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Beginning of the Reckoning

Page 21

by Vera Quinn

  One thing I did learn from my two sisters and mom, when things get he avy it’s time for a change of scenery. Yes, Dra told me I better not leave or I would not like the consequences. I saw the look Sunshine shot him when he said it and she is none too happy. I also saw the looks she was shooting at Betsy and if she had cut her eyes at my baby girl one more time I would have cut her pretty little neck and not lost a second of sleep over it. I’m not a violent woman, in fact, my aunt Deb is always saying I let people walk on me but no one slights my daughter. It’s better I leave before I had to kill the woman and Dra too, if he took up for her. Just saying, it would not have ended well. After Dra’s yelling and Callie’s disapproving looks I just had to get out of there. Callie was under the impression I had told Dra about the baby and he wanted nothing to do with Betsy. I didn’t, but I also did not lie to Callie. I let her assume I did without confirming. I know it is mixing words that I lied but I did not come straight out and lie. Callie said she understood but I still felt her judging me. I felt all the judging looks and I was condemned without explanation. No one should judge me unless they can walk in my shoes and each of them has done just as bad. If I had taken Betsy to Dra and he had rejected her the way he had me then I would not have been responsible for my actions. After Dra finally left I went to lay down with Betsy. We napped and when I woke up everyone was asleep. I gathered everything I could of ours in one bag and I snuck out. I was caught before I made it out of the yard. How I thought I could sneak away without getting caught after everything that went on just shows how my judgement has been clouded from the sudden turn of events. Fortunately, it was Kat that caught me. She was out taking a smoke break. Late night, walking around by herself in the night. A little creepy and she scared the bejesus out of me. Kat gave me a good talking to and told me how Dra deserved to know about Betsy but she understood me not wanting to raise my daughter in a motorcycle club atmosphere. I didn’t say that. I don’t have anything against Dra’s lifestyle. I just don’t like him because he is an asshole and the way he treated me but I went along with what Kat was saying so she would help me get off club property and to an airport so I could get to aunt Deb and get my money out of the bank and I can get as far away as I can before Dra can catch me. Aunt Deb and Micah will help me. We are Bass women, we stick together. I thought Kat would just get me off club property but she drove two towns over and helped me get a plane ticket. Her parting advice, ‘Run and don’t look back.’ And then she gave me a name of a man to get me a false ID and gave me pointers on how to stay undetected. I remember every word and I am taking her advice. I’m running and no one is ever going to hear from me again. Now all I need to do is get off this plane and put my plan into action.

  “Where the hell is my daughter Callie? Do not try to keep her from me! Do you fucking hate me this much?” I am in Callie’s face and I know this is going to end badly but I can’t stop myself. I have had a daughter I did not know about for over two years. I don’t even know how old my daughter is. I just know she is the spitting image of me. The minute I laid eyes on that beautiful child I knew she was mine and I saw red. I wanted to kill that bitch of a mother of hers. How could Maddie keep my daughter from me just because I wouldn’t let myself have the woman who has been haunting my dreams for two years? Callie is not one to back down even to the anger I am showing her. She puts her palm in the middle of my chest and pushes me back so I am not so close to her. We are standing in her doorway and I thought Devil would be down here by now since I am yelling at the top of my lungs. I want Maddie to know how mad I am.

  “I told you that Maddie and B were gone when I got up this morning. I have texted her and tried to call her but she has not responded. Now could you please keep your voice down before you wake up my children?” Callie is trying to reason with me but there is no reasoning with me right now.

  “I know you are hiding Maddie and Betsy from me the same way you have for the last year. What have I ever done to you to make you hate me Callie? I loved you. Why would you keep my daughter from me? Is this revenge for letting you think I was dead? I thought that was water under the bridge. You got your happily ever after.” The words are out of my mouth before I know what I am saying but before I can say anything else the door is pulled open and Devil is there in my face and he pushes me further out of the house.

  “What the hell are you doing at my house at six in the mo rning yelling this shit out where my children can hear it? Get on your damn bike and get off Feral Steel property before I put you in the ground and do not come back. Are you feeling me asshole?” Devil looks around at Callie. “Go in the house babe. I got this.” Callie turns and leaves. “Get this asshole and get it straight, Callie thought you knew about B and you didn’t want anything to do with her.”

  “Why would Callie believe something like that of me? Callie knows me and she knows how I feel about family,” I tell Devil. I jerk away from Devil. “Does she? She didn’t think you would sleep with her virgin sister and make her feel like shit either but you did. Callie also thought you loved her but we see how that worked out to my advantage. Now I’ll let you in on a little more, my woman was in my bed under me so if Maddie left it wasn’t with help from Callie.” Devil has a smirk on his face like he thinks that his sharing Callie was in his bed will rub salt in my wounds. I have news for him, that ship sailed long ago. The night I spent a night in bed with Maddie. She is the woman that haunts me now. “Now get the hell gone and don’t come back and Dra if I ever hear you speak to my ol’ lady with any hate in your voice again I will put you to ground without warning.” Devil turns and goes back in the house and shuts and locks the door. Damn, now what? Now what, I’ll tell you what. I am going to go and find my daughter and her mom. Then I am going to blister Maddie’s ass red.

