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Big Bad Alpha: A Billionaire Romance

Page 106

by Tia Siren

  William came over and plucked him from my arms. The intimidating man I had met before had become a warm and caring parent in the blink of an eye.

  I followed him down the hall and into Kevin’s bedroom. It was one of the largest rooms in the house, certainly larger than my own, and was covered in toys and games. I wanted to say he was spoiled, but I had no proof.

  After laying his son in bed, William came out and we began to chat while walking toward the kitchen.

  “I like to see him happy,” he said, “and I want him to have all the advantages I didn’t.”

  “You didn’t have all this?” I asked.

  “Not until about ten years ago,” he replied. “I was a small-time investor. I just happened across a solid investment and banked hard. That earned me my first capital. Once you start understanding business, it becomes second nature.”

  I could understand what he meant to some degree. Janey used to be a carefree spirit, but after going off to college, she came back a much more grounded and obsessed person. She devoured the law, and I never saw the old Janey again.

  “What happened to his mother?” I wondered.

  William went silent. I had a feeling I had asked about a delicate subject far sooner than I should have. He slowed his walk and kept a thoughtful gaze forward.

  “Perhaps another time,” he said.

  The smell of dinner that had been prepared for us wafted through the house, and my mouth watered. It smelled like something my mother used to make for me all the time when I was sick.

  I was surprised to find that it even looked exactly like that dish. I always searched local restaurants, but none could make it just the same.

  “I had them make your favorite food,” he said.

  I sat down and eagerly took a bite. It was delicious and so familiar. It tasted exactly like the food I’d had every time I was sick. I almost cried as I ate.

  “I sort of cheated and called your mother for the recipe,” William said.

  “That’s the most thoughtful thing anyone has done for me,” I said.

  “I like making people feel comfortable when they come here. We’re all family. My chef is an old restauranteur from my favorite food spot a long time ago. He got tired of the day to day of his old restaurant, so I bought the place and hired him to work here. You met Bill, my old neighbor. He used to race cars twenty years ago, and I still like to fuel his habit, pardon the pun. My maid is a woman who lived with my family for years. She came from Eastern Europe without a cent to her name, and now she lives here.

  “Everyone here is someone that matters to me. I want you to matter to me as well. I hope you’ll come to love it here as much as we do.”

  I was impressed by his need to keep people around him that he knew. So many times I’d seen people move on and forget where they came from. It seemed he brought where he came from along with him.

  “That’s an incredible gesture,” I said.

  “I even bought this land incredibly cheap. It’s still a functioning wetland. A developer was going to pave over it and build some monstrosity, but I wanted to make sure the land stayed as it was. In the spring we allow bird watchers to come and enjoy the grounds,” he added.

  “That’s quite nice,” I said.

  “Of course, if you get tired of it all, you’re welcome to leave whenever you see fit. I won’t stop you,” he said.

  I nodded and continued to gorge myself on the delectable food in front of me. If this was what it was like living with the wealthy, I figured it was something I could get used to.

  “I think I might head out for a dip. All are welcome,” he said.

  I would have responded, but my mouth was too full of food, so I just nodded in affirmation instead. He smiled back at me and left the room.

  The chef set a glass of brandy down on the table in front of me and poured a second, which he held aloft as a toast. I picked up the glass and clinked it with his before taking a large sip.

  “It might not be perfect, but it’s home,” he said.

  “It seems prefect to me,” I replied.

  “Give it a month before you see the cracks.”

  I didn’t know what he meant by that, but I was glad to be where I was. I finished my brandy and replaced the glass. The chef smiled a big, toothy smile at me as I left the kitchen for my room to change.

  I needed to talk to someone right now; maybe Janey was up.


  “So you’re getting changed to spend time with a billionaire in his pool? Are you a call girl or something?” she asked.

  “No, Janey, I’m not a call girl. I’m just having an evening swim with a billionaire,” I replied. “Okay, it does sound pretty bad now that I say it out loud.”

  “So you’re still going to swim with him?” she asked.

  “Well, I can’t say no to him now. I already said I’d be there. What should I say? Hey, boss, I think it’s odd swimming with you on my first day of work, and I don’t want to feel like a hooker?”

  “That’s not a bad start, but the delivery could use some work,” she said with a laugh.

  “I’m honestly wishing that I had a different swimsuit than my normal one. I can’t believe you talked me into this skimpy thing,” I said.

  “When you go to the Bahamas, Erica, people expect you to wear the most revealing thing you can.”

  “I’m not complaining about the Bahamas. I’m complaining about how you threw away my one-piece bathing suit. You could have at least let me keep it,” I said.

  “Just tell him you need to get a proper swimsuit before you can swim. Sounds like a good excuse to me,” she said.

  “That’s a good idea. I’ll tell him that,” I said. “Gotta go, Janey. Talk soon.”

  I clicked the phone off and started toward the backyard swimming pool. I could hear the water lapping against the edge of the pool. Each step that brought me closer heightened my anxiety.

  William was swimming laps, dipping beneath the water only to spring back out and whip his arms out in front of him. I watched from the doorway as he continued to exercise. It seemed he either didn’t notice me watching or didn’t care that I did.

