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Technology of the Gods: The Incredible Sciences of the Ancients

Page 29

by David Hatcher Childress

  The Ancient Masters were subtle,

  mysterious, profound, responsive.

  The depth of their knowledge is unfathomable.

  Because it is unfathomable,

  all we can do is to describe their appearance.

  Watchful, like men crossing a winter stream.

  Alert, like men aware of danger.

  Courteous, like visiting guests.

  Yielding, like ice about to melt.

  Simple, like uncarved blocks of wood.

  —Lao Tzu, Tao Te Ching (Chapter 15)

  No one ever heard of Lao Tzu again, and it is presumed that he made it to the Land of Hsi Wang Mu. Hsi Wang Mu is another name for the popular Chinese Goddess Kuan Yin, the “Merciful Guardian” and “Queen Mother of the West.” Her land, traditionally located in the Kun Lun mountains, was known as the “Abode of the Immortals” and “The Western Paradise.”

  In Myths and Legends of China,78 a collection published in 1922, Hsi Wang Mu is connected to a lost continent: “Hsi Wang Mu was formed of the pure quintessence of the Western Air, in the legendary continent of Shen Chou. ...As Mu Kung, formed of the Eastern Air, is the active principle of the male air and sovereign of the Eastern Air, so Hsi Wang Mu, born of the Western Air, is the passive or female principle (yin) and sovereign of the Western Air. These two principles, co-operating, engender heaven and earth and all the beings of the universe, and thus become the two principles of life and of the subsistence of all that exists. She is the head of the troop of genii dwelling on the K‘un-lun Mountains (the Taoist equivalent of the Buddhist Sumeru), and from time to time holds intercourse with favored imperial votaries.

  “Hsi Wang Mu’s palace is situated in the high mountains of the snowy K‘un-lun. It is 100 li (about 333 miles) in circuit; a rampart of massive gold surrounds its battlements of precious stones. Its right wing rises on the edge of the Kingfishers’ River. It is the usual abode of the Immortals, who are divided into seven special categories according to the color of their garments—red, blue, black, violet, yellow, green, and ’nature color.‘ There is a marvelous fountain built of precious stones, where the periodical banquet of the Immortals is held. This feast is called P’an-t‘ao Hui, ’the feast of the Peaches.‘ It takes place on the borders of Yao Ch’ih, Lake of Gems, and is attended by both male and female immortals.”78

  Over the years of Chinese history, many expeditions were sent out to the Kun Lun mountains, the “Mount Olympus” of ancient China, in an attempt to contact the Ancient Ones.

  In the Chin Dynasty (265-420 AD) the Emperor Wu-ti ordered the scholar Hsu to re-edit the “bamboo books” found in the tomb of an ancient king named Ling-Wang, the son of Hui-che‘ng-wang, ruler of Wei State, circa 245 BC. The books recorded the travels of the Chou-Dynasty emperor “Mu” (1001-946 BC) who journeyed to the Kun Lun mountains to “pay a visit the Royal Mother of the West.” The emperor met with Hsi Wang Mu on the auspicious day chia-tzu. “The ancient Chinese counted days and years in a special, cyclical fashion, similar to the ancient Mayans of Central America. There are ten characters known as the ten stems of heaven and another twelve characters known as the twelve branches of earth. The combinations of these two sets of characters give names to the sixty years of of the Chinese cycle. They named and counted days in the same way.

  Emperor Mu had an audience with Hsi Wang Mu on the bank of Jasper Lake in the Kun Lun range. She blessed him and sang for him, and the emperor promised to return in three years after bringing peace and prosperity to his millions of subjects. He then had rocks engraved as a record of his visit and departed eastward across the desert back to his kingdom.146

  Not all were so lucky as to meet the goddess, however. While travelling just north of the Kun Lun mountains, in Sinkiang, the famous Russian artist, explorer and mystic Nicholas Roerich first heard of the Valley of the Immortals, located just over the mountains. “Behind that mountain live holy men who are saving humanity through wisdom; many tried to see them but failed—somehow as soon as they go over the ridge, they lose their way,” he was told. A native guide told him of huge vaults inside the mountains where treasures had been stored from the beginning of history. He also indicated that tall white people had been disappearing into those rock galleries.102

  Nicholas Roerich was at one time in the possession of a fragment of “a magical stone from another world,” called in Sanskrit the Chintamani Stone. Alleged to come from the star system of Sirius, ancient Asian chronicles claim that a divine messenger from the heavens gave a fragment of the stone to Emperor Tazlavoo of Atlantis.102 According to legend the stone was later sent to King Solomon in Jerusalem (who, you will remember, was said to have travelled all over Asia and Africa in a vimana airship). He split the stone and made a ring out of one piece.