  Until Next Time…

  Other Work by Vera Quinn:

  BlackPath MC series:

  Never Forever

  Catching Forever

  Holding Out For Forever

  Making My Forever

  Demented Revengers MC: Quitman Chapter series: Surviving For Tomorrow

  Surviving, One Day at a Time

  Feral Steel MC series:

  Beginning of the Inevitable

  Beginning to Breathe Again

  NEVER FOREVER BlackPath MC Series Bk.1


  Vera Quinn

  Text copyright © 2016 Vera Quinn

  All Rights Reserved No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronics or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author. The only exception is short excerpts used in reviews.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used factiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.

  Cover Art: Melissa Gill @MG Covers & Designs Photographer: Nathan Hainline https:m.facebook/nate.model/

  Models: Nathan Hainline and Cassady Rose Editor & Formatter: Avril Stepowski


  I am dedicating Never Forever to my younger sister Kay. I am the oldest of six children and she was the one right under myself. This past year she received the diagnosis of cancer and heart failure. My sister fought some addictions but she would give you the shirt off her back. She fought the cancer as long as she could. They couldn’t operate because of her compromised heart and the chemo became too much for her so they turned to radiation for as long as they could. My other sister, Judy, and I sat many hours with her in the hospital and doctor visits. She kept fighting for more time to spend with her children. They were always foremost in her thoughts. She couldn’t talk her last six months of life because she had a trach but the last talk we had she told me to go for my dreams because we are never promised another one. This is me chasing that dream. Thank you Kay for that talk.

  Note: Donna Kay Sullivan

  Age 52

18, 1963 to Feb. 2, 2016 Rest in peace sister. I will see you one day.

  Thank You!!!!!!


  I would like to give well deserved thanks to some people.

  To my husband Charles, he is my rock. Always my biggest fan.

  My two sons, spouses, and grandchildren now we will have some family time.

  To the rest of my family who is always willing to give a helping hand. To Liberty Parker who always encourages me and has an ear ready for listening. My PA Nicole Lloyd she is amazing. Kori Toth-Gray, Andrea Anderson Huseman, and Danena Freeman, at MC Book and Pimps, you ladies are the best. Also Biker Books and More. Mary Orr for spreading the word. Needa Warrant you are a breath of fresh air and so talented. All the authors who have reached out to me and encouraged me or posted my teasers and helped me in finding people I can trust. Monica Langley Holloway for the beautiful cover and teasers for my original cover. You had a world of patience with a completely lost beginner. For my new cover Melissa Gill @ MB Book Covers & Designs you did a great cover design. Nathan Hainline thank you for the cover photo and be a model in it. Cassady Rose than you for the beauty you brought to the photo.

  I know I have missed someone and I apologize. Thank you.

  Thank you for all the encouraging texts, posts and PM’s. For joining my author group. For buying my book and reading it.

  My grandmother always told me, “mind your manners and it’ll take you farther.” I say please and thank you. Thank You! Never Forever is purely fictional. Only in my mind were these characters brought to life. I am doing things in my order, so some might think it is disorderly, but I think it is right. I am trying something a little different. I am an avid reader. My favorite part in storylines is always the backstory. I like to know how things began. The unknown is what I always want to know. In the BlackPath series, each book will be a full novel in front and a novella in back for some backstory. You get a little more backstory as it becomes relevant. It’s just a trial and error for me because this is my beginning as a writer. I’d like to make books as interesting as possible so give me feedback to how you like it and yes, you get them both for one price. So it is win, win. At least I hope so. I put a list of the two main MC’s involved so you would have a cast of characters.


  This book is meant for people 18+. Both Never Forever and Never Ever is not suitable for anyone under eighteen. Strong language, violence, and sexual situations. If any of this offends you, please, this book is not for you. If you are triggered by abuse. This book is not for you.

  Never Forever has a cliff hanger of sorts. It stops and will be continued in the next book. Never Ever the novella in back is a two-part backstory. The next part will be in the back of the next book in this series Catching Forever.

  Catching Forever and Never Ever part 2 will be out as fast as I can write it. I’ve started it already. Catching Forever will have Callie finding her HEA. Never Ever will go on to let Callie and Mason’s love story be told.

  I hope you enjoy it.

