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Big Bad Alpha: A Billionaire Romance

Page 70

by Tia Siren

  “Jesus, that's nice,” he said.

  They felt coarse and heavy. She began to massage them, gently flicking her nails across his delicate skin, teasing him, making his arousal unbearable. She gently took his shaft in her hand and rubbed up and down its length. She loved the expression on his face as she helped herself to him. She continued to rub his length as her hand left his balls and rubbed over his hard stomach, up to his bulging chest. He had no chest hair, and she enjoyed the feel of rubbing her hand freely over his skin. When her hand moved over him, she felt his muscles respond in tiny waves of excitement.

  She got onto the bed and straddled him, all the time rubbing him, making him groan. “Put me inside you,” he moaned, unable to last much longer. The sight of her slender body on him and her large breasts moving in time to the actions of her hand was too much. All he could think of was taking her.

  “Not so fast. I want to enjoy it,” she said.

  “But I'm so close,” he moaned. “You don't know what you do to me.” She took her hand from him and lay down next to him. When she opened her legs, he knew what she wanted.

  She gasped when he rolled between her legs and kissed her soft folds. She'd expected a man like him to unleash a bruising onslaught when he licked her, but he was gentle, expertly teasing her to the edge and letting her hang. “Let me come,” she said impatiently when it became unbearable. He took more of her into his mouth and worked her with his tongue. When she came, she scratched his shoulders and thrashed her legs over his back.

  Without letting her recover, he slid up her, kissing her breasts as he went. When his face reached hers, he was already deep inside her. He shoved his hands under her buttocks and felt their softness as he built up his thrusts. She was soon gasping again as his body rubbed again hers. Wave after wave of pleasure left her trembling center, crashing somewhere in her head. Her body tensed, and he felt her coming once more.

  “Jesus, you're so sexy,” he said as he looked at her face, tiny beads of sweat forming on her hairline.

  “So are you,” she gasped, thrusting her pelvis up to meet his movements. She didn't care now what the circumstances were. She was lost in their lovemaking, and nothing else seemed to matter. That he'd kidnapped her and locked her in a basement were minor irrelevancies. She threw her arms around his neck and kissed the side of this face.

  “I can't much longer. I'm gonna come,” he said.

  “Come with me,” she shouted. She quickly began to pleasure herself. Her timing was perfect; as soon as she felt him twitch inside her, she came. They shook together, cried out together, and clung onto each other for minutes. When he slipped out of her, he rolled onto his back.

  “Sorry,” he said.

  “What for?”

  “For mistreating you.”

  Lucy smiled and thought about what she'd told herself in the shower. It worked every time, she thought. “Can I go now?” she asked.

  “Sure. I'll have someone take you home.”

  “Don't you want me to stay?” She'd hoped he would ask her to sleep with him. His sudden agreement to her release felt perversely like rejection.

  “You can stay if you’d like. It would be nice if you did. Maybe we can do it again when I've recovered.”

  “I'd like that,” she said. She drew closer to him and put a leg over his midriff.

  “Forgive my father his debt. He's a fool sometimes. A gambling debt isn't a real debt. You're not out of pocket,” she said.

  “I'll think about it,” he said just before he fell asleep.


  “Wake up, you stupid fuck,” 'Natasha said. She fired a bullet into the pillow between them. Grigori automatically reached under the bed. “Is this what you are looking for?” Natasha asked as she held his weapon aloft.

  “You bitch. What do you want?”

  “I see you couldn't wait for me to leave before you screwed this tramp,” she barked. “Get out of bed, bitch.” Her gun was now pointing at Lucy's head.

  “Okay,” Lucy said. Natasha took her by the hair and pulled her from under the sheets and onto the floor. “Say goodbye to him. You're coming with me, and you'll never see each other again. Isn't that sad?” she said mockingly.

  “Listen to me, Natasha. If you do anything to her, I swear...”

