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Dark and Light: A Kindred Tales DUET Novel. Contains: Saved by the Drake AND Captured by the Kru'ell One

Page 10

by Evangeline Anderson

“Do you think you can help me get this thing out?” she blurted. “It’s really uncomfortable!”

  “So it’s really stuck, hmm?” he asked, looking concerned but not angry or disgusted, thank goodness.

  “Yes.” Luci bit her lip. “I should have listened to you, Raze,” she said in a low voice. “I never would have tried this if—” She stopped abruptly but Raze frowned and made a “go on” gesture with one big hand.

  “Tell me, Lucia. I’ll do everything I can to help you out of this predicament, but I need to know why you got into it in the first place.”

  Luci bit her lip and looked down at her hands.

  “I guess that’s fair,” she said and sighed. “Okay. The other day after I got off of work, my ex—Tony—ambushed me on the way home.”

  “He what?” Raze’s eyes flashed and his voice became a growl. “Did he hurt you, Lucia?”

  “No, not physically anyway,” Luci said quickly. “But he saw you and me together back when we were, uh, together…” She could feel her cheeks getting warm. “Anyway, he threatened to take me to court and take my kids away—he said he was going to tell them I’m an unfit mom.”

  “What?” Raze’s voice was a muted roar now. “How fucking dare he?” he demanded. “You’re one of the best mothers I’ve ever seen, Lucia! You’re always careful and mindful of your children and they love you.”

  “I know that and you know that,” Luci said miserably. “And I pointed out to Tony that no judge would believe he was the better parent—especially since he never comes to see the kids and he doesn’t pay me a cent of child support.”

  “That makes sense.” Raze nodded.

  “But then he threatened to report my mother to ICE—people who come and take away undocumented immigrants,” she explained. “Technically my mom isn’t here in this country legally because she never went through the right channels to become a citizen. But she holds a job and she’s never hurt anyone and she’s been here for years. Plus, she’s an old lady! If they sent her away, she wouldn’t have anyplace to stay and she’d probably die.” Tears filled her eyes. “And Tony wants to do that to her, just to get back at me for daring to see someone else. He thinks he still owns me and he’s willing to rip my family apart to prove it.”

  “Oh, Lucia…” Raze reached for her and somehow she found she was in the big Kindred’s arms with her face pressed against his broad chest. “I’m so sorry,” he rumbled, rubbing his big hands up and down her trembling back soothingly. “I had no idea what a bastard this ex-mate of yours is! Why didn’t you come and ask me for help the minute he threatened you?”

  “That’s what I was on the Mother Ship to do,” she admitted, sniffing. “I was going to ask to borrow money to hire a lawyer to defend me. But then I ducked into that Scent Shop place to get away from all the curious single Kindred who were wanting to talk to me, and that salesman with two noses made it seem like this was such an easy way to earn money and now look at me!”

  She started to cry again and Raze held her closer.

  “It’s all right,” he rumbled. “All right now, sweetheart. “I’m going to help you. To start with, we’re going to get that scent collector out of you and once that’s done, I’m going to find this ex-mate of yours and have a very serious talk with him.”

  Lucia looked up at him with wet eyes.

  “Please don’t go after Tony—he can get crazy. I know you’re way bigger than him but—”

  “One problem at a time,” Raze told her. “The first thing is to get you taken care of. Did you bring everything you were given at the Scent Shop, like I asked you?”

  “Oh, yes—here.” Lucia had put everything into a plastic shopping bag which she’d hooked over one arm. Now she opened it and showed him the scent collecting wrapper, the half-empty packet of lube, and the round silver sphere.

  “All right.” Raze nodded. “Let’s move into the sleeping chamber so I can…” He cleared his throat. “So I can have a look at the problem.”

  Luci felt her cheeks getting hot, but she nodded.

  “Okay,” she whispered. “Let’s go.”


  It felt really strange to take off her panties and lie back in the middle of the big Kindred’s bed so he could examine her, but that was exactly what Luci had to do.

