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Beginning of the Reckoning

Page 56

by Vera Quinn

  “So you think it is going to be that easy to get rid of me. We’re married. You and that child belong to me. I made mistakes, but I know we can work them out if you’ll just try.” Devil seems sincere but not once has he said he loves me. “Let me explain.”

  “What difference does it make? Is it going to change the circumstances? But go ahead and explain, just so you know, there is nothing you can say now to change my mind.” I’ll give him the time, but I won’t let him touch my heart again.

  “I was in love with Bri.” I look at Devil and I can see in his eyes he knows the huge mistake he just made. Never once has he mentioned love for me since he has been here. Only I belong to him, but he has said love when it comes to Bri. From this moment on he could say anything and it won’t matter. “I said I thought I was in love with her.”

  “No you didn’t, you asshole.” Ty is quick to point that out but I had already heard it and now I know what I am doing is right.

  “Quiet down Tazer. Callie wants to hear him.” Hawser is still conducting how things go. “Like I was saying, I thought I loved Bri and I thought she was taken by Diamondback against her will. I had claimed her in front of my club and it was my responsibility to get her back. Diamondback sent us his demands. He wanted me to marry and get you pregnant. He said all he wanted was an heir. You’re his only child and he wants a grandson to carry on the name. After you were pregnant and we knew what you were having, I was to walk away. Give up my rights and he would release Bri. After our first talk with him he decided it didn’t matter if it was boy or girl, because his bloodline would continue. But after we met I liked you, and the lines got blurred. I don’t know why you’re so pissed. We were a business agreement. You got Tommy’s killer and the name of the person who sent them. I want you back. Bri played me. Diamondback is not happy that I didn’t walk away, and now your ex is riding with your DNA father. What do I have to do to get you back? You know we had something good starting. Stop being so childish and come home with me.” Devil is standing there and he is pissed, but everything he just said is running through my head. I think I understand most of it. I know I’m numb.

  “Ok. Well you had plenty to say. Dad, do you want to tell me what you have to say while I digest his?” Dad doesn’t look happy with anything Devil had to say. So here is his chance to have his piece heard. This is just the thing I was trying to avoid by leaving home, but I see how well that worked out.

  “Well, I only knew about the Tommy issue when you greed to this Callie. I would never let Devil use you to get another woman back. One he had claimed. He knew that Blake, Trent and I knew who your DNA donor was. He threatened us with it. But I never knew Diamondback had anything to do with it. With any of it. When we left you to go on the run it was to go talk to Diamondback. He swears he wants no harm to come to you and he has a price on Karen, Bri, and Kizzy’s heads for what they did to you in our club, and what Karen did to you when you were younger. He is the one who had the information on Tommy’s killers, not Devil. When we were having our talk with T-Bone we found out Karen had a hand in that, too. Those men were after you. She had you sold overseas. They were supposed to kidnap you. That’s everything, Baby Girl.” Dad hated telling me that. One more thing to rack up against Karen. One day I will even that score. She will take nothing else from me.

  “Damn! No wonder you ran Callie. You have serious shit going on in your life. You can stay with us.” Krill is laughing when he says it, but I know I am completely safe here. I feel Dra’s hand on my shoulder trying to give me reassurance.

  “Ok. Well, thank you, Krill. But it is time I take my damn life back.” I pat Dra on top of his hand and move out from under it and then I look at Hawser who has been taking this all in. As if anyone could understand this big mess that has become my life. I give him a quick wink to let him know I have this. With that he and Dra relax and Hawser gives me one of those smirky grins I have come to like from Dra.

  I walk over to my dad and give him a hug. “Dad, I love you. I know you did not tell me about Diamondback because you were trying to protect me. I understand, but I am an adult now and I don’t need that kind of protection anymore. You have to let me grow up. We know about Tommy’s death and all questions are answered. Karen will pay for her part in it, but we have to let it go before it kills us. I’m at peace about it. I love and miss Tommy, but we have to let it go. Now, I love you, so we’re good. I’m sorry I worried you. I needed time and space but I’m good now.” I move back away from dad and move between Dra and Devil and seriously look at Devil. I fell for the man I thought he was, not the man in front of me. I move back by Dra but turn and level Devil with dead eyes.

