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Page 4

by Anya Richards

  She smiled, amused that he couldn’t even say the words, relief swarming through her blood. “Don’t be silly. It won’t change anything, unless we let it.”

  “How can you be so sure?” He shook his head. “You’re surrounded by people, by friends. You can’t understand what our relationship means to me, how bad I would feel to lose it.”

  Giving in to impulse, she cupped his ass with one hand, her fingers finding the hollow at the side, splaying out to cover as much of his flesh as she could. A glance in the mirror told her he was hard again—wanted her as much as she wanted him.

  “You won’t lose my friendship, Vidar.” She spoke slowly, raised her other hand to caress up the front of his thigh until the tips of her fingers touched the springy thatch of hair at his groin. “Let me prove it to you.”

  The shudder that went through him was violent, exciting, but she stayed where she was, giving him the chance to step away or voice any other objections he could come up with. His face had tightened, grown almost ferocious, and his breath grated in and out of his throat.

  “Let me prove it.” She whispered it, tremors starting in her belly and rippling out into every inch of her body. Putting pressure into her touch, she urged him around to face her. After the briefest of hesitations, he gave in and she almost gave a shout of triumph.

  Jasmina licked suddenly dry lips as she surveyed his massive cock. It truly was the most amazing she’d ever seen. The skin was like satin, stretched tight over the hard, vein-defined core. It was capped with a perfectly shaped head, darker in color, that only served to emphasize his arousal.

  With a little moan of pleasure, Jasmina licked from base to tip, holding tight to his ass just in case Vidar changed his mind.

  You’re not getting away from me now!

  Chapter Four



  The most intense ecstasy of his life.

  His brain couldn’t figure out which sensation to focus on, and that dilemma kept Vidar stuck in place, looking down at Jasmina licking his cock like a lollipop. It was so surreal that when she curled her tongue around the head he thought he felt the wet heat of it everywhere, all over his body at once.

  Her eyes were half closed, so all he could see were her lashes fanning dark and thick against her cheeks. Breathy little sounds—moans and hums—came from her throat, each one taking his arousal impossibly higher. Closing her lips around the underside, near his balls, she ran them all the way up to just under the head, keeping a little suctioning pressure with her mouth the entire way.

  The shudders raking his system made his legs weak. Reaching back, he gripped the edge of the table so as to hold himself up and not sink to his knees, locking his elbows to force his trembling arms to work properly.

  Jasmina was clutching his ass, fingers gripping and squeezing the muscles, pressing up so the skin behind his balls pulled taut, adding another glorious sensation to the blowjob. She rubbed her cheek against his erection, her face cool and smooth as it glided over his hot and oversensitive flesh.

  “Damn, Vidar.” Her hands slid around to grip his penis, the sudden pressure of her fingers surrounding him making his hips jerk toward her. “You’re so big. I don’t think I can get much of you into my mouth.”

  He wanted to tell her she didn’t have to take any of him into her mouth. If she just kept twisting her hands around the way she was, he’d climax in no time. But he couldn’t seem to get his larynx to work except to produce a harsh, pained sound with each exhale.

  Suddenly she looked up, and he saw the intense pleasure on her face, the glazed desire in her eyes. Her lips were already puffy, her cheeks bright pink. She’d never looked more beautiful to him and Vidar’s heart clenched, his lungs seizing for one long moment. He couldn’t look away, wanted to capture the memory forever in his mind.

  She smiled with a slow, sultry lift of her lips, and the tip of her tongue traced over her bottom lip. “You’re also delicious.”

  Then her mouth engulfed the head of his cock, moved down in tandem with her hands. Her tongue swiped at the underside and Vidar closed his eyes, knowing if he didn’t look away, he’d erupt immediately.

  Freyja, give me strength.

  Raising his face toward the ceiling, Vidar let the waves of sensation batter him. The sounds Jasmina was making increased in tempo, and not only could he hear them but feel them too, vibrating into his flesh, making him crazy with lust.

