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Dark and Light: A Kindred Tales DUET Novel. Contains: Saved by the Drake AND Captured by the Kru'ell One

Page 27

by Evangeline Anderson

  Maybe they’d do better if they didn’t have a leader who was so corrupt and evil, she thought. What’s that saying? The fish rots from the head down. If they could just get rid of that disgusting man living in the White House—or what used to be the White House—maybe they could end the corruption and the horrible practices going on right now.

  As she left the docking area and went back to her room, she had no idea that Kane was speaking to that “digusting man” right that minute…or what the consequences of their conversation would be.


  “Overlord,” Kane said, nodding his head stiffly when his leader’s face appeared on the viewscreen of the shuttle. “What can I do for you? Did I forget something back on Earth?”

  “You did indeed,” the Overlord growled. “You forgot to tell me that your fresh-mouthed concubine helped my new concubine escape.”

  Kane lifted an eyebrow.

  “That’s a serious accusation. Do you have proof?”

  “Do I need it? After the way you let her speak to me?” the other male snapped, his eyes glowing red. “But as it happens, I do. Your concubine and mine left together after the feast and only your concubine came back. She told the Matron’s helper that the Matron had taken my new concubine up to my rooms but the Matron knew nothing about it. By the time she and her helper were able to search my fortress, my new concubine was long gone. Now she’s nowhere to be found.”

  “That sounds more like negligence on the part of your staff than any fault of my concubine,” Kane said blandly. “But I can ask her if she saw which way your new concubine went, if you like.”

  “Gods damn it! You know fucking good and well that your concubine helped mine escape!” the Overlord roared, his eyes glowing blood-red. “And now you’re going to pay for it, Kane! If I can’t find my concubine within the next twenty-four hours, I’ll be coming for yours.” A slow, cruel smile spread across his thick lips. “In fact, I’ll be coming anyway. Your time with that little auburn-haired beauty is almost up and I want my turn with her next. I’m going to teach her a lesson about how to speak to her betters.”

  Kane felt his stomach knot into a fist.

  “You can’t do that,” he said coldly. “I told you, I made a vow to her to take her back to her home when my time with her was over.”

  “Well, I made no such vow,” the Overlord snapped. “I like the idea of having a concubine that’s had no Calm at all in her system—think how she’ll suffer! How she’ll scream.” He licked his lips in anticipation. “She’ll be mine when you’re done with her, Kane. You’d better get used to the idea.”

  And before Kane could say another word, the viewscreen went black.

  He sat there for a moment, fighting his rage at the Overlord and his fear for Allisandra. He couldn’t let her be taken and tortured by the sadistic bastard who led his people! But the Overlord did whatever he wanted and no one tried to stop him.

  Once there had been checks and balances in their system of laws but when the Overlord had taken power, he had systematically driven away any who would oppose him and put yes-men in their places. He had promoted males who had no business being in positions of power just because they agreed with him and fawned at his feet and he went into fits of temper if anyone even tried to question his corruption.

  Truly, their system of governance was broken, Kane mused. He himself had left Earth and elected to stay in his fortress high above the planet when the current Overlord had taken power. He had been hoping to ride out the male’s reign—hoping the Overlord wouldn’t do too much damage to the Earth and its inhabitants before someone came along to unseat him.

  Maybe it’s time to stop waiting for someone else to get rid of him, Kane thought. Maybe the time has come to do something about him myself.

  But first, he had to make certain Allisandra was safe. And there was only one way he knew how to do that.

  It will mean my death, he thought grimly. But he was probably going to die anyway.

  At least I will die with honor, he told himself. And I will die knowing the female I love is safe—even if she is safe in the arms of another.

  It was all he could do.


  Alli frowned as she leaned over to straighten up the covers on her bed. She had gotten ready in a hurry that morning and hadn’t had time to tidy up. Of course, she could have just used the speech to matter technology of Kane’s fortress to straighten up, but she preferred to do such mundane domestic chores herself. Living on a spaceship where she could instantly make almost anything she wanted appear just by asking for it felt surreal at times. Doing her own cleaning made her feel grounded.

