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Taste Test: A Hotwife Fantasy

Page 7

by Lexi Archer

  “You know he is,” I said. Again, it wasn’t like the idea of actually fucking the guy was a turn on. He was more attractive than the other truckers but that wasn’t saying something considering the scale we were using. It was more the idea that another guy would be feeling that sort of lust, that sort of strong emotion, when he looked at me.

  Yeah, that more than anything else was what was getting me. What was really getting me. I was feeling a tingle running up and down my body. I felt a pulsing between my legs. Not as powerful as what I felt when I was having some fun with Kyle, but it was still pretty damn intense.

  “God baby, I think I’m coming,” I gasped.

  “Really? Holy shit!”

  I looked up once more. The guy was looking at the road. Damn it. I needed him looking down here at me and not paying attention to the road like some sort of responsible driver or something! It was mid afternoon on a weekday and there was nobody on the road anyways! Then he looked back down at me and was staring at my chest and holy shit there it was. There was what I needed.

  My legs clenched as though I had a vibrator down there on my pussy only of course there was nothing of the sort. That did give me an idea for something to do the next time I tried out this exhibitionist streak, but for the moment all I could think about was the fire ripping through my body. The explosions starting at my pussy and radiating out across my nerve endings at the speed of light.

  I squeezed my eyes shut and my mouth opened and I was gasping as I reached up to feel my tits with one hand and reached down to give myself some sort of stimulation between my legs, though the stimulation wasn’t really necessary. No, all I needed was the thought of that guy staring down at me with pure lust in his heart. All I needed was the thought of him watching me while I was coming thinking about that. All I needed was the thought of Kyle sitting next to me staring with wide eyes as his wife came from nothing more than being watched.


  It was a quickie. I suppose even the force of that fantasy wasn’t going to be enough to get me through a real mind blowing orgasm. Still, that was one more orgasm than I was expecting when I started this little teasing game.

  I looked up at the trucker one last time and blew him a kiss. He let off a couple of honks from his horn in appreciation and I grinned. He probably usually did that for families in minivans doing that old elbow motion to get him to honk the horn, but he probably appreciated my method a hell of a lot more!

  Then Kyle accelerated and we were leaving the driver behind. I put myself back in order and glanced over to Kyle who was staring at me in disbelief.

  “Did you like the show? Because I think our driver buddy sure did!”

  “Holy shit Leslie!” he gasped. “I can’t fucking wait for us to get back to the hotel!”

  3: Overbooked

  I was in a state by the time we pulled into the hotel. Talk about one hell of a distracting ride! Leslie probably flashed about ten truckers by the time we were done with the three hour trip, and it was so fucking hot knowing she was sitting right next to me in the car showing off her treasures to the world!

  Then there was the stretch where she pulled her top down and just stayed like that while we were driving along the road. It was hard to keep my attention on the road when I knew she was right beside me completely topless and anyone we passed could look over and see her at any moment!

  One particularly delicious moment came when we passed a minivan and a dad type looked over and went wide-eyed. Then the guy’s wife realized what was happening and started smacking him while giving us the finger as I accelerated and we laughed going past them.

  Talk about one hell of an experience! It really got the blood pumping down to a particular piece of my anatomy, if you catch my drift!

  Hell, her showing off like that was even more intense than the time she decided it would be fun to fish my cock out and play with it, meanwhile the entire time she was doing that I was wondering who the hell this was and what she’d done with my wife because she usually never got hot and bothered like this. Not that I was going to question it all that much. No, I wasn’t going to look that gift horse in the mouth!

  I was almost disappointed when we got to the hotel. It meant there would be no more of our fun on the open road. It meant that we were back to a simple weekend away, and it was a testament to how naughty she was being that the idea of having a weekend away from everything suddenly seemed like less fun than the actual weekend!

  “So what did you think of the drive out here hon?” she asked.

  I looked over at her once I’d pulled the car into its parking space. I glanced around the parking lot to see if there was anyone else around, but it seemed deserted for the moment. We were getting here early enough that most people were probably still out at work or whatever it was people staying at hotels during a weekday did.

  I didn’t answer her. At least not with words. No, I launched myself at her and she let out a delighted squeal as my hands were all over her. As I explored her body in a way that had been denied to me for the past three hours which had sent me into a sexual frenzy. Which made me need her more now than I ever had before save for maybe our wedding night when she decided it would be fun if we didn’t have sex for a month leading up to that night just so it would seem more special.

  Yeah, I was even more turned on than that night, and that was saying something!

  My lips descended on hers and then we were making out even though it wasn’t exactly convenient considering the center console was in between us. I didn’t care. I’d take a little bit of discomfort if that meant getting to feel her against me. Getting to taste her. I wasn’t going to let a little thing like some discomfort get in the way of all the fun that I desperately needed to have with my wife.