  “Ok, Devil, now you. Please do not interrupt, I didn’t interrupt you, so please do the same for me. I heard you tell me you were in love with Bri, and you had to marry and impregnate me then walk away. I told you I needed honesty above all. You promised me honesty, loyalty, and commitment. That was the purpose of the prenup of sorts and signing of annulment papers before the wedding. You knew I didn’t know about Diamondback, but you had a deal behind my back. You knew what I had just gone through with Mase. Is that about it?” Devil says nothing but I can tell it is taking everything in him to stay quiet. “One, you lied to me from the start. You were manipulating things to your advantage. You only wanted Bri back and had no intention of keeping your word. You say you loved Bri, but we had the start of something special. You were practically blackmailing my dad. We were a business arrangement and if you had been honest from the beginning I don’t know what would have happened, but what I can’t and won’t forgive or forget is you agreed to walk away from me when I was pregnant with your child and never have anything to do with that child. But now, all of sudden since you have been played by Bri, you want me and our child. I say, too little, too late. I won’t open myself up to you again.” I got it all out without breaking down. I hurt so badly for what I thought we had, but it was all just make believe.

  “Are you done? Can I talk now princess?” Devil is being sarcastic and has a hateful tone to his voice that I can see no one in here likes, including his dad, Steel. “I told you when I met you I wasn’t sugar coating shit for your ass. Just how well do you know this man that can’t keep his damn hands off of you right in front of me? You don’t have a choice in what you do or you’ll being answering questions about the death of Chaz. Remember that little bit of information? Your father would also like to know your whereabouts.” Devil has an evil grin on his face.

  “Devil, hold your tongue, son. You don’t know what you’re saying.” Steel is trying to reason with Devil. That is the first time I have heard Steel call Kylar, Devil. Something is not right.

  “Steel you better get your boy in line. He doesn’t need to threaten Callie like that.” Dad is going to go off if I don’t head this off.

  “No he doesn’t. Because to get to her he has to go through me.” Dra is chomping at the bit, too. “Ok. Stop. I have this under control.” I look at both Dad and Dra. “Devil you can call the authorities. Cross contacted them yesterday and brought them up to date. A six-year-old shooting someone in self-defense is not putting me in jail. In fact, I did my interview over the phone. The club has to answer questions, but nearly everyone who had anything to do with it are gone. They are not too worried. Then there’s Diamondback.” I look at dad and I know he is not going to like this but it’s a done deal now. “I am meeting with Diamondback in two days. Dad I hope you will be with me.” Dad looks almost relieved. Maybe I was misreading his hate for the man that gave me part of my DNA. “I set the meet up because I am guessing it is time. I’m not afraid and I will face him. It’s better than the unknown. I called Uncle Blake and he is setting up the meet. Neutral territory.”

  “How the hell did Blake know how to get in touch with Diamondback? He’s been gone for two years.” Dad just doesn’t remember how resourceful Uncle Blake is. He’s one of the people who taught me.

  “Dad, if Uncle Blake wants to know something, he fin
ds it. Sorta like me. He taught me a lot.” Yes, he did, and I miss him. Dad and he are going to have to patch things up so I can have them both.

  “I’ll be there Callie. Anytime you need me. Wouldn’t want it any other way.” I knew dad would help, but I see the concern in his face.

  “I’ll be there, too. You’re not going without me.” Dra wants to help. I just don’t know how close I want him. “I’m claiming my wife. She’s my property. Her and my child. I’l l put that patch on her back.” Devil is seething and I know soon he won’t be controlling himself, so I better wrap this up.

  “Callie you have a choice to make. You are in the Troubled Fathoms clubhouse and I have claimed you before my club. You can stay with me and be mine. Or you’ll have to go with Devil and be his. It’s your choice. I will wait until you are free from Devil and I won’t push, but you will be mine. You chose.” Dra is standing close but I can see Devil from my peripheral vision and I see him reach to his ankle. I know what is about to happen but I can’t speak, it’s all I can do to move. I jump in front of Dra to block Devil’s shot but I feel a jolt as I throw myself on top of him. A hot searing pain hits the back of my shoulder but all I can think is, not Dra. He can’t take Dra from me. It’s funny the things you will realize when you think this might be your last thought. As we go down everything is a blur. I feel pain in the side of my head and then I just fade to black.