  Not that I’ll be living here too much longer, she thought, feeling a sharp tug of pain at her heart. I’ll be going in just a few days. Should I make up with Kane before I go? Does he want to make up?

  He hadn’t Stung her that morning, as he usually did. But the cold silence they had been keeping between them had been broken by their trip to Earth. So it seemed like a reconciliation was possible. Alli wondered if she ought to bother—it wasn’t like the big Kru’ell One was going to change his mind about taking her back to Earth. Making up with him—making love with him—before she left would only make their parting more painful.

  Still despite the fact that he hadn’t Stung her, she found she craved his big body and warm scent. If she could just feel his hands on her one more time, she thought, as she leaned far over the bed to twitch the coverlet into place, maybe the memory of their time together would help her endure the rest of her life spent living with Douglas…


  Her thoughts were cut off suddenly when a pair of long, muscular arms encircled her from behind and two big, warm hands cupped her breasts.

  Alli was still wearing the sheer black dress with just a quarter cup demi-bra and crotchless panties beneath it, so it was easy to feel Kane rolling her sensitive nipples through the thin, silky fabric.

  “Kane!” she gasped, arching back against him, not quite sure if she wanted this or not. “What…what are you doing?”

  “Whatever I want to, baby,” he growled in her ear. “It occurred to me that I haven’t Stung you today yet.”

  “Oh, but I…I thought you didn’t want to,” Alli protested rather breathlessly. “Because we were fighting. And…and angry with each other.”

  “Doesn’t matter if I’m angry with you or not—I still fucking want you,” Kane growled. He began to pull up the skirt of the black dress, raising it high over her ass, baring her for him. “Spread your legs, Allisandra,” he commanded in that low, gravelly voice of his. “Spread your pussy for my Sting.”

  “I—” But before she could get out more than that, his hot mouth was between her thighs. Alli gasped as she felt him licking her, his tongue making long, rough, luscious strokes as he plundered her, lapping her outer pussy lips open to taste her inner folds.

  “Ahhh!” she gasped, arching her back and tilting her hips to open herself more for him.

  But even as her body obeyed, her mind wasn’t sure that this was right.

  “Kane!” she protested—or tried to protest. “I thought we said…said we weren’t going to do this again. Have you changed your mind about me leaving?”

  “No,” he growled. “You’re still going, baby. But I’m going to have you one last time before you do. Now spread your pussy open—I’m going to Sting you deep.”

  “But—” Alli began. Then she felt his tongue enter her—warm and soft at first and then needle-sharp. She gave a moan that was half pain/half pleasure as Kane injected his lust-honey not just into her clit or her inner walls but directly into the mouth of her womb.

  He’s never stung me exactly there before, she thought deliriously as the brief instant of pain turned into a warm wave of pleasure that threatened to drown her. What is he doing?

  For Kane was stinging her again and again—all in the same place. She knew how potent his lust-honey was, how it made her crave his shaft and his
seed inside her. What would it do to her to be stung so many times in such a sensitive area? What was the big Kru’ell One trying to achieve?

  She had her answer when Kane finished at last, withdrawing his tongue from her pussy channel. He gave her slippery inner folds a rough, luscious, sucking kiss before stinging her tingling clit several times, apparently for good measure.

  Alli cried out and arched her back again as his lust-honey caused her little button to swell with need and become even more sensitive. But despite all the Stinging, she still hadn’t come once.

  She assumed Kane wanted to hold her back for some reason—to build her need to a fever pitch before he finally let her orgasm. But she still couldn’t understand why he was doing this. Up until now their almost-love making had always been so gentle, so tender—long sessions of slow thrusting in the Breeding Chair. Why was Kane acting this way?

  “Because it’s the last time, baby,” he murmured as he placed a final, sucking kiss on her aching clit. “The last time but the first too, in a way. Because I’m going to take you tonight the way I need to.”