  “Swear what, you asshole? Have you forgotten who I am? My family will eat you for breakfast.” She turned to one of the two men standing behind her. “Get something to cover her up,” she said. He walked into the bathroom and took the robe Lucy had worn before.

  “Why are you doing this?” Lucy asked.

  “Because she's jealous,” Grigori said. “The moment I brought you here, she began to go crazy.”

  “Shut up or she gets it,” Natasha said. Lucy cowered as the barrel touched her temple.

  “Okay, okay. I'm coming. Calm down,” Lucy said.

  Once they left the room, Grigori jumped out of bed and took a Kalashnikov from the wardrobe. He opened the window and took aim as Natasha pulled Lucy across the driveway and toward the waiting vehicle. When he had Natasha in his sights, he pulled the trigger. One of the large bodyguards walked in front of her at just the wrong time, though. The bullet killed him instantly.

  “Fuck,” he said. He took aim again, but Natasha and Lucy were now in the back of the vehicle. He managed to take out the rear windshield as the car sped up the driveway, but all to no avail.


  “Very pretty, Natasha. You've done very well,” Natasha's father said.

  “She's quite beautiful, isn't she?” Natasha said.

  Her father was short, fat, and bald. His Russian features were craggy, and his jowls wobbled as he spoke. “I haven't had a woman like her in a very long time,” he said. He ran the back of his hand over Lucy's neck and across her chest. When she spat in his face, he slapped her. “Lock her up. I want to experience the feeling of anticipation before I take her tomorrow,” he said.

  “You fucking ass. Who the hell—” Lucy stopped speaking when he thrust her robe open.

  “Oh my word. What treasures await me,” he hissed, his eyes devouring her breasts and the patch of dark hair between her legs.


  “You what?” Lenny asked.

  “I forgive you your debts.”

  “Grigori, this isn't the time for jokes.”

  “Forget it. I apologize. I was being an ass.”

  Grigori was standing in Lenny's house in the middle of the night, wearing just a pair of jeans and sneakers. Lenny hadn't slept since Lucy had been taken. He'd considered calling the police, but he knew they wouldn't believe him. What he'd decided to do was call all his dubious Irish friends and put together a small army to go and set her free.

  “Okay. Now you can give me my daughter back, can't you?”

  “Iakov's got her.”

  “What?” Lenny shouted. “Jesus, how the fuck did that happen?”

  “Natasha kidnapped her.”


  “Because she's pathologically jealous.”

  “What gave her reason to be jealous?”

  “Because I've fallen for Lucy, and she felt it.”

  Lenny laughed. “Give me a break. Do you think Lucy would marry a pathetic ass like you?”

  “Watch what you're saying,” Grigori said. He regretted taking Lucy, but he still wasn't going to let Lenny say such things to him.

  “Jesus, Grigori, Iakov's a murderer,” Lenny said. “He'll do all sorts of terrible things to her.” Lenny was suddenly close to tears.

  “We're gonna set her free, okay?”

  “How? He's got his own private army. His place is impenetrable.”

  “You know the Irish boys, and I've got my men. We can get her back.”

  “It's too dangerous. If she's in their house, they'll kill her as soon as we start attacking,” Lenny said.

  “What do you suggest?” Grigori asked.

  “I don't fucking know. Think of something. You’re the one who got her into thi
s shit.”

  “There is only one thing that will make him listen,” Grigori said.


  “Money. I'll have to pay for her,” Grigori said.

  “And how much do you think he would want?”

  “A few million, maybe.”

  “Fucking hell. As if I have a few million kicking around.”

  “You don't, but I do.”

  “And you would pay that much to get her freed?” Lenny asked.


  “Then call the asshole and ask him. Just do anything to get her back safely, please.”

  “Okay. It's the middle of the night now. I'll call him first thing in the morning.”


