretelling or foreordination of activities which were bringing about destructive forces. Among those who were not only in Yucatan but in the Pyrenees and Egyptian land, for the manners of transportation and communications through airships of that period were such as Ezekiel described at a much later date.” (4353-4; Nov. 26,1939. See Ezekiel 1:15-25, 10:9-17 RSV.)

  “...[I]n Atlantis when there were activities that brought about the second upheaval in the land. Entity was what would be in the present the electrical engineer—applied those forces or influences for airplanes, ships, and what you would today call radio for constructive or destructive purposes.” (1574-1; April 19, 1938)

  “...[I]n Atlantean land before the second destruction when there was the dividing of islands, when the temptations were begun in activities of Sons of Belial and children of the Law of One. Entity among those that interpreted the messages received through the crystals and the fires that were to be the eternal fires of nature. New developments in air and water travel are no surprise to this entity as these were beginning development at that period for escape.” (3004-1; May 15, 1943)

  “...[I]n Atlantean land at time of development of electrical forces that dealt with transportation of craft from place to place, photographing at a distance, overcoming gravity itself, preparation of the crystal, the terrible mighty crystal; much of this brought destruction.” (519-1; Feb. 20, 1934)

  “...[I]n city of Peos in Atlantis—among people who gained understanding of application of nightside of life or negative influences in the earth’s spheres, of those who gave much understanding to the manner of sound, voice and picture and such to peoples of that period.” (2856-1; June 7, 1930)

  “...[I]n Poseidia the entity dwelt among those that had charge of the storage of the motivative forces from the great crystals that so condensed the lights, the forms of the activities, as to guide the ships in the sea and in the air and in conveniences of the body as television and recording voice.” (813-1; Feb. 5, 1935)

  The use of crystals as an important part of the technology is mentioned in a very long reading from Dec. 29, 1933: “About the firestone—the entity’s activities then made such applications as dealt both with the constructive as well as destructive forces in that period. It would be well that there be given something of a description of this so that it may be understood better by the entity in the present.

  “In the center of a building which would today be said to be lined with nonconductive stone—something akin to asbestos, with ...other noncon ductors such as are now being manufactured in England under a name which is well known to many of those who deal in such things.

  “The building above the stone was oval; or a dome wherein there could be ...a portion for rolling back, so that the activity of the stars—the concentration of energies that emanate from bodies that are on fire themselves, along with elements that are found and not found in the earth’s atmosphere.

  “The concentration through the prisms or glass (as would be called in the present) was in such manner that it acted upon the instruments which were connected with the various modes of travel through induction methods which made much the [same] character of control as would in the present day be termed remote control through radio vibrations or directions; though the kind of force impelled from the stone acted upon the motivation forces in the crafts themselves.

  “The building was constructed so that when the dome was rolled back there might be little or no hindrance in the direct application of power to various crafts that were to be impelled through space—whether within the radius of vision or whether directed under water or under other elements, or through other elements.

  “The preparation of this stone was solely in the hands of the initiates at the time; and the entity was among those who directed the influences of radiation which arose, in the form of rays that were invisible to the eye but acted upon the stones themselves as set in the motivating forces—whether the aircraft were lifted by the gases of the period; or whether for guiding the more-of-pleasure vehicles that might pass along close to the earth, or crafts on
the water or under the water.

  “These, then, were impelled by the concentration of rays from the stone which was centered in the middle of the power station, or powerhouse (as would be the term in the present).

  “In the active forces of these, the entity brought destructive forces by setting up—in various portions of the land—the kind that was to act in producing powers for the various forms of the people’s activities in the same cities, the towns, and the countries surrounding same. These, not intentionally, were tuned too high; and brought the second period of destructive forces to the people of the land—and broke up the land into those isles which later became the scene of further destructive forces in the land.