  “Jazz, Jazz, Jazz…”

  He had no control over his body, his brain. His hips were jerking to push his cock deeper into the mind-blowing heat of her mouth, his lips chanted her name like a prayer.

  She pulled back until her lips rested just against the tip, her fingers remaining clenched around him.

  “Oh, Vidar,” she whispered. “Open your eyes. Look into the mirror.”

  His head felt too heavy to move, his eyelids weighed down with bliss, but somehow he made himself move, looking down at her instead.

  “Look at our reflection, Vidar.” Her voice was low, husky, the most sexy thing he’d ever heard in his life. Still holding his gaze, she gestured with her chin toward the back of the room. “Have you ever seen anything more divine?”

  Like an automaton, he followed her direction, found himself staring at a tableau so intensely erotic he at first couldn’t believe his eyes.

  Was that really his body, bowed and stiff, every muscle standing out with tension? Could that really be Jasmina leaning into him, holding his cock as though never to let it go, her face flushed and damp as she looked into the mirror too?

  Sensation fired in his belly, seemed to reach down and draw his balls up and up until they ached and throbbed, sending pulses to the base of his cock.

  “Oh yes, baby.” While he watched, Jasmina touched the tip of her tongue to the head of his penis in a tender salute. “Come for me.”

  She took him in again, mouth and throat, fingers and tongue working together. The sight of his cock disappearing between her sweet, pink lips held him immobilized in lust-driven shock for the longest few seconds of his life. It was like watching a stranger have the experience he had long craved, the actual sensation pushed into abeyance by the image.

  But his body couldn’t take the combined stimulation for long without moving. Eyes wide, Vidar saw the stranger in the mirror twine the fingers of one hand into Jasmina’s hair and start pumping his hips. It looked as though it was too hard, too rough, and he tried to pull back, slow the tempo, but couldn’t. That other troll, the one he was looking at reflected in the glass, had taken over, was driving him toward orgasm with each powerful thrust.

  Jasmina moaned, long and low, her fingers squeezing and twisting around the base of his cock, her mouth following each movement, taking him deep, deeper. Suddenly one of her hands slipped lower, cupped his balls. Vidar arched, growled as the come boiled for a dizzying moment in his testicles and then spurt in long, devastating pulses into her mouth. His lips opened, the words of love he’d carried in his heart for the past eighteen months fighting for release, having to be bitten back.

  Weak, muscles trembling, he slowly collapsed back against the table, but Jasmina didn’t let him go. Instead she wheeled her chair forward, keeping him securely in her mouth, her tongue lazily swirling around the head. Each swipe around the sensitive tissue caused another shudder to fire through him, and he couldn’t stop the moans rising in his chest. Her attention was becoming almost painful and he tightened his grip on her hair, tried to gently ease her away.

  With a final hard suck and a squeeze of her fingers, she let his cock pop from between her lips and sat back. Tipping her head to look up at him, she smiled, her eyes just gleaming slits beneath heavy lids.

  “I hope that was as good for you as it was for me.” She swung the stool from side to side in a nonchalant motion, but her fingers were clenched around the edge of the seat. “And I hope you realize now that I meant what I said. This won’t make any difference to our friendship.”

  He wished he could agree. Already he was battling the urge to pick her up, hold her, confess his bone-deep conviction that she was the only woman for him. It had been hard enough to hide his feelings when things were on a casual level. How could he manage not to reveal his love if she insisted on being intimate with him like this?

  Her smile widened, but something about the set of her face looked anything but happy. With a fluid motion she got to her feet, leaned in to kiss him on the cheek. “Come back tomorrow and I’ll go on with the work. I got a little distracted.”

  “I can’t tomorrow.” He was shocked his voice even worked, much less sounded reasonably normal. “I think the ewes are about to start lambing. I like to be around when they do.”

  She shrugged, turned away to start dismantling her machine. “I’m used to you coming and going when you can. Just let Ula know when you want an appointment, to make sure I’m free.”

  “Okay.” He watched her for a couple of seconds, saw her fingers tremble slightly as she took the tattoo machine apart. “I’ll do that.”