  The stone is believed by some people to be moldavite, a magnetic stone sold in crystal shops, said to have fallen to earth in a meteor shower 14.8 million years ago. Moldavite is said to be a spiritual accelerator and has achieved a certain popularity in recent years. It is entirely possible that the Chintamani stone is a special piece of moldavite. It is worth noting here, too, that the sacred black stone kept in the Kabbah of Mecca to which all Muslims pray, is also a piece of meteorite.

  Nicholas Roerich himself saw what was possibly a vimana from the land of Hsi Wang Mu in the Kun Lun. In his travel diary of August 5th, 1926 while in the Kukunor district, he noted that their caravan saw “something big and shiny reflect-ing the sun, like a huge oval moving at great speed. Crossing our camp this thing changed in this direction from south to southwest. And we saw how it disappeared in the intense blue sky. We even had time to take our field glasses and saw quite distinctly an oval form with a shiny surface, one side of which was brilliant from the sun.“102

  Nicholas Roerich

  The strong similarity between the legends of Shambala and the secret land of Hsi Wang Mu is easily noticed. Shambala, reputedly located in Tibet, is famous as a repository of ancient wisdom, sheltered from the ages in a secluded valley. An ancient library was also said to be kept underground in Tibet. In some traditions, the library is said to be near Lhasa, possibly connected to the underground tunnels beneath the Potala, the Dalai Lama’s fabulous skyscraper.

  The stories of hidden archives and centers of learning are too universal and widespread to be easily dismissed. Incredible at it may seem, there may be a repository of ancient Chinese knowledge in the Kun Lun range of northwestern Tibet. Perhaps a hollow mountain filled with relics of ancient technology?

  Technology is War Driven

  It is my belief that advanced technology was developed over 12,000 years ago. This technology was used in some civilizations around the world, though not all. Just as Stone Age tribes still live in the highlands of New Guinea and other places today, many people were still primitive in those days as well. We call these ancient high-tech civilizations Atlantis, Rama, Osiris, and other names. Atlantis, I believe, is beneath the mid-Atlantic in the vicinity of the Azores and the Bahamas. Although it was a small continent, its influence reached across the waters to the Americas and to what are now Britain, Ireland and the Mediterranean area. This Atlantic island civilization was contemporary with other civilizations such as the Osirian civilization of the Mediterranean, Egypt and North Africa and the Rama Empire of India. In the far east, perhaps in Indonesia and Southeast Asia, was another advanced civilization strongly connected to ancient India and the Rama Empire.

  Around 10000 BC, geological upheavals, perhaps both natural and man-made, sank Atlantis and affected the whole world, especially Europe and the Americas. The Mediterranean was apparently flooded at this time, creating the various islands and unique megalithic cultures around this inland sea. Much of the ancient technology was lost to humankind.

  A thousand years after the destruction of Atlantis and upheavals in other empires, the Hittites and Egyptians began to explore the newly created Mediterranean Sea area and the Atlantic. In the Americas, early groups such as the Tiahuanaco cultur
e and the Mayans began to recreate their civilizations. Seafarers of the legendary Atlantean League began to cross the Atlantic again by about 6000 BC. These same Mediterraneans colonized areas of northern Europe, including the British Isles as far north as the Shetlands (Set-lands).

  North Sea earthquakes finished off the coastal civilization that inhabited much of the Netherlands, Denmark and Sweden. This civilization was much later than Atlantis, probably reaching its height about 1500 BC. At about this time or shortly thereafter, the Sea Peoples with their horned helmets came from Denmark, England, Holland, Germany and France to the Mediterranean to invade Greece, Egypt and the Hittite empire.

  Like today, powerful nations fought wars that spanned entire continents. Secret societies like the Knights Templar turned ancient Phoenician ports into their own strongholds. There is an old saying, “what goes around, comes around.” Mankind’s love for warfare has both fueled his technology and created much destruction and woe. Great teachers incarnate from time to time to try to teach man to love his neighbor and to live in a peaceful, helpful manner with others.

