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Big Bad Alpha: A Billionaire Romance

Page 126

by Tia Siren

  I followed an usher through the chaos to my first-row ticket and got busy with emails and social media as I waited for the other chairs to fill and the show to start. I was in the middle of a text to my best friend, Asha, when I saw him walk along the runaway towards his seat.

  My heart pounded as I stared at Kellan Shepard. Despite having recently entered his forties, the man looked as dashing as ever. His face was as handsome and sharp angled as I remembered and his chocolate brown hair still made envious. His body looked lean and strong under a black on black ensemble that was accented by a deep blue tie that matched the shade of his eyes perfectly.

  I cleared the text I was writing and instead wrote:

  KS just walked in, and my panties are on the ground!

  Still pretending I was checking my phone, I looked back at him from under my false lashes just in time to see him cross his ankle over his knees. He looked around the room sporting his signature arrogant smirk and waved at a few familiar faces.

  I crossed my own legs and pressed my thighs together just as his intense gaze landed on me. I held my breath as he slowly ran his eyes from my face all the way down to my toes. For a moment, I thought he would recognize me as the little girl with the stupid crush on him, but then he cupped his chiseled jaw and ran his tongue across his lush lips as his eyes filled with a kind of lust that told me I was nothing more than a desirable stranger.

  Excitement flooded me as he held my gaze for a second before looking away as if I was of no interest to him. My phone buzzed in my hand saving me from continuing to stare like a disappointed moron. Asha’s text read,

  As if you were wearing any. LOL.

  Either way, use that bare ass to your advantage and seduce that man.

  I laughed out loud at her words. As a virgin, the only knowledge I had on seduction came from Asha, and I wasn’t entirely convinced that she really knew what she was talking about or that her tricks would work on someone as experienced as Kellan. However, I was more than willing to give it a shot.

  According to my friend, the key to seducing an older man was to mix innocence with teasing and let him know you want him while playing hard to get. I had no idea how to go about doing that, but I figured that biting my lips and crossing my legs while staring at him was a good place to start.

  To my surprise, the move worked, and his blue eyes returned to me. I fought the smile that threatened to break through my lips as I turned my gaze to the DJ taking his position at the beginning of the runaway. Kellan’s eyes stayed on me as the lights dimmed announcing the start of the show.

  Gorgeous models strutted down the catwalk in beautiful gowns. Although my eyes stayed on the garments being modeled, my attention was on the handsome man seating across from me.

  Kellan alternated between watching the women walking by and gazing at me. I tried to look aloof to his interest, but inside my heart pounded so hard it felt like it was plotting to run away. Every once in a while, I’d allow my gaze to drift to his intense blue eyes, and when our eyes met, I’d do something obviously sexy like run a hand down my legs or up my chest, bite my lips or touch my hair. In response, Kellan would pull a sharp breath through barely parted lips, shift positions on his chair or adjust his trousers—which was my absolutely favorite reaction.

  By the time the designer followed his models down the runway for the final walk, the bulge on Kellan’s pants was visible from where I was standing, and the desire in his eyes shone brighter than the lights around us. For the first time in my life, Kellan Shepard wanted me as much as I wanted him.

  There was no denying that I would lose my virginity and, after so many years dreaming about it, Kellan would be the one fucking me. Our locked gaze lingered as we applauded the collection, but once people started to get up from their seats, Kellan’s attention shifted from me to the leggy blonde beside him.

  All the excitement I was feeling oozed out of me in a long, deep sigh. I sulked for a bit as my heart and breathing evened out, and then opened my clutch to get my phone.

  I tapped my foot on the hardwood floor as I typed a message to Asha letting her know how badly I sucked at being sexy. Before I hit send, the sound of someone clearing their throat called my attention. Thinking it was my mom checking in on me, I looked up, and my breath caught in my throat when instead of my mother’s face, I saw Kellan’s.

  Chapter Two


  Where on God’s green Earth did this woman come from, and what game is she playing? That was the thought that kept rolling through my mind for the duration of the show.