  After a time, he burst from the water and sat along the edge of the pool to relax. I took it as an invite. He stood up tall and began to stretch. I noticed the lean swimmer’s muscles he had built. His long, skinny torso appeared to be chiseled out of marble, with taut abs and lean, strong arms. I felt myself swoon, if only for a moment, before I came to my senses.

  “I think I’ll have to decline for the evening,” I said. “I’ve nothing to wear in the pool.”

  He smiled and adjusted his swimsuit, which left almost nothing to the imagination. I did my best to avoid staring, but I had to sneak a peek.

  “That’s all right. I wouldn’t expect to make you do anything you wouldn’t be comfortable with. Perhaps another time,” he said.

  “You do this often?” I asked.

  “Every day,” he said. “I thought you were a swimmer in high school.”

  “I was,” I said, “but it was difficult finding the time to continue when I didn’t have a pool to use.”

  “You have one now. Use it as you see fit,” he said. He started to walk off toward the house with a towel in hand, blotting the water from his skin.

  “Thank you, Mist—”

  “You can just call me William,” he interjected.

  “Okay, William. Thank you for your hospitality, but I think I’m off to bed.”

  “I’ll be gone the next couple weeks. Perhaps we can get to know each other better when I return,” he said.

  “Of course,” I squeaked, still trying my hardest not to stare.

  “Good night, Erica,” he said as he walked off.

  “Good night,” I replied.

  I could have stared at him walking away forever. His back was just as toned as his front, and his perfectly shaped behind left me wanting more of it.

  I was a schoolgirl again, staring at boys I thought were cute.
Except this one was off limits. He was my boss. I couldn’t break the trust that had been placed in me and overreach. Besides, he probably had his choice of supermodels and celebrities. What would he want with a plain girl like me?

  I wandered back to my bedroom, staring at what few pictures I saw littered about the house. The odd part of it all was that all the pictures were of him and his son, or him with any number of famous people. There was nothing of his wife around the house at all.

  I pushed the thoughts to the back of my head, hoping they wouldn’t keep me up tonight.

  I left my balcony door open just slightly to let in the cool breeze. The bugs chirped and the frogs croaked, and the wind whipped the delicate curtains around just slightly.

  I felt relaxed. I felt at home.


  William left before I woke up, and Kevin was taken to school by Bill. My morning had suddenly become incredibly boring. I wanted to head back to the city and perhaps do some shopping, but there wasn’t anything I really needed. And until I got paid, I didn’t have any money to my name.

  The pool called me all morning, and despite not having the proper attire for lap swimming, I figured I’d give it a shot all the same. It was not as though anyone would be ogling me when the closest house was miles down the road.

  After a simple breakfast, I changed into the swimsuit I had felt so awkward about the previous night. It covered me well enough, but I felt like I was giving everyone an eyeful when I walked past. It was a simple black affair with purple accents. I’d had to tie the bottoms tight so that they wouldn’t fall off while I had bathed in the Bahamas, and it was no different here.

  I grabbed a towel from my personal bathroom on the way down to the pool. Most of the other staff was about the house, cleaning or preparing lunch. I felt out of place walking around in a bikini.

  The chef paused and stared as though I were standing in a spotlight. I covered myself with the towel and continued on my way.

  The pool was the perfect temperature for the hot, late summer day. I slipped in quietly, leaving my towel on a nearby sun chair to wait.

  It was great being in water again. I even started to swim some laps to loosen up my muscles. After a few laps, I realized how long it had been since I’d swum. I was lacking my old endurance, and after realizing that, I wanted to get it back.

  That was how I spent the following two weeks. Kevin was the same kid from when I first met him. He was easy to take care of, but he still wouldn’t tell me why he had picked me out of all the other possible candidates—even though I asked him almost nightly what had been going through his mind.

  Every day I would spend my mornings working out in the pool, and every evening I would spend time with Kevin, helping him learn and playing along with his little games.

  It was surprising when William, a little tanner than when I met him, returned from his trip.

  “You’re looking healthy,” I said with a sense of humor.

  “I’m not much for golf, but apparently the people I’m trying to do business with are.”

  “That sounds just awful,” I said condescendingly.

  He gave me a stern gaze, and for a moment I regretted being condescending, but then he let out another loud belly laugh like before, calming my nerves.

  “You look different. Have you been working out?” he asked.

  “I’ve been doing laps in the pool. I forgot how much I liked to swim,” I said.

  “Well, then maybe you should go for a swim with me tonight.”

  Part of me wanted to tell him no again, but he still had that intimidating presence that made me nod the affirmative.

  “Great! I have some work to finish before Kevin gets home,” he said, and then he walked off.

  I continued with my daily habit, and when Kevin returned, William came to greet him at the door with presents. He’d brought back a small stuffed animal that looked like the Loch Ness monster. Kevin giggled and ran off with his new prize.

  “I’d love Scotland more if they were willing to listen to my offers,” he said.

  “So that’s where you went?” I asked.

  “I’ll take you and Kevin next time if you’ll both behave.”

  I smiled wickedly at the comment. He was making fun of me, I thought.