  Biting her lip, she tried to get comfortable on the pillows Raze had arranged behind her head as he knelt on the floor in front of the bed to look at her.

  “Hmm…” he murmured, tracing the base of the dildo with one fingertip. “Your little pussy seems to be somewhat red and swollen,” he remarked, looking up at her. “Do you think that could be why you can’t get it out?”

  “I don’t know,” Luci whispered. Dios, but this was embarrassing! “It could be, I guess. But I did everything the, uh, instruction sphere told me to do—to the letter! This shouldn’t be happening.”

  “The instruction sphere, hmm? Let me see it.”

  Luci reached in the bag and handed it to him. Raze took it and she saw his nostrils flare and his eyes went half-lidded.

  “This has your scent on it, Lucia,” he murmured, raising an eyebrow at her.

  Luci felt like her face was on fire. She’d forgotten that she had used the sphere as a vibrator and rubbed it all over her pussy.

  “I had to do what it told me,” she explained defiantly. “And that was part of the instructions.”

  “Was it?” He frowned. “I’d like to hear these instructions you’re talking about.”

  “They only played once and I don’t know if I can get them to play again,” Luci told him. “That thing doesn’t seem to have any buttons or knobs or anything you can use to make it work.”

  “Of course not, if it’s meant to be used as a pleasure device as well as an informational one,” Raze said reasonably. “Protruding buttons or knobs might harm the delicate flesh of the female using it.”

  “I guess so.” Luci frowned. “But then, how do you get it to work?” She had tried several times to get the damn thing to play again, thinking that maybe she had missed a step or some of the instructions but it had remained stubbornly mute, no matter how she fiddled with it.

  “Sphere—play instructions for scent receptor insertion,” Raze said to it clearly.

  At once the sensuous music began to play and the low male voice began to talk.

  “Hey!” Luci exclaimed. “How did you do that?”

  Raze shrugged.

  “You have to remember that a lot of Kindred technology is voice activated,” he said. “Let’s listen and see if you missed anything. Oh—you have a visual as well, I see,” he added as the image of the Beast Kindred and his mate began projecting from the cube.

  “Um…yeah.” Luci bit her lip in embarrassment as the holo-porno began to play out. She couldn’t help remembering how she had imagined Raze doing everything to her that the Beast Kindred was doing to his mate. When they got to the part about using the silver sphere as a vibrator, she wanted to sink through the bed because Raze knew that she’d done that too. What must he think of her now?

  But there was no condemnation in his eyes or his deep voice when he finally spoke, after watching the vid all the way through.

  “You said that you followed all the instructions to the letter,” he remarked. “But you didn’t, Lucia—you were missing one very crucial element.”

  “What?” she asked, bewildered. “I mean, I used the lube and the little silver ball and everything. What did I miss?”

  Raze looked at her directly.

  “A mate.”


  “A mate?” Luci frowned. “What are you talking about? Why would I need a mate?”

  “Because,” Raze said patiently. “The kind of scent book the proprietor of the Scent Shop talked you into making is a couple’s book—one usually made by a mated pair so that both their scents are mingled on its pages. It’s a very rare and expensive type of book because not many Kindred males are willing to share the scent of their mate with
strangers in that way.”

  “Oh!” Luci nodded in understanding. “Now I get why he didn’t offer it to me until you showed up and he thought we were married, er, mated.”

  “He must have thought he’d hit a gold mine,” Raze growled, frowning. “But in that, he’s fucking wrong. If you were my mate, I would never share your scent—any more than I’d want to let you dance naked in front of a bunch of strange males.”

  “Is that really what it’s like for Kindred when they use one of these, uh, scent books?” Luci asked. She thought she was beginning to understand why Raze had gotten so upset at her for agreeing to do the scent book in the first place. “I mean, is it like some kind of porn?”

  “Let me put it this way,” Raze told her. “For you to share your scent with strangers in the Kindred world is like you taking pictures of your naked body and letting anyone who wants to pay look at them.”

  “Oh!” Luci put a hand to her mouth. “I’m sorry, Raze—I guess I didn’t realize.”

