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Moon Feast

Page 2

by Lakisha Spletzer

  “My apologies. I will behave,” he ground out.

  “Good.” Shekyra patted the mare’s nose. With a final warning snort in Dareus’ direction, the mare ambled away.

  Shakily, he stood and avoided glancing at Shekyra as she took him to the largest of the buildings. He wasn’t prepared for the lavishness he found inside. Dark purple silk drapes hung from the ceiling while silk sheets covered the bedding. In the center of the room was a dais with a table laden with enough food to feed a town. Gathered around the table were two men and a woman. All were scantily clad and he grinned. Perhaps fun could be had after all.

  He breathed in deeply and caught the scent of lavender incense. Instantly he felt relaxed. He didn’t even get upset when Shekyra gave him a firm push toward the others.

  “Eat. Rest. The preparers will come for you at sunset.”

  “Preparers?” Funny that the word should bother him, but he couldn’t seem to care as he watched Shekyra leave. Dareus slowly turned back to look at the other visitors who stood staring at him. He felt different, the way he did whenever he’d had too much to drink. The scent of lavender clogged his nose and made him lightheaded. He stumbled and reached his hand toward them.

  “Help…me.” His tongue felt thick; he couldn’t speak. Deep in his soul, fear tried to rise but his mind and body refused to obey. He watched as each of the visitors began to collapse. His own knees buckled and he was unconscious before his body hit the floor.


  Cold water hit Dareus in the chest and he woke disoriented and nauseated. He found himself bound as he struggled feebly. It took effort to turn his head. A stab of pain rocked through his temple and he groaned. He heard movement but had trouble seeing in the dim light. Dareus tried to speak but no words left his mouth. I will not panic. I must be calm. There is a reason for this. A very good reason.

  “Hey Juja, one of the courses is awake!”

  Dareus couldn’t see the speaker but the word “courses” made him gasp. No, that is not what he means! It can’t be! A lamp was shoved near his eyes blinding him and choking him with its greasy smell. He flinched when cold, wet fingers touched his face.

  “You’re right, Shajo, he’s awake. That’s all right. You know they like at least one of them squealing during the chase.”

  Dareus’ panic gave him some strength and he struggled. The mocking laughter of his captors chilled him.

  “Aw, look Shajo, he thinks to break the chains. Listen, Human, when the Lord of the Northeast Forest Herd puts a spell on something, there is no breaking it. Now relax. We have to finish killing the other dishes. Unlucky for you that you’re the main meal. It means they get to chase you before they eat you.”

  Juja chuckled nastily and the two men walked away, leaving Dareus in darkness. He whimpered as his mind conjured up what was to happen to him. Suddenly, a woman’s scream rent the air but was abruptly silenced. He heard the crack of breaking bones and liquid drips hitting the floor. His stomach rebelled from the smell blood. I’m going to vomit! Oh, First Ones, please save me! But no answer came in the darkness as Dareus prayed and wept while listening to the two men butcher the other captives.

  * * *

  Moonwave surveyed the feasting pasture with pride. The Caretakers had set up the troughs. In between each one were two large barrels, one for water and the other for sweet oats. The troughs formed a large semi-circle and faced the hunting trail to the east that led to the blood pastures. The moon was full tonight, casting its benevolent light down on his herd.

  “My lord, the three appetizers are ready. Shajo and Juja say the woman was meatier than first thought. Dareus is awake and ready for the hunting party.”

  “Thank you, Shekyra. I will call the herd. Have him brought out.”

  “As you will it, my lord.” She bowed low and left for the preparation building.

  Moonwave lifted his head and felt the spring breeze ruffle his mane. This was his favorite season. Humans had either grown lean or plump during the winter. Regardless of the kind, it meant fresh food for his herd. The human towns benefited, too. They sent criminals into the forest where the various herds would capture and eat them. He whinnied his pleasure, kicking up his heels like a foal.

  After a moment, he calmed down and let out a ringing neigh—once, twice, to announce the hunting run. A deep rumble shook the ground and grew louder as thirty horses and foals galloped into view. He waited until they came to a stop, surveying each one.

  “Join me, my people, for the feast has begun!”

  As one, the herd reared back on hind legs and neighed their acceptance. They came down, their hooves kicking up dust as they broke into family groups and headed to their troughs. Caretakers emerged with steaming platters of warm meat. Each trough was filled. The horses plunged into the food, munching contentedly on the chunks of flesh.

  Moonwave waited until every horse was served before letting out a shrill whinny to alert Shekyra that the group was ready for the main course.


  Dareus didn’t know how long he laid in darkness but his mind hummed with plans of escape. A door creaked open. He felt a touch on his head, letting him know he wasn’t alone. Warm fingers trailed over his face and down to his chest before stopping at his belly. It was then he realized he was naked.

  “Come, Lord Dareus. It’s time.”