  “Through the same form of fire the bodies of individuals were regenerated; by burning—through application of rays from the stone—the influences that brought destructive forces to an animal organism. Hence the body often rejuvenated itself; and it remained in that land until the eventual destruction; joining with the peoples who made for the breaking up of the land—or joining with Belial, at the final destruction of the land. In this, the entity lost. At first it was not the intention nor desire for destructive forces. Later it was for ascension of power itself.

  “As for a description of the manner of construction of the stone: we find it was a large cylindrical glass (as would be termed today); cut with facets in such manner that the capstone on top of it made for centralizing the power or force that concentrated between the end of the cylinder and the capstone itself. As indicated, the records as to ways of constructing same are in three places in the earth, as it stands today: in the sunken portion of Atlantis, or Poseidia, where a portion of the temples may yet be discovered under the slime of ages of sea water—near what is known as Bimini, off the coast of Florida. And (secondly) in the temple records that were in Egypt, where the entity acted later in cooperation with others towards preserving the records that came from the land where these had been kept. Also (thirdly) in records that were carried to what is now Yucatan, in America, where these stones (which they know so little about) are now—during the last few months—being uncovered.“ (440-5; Dec. 20, 1933)98

  Cleopatra’s needle

  A Giant Pyramid Underwater at Bimini?

  Bimini Island is a small member of the Bahamas, located about fifty miles east of Miami. Besides having sandy beaches, coral reefs, a variety of sunken ships, and some excellent fishing areas, Bimini is also the site for a series of very unusual underwater stone formations. This assemblage of huge blocks, many existing in straight patterns, are submerged under only 20 or 30 feet of water. There may also be a large pyramid in the vicinity of Bimini as well—underwater.

  The Bimini Wall was first discovered in 1968 by Dr. J. Manson Valentine, Florida’s maverick archaeologist. Valentine first saw the wall from the surface of the water when the sea was especially clear. He was with three other divers at the time, Jacques Mayol, Harold Climo, and Robert Angove. Said Valentine in an interview, “An extensive pavement of rectangular and polygonal flat stones of varying size and thickness, obviously shaped and accurately aligned to form a convincingly artifactual arrangement. These stones had evidently lain submerged over a long span of time, for the edges of the biggest ones had become rounded off, giving the blocks the domed appearance of giant loaves of bread or pillows. Some were absolutely rectangular, sometimes approaching perfect squares. (One remembers that absolutely straight lines are never present in natural formations.) The larger pieces, at least ten to fifteen feet in length, often ran the width of parallel-sided avenues, while the small ones formed mosaic-like pavements covering broader sections... The avenues of apparently fitted stones are straight-sided and parallel; the long one is a clear-cut double series interrupted by two expanses containing very large, flat stones propped up at the corners by vertical members (like the ancient dolmens of Europe); and the southeast end of this great roadway terminates in a beautifully curved corner; the three short causeways of accurately aligned large stones are of uniform width and end in corner stones...”44,61

  Dr. David Zink of the U.S. Air Force Academy in Colorado began doing resea rch around Bimini that continues to this day. His book, The Stones of Atlantis,121chronicles his many adventures, with many good photographs, in the waters around Bimini. Dr. Zink firmly believes that the Bimini Road is a man-made structure, but he has debunked a few of the other structures in the area, including a rectangular structure off Andros Island that was once believed to have been a temple site, but is now believed to be a sponge pen built in the 1930s. In 1974 he even photographed an unusual stone column standing upright that was believed to be the point of an obelisk that stood 40 to 50 feet tall, though most of it was buried in the ocean floor mud.

  Many believers in Atlantis have been very excited by these finds just opposite Miami, as Edgar Cayce had predicted that the first portion of the lost continent to be discovered would be located in this general area. Cayce, who died in 1945, had predicted that the first portion of Atlantis to rise would be found in 1968 or 1969. Aerial reconnaissance of this region in 1968, and subsequent dives, did indeed reveal these stone structures breaking the surface of the ocean floor.

