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Tudor Redemption (Tudor Dynasty Book 4)

Page 14

by Jamie Salisbury

  I pulled out of her and turned her around, hiking her hips up. I started again as we set up a rhythm. Harder and wilder we went, our flesh smacking together. I reached my hand between her legs, letting my fingers touch her until she was gone again. I heard myself calling out to her as I came hard, collapsing over her.

  Finally, I rolled off and pulled her to my chest. Perfection. I felt her lips on my chest then my neck until she reached my ear.

  “My God, Dame. That was incredible.”

  I leaned down and kissed her. We carried on like that for the next few minutes, before I found myself back on top of her, with my cock deep inside.

  This time, we made love. Slowly, deliciously. The room smelled like sex. Like us.

  After, we lay on our sides facing each other, just far enough apart to watch the other. I don’t think I could remember being as happy and content as I was in that instant.

  She sat up, getting off the bed. “I’m going to put the lasagna in the oven. Can I get you something to drink? Another beer?”

  “That would be wonderful.”

  She pulled a t-shirt over her head. I lay back, hands behind mine, unaware I had a grin on my face.

  “Damien Tudor, you look like the cat that ate the canary.”

  “Do I? Perhaps because I did.” I threw an arm out, beckoning her. “Come here.”

  “Oh no. If I do that, we’ll never eat tonight. Save your strength.”

  I swung my legs over the side of the bed and grabbed my jeans. I pulled them on and followed her to the kitchen. The first thing she did was point me to a stool on the other side of a breakfast bar. I stuck out my lip, taking the beer from her hand.

  “So, now what, Bethie?”

  “What do you mean?” I watched as she took a pan out of the refrigerator and placed it into the oven with little effort. All while dressed in a t-shirt and nothing more. “What do you want?”


  “It appears that you accomplished that.”

  “Beth, we’re not kids any more. My love life has sucked. You’re the first person who made me feel special all those years ago. I don’t want to lose you again.”

  “You’re not going to. However, we have to figure out how we’re going to pull off a relationship. I, for one, don’t want to share our private life with the world. When we’re together, I want it to be only you and me. How are we going to accomplish that? Your career and business are fixing to skyrocket. How do we even co-exist in all that, Dame?”

  “The same way you’ve been doing with Ethan. When we go home, we shut off that part of the world.”

  “That’s beginning to be a problem. You see what happened when you kissed me out on the deck. We were all over the internet. I don’t want that. I don’t want what we share to be invaded by anyone.”

  “Part of the reason I bought that place out on the island. It was somewhere private I could go when I was off the road. Then, after my stroke, Julia got sideways about things. Put up a cyclone fence around the property to keep trespassers at bay. It’s now how Amadeus keeps his sanity.”

  “Unfortunately, I can’t build a fence like that here. So, what do we do, Dame?”

  “Right now, in public, act like we have been. Old friends and business associates. What happens after hours is no one’s business.”

  “Then there’s the matter of telling our families. They have a right to know. Even though Ethan might suspect, I would rather tell him in person than have him read about it or see a photo somewhere.”

  “Agreed. The girls suspect as well, and I would rather sit them down. After that, there will be the huge Tudor induction.”

  “So until we can talk with our children and families, we keep it to ourselves?”

  “I suppose. I don’t want to lose you again, Beth. You have no idea what that would do to me.”

  “I’m not going anywhere, Dame. We’ll figure this out together.”

  “I know we will. We’re not those two love sick kids we were all those years ago.”


  “What do you mean by that?” She placed her hands on her hips in a very provocative manner. She wore a saucy smile as she faced me. Clad only in that t-shirt.

  “That we’re not kids anymore. Love sick, yes, but not kids.”

  Feeling my phone vibrating in my pocket, I pulled it out and looked at the number. Courtney. I checked my messages. Both of them had tried texting me.

  “What is it?” Beth asked, walking closer and putting her hand on my forearm.

  “The girls. I seem to have gotten my point across.”

  “Are you going to answer them?”

  I leaned over and kissed her. “No. I’m going to let them stew for a while. Then, I might send a text, that’s it. This is our time. The outside world can wait. Kids included.”


  Reluctantly, I left Beth the next morning. I hadn’t meant to stay the night. What can I say? We had a lot of catching up to do. Though I was ready to jump in feet first, I sensed some hesitation on her part. She wanted to play on the side of caution and take things a little slower. Though I agreed with how we should proceed for now, I knew I was going to have to hold my tongue and be patient with her.

  I knew what it was too. Ethan. It had always been just the two of them with the exception of the time she’d been married. Now here I was, wanting to step into her neat, orderly world.

  I reminded her of how it’d been just the girls and me for a number of years now. I’m well aware they are adults and wanting to spread their wings. It was past time for their dad to spread his.

  When she responded with “it wasn’t the same thing,” I bit my tongue. I had to fight wanting to bring up things from the past. I managed. None of it was part of the here and now, or the future. The past was just that. The past.

  When she left it open as to when we’d get together again, I had to keep from panicking. Perhaps a couple of days apart was what she needed. It certainly was not what I wanted.