  Dra No! It’s all I can think. Why would this woman jump in front of me, when it should be me protecting her? I catch her and roll us but I can feel with my hand she has blood coming from the back of her shoulder and from her head where we fell. Callie, baby, you have to be ok. Please help her!

  “Call for an ambulance! Callie is shot!” I’m oblivious to the commotion around me. I see Tazer has Hacksaw by the throat on the floor beating on his face but I don’t see Devil and I don’t see Chief. Then we hear another gun shot from outside. Tazer freezes mid hit and he’s off Hacksaw and out the door with Krill right behind him. As fast as it began, it is over. Hacksaw is getting himself off the floor with Buzz’s help, but Jeb is missing. Dad has the phone in his hand trying to get help for Callie. I just want her to open her eyes. “Baby, please open your eyes. I love you. Please baby, don’t leave me.” She’s so still. It should be me.

  “Hold tight son, ambulance is on the way. We have to go check what is going on outside. I’ll be right back.” Why would Callie jump in front of a bullet for me? Our first fight is going to be over her learning to stay the hell behind me. “Callie, baby, open them beautiful eyes for me.” It seems like it has been forever. What’s taking the ambulance so long? I see Dad making his way back in with Chief beside him. Jeb and Tazer come in behind them, with Krill bringing up the rear. Jeb has a shirt tied around his arm. It looks like he took a bullet to the upper arm.

  “Dra, give my daughter to me. Is she breathing ok? Let me take a look.” Chief is talking to me but there is no way I am leaving Callie’s side. “You can sit beside us, but no one is taking Callie from me. She’s mine. Fool woman.” I can tell Chief does not like it, but he is not going to fight me right now. I hear the sirens in the distance and I know help will be here soon.

  “Did you get Devil? Is he dead? Because if he isn’t now, he will be soon.” I can see the anger in Chief’s face. Tazer and Jeb have the same looks. I know I need to focus, but the anger I feel is not going away.

  “Can you make room for us? We need to be able to get to the patient. Sir, you’re going to have to move.” I give the paramedic a death glare.

  “Son, let them do their job. She needs to get to the hospital.” Dad is trying to reason with me, I finally realize he is right and give her to the paramedics. “I’m going with her in the ambulance.” I dare anyone to try and stop me. No one speaks up until I hear Chief.

  “We’ll be right behind you. You may think she is your woman, but she will always be my baby girl.” I know he is hurting right now, but I just can’t leave her. They load her on the gurney and I swear the sheet has a better color that she does. I follow close behind and when I walk out the front door I see all the members of the Troubled Fathoms MC are gathered around Steel and Devil. If I weren’t so afraid for Callie right now, I would put him to ground. The end of my gun would be the last thing he would see. The trip in the back of the ambulance to the hospital is one of the longest of my life. The back doors of the ambulance are opened and there is a frenzy of doctors and medical personnel trying to help with Callie. I step out and one of the women takes my arm and says, “Sir, you will have to wait in the family waiting room.” I know this is normal, but my mind can’t comprehend leaving Callie.

  “I can’t leave her. She needs me. She’s pregnant. Nothing can happen to her baby.” I’m beyond reason and going out of my mind with worry “Sir, the doctors can’t help your wife if you don’t let us. You need to go to the waiting room. The doctor will evaluate her and come give you an update when he can.” I know she’s right, so I walk into the waiting room to wait while the woman I love has to fight for her life.