  Yet our history is one of nonstop warfare and invasion. Technology is, in many ways, driven by warfare. Man slaughters man, and the gods look down in pain and sorrow at what we have created for ourselves. Plato and the Egyptian priests have given us the story of one ancient civilization that waged war on the rest of the world with disastrous results.

  Today’s looming wars have their roots in history: the creation of the Christian church, the creation of the Islamic empire, the creation of the Jewish refugee state of Israel, the conflict of ancient foes over energy sources and land control. The current war being fought by the Russians in Chechnya is also one of religious conflict combined with the desire to control oil wealth from the Caspian Sea.

  Now that technology has again reached a point of no return, perhaps we are ready to jump to the next level. A level beyond the technology of today. The technology of the gods tomorrow. A technology that allows man to finally learn to live in harmony with nature and his fellow man.

  An old print of the standing stones of Carnac, Brittany.

  Bibliography & Footnotes

  1.Technology in the Ancient World, Henry Hodges, 1970, Marboro Books, London.

  2.Engineering in the Ancient World J. Landels, 1978, University of California Press, Berkeley.

  3.Arthur C. Clarke’s Mysterious World, Simon Welfare & John Fairley,1980, Wm. Collins & Sons, London.

  4.The Ancient Greek Computer from Rhodes, Victor J. Kean, 1991, Estathiadis Group, Athens.

  5.Ancient Man: A Handbook of Puzzling Artifacts, William Corliss, 1978, The Sourcebook Project, Glen Arm, MD.

  6.The Traveler’s Key to Ancient Egypt, John Anthony West, 1985, Alfred Knopf, NYC.

  7.Egyptian Myth and Legend, Donald Mackenzie, 1907, Bell Publishers, NYC.

  8.Investigating the Unexplained, Ivan T. Sanderson, 1972, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ.

  9.The World’s Last Mysteries, Nigel Blundell, 1980, Octopus Books, London.

  10.Vimana Aircraft of Ancient India & Atlantis, Childress, Sanderson, Josyer, 1991, Adventures Unlimited Press, Kempton, Illinois.

  11.Lemurian Fellowship, Lesson Material, 1936, Ramona, California.

  12.The Ultimate Frontier, Eklal Kueshana, 1962, The Stelle Group, Stelle, IL.

  13.Strange Artifacts, William Corliss, 1974, The Sourcebook Project, Glen Arm, MD.

  14.The World’s Last Mysteries, Reader’s Digest, 1976, Reader’s Digest Association, Inc., Pleasantville, New York.

  15.Timeless Earth, Peter Kolosimo, 1974, University Press Seacaucus, NJ.

  16.Mysteries of Time & Space, Brad Steiger, 1974, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ.

  17.Strangest of All, Frank Edwards, 1956, Ace Books, New York.

  18.Legends of the Lost, Peter Brookesmith, ed, 1984, Orbis Publishing, London.

  19.Stranger Than Science, Frank Edwards, 1959, Bantam Books, NYC.

  20.A Dweller on Two Planets, Frederick Spencer Oliver, 1884, Borden Publishing, Alhambra, California.

  21.The Ancient Secret: Fire from the Sun, Flavia Anderson, 1953, R.I.L.K.O. Books, Orpington, Kent, England.

  22.YHWH, Jerry Ziegler, 1985, Star Publishers, Morton, Illinois.

  23.Lost Cities of North & Central America, D.H. Childress, 1992, Adventures Unlimited Press, Kempton, IL.

  24.We Are Not the First, Andrew Tomas, 1971, Souvenir Press, London.

  25.The Curse of the Pharaohs, Philipp Vandenberg, 1975, J.B. Lippincott Co., Philadelphia, PA.

  26.Ancient Astronauts: A Time Reversal?, Robin Collyns, 1976, Sphere Books, London.

  27.The Ancient Engineers, L. Sprague de Camp, 1960, Ballentine Books, New York.

  28.War in Ancient India, V. R. Dikshitar, 1944, Oxford University Press (1987 edition published by Motilal Banarsidass, Delhi).

  29.The Bible As History, Werner Keller, 1965, Hodder & Stoughton, London.

  30.Footprints on the Sands of Time, L.M. Lewis, 1975, Signet Books, New York

  31.Lost Worlds, Alistair Service, 1981, Arco Publishing, New York.