  If I could have I would’ve fucked her right there in the parking lot, but that wasn’t too terribly practical. For one it was still the middle of the day and I was sure people would be walking around even if they weren’t around at the moment. For another there just wasn’t a convenient way to get it on in my subcompact car. Bench seats this thing did not have.

  When I pulled away from her it was more because I needed to get her into our hotel room as soon as possible than because of any desire to put a hold on what we were up to. No, I needed to get her someplace where I could fuck her and I needed to do it now!

  “Oh my. I think somebody was turned on by my little highway display,” she said with a smile.

  “You have no fucking idea baby,” I replied.

  “So are you ready to continue some of the fun? Because I know I am!”

  My cock lurched at her words. Ready to continue the fun? You bet your ass I was ready to continue the fun! I was ready to throw her down on our hotel bed and have my way with her repeatedly. After the performance she just gave out there on the open road I was ready to retire to our hotel room and spend the rest of our three day weekend doing nothing but talking and fantasizing about all the naughty things she’d just done while I fucked her brains out!

  “Yeah, I think I could go for some more fun,” I said.

  I could go for a hell of a lot more fun. The only problem was when we got to the front desk there were two guys who looked like they were either in college or very recently graduated hunched over a computer screen and barely paying attention to us.

  “So what are we going to do?” the first one, the younger looking of the two in a hotel polo, was asking the second one who looked a little older and was in a suit and tie instead. It was easy to pick out who was the manager and who was the minion in this situation.

  “I don’t know, it’s that stupid online system that caused it,” the tie said. He didn’t look much older. He still had what I liked to think of as his “college body” on him. A guy who still exercised or was coasting on all the exercising he did in school and hadn’t yet developed the gut that usually came with a few years out in the workforce.

  “Well if we don’t have enough rooms…”

  Their co
nversation lowered at that point but that didn’t bode well for us. I turned to Leslie. “Did you hear that? I ordered our room online. Hope that doesn’t affect us.”

  “It’s going to be hard to find out if we can’t even get their attention,” Leslie said. Then a smile split her face. “Though I can think of one way to maybe get them over here.”

  And before I could say anything she was moving up to the desk which was conveniently at waist level and leaning over the thing. She was smiling, but more importantly leaning over like that caused her halter top to fall forward revealing a generous expanse of her cleavage while at the same time she thrust her ass up in the air in a very nice way that showed off the curves quite nicely thank you very much.

  It seemed to work, too. Both guys seemed to have that sixth sense that all guys have when there is a hot girl in the vicinity showing off what the good Lord gave her, and both of them glanced over to the desk and their eyes went wide when they saw what was waiting for them.

  Meanwhile my cock was throbbing both because of the view I was privy to and because it was so fucking hot watching them staring at my wife like that. Watching their eyes running over her body. When we were in the car I could only imagine what those truckers looked like when they glanced over and saw a beautiful woman flashing her goods to them, although I guess I did get to see how the guy in the minivan and his wife reacted, but now I was being treated to a front row seat as Leslie put on a show.

  In an instant they were falling all over one another to see who could get over to the computer set into the desk fast enough. I would have laughed at the situation if it wasn’t such an electric moment. If it wasn’t such an erotically charged moment for me. Leslie hardly ever acted like this even though she was a huge fan of the dirty talk, and if this was the only weekend that she ever acted like a free spirit like this then I wanted to enjoy every damn minute of it!

  Of course I also desperately hoped it wasn’t the last time something like this happened. No, if planning a three day weekend was all it took to get her to act like this then I was definitely going to be planning more vacations in the near future!

  “Hi! I’m Chris. Can I help you?” the first guy, the younger college looking one in the polo shirt asked.

  Only he didn’t get a chance to help. No, the manager showed up and brushed the younger guy aside. I suppose rank hath its privilege and all that good stuff. The younger guy in the polo looked disappointed for the space of a breath, but he was more than happy to move back a bit from his manager and continue enjoying the view while manager dude had to at least look at the monitor some of the time while he was helping us and checking out my woman.

  “I think you can,” Leslie said flashing him her most winning smile. I also noticed that she shifted ever so slightly which repositioned her top so that the guy was getting one hell of a view straight down. I leaned back against the desk and just enjoyed the show wondering if he could see clear to her nipples. I knew it was possible with that kind of shirt, but not knowing whether or not he was seeing everything on my wife in the moment was driving me crazy.

  “Do you have a reservation?” the guy asked.

  “We do,” she said. “My husband registered it online. It’s under last name Thomas?”

  The guy hit his keyboard and continued glancing between the screen and my wife. I also noted how he occasionally spared a glance for me, no doubt wondering if I was seeing him seeing all the way to China on my wife’s chest. Well I was, but I stood there and played oblivious wondering what this guy would think if he knew that watching him watching my wife putting her tits on display like that was giving me one hell of a hard on rather than pissing me off!