  He was furious when he recognized Shekyra’s voice. How could she be part of this? The horse must have placed a spell on her. He tried to speak but again his voice refused to work. He felt more hands touch him and he was hauled upright. Dareus went limp forcing his captors to half carry, half drag him outside. It was then that he saw the chains on his hands and ankles. They appeared heavy but had no weight. Magic. It made his skin crawl. He looked up at the moon and prayed again for the First Ones to save him.

  “Greetings, Dareus.” Moonwave trotted up to him. “I am sorry about the silencing spell, but it was necessary that we have quiet during the preparation ritual. I will now remove it so you may have your final say before the hunt. If you manage to outwit and outrun my herd, we will allow you freedom to return to the nearest village. If you lose, we shall feast on you.” Moonwave peeled back his lip and revealed razor sharp fangs.

  Dareus almost fainted. Those teeth had not been there when they first met! He jerked backward as Moonwave stuck his nose in Dareus’ face. Instead of biting him, the stallion simply huffed and blew warm, cloying breath in his face. A coughing fit hit him and when he recovered he could speak. “Why are you doing this to me? I’ve done nothing to you!”

  “By Man’s Law, you haven’t wronged us. But you violated Forest Law by coming in uninvited. You were warned, Lord Dareus Stykin, by many, but chose to ignore the advice. You lied when asked for the truth. You attempted to harm Shekyra when she refused your advances. You are no better than those animals that cannot talk. We condemn you for your crimes. Prepare to run, Human, and may the First Ones grant you a good death.”

  Dareus felt a terror unlike any he’d ever had before. His heart beat too fast in his chest and his legs threatened to collapse. He stared at the muzzles of the horses watching him, blood dripping from mouths that had been feeding on the pieces of the other captured humans. His stomach churned but he fought down the queasiness. He would outrun them all. He would show them!

  Shekyra sashayed over, her smile one of a predator. She caressed his face and laughed when he let out a snort of revulsion. “What? Don’t find me so fetching now? Do not worry. It won’t hurt nearly as much as it would have if I had been allowed recompense for your earlier insult.” She gripped his chin tightly and forced him to gaze at her mouth that opened and revealed elongated canine teeth. “I am allowed the first bite and so shall I take it.”

  He struggled but Juja and Shajo tightened their grips, immobilizing him as Shekyra forced his head back, exposing his neck. He screamed when she bit into t
he section between his neck and shoulder. He heard her greedy sucking and he wished that he could kill them all.

  She released his chin and stepped back, purposefully waiting until his eyes focused on her before licking his blood off her lips. She giggled and blew him kiss as Shajo and Juja dragged Dareus to the opening in the tree line.

  “Swift feet, Prey,” they both said as they removed his chains. They casually walked away leaving him alone.

  Dareus kept his back to the shuffling horses. Body tense, his thoughts were on escape. The wound in his neck throbbed painfully but he had to be focused. He startled like a rabbit when Shekyra’s loud menacing whoop sent him crashing into the forest. At first he heard nothing, too intent on navigating around the trees. He didn’t know how long he’d been running. He knew only that he must if he wished to live. Then he became aware of the pounding of hooves. He was gasping for air, unused to exertions of this type.

  Dareus risked a glance over his shoulder and screamed when he saw several horses bearing down on him. Frantically he veered right and into a thicket of thorns. Precious seconds were lost as he untangled himself. Bleeding and tiring rapidly, he stumbled over tree roots. He turned to check the location of the horses and tripped over a large root. Thrown off-balance, he tumbled down a small slope and landed softly on a bed of grass.

  He moaned and gingerly sat up. He ached from head to toe. He noticed that he was in a field of some kind.

  “Where am I? No matter. I have to keep moving.” Dareus heaved himself to his feet. He no longer saw trees, just wave upon wave of red grass. Wait! Red grass! This isn’t possible! What devilry is afoot? The wind blew, making the grass undulate. His attention snared by the movement, Dareus failed to notice the arrival of the herd.

  A whinny broke the spell and he blinked, spun around and shrieked shrilly. The hunters surrounded him. They wore identical matching feral grins that displayed all their fangs, an unnatural testament to their unholy natures.

  Fear immobilized him as all logical thought fled. Helplessly he watched death approach on four hooves with silver eyes and a sweet face. His last thought as Moonwave’s mouth opened was how well the grass would hide the stains of his blood.


  About the Author

  Lakisha Spletzer is a single mother of two vivacious children, who keep her on her toes while inspiring her to write. A native of Coeburn, Virginia, she moved to Citrus County, Florida in 2004 and has enjoyed the warmth ever since.

  Lakisha has a Bachelors of Arts in Communications from the University of Virginia-Wise. She teaches dance at Dance Central in Inverness, Florida and works for H & R Block during tax season.

  She can be found reading stories from authors Elissa Malcohn, K.L. Nappier, and Piers Anthony, to name a few. She loves writing down the adventures rattling around in her head as well as poetry that strikes without warning.

  She describes her writing style as a blend of her favorite genres. This is her first novel.



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