  Arriving at the house, I was grateful I had the place to myself. I sat down on the sofa and texted the girls that I was home. Then I sent one to Beth.

  Arrived safe. House deserted.

  I waited to see if she’d respond. It didn’t take her long.

  Enjoy your time alone.

  I won’t. I want you here with me. I miss you already.

  I was about to close out when she came back.

  I’m not going anywhere. I miss you too. Let’s talk this evening.

  I wasn’t sure I should respond. Beth must have sensed my hesitation.

  I loved our time together yesterday and last night. I want more.

  She put some sort of cute face after it, making me smile. I lay back against the sofa. My thought train never got started because my phone rang. Amadeus.

  “Where have you been?” he asked, his voice teasing.

  “Great. Don’t tell me. The girls called.”

  “Yep. They were sort of panicked. You left a note not mentioning where you were going. Or when you were returning. That’s not like you.”

  “Well, after their little escapade while I was recording, the mess I came home to, I decided I needed a break.”

  “That break didn’t happen to include Beth, did it?”


  “That’s what I figured, but I didn’t confirm it with the girls. I think they may have put it all together on their own.”

  “That’s great. I can’t even get a relationship going without everyone sticking their nose into my business.”

  “What’s eating at you? No one’s sticking their nose anywhere. Your daughters were concerned when you wouldn’t call or text them back yesterday. They made the assumption you may have gone to see Beth, not me.”

  “All I wanted was to see if there might be something there between us. There is, or so I thought. But now, this morning, she’s putting some distance between us. All of a sudden, reality steps in, and now she’s got doubts. How can we have a relationship w
hen my career is taking off again for the first time in years? She’s got to speak with Ethan. I have to speak with the girls. Every excuse to put up a wall again.”

  “Did you ever think perhaps she’s just scared?”

  “Of what?”

  “Losing you again.”

  “That’s fucked up, and I’ll tell you why. She was the one who left me. No goodbye, no letter, nothing. Left me not knowing she was pregnant with my child. So, that’s bullshit. If anyone’s scared, it should be me.”

  “Dame, calm down. Breathe. Let her have some time to digest whatever’s taken place between the two of you. I have no doubt this is all going to work itself out. At least according to Zara. She’s seen the two of you together, and she’s convinced you two are meant to be. So, chill out.”

  “Yeah, you’re right.”

  “I know I am. Beth is nothing like Alana. She’s mature and knows what she wants. She’s been on her own, and I can imagine having one of us trying to consume her is nerve wracking. Give her a little time to absorb it all.”

  “You’re right. I was an ass. I just know this is right. That she’s the one.”

  “And so it shall be, Dame.”

  “Think you’re pretty smart, don’t you?”

  “When it comes to matters of the heart, yes.”

  I chuckled. “Brat. That’s what you are.”

  “I made you laugh.”

  “Yeah, well, I’ll try to take your advice. Chill out. Let her wrap her head around everything.”

  “Don’t wait too long to tell the girls.”

  “I won’t mother.” I remembered I was to set up the cover shoot with Zara. “Your wife wouldn’t happen to be around, would she?”

  “No, she had some stuff to do in town after she dropped the kids off. I expect her back in an hour or so.”

  “If your tiny brain remembers, ask her to call me. We’re supposed to schedule that photo shoot for my cover.”

  “I’ll be sure to tell her.”

  We hung up.

  The rest of the day was spent in a blur. Probably a good thing to keep my mind off Beth. After spending a good amount of time with Peter’s people, a release date was chosen. It was a huge weight off my shoulders, not having to find a distributor for Consortium Entertainment’s music. I was able to use Peter’s network to have the CD put together and out in the consumer’s hands. Six weeks until it went live. Six weeks to market and promote this baby like crazy.

  Once Zara called, we set up the shoot for two days later, when the kids would be in pre-school. Perfect. Zara had a look she was after. That would make everything run smoother. She told me what to bring in regards to clothes. I was looking forward to this one. Zara always made the process simple. The results spoke for themselves.

  As I sat at the desk, an idea came to me. I’d see if Beth would like to go with me to watch the shoot. That way we could spend some time together, and she could meet Amadeus, getting that out of the way.

  I decided to text her. Told her when and where. I didn’t have to wait long. She responded in the positive, telling me we’d discuss the particulars this evening. Made me smile.

  Caught up on everything that needed my immediate attention, I decided to take a break. I was shocked to see it was going on four in the afternoon. Evidently, I’d been far busier than I thought. There were so many details needing my consideration. The next six weeks was going to be a roller coaster ride for sure.

  The next thing I knew, Court and Britt were standing in front of me. I kept my eyes closed, daring myself to hear their banter without laughing.

  “He must have been up all night. He never naps,” Britt said matter-of-factly.

  “Yeah, well, he’s getting old. You know what they say—after you hit forty, things are never the same. It’s all downhill,” Courtney chimed in.

  “I wonder if Beth had to take a nap this afternoon,” Britt countered.

  “Women have more stamina than men. She’ll keep going until her head hits the pillow tonight. Not like this old fart who needs his beauty sleep.”

  I heard them both giggling, and from the sounds of it, they were still nearby.