  What the hell have I done? How did I let this get so out of hand? I wanted to end Dra for trying to claim my woman, but I never thought Callie would get hurt. I wasn’t thinking. I just reacted to his hand on her. Now I don’t know if Callie or my unborn child will make it. What if I killed them both? I deserve whatever happens to me. I could barely see Callie when they took her to the ambulance. I couldn’t live with myself if I killed my family. I should have just let Callie go. She deserves better. From the minute I first I laid eyes on Callie, I knew she was too good for me. I knew if I stayed in her life, I would be her downfall. If she will just pull through this, I will set her free for her own good. I not only let her down, but I’ve let my family and club down. I don’t know why I’m still alive. If I had been in Chief’s place, I would have put me to ground instead of the beating he gave me. All I can hope for is to find out how Callie is and maybe dad and my brothers can get out of this alive. I’ll accept whatever punishment they have to give. Right now we are locked down waiting for either the law or the Troubled Fathoms to serve justice. I just need to hear about Callie. “Boy, what were you thinking? How the hell are we getting out of this?” We both look as the door opens and a big mountain of a man comes in. I don’t know if this is the man who will end us or not, but he doesn’t look happy.

  “I need Steel and Devil.” Dad and I both look at each other. Hacksaw and Buzz start to get up but the man stops in front of me.

  “I’m Devil.” There’s no way I want anyone else taking my beat down. He looks at my dad.

  “Are you Steel?” I try to get between the two but the big man backhands me back into the wall.

  “That’s me.” The big man shakes his head and drills me with a death glare. “We’re leaving for the hospital. Your two men can leave but not come to the hospital. They will be watched to make sure they don’t leave town. I’m Blake and for some reason Callie wanted to make sure you two were taken care of, but I tell you this Devil, if Callie isn’t ok, you will be going to ground and I will be sending you there. Do you understand? Callie has been shot twice now on your watch, and I hold you responsible. Now let’s get to the hospital to check on her.” This is Callie’s Uncle Blake. He is a hell of a big man.

  “Have you heard any news on her? They haven’t told us anything since they put us in here.” He doesn’t look like he wants to give us any information. “I talked to Hawser a little bit ago. No news yet, but he gave the ok for me to take charge of you after a little convincing. Stay away from Dra, Chief and Ty. They are out for blood, but I know if Callie wakes up and anything has happened to you two, she is going to be irate. By the way, you can both consider yourself detained. I am a U.S. Marshall, and if you try to run I will shoot you on the spot. Now let’s go.” I think Callie forgot to fill me in on everything about her Uncle Blake. No wonder Blake and Chief don’t get along. I don’t know how I will get out of this, but at least I will get to check on Callie.r />
  Dra They haven’t let us back to see Callie yet, but the doctor came out to let us know her condition after hours of sitting here. The surgery to get the bullet out was minor. She has a severe concussion and cut on her head. The baby is still fighting to stay alive, so it must be a lot like Callie. We should get to see her soon. Chief filled out all the necessary paperwork and now we are just waiting again and drinking what the hospital passes off as coffee. Can’t expect much from a vending machine. Dad let us know Callie’s Uncle Blake have Devil and Steel in another waiting room in the hospital but none of us know why Blake is even here. My woman is full of surprises. We are not going to have a dull life that’s for sure. Now if I can just tie her down to keep her safe. That is going to be a bigger job than I thought. Another surprise is Blake is a U.S. Marshall. Who would have thought that? Apparently he and Chief have unresolved issues. Just as I am about to get up to go ask the nurse one more time how long it will be, the door opens and the doctor walks in the door and goes and sits across from Chief in one of the stiff chairs.

  “Mr. Black, I’m Dr. Clayton. I am taking care of your daughter. Your daughter is being taken from recovery to a room in ICU and she will be there for about two hours. I want to watch her, but if she has no complications from the concussion I think she will be fine. Since this is her second concussion in the last few months I am being cautious. The pregnancy we’ll know more about in time, but so far so good. Nothing we can do but wait and pray. We will give her antibiotics through an IV, a pain drip and then give her a script when she goes home. We are not giving her anything that could possibly hurt the baby. She’s young and strong and that works in her favor. The baby’s heart beat is strong. You have any questions? Our ER is going to be full soon. There’s been a wreck, so I will check back in with Callie, but will be in ER for a while. It’s going to be a long night for us all. My advice is to go home and come back tomorrow. Leave your numbers with the front desk and they’ll call if there’s any change.” The doctor looks tired. Not as tired as I feel though.


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