  It was peculiar, but Lucy hadn't felt she was in much danger when she was at Grigori's. At his house, from the very beginning, she'd felt he had a soft spot for her. It was that feeling that had made her hopeful she could sway him, which she'd eventually done. Locked away in a damp cellar in Natasha's father's house, she had an altogether different feeling. She could smell danger. This man was evil, and he would do to her what he'd said; of that she was certain. She had to escape.

  Her circumstances were similar to those at Grigori's house. She was locked in a basement. The only difference was that Grigori lived in a new house, and this house was old. She wondered if at some time there had been any alterations or repairs to the basement. Perhaps there was a weak spot in the wall somewhere—a bricked up window or door, a rotten air vent. Anything would do. Her situation was desperate. She felt her way around in the dark and began to push against the walls. She worked her way from floor to ceiling every meter or so until she'd covered the whole room. Nowhere had she felt anything give. She tried to remember what the ceiling was made of. She tough it was wood, but she wasn't sure. But even if it was made of wood, what good would it do? She needed to get out of the house, not appear a floor farther up.

  Lucy sat down on the brick floor and put her head in her hands. The only thing she had to cling to was the vain hope that Grigori would come for her. But that wasn't certain. She remembered he'd told her how powerful Natasha's father was. Unless a miracle occurred, she would be at the mercy of the small ugly man the next day, and the thought of that was too much to bear.

  “Shit! What's that?” Lucy shrieked. She'd fallen asleep for a few minutes, and something fury had run over her face. “Please don't let it bet rats. You know how scared I am of those creatures,” she shouted. She fumbled around and found a piece of wood. She sat up and held her breath, trying to hear something. But there was nothing. “What the fuck was it?” she sobbed. “Please, let me out of here,” she screamed.


  “Iakov, it's Grigori.”

  “What the fuck do you want? Do you know how much you've upset my daughter?”

  ““Fuck your daughter. She's a bitch.”

  “What? You'll pay for saying that.”

  “She's even uglier than you are, you fat slob.”

  Lenny was listening to the conversation and wondered what Grigori was doing. Why was he antagonizing him?

  “What do you want?” Iakov asked.

  “I want to tell Natasha that it's over between us. After she treated Lucy so badly, I don't want her anymore. Did you know Lucy is in the hospital because of her?”

  “What are you talking about? I've got her, here in my basement. And I'm really going to enjoy her; she's so pretty.”

  “You know, Iakov, you've always been a liar. According to her father she's in the hospital with a severe concussion. Just tell Natasha what I said. I never want to see her again.” Grigori hung up.

  “What are you doing?' Lenny asked. “Why did you antagonize him like that? And what's the bullshit story about Lucy being in the hospital?”

  “Wait and see,” Grigori said.

  When Grigori's phone rang again, it made Lenny jump. “Why don't you believe me?” Iakov asked.

  “Because you're always full of shit. Half the things you say you have done, you haven't. You're not as tough as you think. You don't have the balls to do half the things you claim to have done.” Grigori looked at Lenny, who was beside himself with worry.

  “Come and see for yourself. She's here.”

  “Do you think I'm stupid? You and Natasha want to kill me.”

  “Come and see for yourself whether she's here. You have my word that nothing will happen to you. But if she's here, as she is, you will watch me use her and then kill her.”

  “ You're so full of shit. I'll be there at eleven.”

  Grigori put his cell on the kitchen table and stared at Lenny. “You've just killed her,” Lenny said.

  “No. I've just gained entry to his house.”

  “But there will be so many guards there. You'll have no chance of freeing her.”

  “I want him to free her in exchange for me. I can only negotiate that when I'm in the house.”

  “You are willing to trade yourself for her?”



  “Because she's a good woman and doesn't deserve any of this.”

  “You're in love with her,” Lenny said.

  “Shut up,” Grigori said


  Grigori looked at the house he'd just pulled up in front of. It was one of the first mansions ever built in the New York area. It had belonged to a rich family of jewelers until Iakov had persuaded the only remaining family member to sell it to him. Iakov had paid around twenty-five million dollars for it.