  Cast Of Characters

  BlackPath MC Members

  Cameron David Black- President Road name: Chief

  Age: 38 years old

  Father to: Ty and Callie

  Blood Brother: Trent Black

  Trenton Black- Vice President-(AKA-Trent) Road Name-Driller

  Jeff Hernadez-Sergeant at Arms Road Name-ZMan Stephen Hammonds Road name-Hambone Damien Duffy-Treasurer Road name-Hammer Jacob Hightower-Secretary Road name-Cutter Intel Man- Brian Lock Road name- Brain

  Patched Members:

  Ryan O’Quinn Roadname-Demon Travis Giles Road name-Sinner


  Ty Black-no road name yet

  Michael Martin- Nickname-Woody- no road name yet Todd Giles- no road name yet

  2 no names

  Wives or ol’ ladies: Laurie-wife of Trenton ChelseaOl’ lady of –Zman KelseyOl’ lady of Hambone Livy

  Feral Steel MC

  William Steel- President

  Road name-Steel

  Age: 55 years old

  Husband of Katherine Steel (Kat) Father of: Keifer Steel; Kylar Steel; Kimberly Steel Kylar Steel – Vice President

  Road name-Devil

  Age: 32 years old

  Keifer Steel-Treasurer

  Road name-Stone

  Wife-Kizzy Simms Steel

  Heath Bridges- Sergeant At Arms Road name- Hacksaw

  Ol’ lady-Mitzi

  Robert Baines- Road Captain, Road Name-Buzz Ol’ lady- Skyla

  Greg Pride- Secretary Road Name-Grizzly

  Patched Members:

  Aaron Newton-Road Name-Ax Stephen Doss- Road Name- Slick Ol’ lady-Gertrude

  Phillip Landry- Rd. Name-Pick Billy Adams-Rd. Name- Blunt Prospects:

  Leo Franks

  Sydney Carson

  Table of Contents Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 28 Chapter 29 Chapter 30 Chapter 31 Chapter 32 Chapter 33 Chapter 34 Chapter 35 Chapter 36 Chapter 37 Chapter 38 Chapter 39 Chapter 40 Chapter 41 Chapter 42 Chapter 43 Chapter 44 Chapter 45 Chapter 46 Chapter 47 Chapter 48 Chapter 49 Chapter 54 Chapter 55 Chapter 56 Chapter 57 Chapter 58 Chapter 59 Chapter 60 Chapter 61 Never Ever Callie

  “Congratulations, baby girl! I am so proud of you, you did it! You are a high school graduate.” Dad says as he lifts me up and spins me around. He finally sits me back on my feet and Ty puts me in a bear hug and cuts off my oxygen.

  “How does it feel to be all educated? Ready for your party now?” Ty says trying to nudge me towards the door as he always does, in need of a party, but I know he is playing. I heard him yelling the loudest when I walked across that stage. We may not be extremely close at times, but I always know he is my big brother and he has my back.

  “Hold up Ty, she may need t o talk to some of her friends before we pull her away.” Dad gives Ty a hard look and looks to me for a clue as to what I may have to do. I give Ty a smirky grin and look back at dad with a sweet smile, “Yeah, dad, I need to wait for Felix and Sarah. They have permission to go with us tonight and they are spending the weekend. We aren’t staying at the party very long. When clothes start coming off, we are back at the house. We are going to celebrate the whole weekend up since we graduated, tomorrow is my birthday and Sarah leaves on Monday.” I think Ty wants to disappear right now, because of the look dad is giving him. Yep, I just repaid him for last weekend and his telling I was at a party.

  “Don’t worry, everyone’s clothes will be staying on while your frie nds and you are there.” My dad gives Ty a glare, “Right, Ty?!” Yep, dad’s still not over the fiasco two weeks ago when Sarah and I got an eye full of Ty buck ass naked with the bitch twins on one of the couches in the middle of the afternoon. I may have been brought up in the club, but dad has always tried to shelter me from the extracurricular sex that goes on. Not the first time I had walked in on such a scene but dad tries to keep that away from me. Now Ty on the other hand thought it was hilarious until he saw Sarah standing beside me. I look at Ty and smile at him and let him know that was a little payback, “Don’t worry dad, Ty will be glad to know I only had to bleach my eyes and my brain to get those pictures out of my head.” I say as I scrunch up my nose and let them both know I am only playing and then I break out in laughter. Dad lets out a breath and finally looks at us both and gives a little laugh. “What am I going to do with you two? You’re going to send me to an early grave.
I worry about Ty corrupting you, and sometimes I think it may be him I should worry about.” He puts his arm around me and pulls me in for another hug. I look at him perplexed. Something is up, dad has never been this talkative or showed so much affection and emotion. Cameron David Black is a man of few words and open displays of affection in public hardly ever happen, “Dad, is everything ok? Did something happen?” I grin trying to lighten my questions. I’ve been worrying about dad lately. He has been holding onto me tighter. It’s like he is afraid I am going to disappear. “Did Ty make you worry?” Ty gives me a little nudge with his shoulder, “No, Miss Smartass, I didn’t do shit this time.” He looks half insulted and half caught. Oh crap, it’s something and Ty knows. No one else would be able to tell from his reaction but it is a dead giveaway to me. I look directly at my dad and I can see the concern in his eyes. Just then Sarah catches my eye and I see her and Felix approach us, right before they are in hearing distance my dad puts his mouth to my ear and says “We’ll talk later, don’t worry and enjoy your night.” Then he kisses my head and gives me a sideways hug and I know then to drop it for tonight.


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