  “I don’t…don’t understand,” Alli gasped.

  Kane didn’t answer with words. Instead, he flipped her over so she was lying on her back on the mattress as he loomed over her.

  “Kane?” She looked up at him, panting with need but still uncertain. “What…what are you doing?”

  “What I’ve been wanting to do from the first minute I saw you, baby,” he growled, unfastening his trousers to let his long, thick shaft out. “I’m going to fuck you. Now spread your pussy for my cock or I’ll have to spread it for you.”

  “Oh!” Alli gasped as the broad, plum-shaped head breached her entrance. “But Kane—it’s cheating!” she gasped, though to be honest, Douglas was the last thing on her mind.

  “Don’t kid yourself, Allisandra—everything we’ve been doing has been cheating,” he told her. “You can dress it up however you want, but the fact is, you needed to be properly fucked and filled with seed and your sad little fiancé couldn’t do that for you. But I don’t want to talk about him anymore. Not now and not fucking ever again.”

  He pressed her down, the bulk of his muscular body covering hers, his big frame splitting her thighs wide. As he did, Alli felt the head of his cock nudge deeper into her, followed by the thick shaft stretching her inner walls.

  She moaned and threw back her head. God, she had never felt so helpless—so vulnerable and yet so hot as he pinned her to the bed and slowly drove himself inside her! There was nothing she could do to stop him—no way to get away from him. All she could do was spread her thighs and try to be open enough for him as he invaded her…owned her.

  “Are…are you bigger this time?” she gasped as he eased deeper into her pussy. “I swear I feel you stretching me, Kane!”

  “My shaft is growing larger than usual because this isn’t just another fuck,” he growled, thrusting deeper into her. “This is a breeding, Allisandra—a bonding. I’m going to tie you to me and make fucking sure you’re carrying my child. And to do that, your pussy has to be all the way open to take my seed.”

  “A bonding? But I thought…thought your kind of Kindred didn’t bond,” she protested.

  “We don’t,” Kane growled. “Now relax your inner walls and let me get all…the way… inside you.”

  “But—Ahhh!” Alli gasped, arching her back as he finally bottomed out inside her. The head of his cock gave the mouth of her womb a rough kiss and then held steady as Kane pressed into her, filling her as he had never filled her before.

  Something warm was flowing from him into her, she realized after a moment. Something almost hot which made her tightly-stretched pussy quiver all around him.

  “What…what is that?” she managed to gasp. “It feels…feels different.”

  “It’s my bonding precum,” Kane growled. “Soon it’s going to make the mouth of your womb open just enough to let the tip of my cock inside. At that moment, my seed will spill directly into your womb and at the same time, I’ll Sting you, stimulating your body to conceive. But first…the fucking.”

  Leaning over her, he entwined his fingers with hers. Pushing her hands above her head, he pinned them to the mattress and looked directly into her eyes. Then, holding her gaze with his, he pulled almost all the way out of her and thrust back in, the head of his massive shaft sliding deep to kiss bottom inside her channel once more.

  Then he did it again…and again and again.

  Alli gasped and tried to be open enough to take the hot, rough fucking.

  “Kane!” she moaned his name like a prayer as he thrust into her over and over, harder and harder. “Oh, God—yes! Yes, fuck me—breed me! Bond me!”

  The big Kru’ell One seemed spurred on by her words for Kane increased his speed. And all the time he was looking directly into her eyes, forcing her to meet his gaze as he took her—as he owned her.

  “You’re mine, baby,” he told her, his voice a low, possessive growl. “No matter what else happens, remember that. You’re mine.”

  “I’ll remember,” Alli promised breathlessly. “I’m yours. Oh, God, Kane—I’m yours.”

  At last she could stand it no longer. She was close—so close! She could feel herself teetering right on the edge of pleasure, could feel her orgasm hovering on the horizon like a summer rain cloud, set to break and pour all over her, sweeping her away.

  Kane seemed to feel it too—to know that the moment was near.

