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Beginning of the Reckoning

Page 31

by Vera Quinn

  “Hell if I know. I can’t bribe with a ride on my bike anymore, she keeps everything to herself.” And I just keep walking to my office.

  “Everyone heard the Prez. Let’s get it done.” Trent downs his drink and makes sure everyone is scattering.

  Devil I wake and it doesn’t feel like I have been asleep long. I can tell by the way the sun is coming through the curtains it is well into the afternoon. I couldn’t get to sleep for a while, and then it wasn’t a restful sleep. Too many ifs, ands, and buts. I am a man that likes cut and dry, black and white. No gray areas, those drive me crazy. I can’t believe my whole plan relies on a young woman I barely know. Sure I’ve tried to put pressure on her and I will do what I have to do. I will get what I want if I have to start a war to get it. No one tells me what I can or can’t have. Doing this the hard way is dad’s idea. His friendship with Chief stands in our way. Callie is definitely different than the women I’m used to. She’s young, too young for me. Too good for the likes of me. She’s beautiful and she still has a soft goodness inside her. She’s seen some bad shit, you can see it in her eyes, but she has something that radiates from within. She’s every man’s dream with her dangerous curves and long hair. I can see why that Mason guy would try to keep her, but he won’t get her back. She will be with me and he will only be a memory for her. She has spunk and she don’t back down. She wants honesty and that will play in my favor. I need to get back home and get us some living arrangements made. Mom and Kim are going to love her. Of course, my baby sister is not going to like the attention Callie takes away from her. She’ll get used to it. Yes, Callie will fit in just fine. I hear dad moving around in his room next door and I know he will be pounding on my door shortly. I guess it is time to hit the shower and then find some food and coffee. No, coffee first. Hot and strong. I stretch and push the covers back and then head into the shower. This is going to be another long day. I turn the hot water on and put just enough cold on so I can stand it, then get in and let it run over my head. Just trying to let the water and steam take away the aches from my body from the last two days, and all the stress. I love riding my bike, but the ride from Oklahoma made me stiff. It’s only the worry. After tomorrow it will all either be over and settled, or all hell will break loose. I’m hoping for the first, but I have to be prepared for the last. I hear dad banging on my bathroom door but I ignore it for a few minutes just enjoying the hot water.

  “Boy we had a phone call and we need to talk.” Always something. I bend down and turn the water off and pick up the towel to dry off and I put my jeans on and step out the door.

  “What the hell are you yelling about old man?” I laugh out. Knowing this always gets him. “I may be an old man but I’m still your president, so get your ass dressed and meet me across the street at the diner. Chief called. You are going to be paying more money to a lawyer. Hurry your ass up!” He turns and leaves. Something is definitely up with him. More money to the lawyer. I have spent more money on this woman than any other woman I’ve ever known. Except for mom. I hurry and get dressed and run across to the diner. I see dad at the back away from everyone, and make my way to the booth and sit across from him. I see he is worried. He’s not going to be easy to get along with. The waitress takes our order and brings our coffee. Then Dad starts, “Chief wants us at the clubhouse around noon. We are going to have to pay that lawyer some more money, but Chief either won’t or can’t tell me why. Callie has made up her mind but she will tell everyone together. She hasn’t shared with Chief or so he says.” He takes a drink of his coffee and eyes me skeptically, “You ok with the payment? You usually don’t spend money on females.” I know he doesn’t like lawyers.

  “What’s eating at you, dad? You’re not yourself.” I ask my dad hoping he will give me some reason for his bad mood. “I just don’t know about this son. Callie is a good girl. Chief is a good friend. I don’t like involving lawyers. I hate lawyers.” Dad keeps watching me and I know something else is bothering him.

  “What else dad? Something else is bothering you.” I hope he will just tell me. He always plays things too close to the vest. “I have a bad feeling about all this . I just want it over. Chief is coming to talk to us any time now. Him and Trent. Be ready and stay sharp.” I know when my dad has a feeling to pay attention, so I finish up my food and raise my cup for more coffee as I see Chief walk through the door with Trent following close behind.