  Stretching my arms above my head, I pretended to wake, acting as though I had no idea they were in the room. Then, catching them out of the corner of my eye, I pounced.

  “I must have the stamina of Zeus if I stayed up all night. With Beth,” I drawled. For a second, I wished I could have the look on their faces photographed for all time. Shock value. Priceless. Dad, one. Know-it-all daughters, zero.

  “TMI, Dad,” Britt said, shaking her head and walking away.

  “No. I want to hear more,” Court interjected. “You and Beth spend the night getting reacquainted?”

  “If you two are quite done being silly, I’ll share. If not, my lips are sealed.”

  “Okay, sitting down. Do tell,” Court said.

  At first, they simply listened as I tried to explain. Beth, me, everything. Well, almost everything. I left out the sex. They already had a good idea about that.

  “I don’t know why you and Beth don’t just relax and go for it. We’ve all been expecting it. Ethan too. The three of us have discussed it, and he’ll tell Beth the same thing,” Courtney said after I finished my rambling.

  “You’re kidding? You discussed this with Ethan?”

  “Of course we did. He thinks it’s cute how the two of you are tip-toeing about it, not wanting anyone to know you’re still attracted to each other after all these years.” Britt snickered.

  “Great. Someone needs to let Beth know all this because she’s got her brain on overload worrying about how everyone’s going to react.”

  “Get her on the phone, Daddy. Britt and I will fill her in.”

  “No, I really don’t think that’s necessary.”

  Before I knew it, Courtney had my phone and was locked in her bedroom with her sister. I could hear them talking, but was unable to make out the words. I cringed, thinking how Beth might not take this as well as my two daughters might think.


  Two days later, I met Beth at the ferry docks. She chose to walk on as the early morning ferries were loaded with commuters bound for work. I pulled up alongside her just as she neared the curb.

  Surprisingly, after all the conversations and goings on between the girls and the two of us, I wasn’t nervous about how things were going to go.

  “Good morning. Perfect timing.” She leaned over the console and kissed me before buckling her seat belt. I caught the scent of her perfume. Something I’d never forget.

  “Morning. There’s coffee for you and scones in that sack. Unless you’d rather stop somewhere.”

  “No, this is perfect. Black coffee and scones.”

  A while later, we pulled onto the private road leading to Amadeus and Zara’s house. Beth had been relatively quiet, taking in the scenery.

  “Is this all theirs?”

  “Yep. It starts a little before the fence, but the majority is fenced in.”

  “Don’t you miss it, Dame?”

  “I’d be lying if I said I didn’t. Amadeus and Zara helped me out of a huge mess, and at the time, it was the best option. The only option.”

  “Would you like to live out like this again?”

  “Perhaps one of these days. In fact, there’s a house that’s just around the cove from them. It’s not finished, and from what Zara was able to find out, the owners are in the middle of a divorce in California. So, who knows how long it’ll sit.”

  “So, you’ve considered it?”

  “Yeah, but that’s all.”

  At the house, I shut off the engine, leaned over, and kissed her. “Come, let’s get the introductions over with.”

  “I can’t wait.”

  We got out of the SUV just about the time Amadeus opened the door and sauntered out. I sucked in a breath, wondering if he was going to behave or not.

  “Morning,” I said, taking Beth’s hand and leading her to the cannibal. “Amadeus
, this is Beth Asher. Beth, this is my youngest brother, Amadeus.”

  “Nice to meet you, Beth.” He turned to me and grinned. “See, I can behave.”

  I shook my head. Brat.

  “Good to meet you as well, Amadeus.” She graciously extended her hand. I eyed my brother, waiting for him to do something profound. Like grab her in a bear hug. But he surprised me and didn’t.

  “Zara should be back in a few minutes.”

  “You don’t take the little ones to pre-school?”

  “No, not usually. They behave better for her.”

  “I wonder why,” I quipped as I grabbed the clothes I was going to use for the shoot, along with a bag.

  He gave me a look before turning toward the door. Beth and I followed him into the house. I watched Beth looking around as we followed Amadeus deeper inside.

  “I like this,” she muttered as she walked over to the windows that overlooked the deck, lawn, and water.

  “We do too. It’s been a great place for Logan, our oldest. Not to mention, it’s off the beaten path.”

  “It is that. I would have loved to have been able to raise Ethan in an environment like this. But I guess he turned out okay being raised in the big city.”

  “Surely you could have moved out of the city,” Amadeus said. “Or moved back here.”

  “Unfortunately, my late husband’s work, as well as mine, kept us in the city. Besides the commute alone would drive one mad in a matter of days.”

  “You’ve been in Seattle traffic at rush hour, haven’t you? I haven’t missed it at all since we made this move.”

  “Part of the reason I live on Bainbridge. Though now that people are aware it’s Ethan’s home, it does make it a little harder.”

  “Well, if you ever want a more secure and secluded location, there’s a house around in the cove that’s come up for sale. Since the house isn’t finished, you could probably get it for a song. The land runs to ours, and no one can build on the other side because the state owns it.”

  “When did it come up for sale?” I asked.

  “Fairly recently. Zara’s friend called and let her know it had gone on the market.”


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