  His legs were still wobbling, but he made it around the table to his clothing. He was watching her as he started putting on his pants, disbelief at what had just happened swirling in his head. But his cock believed it, started stirring anew as he let his gaze follow the sweet, sleek contours of Jasmina’s back and ass, the long, shapely legs encased in black leather.

  Suddenly, she tossed the piece of equipment in her hand down onto the table and turned to face him. Thankfully, he’d just got his pants up, could zip them before she realized he was lusting after her again.

  “Listen, I’m going to get out of here. I’ll see you next time, okay?”

  “Sure.” He kept his voice level, but his heart sank. What was her hurry? “See you.”

  With a little wave, she disappeared in a swirl of gold-and-green lights, making him curse with surprise. He really hated that translocation shit.

  After getting dressed, he made his way downstairs. After waving goodbye to Ula, he crossed the Café and went out into the crisp early-spring night. His head was still messed up, and he walked in the general direction of the portal, shuffling his boots through the snow, hardly aware of where he was, or was going.

  It was still almost impossible to compute. Jasmina attracted to him, giving him his first ever blowjob? He shook his head and scratched at his whiskers. Saying he had a great body, a handsome face beneath the hair?


  But there was a part of him whispering that perhaps this was the opportunity he’d been praying to Freyja for all these months. That maybe his love for Jasmina wasn’t as impossible as he’d thought. If he really tried, gave it everything he had, it just might work.

  They were more alike than he had ever imagined. He had no family, she was cut off from hers. Perhaps together they could find—create—something special.

  A sign across the road caught his attention and he paused, raised his hand to rake his fingers through his hair. He had nothing to lose, he told himself, and a haircut and shave was as good a place to start as any. If she wanted him clean-shaven, he’d do it.

  For a moment he thought he heard laughter on the wind, as though his goddess encouraged him with her joy.

  Or mocked him for his arrogance.

  Stomach twisting with nerves, Vidar went across the street and, for the first time ever, into a barber shop.

  * * * * *

  Jasmina translocated straight home without even stopping to let Ula or Hervé know she was leaving. Giving Vidar the blowjob had left her shaking with lust, frantic with desire. But his lack of response afterward made her unsure, wondering whether she was the only one who wanted a proper roll between the sheets.

  “Fuck that stone-faced troll.” She snarled it, popping the snaps on her vest open with one vicious tug. “I hope he freezes his butt off on the way home.”

  Beyond the windows of her high-rise apartment snow drifted down, lazy white puffs against the black sky. Inside the bright colors and myriad plants usually cheered her up no matter how disheartened or annoyed she was when she got home. Tonight they did nothing to improve her mood.

  Yanking down the zipper on her pants, she shimmied out of the clingy material and kicked them across the room.

  She couldn’t decide whether to let anger or arousal take over. Right now it was a simmering combination, making her prowl across the living room, turn back before even getting fully into the kitchen. Throwing herself down onto a low couch, she curled into a ball, pressed her fists into her eye sockets, trying to ignore the need making her breasts tight, her pussy throb.

  Had she completely fucked everything up between them? She refused to believe that, not with the image of Vidar, body bowed with ecstasy, seared into her memory. Not with the remembered sensation of that delicious cock firing come down her throat, the sound of him chanting her name ringing in her ears.

  “Oh shit.”

  She was still so wound up, so needy, she could hardly stand it. She wanted his mouth on her breasts, between her thighs. Wanted that huge, hard cock in her pussy. A moan gathered in her chest, broke free as she imagined what it would be like to have him driving into her, stretching and pounding. She wanted to ride him, see him supine beneath her, helpless with need. Or be under him, under his control, helpless in return.

  That thought made her shudder. She’d never been one to cede to a man—never found the thought remotely appealing—but something about Vidar made her long to be completely his, however he demanded.

  I’m losing my mind over a troll? Get a grip, Jasmina.

  It would be impossible to rest unless she took care of business, but the thought of bringing herself off didn’t fill her with enthusiasm. On a night like this she needed more.