  “It’s all right.” He shook his head. “Right now we just need to worry about getting that damn thing out of you.”

  “But how?” Luci asked, feeling her heart sink. “Since I guess I put it in the wrong way after all?”

  “Let’s see what the informational sphere says.” Raze took the little silver ball in his hand again and spoke to it. “Play detailed instructions for removal of the scent collection device,” he said.

  At once the voice said, “Playing instructions.”

  The Beast Kindred and his mate appeared again, this time with the woman laying on her back, much as Luci was, with her legs spread. She also had a dildo inside her and Luci saw it had turned all the way black.

  “In order to break the seal between the base of the scent receptor and your intimate flesh,” the deep voice informed her, “Your mate will need to lick around the area where the receptor’s base is in contact with your sex. It may be necessary for him to bring you to orgasm one or more times in order to finally release the receptor.”

  As they watched, the girl in the holo moaned and threw back her head while the Beast Kindred lapped hungrily between her legs. He seemed to be spending equal time running the tip of his tongue around the base of the dildo and sucking her swollen little clit. But at last, after she had moaned that she was coming, he was finally able to pull the long, thick dildo out of her pussy.

  “Pause,” Raze said in a thick voice and the holo froze in midair. He looked at Luci, who was blushing and biting her lip. “I think we know what I need to do to get that thing out of you, Lucia,” he said in a low voice. “The question is, are you willing to let me do it?”

  “Do you want to do it?” Luci countered. “I mean, I don’t want you to…to have to do something you don’t want to do, just to help me out.”

  She was thinking of Tony and the way he had been so repulsed by the idea of going down on a woman—any woman. “That part of you is for a dick, not a tongue,” he told her the first time they had sex. “So don’t ask me to go there, Luci—you know I won’t.”

  So Luci had never asked and now she felt shy about asking Raze if he minded doing such an intimate service for her—especially when they weren’t even technically together anymore.

  But as it turned out, she didn’t have to worry. One look at Raze and the expression of pure desire on his face answered her question before he even opened his mouth.

  “Lucia,” he murmured, running one big, warm hand over her bare thigh. “How can you even ask me that? Don’t you know that Kindred males love to taste their females? I’ve been wanting to taste you from the first time we met.”

  “You…you have?” Lucia asked breathlessly.

  Slowly, he nodded.

  “I’ve fantasized about it more times than I care to admit,” he growled softly. “Spreading your thighs and lapping your soft little pussy. Gods, it’s what I wish for most in the world—other than the ability to bond you to me, of course.”

  Luci didn’t want to revisit the bonding question right now. She just wanted to feel his hot mouth on her. Though she had been embarrassed earlier, watching the holo-porn with Raze and learning that he really, really wanted to do this—wanted to taste her—was making her feel all hot and bothered.

  “Okay,” she whispered. “Then I guess…guess you’d better get started, right?”

  Raze’s mismatched eyes were half-lidded with lust as he answered.

  “Spread for me, sweetheart. Let me open your soft little pussy with my tongue.”

  Luci’s thighs were already open but she parted them wider as he asked. She felt her outer pussy lips spreading with the motion, exposing the throbbing button of her clit. She stifled a little gasp as Raze leaned forward and placed a soft, lingering kiss on her inner folds.

  “So beautiful,” he murmured, looking up at her with reverent lust in his eyes. “So fucking beautiful, sweetheart.”

  Then he leaned down and began tracing the base of the scent receptor just as the Beast Kindred in the holo-porn had done.

  Luci moaned and shifted her hips as he ran the tip of his tongue around and around the place where the dildo was stuck to her pussy entrance. Her moan became a gasp as Raze licked higher, bathing her aching clit with his tongue until she tingled all over.

  “That’s right, sweetheart,” he murmured, looking up at her. “That’s right—just try to be open for me. Let me spread your sweet pussy with my tongue and help you come so you can be free of this damned scent collector.”

  “You…you want to make me come?” Luci’s voice came out in a squeak and she found that her heart was pounding.