  Another possibility is that these massive blocks are more likely the product of an early indigenous Indian civilization. Such a development could have served as the mother culture of the Olmecs and Maya in nearby Mesoamerica, as well as influenced the high centers of South America. At present, however, the weight of evidence is that these rocks may just be unique natural formations. Geologists and archaeologist have not found enough evidence to convince them to change their point of view. They contend that the area is simply composed of a rather unusual type of fractured beach rock.

  Countless books have been written on the Bermuda Triangle, sometimes called the Devil’s Triangle, of which Bimini is a part. Most books claim that some sort of vortex, or time warp, is responsible for missing ships, vanished airplanes, instruments that go haywire and weird magnetic and atmospheric phenomena.

  There is good evidence that an energy vortex, or “gravitational anomaly” as they are sometimes called, is operating in the heavily trafficked waters off of Florida. In this area between Miami, Bermuda and Puerto Rico, literally hundreds of ships and planes have vanished. In a few odd cases, ships have been found derelict without crews. Very little wreckage has been found.

  In 1990 it was announced that the five Navy torpedo bombers that had vanished in the Bermuda Triangle on Dec. 54, 1945 had been discovered off the waters of Fort Lauderdale. Later it was announced that these were not the missing planes, but a different set of crashed airplanes, with two of the craft having the same identification number.

  According to Charles Berlitz, the grandson of the founder of the Berlitz Language schools, and the author of the worldwide bestseller The Bermuda Triangle69 (plus other books on Atlantis and mysteries of the world), there are quite a few strange instances that have been recorded concerning the bizarre and life-threatening effects that occur in the Bermuda Triangle.

  According to Berlitz:• An oceanic investigative party on the yacht New Freedom, in July 1975, passed through an intense but rainless electromagnetic storm. During one tremendous burst of energy, Dr. Jim Thorpe photographed the exploding sky. The photograph when developed showed the burst in the sky, but it showed, too, a square-rigged ship on the sea about one hundred feet away from the New Freedom, although a moment before, the sea had been empty.

  • John Sander, a steward on the Queen Elizabeth-I saw a small plane silently flying alongside his ship at deck level. He alerted another steward and the officer of the watch while the plane silently splashed into the ocean only seventy-five yards from the ship. The QE-I turned around and sent a boat over, but no indication of anything was found.

  • Another “phantom plane” silently crashed into the ocean at Daytona Beach on February 17,1935, in front of hundreds of witnesses, but an immediate search revealed nothing at all in the shallow water by the beach.

nbsp; • A Cessna 172, piloted by Helen Cascio, took off for Turks Island, Bahamas, with a single passenger. About the time she should have arrived, a Cessna 172 was seen by the tower circling the island but not landing. Voices from the plane could be heard by the tower, but landing instructions from the tower evidently could not be heard by the pilot. A woman’s voice was heard saying, “I must have made a wrong turn. That should be Turks, but there’s nothing down there. No airport. No houses.

  In the meantime, the tower attempted to give landing to the unresponsive Cessna. Finally the woman’s voice said, “Is there no way out of this?” and the Cessna, watched by hundreds of people, flew away from Turks into a cloud bank from which it apparently never exited, since the plane, the pilot, and the passenger were never found.69

  As Berlitz points out, the plane had been visible to the people on Turks, but when the pilot looked down, apparently she saw only an undeveloped island. Had she been seeing the island at a point in time before the airport and the houses were built? Where did this plane finally land? Did it land on the beach of some past or future world?

  Various theories have been put forth to explain the Bermuda Triangle mystery. Sudden giant waves or eruptions of underwater volcanoes, whirl-pools and “holes in the ocean” have all been used as possible causes. Most researchers are willing to admit, though, that some sort of electromagnetic disturbance that causes instruments to malfunction is operating in the area.

  There are local stories of strange dense compact fogs on the surface of the water or in the sky. According to local belief, ships or aircraft that enter these odd clouds do not emerge.


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