  He walked to the door and was greeted by one of Iakov's huge guards. All his bodyguards were Russian. Iakov hadn't ever made much of an effort to learn English—though most people knew what he meant when he was holding a gun to their head.

  Grigori followed the guard through the hallway and down a long corridor toward the back of the house. Iakov was sitting in an armchair in a lounge. Natasha was sitting on the sofa. When she saw Grigori, she got up, walked over to him, and slapped him. He ignored it.

  “So, you don't believe me,” Iakov began. “You think I'm a liar.”

  “I don't believe the girl is here, no,” Grigori said.

  “But you saw me take her,” Natasha said.

  “That doesn't mean she's here. I know for a fact she's in the hospital.”

  Natasha and Iakov laughed. “You're so dumb,” Natasha said.

  “When I pull her from the basement, you'll look so stupid,” Iakov said. “Go and get her,” he said to Natasha. Natasha did as he asked.

  “I can't wait for this,” Iakov said, rubbing his hands together. When he heard someone shouting, he got up and walked to the door.

  Natasha came running up the stairs. “She's gone,” she said.

  “What the fuck are you talking about?” Iakov shouted. “She can't be,” he said, running down the stairs. Grigori, who was just as surprised but didn't want to show it, got up and followed Iakov. When he reached the basement he saw a small hole had been kicked in the wall. It was probably just large enough for Lucy's slender figure to get through, he thought.

  “I can't see her here,” Grigori said. “I told you that you were telling me lies.”

  “She was here,” Iakov said desperately. “She's escaped somehow.”

  “See you later, liar,” Grigori said. He started to walk up the steps but stopped when he heard the click of a trigger behind him.

  “You're going nowhere. I'm going to kill you,” Iakov said.

  Grigori turned around and looked at him. “Why?”

  “Because you were so rude about my daughter.”

  “Come on, Iakov, you know what she's like. I only got involved with her to please you. I can't stand her anymore.”

  “That doesn't excuse what you said. You insulted me, and you insulted her. Good-bye, Grigori.”

  Grigori fell to the floor, rolled over, and produced a gun before Iakov had time to cock his gun and fire it. Iakov fell to the floor, dead, but it wasn't Grigori who had killed him. The shot had come
from the hole in the wall. Grigori got up and looked outside. Lucy was laying on the ground with a pistol in her hand.

  “So, you came to free me,” she said.

  “What the hell's going on? Yes, I came to free you, but you were gone.”

  “Come on, before all his men descend on you.”

  “I can't get through this hole.”

  Lucy put her feet to the wall and kicked a few more bricks away. “Big enough now, fatty?” she quipped.

  Grigori squirmed through the hole and ran along the side of the house with Lucy. When he saw the coast was clear, they ran to his car and sped off up the driveway.


  “I killed him,” she said shakily. They'd just reached Grigori's mansion.

  “He deserved it. He was going to kill you.”

  “But what about the police?”

  “They won't call the cops. They know you shot him in self-defense. Don't worry, nothing will happen to you. Would you mind telling me what he did to you?”

  “He put me in that horrible damp basement. You saw it. It wasn't fit for a pig to live in. In the middle of the night, I felt something that really freaked me out. Something fury crawled over me. I thought it was a rat, but it turned out to be a cat. It hadn’t been there when I was put down there, so I wondered how it had gotten into the basement.”


  “Through a hole in the wall. I hadn't seen it the first time I looked because it was dark. The hole was quite small, but the house is old and the bricks are rotten, so I managed to make the gap big enough to get through.”

  “I ran to the road, managed to get a ride, and eventually got back to my dad's house. He told me you'd gone to Iakov's. He pleaded with me not to leave, but I had to make sure you were okay.” Lucy reached for him and pulled her to him. “I need you. I never intended to fall for you, but I did, despite your brutality toward my father.”


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