  Their faces give nothing away. They walk straight toward our booth and I motion for the waitress. Before Chief gets to the table he stops her and tells her two black coffees. I see Chief turning and watching the waitress walk away. Guess there is a story there. When she is out of sight he continues our way. Chief and Trent drop on the other side of the booth. Chief looks like he needs more sleep. Don’t we all?

  “Ok Chief, give it to us straight. I feel like we are being jerke d around here. First we are supposed to pay a damn lawyer a retainer, now he wants more money and we are just supposed to fork it over. You want us at your clubhouse at six tomorrow night and now its tomorrow afternoon. Give us some straight damn answers.” Dad growls out obviously at the end of his patience.

  “Look Steel, we gave the reins over to Callie and she is running this show. She talked with Cross this afternoon, and he is doing paperwork for her and taking care of some stuff at the courthouse. She says it all has to do with this. Cross is meeting with us tomorrow. That’s all I know, because she is telling no one nothing.” Chief informs us of everything that has been going on since last night. I don’t know what could be going through that woman’s head. A lawyer and the courthouse. Legal papers. What could she be up to?

  “She is taking this to heart and thinking it through. She went to Tommy’s grave this afternoon before she met with the suit. She always talks things out there when she is trying to think things out.” Trent puts in his thoughts. Maybe she is taking it seriously. I still have to use my insurance just to make sure, so I have to make time to talk to her alone before she gives her answer.

  “We’re on lockdown until further notice. I just want to make sure with the shooting last night. I will not take a chance with any of my family members. I’d rather be safe than sorry. Have you heard anything from your guy, Steel?” Chief informs us of his clubs actions. Something has changed. A few hours ago Chief was breathing fire and now he talks like we are just having coffee.

  “What changed Chief? A few hours ago you didn’t want to talk to us.” Just then the waitress brings the two coffees over so I stop midsentence and wait for her to leave. Chief and Trent both sit back in the booth so she can set their coffees down, and she refills ours while she is there, then she is gone. I look around and start back up, “So, what gives?”

  “I want the information. I agreed to let Callie decide and if I know my daughter the way I think I do, she is going to want it, too. That being what it is, if my daughter gets hurt in any way I will end you. Period! I want you to know that now. Both of you.” He looks at my dad and my dad shakes his head as if they are speaking in code. “I will hold you both responsible for her.”

  “I will also hold you both responsible.” Trent adds. I decide it is time to drop my little bomb. “As long as Callie makes the right decision, she won’t find out that you know who her biological dad really is from us.” I watch Chief take it in and I think I see relief in his eyes. The waitress sets our orders down in front of us and walks away. You could feel the tension between Chief and the waitress. “You have a problem with the waitress? Tension between you two?” of course I don’t think for a second he’ll share.

  “That’s none of your business. Callie never needs to know who her biological dad is. Her mom hurt her enough. That man is a ruthless killer and I want him nowhere near her. I have only been trying to protect her. Steel, I thought you as a family man would understand that. Your boy is in your club, your VP and he calls you Dad. Only a man who understands family would allow that. Most men would understand that. He would only find that as a weakn
ess. He would destroy her. Everything he touches he destroys.” Chief is stating his case. Trying to use his friendship with my dad to get to us. I know Callie’s biological dad is a bastard and as cold and calculating as they come. I will try my best to protect her. The little I know of her, I know she is good and she doesn’t deserve his kind of cruel.

  “We get it, Chief. We will protect her to the best of our ability. I will protect her with my life.” I assure Chief and Trent. They both seem to be sizing me up. They are trying to see through me but there is nothing to see.

  “Ok Devil, I will hold you to that.” He then does something I never expected. He puts his hand out to shake my hand. I take his hand and shake it. “Can I ask a small favor?” I ask Chief.

  “Ok.” He simply says.

  “Can I speak to Callie for just a few minutes alone tomorrow, before we all talk together?” Chief eyes me skeptically. “As long as she agrees and it’s within the club. Be there a little early.” He agrees. Maybe we can get this settled without bloodshed. Chief and Trent leave and I can finally breathe a little easier.