  32.Secrets of the Lost Races, Rene Noorbergen, 1977, Barnes & Noble Publishers, NYC.

  33.The Vymanika Shastra, Maharishi Bharadwaaja, translated and published 1979 by G.R. Josyer, Mysore, India.

  34.Weird America, Jim Brandon, 1978, E.P. Dutton, New York.

  35.Cataclysms of the Earth, Hugh A. Brown, 1967, Twayne Pubs., NYC.

  36.The Path of the Pole, Charles Hapgood, 1970, Adventures Unlimited, Kempton, IL.

  37.Geological Anomalies, William Corliss, 1974, The Sourcebook Project, Glen Arm, MD.

  38.Strange Artifacts, William Corliss, 1974, The Sourcebook Project, Glen Arm, MD.

  39.The World’s Last Mysteries, Reader’s Digest, 1976, Reader’s Digest Association, Inc., Pleasantville, New York.

  40.Laserbeams From Star Cities, Robyn Collins, 1971, Sphere Books, London.

  41.Arthur C. Clarke’s Mysterious World, Simon Welfare & John Fairley, 1980, Wm. Collins & Sons, London.

  42.Lost Cities of China, Central Asia & India, David Hatcher Childress, 1991, Adventures Unlimited Press, Stelle, Illinois.

  43.2000 Years of Space Travel, Russell Freedman, 1963, William Collins & Sons, London.

  44.Mysteries of Forgotten Worlds, Charles Berlitz, 1972, Doubleday, NYC..

  45.Riddles of Ancient History, A. Gorbovsky,1966, Soviet Publishers, Moscow.

  46.Mysterious Britain, Janet & Colin Bord, 1972, Granada Publishing, London.

  47.The Mysterious Past, Robert Charroux,1973, Robert Laffont, NYC.

  48.Living Wonders, John Mitchell & Robert Rickard, 1982, Thames & Hudson, NYC.

  49.Enigmas, Rupert Gould,1945, University Books, NYC.

  50.Lost Outpost of Atlantis, Richard Wingate, 1980, Everest House, NY.

  51.Strange World, Frank Edwards, 1964, Bantam Books, NYC.

  52.Stranger Than Science, Frank Edwards, 1959, Bantam Books, NYC.

  53.Strangest of All, Frank Edwards,1956, Ace Books, NYC.

  54.Technology In the Ancient World, Henry Hodges, 1970, Marboro Books, London.

  55.Unearthing Atlantis, Charles Pellegrino, 1991, Random House, NYC.

  56.Along Civilization’s Trail, Ralph M. Lewis, 1940, AMORC, San José, CA.

  57.Lost Cities & Ancient Mysteries of South America, David Hatcher Childress, 1987, AUP, Stelle, Illinois.

  58.Lost Cities & Ancient Mysteries of Africa & Arabia, David Hatcher Childress, 1990, AUP, Stelle, Illinois.

  59.Lost Cities of Ancient Lemuria & the Pacific, David Hatcher Childress, 1988, AUP, Stelle, Illinois.

  60.The Chronicle of Akakor, Karl Brugger, 1977, Delacorte Press, NYC.

  61.Atlantis, The Lost Continent Revealed, Charles Berlitz, 1984, Macmillan,London.

  62.Timeless Earth, Peter Kolosimo, 1974, University Press Seacaucus, NJ.

  63.Extraterrestrial Intervention: The Evidence, Jacques Bergier, 1974, Henry Regnery, Chicago.

hur C. Clarke’s Mysterious World, Simon Welfare & John Fairley, 1980, Wm. Collins & Sons, London.

  65.Mysterious Britain, Janet & Colin Bord,1972, Granada Publishing, London.

  66.Riddles of Ancient History, A. Gorbovsky, 1966, Soviet Publishers, Moscow.

  67.Megaliths and Masterminds, Peter Lancaster Brown, 1979, Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York.

  68.The God-Kings & the Titans, James Bailey, 1973, St. Martin’s Press, NYC.

  69.The Bermuda Triangle, Charles Berlitz, 1974, Doubleday, NYC.

  70.Lost Worlds, Robert Charroux, 1973, Collins, Glasgow, Great Britain.

  71.Chariots of the Gods, Erich Von Daniken, 1969, Putnam, NYC.


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