  “I see,” the guy muttered to himself as he hit a couple more keys. “The problem is we sort of got overbooked for the weekend through the online service you used and I’m afraid we don’t have enough rooms…”

  “Oh dear Chris!” Leslie said. She was really laying it on thick now. I glanced at the other guy standing behind Chris the manager and sure enough the dude’s eyes were glued to that spot where my wife’s shirt had fallen open. I glanced down and chuckled when I realized that not only were his eyes glued to that spot but he was also sporting a massive hard on staring at her tits.

  It was nice to know she could draw the attention of a college guy who presumably had younger hotties he could look at all day long!

  My wife leaned forward again, if she did that much more then she was going to be laying on the desk rather than standing on the ground, and her hand shot out and came to rest on Chris the manager’s hand. He cleared his throat and glanced at me, but from the subtle smile that played across his face he didn’t mind her touching his hand. No, he didn’t seem to mind one little bit.

  I could only imagine the thoughts running through his head. He was probably thinking about how much he’d like my wife to be doing a hell of a lot more than just touching his hand. Hell, as I was watching this interplay between the two of them I found myself thinking just how much fun that would be to watch her touching a hell of a lot more than his hands even while at the same time knowing there wasn’t a chance in hell that anything like that was going to happen.

  “Isn’t there anything you could do about that Chris? For me?”

  He cleared his throat again and for a wonder his eyes were rooted to the spot where her hand was touching his rather than to the spot where her halter top was spilling open giving both of these guys an unrestricted look at her chest which was heaving now as she really played it up. Meanwhile my cock was throbbing in time with her breathing and I felt like I was going to pass out from blood loss. My cock had been throbbing like this for quite some time, after all, and it was getting more and more difficult to maintain control with each passing moment.

  “Let me see if there’s something I can do,” he said. “Wouldn’t want the two of you to have to go to our sister hotel on the other side of town, after all!”

  “Oh no, I wouldn’t want that. I’d love to stay here where you have nice helpful people like you Chris,” Leslie said. She never took her hand off of his. His breathing seemed to be picking up as well, though I couldn’t see down between his legs to see his arousal situation because he was blocked by the desk.

  I had a feeling his cock was probably just as hard as his coworkers though. Just as hard as mine!

  “Well we really don’t have any regular rooms we can give away,” Chris said. “But I could go ahead and upgrade both of you to one of our suites at no extra charge. What would you think of that?”

  He looked up at both of us with a triumphant smile, though his look to me only lasted a moment. Apparently my oblivious husband act was working because he seemed to think he could look at my wife all he wanted and I wasn’t going to see a thing.

  I sure as hell wasn’t going to say a thing to stop him!

  “That sounds wonderful Chris! You’re so nice to do that for us!”

  Leslie’s voice sounded breathy. It sounded almost on the edge of that orgasm she’d had earlier in the car when she first started showing off for some of the truckers. In short, her voice was pure sex and it seemed to be having an effect on this guy as he cleared his throat again and then tried to adjust his tie with one hand.

  In fact he seemed to be doing everything with one hand since he didn’t seem in any hurry to move the hand Leslie had resting on his.

  I had a feeling that wasn’t the only one-handed thing he was going to be doing tonight while he thought about my wife.

  Leslie turned to me and for once I got a view of what these other guys were seeing, and damn was that one hell of a view!

  “Isn’t that nice of Chris here to upgrade us like that?” she asked.

  “Very nice honey,” I said, though it came out as more of a croak than actual words. I was having trouble using my words considering the sight that was greeting me. It definitely answered the question of whether or not they could see her nipples when she was leaning over the desk, because I could see everything. I
could see it all.


  We got our keys and headed up to the suite and it wasn’t a moment too soon. My cock was throbbing all the way up and it was all I could do to keep it under control. It was all I could do to keep from jumping my wife and taking her right there in the elevator, though realistically it was more the security camera that kept me from making a move than anything else.

  I thought we couldn’t top what happened in the car on the drive over here, but Leslie had surprised me once more. I couldn’t think of a way she could possibly top what she’d just done, but she was about to prove that was very possible.

  4: Wanna Do it?

  As soon as we were through the door to the suite, a very impressive looking room thank you very much, Kyle was all over me. He tossed the bags to the ground and then he was pressing me up against the door. His hard cock was pressing against my pussy and I moaned as his mouth descended on mine and he picked up right where he’d left off in the car.

  Fuck were his kisses incredible. Almost as incredible as the feel of his cock grinding up against my pussy! Damn that was something that I’d needed all day! It was so much better than feeling my hand down there between my legs which I’d done a couple of times as I kept myself on the edge the entire car ride over here without ever quite going over again like I had that first time I showed off for some random trucker.

  Kyle’s hands were all over me and fuck it was so hot.

  Of course it helped that I was already so hot. I was already so ready to go. I needed to feel a man inside me after that display I’d put on down at the front desk. It was amazing how those guys went from being off in their own little world to falling all over themselves to help me out and all it took was showing a little bit of flesh. It was also one hell of a turn on knowing I still had what it took to pull college guys.


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