  “You know you better make it count. It’ll be the only chance you get.” My dad tells me. “Don’t I know it.” I finish my meal without another word. “When I finish I am going back to my room to make phone calls and then get some more sleep. Tomorrow I need to be on my toes and I need to be up early.” I leave money on the table for our food and a tip. I’m dead on my feet and I need plenty of sleep.

  “That sounds good son. I am going to check in at home and I am going to do the same. Everything rides on tomorrow. We both need to be sharp.” We head back to our rooms with a lot on our minds and hoping sleep will help. As soon as I am in bed I know sleep is not going to come easy. Everything that has happened since we got to Texas is playing back in my head. I still have not figured out who could have shot at us. I don’t believe in coincidences. This has to have something to do with our being here. I finally feel the day fading away. Sleep is going to take me under and I hear the ping to give me notice that I have a text. Damn this better be good. I reach for my phone and flip it open and it’s from him. He’s making sure our plan is progressing and to see if we got the message he sent. I knew he had something to do with it. It was the only thing that made sense. I typed my dad a quick text to update him and then I turn over to try for sleep again. My mind wanders to Callie. She could have been hurt and it would have been my fault. Mine and her dad’s. I know I need to protect her and I swear I will. Then my mind wanders to Brianne. The first woman I ever loved. Bri and Callie are a lot alike. Both are full of sass. Thing is, Bri could never accept my life the way it is and my loyalty to the club. Tomorrow I have to step up my action to get Callie, one way or another.


  I finally have some hope. I received notice that my leave has been approved and I will be standing back on American soil within two weeks. I have to get there and get Callie back. My whole life is in that woman and I won’t let her go. Cru told me some damn biker is sniffing around her. He can’t have what is mine. I know I screwed up, but it won’t happen again. I know I can make her understand if I can just hold her and explain. This damn ocean between us is killing us. Don’t worry baby, I am on my way and then you will be completely mine.


  I wake up to light streaming into my room. It’s too bright. I look at the clock on my night stand and it reads 10:30. I have slept all night and practically all morning. I was dead to the world. I have to get a shower and get a move on. I am not sure how this day will turn out. I hope I have thought of everything. This cannot turn out wrong. I have tried to think of everyone and all the angles. I need to talk to Fe. He is my go to person when I have problems to solve, my sounding board I sit up and stretch, then get up and think of what I need to wear today. I decide on a dress and my boots. It will make the statement I need. I get my shower and morning rituals done. I study myself in the mirror. I blow out my hair and that gives it the extra body I want, then I give it a little curl. I move on to my make-up and I take extra time while not over doing it. Kelsey always tells me if I don’t feel good at least look good. I give myself the last once over and I’ll do. I opt for a soft sachet instead of perfume. I sit and try to get my nerves settled and I catch a glimpse of the jersey I usually sleep in. It belongs to Mason. I took it out of his room before he left the last time. I told him I would sleep in it every night and dream he was holding me in his arms. That seems like a lifetime ago. What happened to us? He cheated on you! I’m an idiot. He was probably cheating on me the whole time. What am I doing? I do not have time for this! Broken hearts are for fools. I was a fool. Never again. Never forever. Never forever. This will be in my head for the rest of my life. My blinders have been taken off. I am no longer that blind fool. I hear a knock at my door and I know it’s show time. I go over to the door and open it up and there stands the last person I would have thought would be knocking on my door.

  “Devil, I guess dad got in touch with you. Let’s go downstairs and get this over with.” I tell him and start to go into the hall but he doesn’t move. “Are we going?” I ask him but he is moving me back into my room.

  “Chief said I could talk to you first. I want to say my piece without any interruptions, then we can go. Will you let me do that, please?” He gives me a very intense look. I know I should say no, but he has me curious at what he thinks he can say to make this better.

  “Ok, Devil. I will give you that, if you give me something in return.” I never take my eyes off his so he knows he cannot intimidate me in any way.

  “What do you want little girl?” he is trying to flirt with me but I’m not stupid and will not fall for his charm in any way.