  Suddenly she thought of the special project she’d been working on.

  Jasmina sat up with a little laugh. Screw the troll. She could do without him.

  Striding into her bedroom, she knelt down beside the trunk at the foot of her bed and disenchanted the lock so as to get it open. Rummaging through, she found what she was looking for and pulled it out. The rosy glass dildo caught the light, looked almost realistic as the rays emphasized the bulbous head and ropy veins. It really was a thing of beauty, and she was glad she’d purchased it on a whim at the last sex toy party Cassie and she had gone to. And now was the optimum time to test out the enchantment she’d impulsively put on it.

  It’s not as big, or as beautiful, as Vidar’s cock.

  Dammit, she wasn’t going to allow herself to think about him now. The dildo was enchanted to take any form she desired. There were lots of other men she could pretend to have in her bed tonight. It didn’t have to be him.

  She lay down without bothering to turn down the silk duvet, squirming slightly at the sensation of the cool fabric against her heated flesh. When last had she been this horny? Too long to remember. But, she reminded herself, it had been a while since the last time she had sex. No wonder she was so stirred up by giving a little head.

  Cradling the dildo against her breasts, she warmed it, and let arousal rise even stronger in her blood. Closing her eyes, she brought the tip of the glass phallus to her mouth, gave it a soft kiss. Her lips still felt tender, swollen from her encounter with Vidar. He’d tasted so good, that fresh, foresty scent she associated with him extending to the flavor of his skin. And that skin was as smooth as the glass now pressed to her cheek, only hotter, pulsing with life, swelling in her hand, telling of his need even when he wouldn’t admit it.

  Trailing the dildo down her body, she circled each aching nipple, trembling at the smooth touch. What she really wanted were strong, work-roughened hands there, the rasp of his skin instead of this slick caress.

  Lower now, until the dildo finally rested against her pussy and she could murmur the spell to bring it to life. When she opened her eyes, an image of Vidar knelt on the bed between her spread thighs, his cock perfectly positioned for his first thrust.

  “Yes.” J
asmina lifted her hips, inviting him in. “Yes.”

  His hips flexed, the warm tip parting the labia, sliding into her, until she had taken it all. With a rock of her pelvis, Jasmina rubbed her clit against him, gasping as sensation ricocheted out and into the rest of her body.

  “Touch my breasts.”

  His huge hands practically covered her torso, the thick fingers tweaking her nipples to even tighter points. And she was still rocking, letting the lust build, trying to be carried away by it.

  Closing her eyes, she concentrated on the physical stimuli, attempted to clear her mind of everything else. It felt good—the tugs on her nipples, the slide of her clit against the hardness. Being penetrated, knowing as soon as she was ready she’d be properly fucked.

  But there was no sound except her own shallow inhalations, and if she opened her eyes, there would be no expression on his face. Not like when she’d heard the wild rasp of Vidar’s breath as she’d sucked him, or looked up to see him practically growling with pleasure.

  A shudder went through her, and Jasmina gave in to the memories, wove them into her fantasy.

  That’s what he’d look like above her as they fucked—his face contorted with bliss, his body shuddering as he drove into her. He’d bite her neck, groan her name over and over, tell her he adored her, loved the way it felt to be inside her. Vidar wouldn’t be gentle, not this time. Their need was too urgent, too raw. She imagined his voice, harsh in her ear.

  Next time. Next time I’ll go slow, make love to you. Right now, I need to fuck you, hard and wild.

  “Yes. Yes. Fuck me, Vidar.”

  The first withdrawal and thrusting return made her cry out.

  “Harder. Faster.”

  He was slamming into her and she opened her eyes, looked down along her body so as to watch his cock disappear into her pussy. She’d tell him to look too, see that expression of wonder on his face when he did. He’d groan, that deep, delicious sound that just made her even crazier with desire. They would be perfect together, she knew, their bodies meshing with rare synchronicity, turning the hardest fuck into the sweetest pleasure.


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