  “Of course I do. But I don’t just want to—I need to—in order to help you release the collector,” he told her. “So just relax and let me lick you, sweetheart. Relax and let me make you come.”

  Luci tried to relax as he said, but she couldn’t help the way her stomach muscles tensed when he went back to bathing her swollen clit with his tongue over and over and over again. Dios, it felt good! Better than anything Tony had ever done to her, certainly! But Luci didn’t want to think about her ex right now—she just wanted to concentrate on the amazing sensations the big Kindred was giving her with his tongue.

  As he licked her, Raze looked up and locked gazes with her. His mismatched eyes seemed to hold a kind of challenge. It was like he was daring her to give in to the pleasure he was giving her—daring her to let go and reach the peak while he licked and sucked her pussy.

  It was a dare Luci was more than willing to take. Before she knew it, she could feel her pleasure building to the breaking point. It washed over her like a warm wave, turning everything to rainbows around her.

  “Raze, Dios!” she cried as she clamped her thighs around his head and bucked her hips up to get more of his mouth on her. “Yes, don’t stop—don’t stop!”

  The big Kindred gave a low growl of lust and lashed her sensitive little clit with his tongue, forcing her higher. At the same time, Luci felt him grasp the base of the scent collector and with one long, smooth movement, he pulled it out of her pussy.


  “Oh!” Luci gasped as the large dildo—which was now almost completely black—at last left her. She expected to have instant relief, but instead the removal caused an intense feeling of emptiness.

  Luci told herself she was imagining things. Her problems were solved—at least, one of them was. And Raze was still kneeling between her thighs, looking at her with desire in his mismatched eyes.

  “How do you feel, sweetheart?” he growled softly. “Better now?”

  “Much,” Luci lied. Because how could she tell him that taking the dildo out made her feel strangely worse than when it was in? “Thank you, Raze,” she said, smiling at him. “That was…amazing.”

  “It was amazing for me too,” he told her. Leaning down, he placed another tender, sucking kiss on her open pussy. “Gods, you taste so sweet! Love to taste you and lap your honey.” He frowned as he took a closer look. “Only, you d
on’t seem to be making much at the moment—I would have thought you would be, after coming so hard.”

  Luci felt herself blushing.

  “Actually, I feel kind of, uh, empty and…and dry inside,” she admitted, deciding she’d better confess after all. “Do you think it’s some kind of aftereffect from having the, uh, scent collector thing up inside me for so long?”

  “Let’s find out,” Raze said. He turned to the silver sphere, which lay forgotten on the side of the bed. The holo image of the Beast Kindred and his mate was still frozen. “Let’s watch the rest of the instructions for removal,” he said to Luci and then said, “Continue,” to the sphere.

  At once, the holo-couple took up where they had left off. The Beast Kindred carefully sealed the scent collector dildo in the wrapper that it had come with and turned back to his mate who was still moaning and writing on the bed.

  “Aftercare instructions,” the deep, male voice said. “Directly after removing the internal scent receptor from your mate’s sex, she will feel a sense of emptiness and her honey will be severely depleted. It is very important at this time that you replenish her fluids with your seed.”

  As he spoke, the Beast Kindred in the holo at last removed the long, black sleep trousers he had been wearing all this time. This move revealed his thick shaft, which looked every bit as big as the dildo that had just come out of his mate. But there was one way it wasn’t like the scent receptor thing.

  “Pause,” Luci said, stopping the holo. “What’s that?” she asked, pointing to the base of the Beast Kindred’s shaft. There was a kind of ridge which ran all the way around the base of it—almost a swelling.

  “His mating fist.” Raze’s voice was low and troubled. “All Beast Kindred have them. It’s impossible for them to bond a female to them unless they slide the mating fist inside her and allow it to swell until it fills her pussy completely and ties them both together.”

  “But how in the world can he do that?” Luci asked, frowning. “I mean, he’s already so big! And that thing—that, uh, mating fist—is twice as big in diameter as his regular equipment.”


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