  “Turn your head for me, baby,” he commanded, still looking deep into her eyes. “Bare your neck for my Sting. Gonna fill your sweet little womb with my seed and bond you to me at the same time.”

  “Yes, Kane.” Feeling helpless to do anything else, Alli turned her head to one side, baring her throat. Kane had never stung her here before—and had never stung her at all while they were making love. She wondered what would happen when he did. Wondered—

  And then Kane thrust into her one last time, the head of his cock pressing hard against the mouth of her womb. Alli felt something give inside her. It was as though a second mouth had opened deep inside her pussy—a hungry mouth that wanted nothing more than to drink in whatever Kane was going to give her.

  His seed was hot this time—almost too hot, she thought, though her body didn’t seem to mind. Her back arched and her hips bucked up, as though trying to get even more of him inside her.

  And at the same time he was giving her his seed, Kane lowered his mouth to her throat and Stung the vulnerable side of her neck.

  Alli gasped as she felt the needle-like appendage pierce directly through to the blood vessel pumping beneath her skin. As his lust-honey entered her system at the same time his seed was pumping into her womb, she gave a low cry and finally, finally began to come.

  Oh God, too much, too good… she thought desperately as the intense orgasm rocked her body, wringing spasm after spasm from her inner pussy as her womb drank his seed in thirstily and begged for more.

  Kane gave her more—gave her as much as she could handle, Alli thought deliriously. Their bodies seemed locked together, frozen in this moment as they strained eagerly against each other and came and came and came.

  Then the big Kru’ell One pulled back and looked into her eyes.

  He’s staring into my soul, Alli thought. Seeing all my deepest desires and making them reality…

  All her desires but one—that they could stay together.

  “I told you, baby—that can never be,” Kane’s deep voice murmured in her head. “All I can give you is a piece of me to take home with you—a son to show you how Gods damned much I love you.”

  “I love you too!” Alli sent desperately through their newly forged link. “Why, Kane? Why can’t we be together?”

  His mirrored eyes closed briefly and when he opened them again, Alli didn’t see her own reflection in his gaze. Instead, she saw Kane’s soul staring back into hers. He was filled with loss and grief, she saw—a sorrow so deep it burned.

sp; “We just can’t,” he said aloud, hoarsely. “Gods, I wish we could but we can’t, baby.”

  And then he released her hands and wrapped his arms around her, bringing her closer, holding her tight as though he never, ever wanted to let her go.

  They stayed in each others’ arms that night and Kane Stung her and made love to her over and over again. It was as though he was making up for lost time—or trying to burn the memory of their love into both her mind and his. Alli gave herself freely, drowning in the intense sensation and the new feeling of his soul touching hers as he took her.

  It wasn’t until the early hours before dawn when the big Kru’ell One finally withdrew from her. He didn’t let her up, however. Instead he kissed his way down her body until he came to her pussy, which was just beginning to leak the copious amounts of cream he had filled her with.

  As Alli moaned, he pressed his mouth to her inner folds once more and pressed his tongue deeply into her channel. She felt one last Sting to the mouth of her womb and then something inside her seemed to tighten.

  “Wh-what did you do?” she sent through their link.

  “Closed you up, baby,” Kane sent back. He withdrew his tongue, which became soft and hot again and lapped gently at her throbbing clit. “Closed you up so that all my seed will stay inside you.” And he kissed her tenderly.

  “Come up here.” Alli said aloud, holding out her arms for him. “Come cuddle me.”

  “With pleasure,” Kane growled softly. And then he climbed back into bed beside her and wrapped her in his arms.

  Never, Alli thought as she drifted off to sleep cuddled close to his broad chest—she would never forget this—never forget Kane. She would love him forever and maybe someday he would change his mind about them being together. After all, they were bonded now and she was surely carrying his child. Might he not come back when she held the baby in her arms, might he not return to her to see his son?

  She got no answers from Kane but she still had hope as she finally closed her eyes and let a dreamless sleep take her.


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