  “Actually two things now that I think about it.” I add on. “Give a female an inch and she thinks she owns the whole damn territory. Ok, two. When you are done it is my turn.” I guess if charm doesn’t work he turns to insults. At least they’re good natured insults.

  “Agreed. One, quit calling me girl. If you want me to marry you, don’t you think I am a woman? I am very capable and if I can make a decision like this I think I am a woman.” I look at him and he nods his head in agreeance.

  “Point well made. No more girl. If I slip up, I will only be playing or I will be apologizing.” He looks sincere but what do I know? I always believed Mason and I see how well that worked out. For some reason I believe him.

  “Ok, two, what is your birth name. I know Devil is your club name, and it is what you go by, but if I am to consider anything you have asked of me, I need to at least need to know the name your mom gave you at birth.” I know most club members consider the name the club gives them their name, but for some reason I want to know his real name. I have a need to know more about him.

  “Ok, I can give you that too. You are right, though, everyone calls me Devil. Well everyone but my mom, grandma, and sister. My name is Kylar Damien Steel.” I see the little smile he gives me when he talks about his family. He loves them. He doesn’t mind showing he loves them. Very nice. I like that. Most men try to hide their emotions. When he smiles his lips look so full and soft. What the heck? Just an observation.

  “Kylar Damien Steel. Do you get called Ky? Did they get Devil from Damien? You know like Damien in the Omen? The Devil’s spawn.” I ask flirting with him. I mean teasing him. I was only teasing him.

  “So, you do have a sense of humor. I like it. No, I do not get called Ky. Only Kylar. I got the name Devil for an entirely different reason. Though that is a good one. You and my sister are going to get along great if you like horror movies. Even though she hardly ever sees a full movie. She is too busy covering her eyes at the good parts.” He tells me, teasing me back. He really loves his sister I can tell by the way he speaks of her.

  “Ok, I have to get this out before they come to take us down stairs. Will you just keep an open mind and not jump to conclusions?” he waits for me to answer. I know I need to listen to him, but I have already made up my mind.

  “I said I would. I always keep my word. So go.” I give him the go ahead and sit on my bed to listen. He sits beside me and takes my hand. Then he turns to me and cups my face with his hand. I look in his eyes and I feel this nervousness in my stomach. He has the most beautiful brown eyes. Bedroom eyes, I think is what Kelsey calls them. Yes, I can see why women fall at his feet. His hair is a medium brown and it looks so soft with waves through it. It falls right on the bottom of his neck. Women would kill for that kind of wave in their hair. His eyes are such a deep brown, they can almost hypnotize you. I could almost get lost in them.

  “Are you with me? You look kinda dazed.” Yeah, he knows I was thinking about his sexy self. What am I doing? This is not me. Snap out of it Callie. I jerk myself away from him.

  “Alright, just tell me.” I know that came out snarky, but I need to keep my head about me. He needs to keep his hands over there and I need to stay over here. “Alright then, let’s get to this.” He gets up and starts to pace.


  “Alright, just tell me.” Callie says to me. She’s sounding snarky now. I caught her checking me out and looking a little too long. So I do affect her a little anyway. “Alright then, let’s get to this.” I can’t sit still anymore. I have to get up and pace. “I am here to make you mine. Forever. Not for just right now. You will be my wife and I am not giving you or anyone else a choice. We can do it the easy way with Chief’s ok, or the hard way. By the way, happy late birthday.” She starts to interrupt. I can see by the look on her face I have pissed her off straight out the gate. I raise my hand to calm her, she jerks away but remains quiet.

  “Ok, that is the harsh part. I know that asshole you thought you loved cheated on you. I am not him. I am not offering love, but respect and loyalty. You know how a club works and I need that. Steel is going to be retiring from being President in a year or so and I will be taking over and I need a good woman who will stand beside me. I saw for myself that you can do that. We can be good together.” I give her that part while pacing, then I sit beside her and I take her hand, and before she can back away, my lips are on hers. I start out slow, kissing her lips, then I take it deeper and slide my tongue over her lips until she opens for me. I entangle my tongue with hers. Tasting her and exploring slowly. When we pull apart. I look in her eyes and I see she wants more, but this is not the time.


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