  “I think we can both manage just fine,” I said.

  “Great. I have a trip coming up a week from now, and it would be great if you’d join me,” he said.

  “Kevin as well, right?” I wondered.

  “No. Just you,” he said. “Of course Kevin is coming too.”

  “For a second I thought you were asking me on a date,” I said.

  “No. Not a date. Just a really expensive, working vacation. Besides, I’m sure you’d enjoy Germany and Italy,” he added.

  “With an offer like that, how can I say no?”


  I slipped into my swimsuit and admired myself in the mirror for a moment. My exercise in the pool had toned up my arms and legs, and I was feeling a lot more confident today. I knew he was my boss, but I still felt an overwhelming attraction to him. I explained to myself that it was nothing more than a schoolgirl crush, but that mattered so little.

  I threw a towel around my waist and ventured downstairs to the pool. My giddiness was becoming overwhelming. This would be the first time he would see me in something so revealing.

  He was already swimming laps when I arrived. His lean muscles propelled him gracefully through the water. I thought of interrupting him, but just as before, I was taken aback by his physique.

  After a time, he paused, holding himself up by one of the walls, and tugged his goggles from his face.

  “Are you going to just stand there, or are you coming in?” he asked.

  I coughed uncomfortably and tiptoed over the tiled ground. I removed the towel from around my waist, dropping it gingerly on the sun chair as I had so many times before.

  William’s eyes didn’t leave me. I could feel his eyes bore into me, and I couldn’t tell if I felt excited or just scared. I wanted to be in the water as soon as possible. I danced over to the ledge, but tragedy struck when I lost my footing right by the edge of the pool. I fell gracelessly in, and the cold sting of the water took the air from my lungs.

  A pair of hands found me in the water and pulled me from the bottom of the pool.

  “Careful, there. You’ll have to work on your dive,” William said with a dashing smile.

  I wanted to laugh, but I was too busy smacking myself in the face.

  “Ahem.” William coughed and pointed.

  It took me a moment to notice what he was pointing at, but I gasped harshly when I noticed what it was. My bikini bottoms were sinking slowly in the water. I was struck with embarrassment and leapt from his arms toward the bottom of the pool.

  Part of me hoped he wasn’t watching, and another part of me hoped he was. I felt a surge of adrenaline overtake me, and it made me swim faster than I thought I could. When I returned to the surface, William was staring at the sky.

  “Did you see anything?” I asked.

  “Just the stars,” he said with that same cocksure smile.

  “Is that all?” I wondered.

  “I didn’t know you had a mole above your left thigh. It’s cute,” he said, returning his eyes to me.

  I turned beet red. He’d been watching.

  “You are such a pervert,” I said, slapping him on the shoulder.

  “I believe you stared at my ass first,” he said, laughing.

  “Okay, I don’t deny that I took a second to enjoy your backside, but I only did it that one time. And at least you were wearing a swimsuit,” I said.

  “Okay. We’ll just call it even then?” he asked.

  I giggled to myself. I could tell he was getting a little nervous.

  “If you want to call it even, then I think you should take off your swimsuit,” I said jokingly.

  “Would that really make it even or just make you feel better?” he asked with a smi

  “A little of both,” I said. “But what? Is the man who makes million-dollar deals before breakfast scared of his nanny seeing his bare backside?”

  He stared bullets at me. His smile didn’t leave his face, but I could tell he was shy. He was also full of surprises. He reached into the water and tugged his suit off. I laughed, astonished that he would actually do such a thing.

  At first, I told myself I wouldn’t look, but I couldn’t help it. I took a peek. He was still leaning against the edge of the pool, and it was hard to see above water. I grabbed his goggles from his hand and put them on.

  I took a deep breath and plunged into the water. He had such a toned body that I felt myself starting to get turned on by just the sight. Then I saw his manhood floating in the water. I giggled to myself and felt like taking things a little further.

  I dipped down a little lower and grabbed his waist with my hands. Then I took his member into my mouth. He was above average but not gigantic in size. I could feel him grow erect as I flicked my tongue around his shaft.

  By the time he was fully up, I needed to come up for air. I bobbed up above the water, and he looked disappointed.

  “You have quite the mouth on you. Is that all you’ve got?” he asked coyly.

  “Why don’t you step out of the water and I’ll show you?” I said with a smirk.

  Like an excited puppy, he leapt from the water and to the edge of the pool. I stayed in the pool and lowered my head back to his shaft. Now that I was able to breathe, I took a moment to enjoy myself. I was so turned on by my excitement earlier that I needed to do something, anything, sexual.

  I wrapped my hand around his manhood and bobbed along the top with my mouth. He supported me with his legs, wrapping them around my upper body. His hand tugged at my hair with each stroke I made along his shaft.

  After a minute, it looked like he was ready to burst, so I stopped. He looked disappointed, but I just smiled and pulled myself from the water. He wasn’t the only person who was turned on, and I intended to show him.

  Once I was out of the water, I tugged at the string of my swimsuit to reveal my perky boobs. He leapt on me and devoured each one with his mouth, and I enjoyed every sensation that followed.


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