  She was breathtaking in every way, and I’d watched her with unwavering eyes. She managed what I thought was an impossible feat, to look as elegant and graceful as a ballerina while also being sexy enough to make my body ache. I didn’t know what she wanted from me—if she wanted anything at all—but I knew that she was not a creature of this planet.

  I drank in her beauty like she was the sweetest of wines and I was an alcoholic. Everything from the fullness of her lips to her long, tan legs was beautiful and carefully made to look effortlessly beautiful. She looked young but not so young that would put me off. In fact, her youth mixed with the sophistication of her designer dress and the skillful way in which she taunted me from across the runaway made her everything that I desperately wanted.

  From the first time looked me in the eyes and opened her knees just enough to make me wonder what kind of underwear she was wearing before crossing them again, I couldn’t think of anything other than having her red lips on mine, her gorgeous legs wrapped around my waist, and my cock buried deep inside of her. In all of my years interacting with beautiful women, I had never encountered one who used seduction so shamelessly, and I loved it about her. Like me, she knew exactly what she wanted and, apparently, we both wanted the exact same thing.

  “Did you enjoy the show?” I asked once she peeled her eyes from her phone and looked up at me.

  She was quiet for a moment, hesitating as if she could not come up with words. My lips turned into a pleased smirk at knowing that after all she had put me through in the past hour, I was able to make this vixen speechless.

  After several seconds, she placed her phone back inside her clutch and asked, “Did you?” The wicked light that shone in her eyes let me know she wasn’t talking about the show.

  “It was nothing out of the ordinary,” I retorted with a shrug, keeping my cool as I assessed what exactly she wanted. “The fashion industry is full of feigned attractiveness and people feed into it with faux desire. There is beauty in the illusion.”

  Her left brow shot up with indignation, and her previous determination returned to her eyes. I had to restrain myself from chuckling. For a woman who toyed with me so easily, she knew nothing of mind games.

  “Are you insinuating the show was just marketing?” she asked, staring at me with eyes so green I lost myself in them. Before I could reply, she got up from her chair and placed her hands on her slim waist. Her body was even more delectable than I had imagined. “That’s disappointing,” she continued displaying almost as much confidence as me. “A man such as yourself should know there was nothing forced in that show. Desire can’t be faked. When you see something you actually want, you either go for it, or you miss out.”

  Oh, shit. There was no containing the surge of blood that rushed south of my navel. The sexy smile on her lips told me that arousing me was her desired result. Mental images of ripping her dress to shreds and fucking her seven ways from Sunday flooded my mind, and I knew that if I didn’t get her out of this room and away from all of these people I was going to get myself into a lot of trouble.

  As if reading my mind, she ran a hand down the length of her delicious body and asked, “Would you like to discuss the show somewhere a little more quiet?”

  For the first time in my life, a woman rendered me speechless. For the next several seconds I just watched her in a haze. It was as if my body was in autopilot mode allowing my mind to focus on nothing but what I w
ould do to her once we were alone. The crotch of my pants felt tight and uncomfortable as I pictured her pressed against a wall and my cock buried to the hilt inside her. I needed, desperately, to make her feel as crazy as she was making me.

  “So what’s it going to be?” she purred softly, her voice like warm, sexy and innocent like honey.

  Instead of replying, I simply reached down to take her hand and started to walk towards an exit. Excitement and anticipation pulsed from her and fueled my own desire. Although I was no stranger to having these kinds of rendezvous at events, I had never wanted one as badly as I wanted this moment with her.

  It took several minutes to find an empty room that was unlocked and far enough that no one would bother us. Once I did, I opened the door with a satisfied grin and motioned for her to enter. I looked at both sides of the hallway before following her inside and then locked the door behind me.

  With a deep, steadying breath, I turned to the woman I was going to ravage like my life depended on it. “And so it begins,” I said, adding to the anticipation and making her pull a sharp breath through her parted lips.

  Our eyes locked as I walked towards her. We were in a bathroom and though it wasn’t the classiest place in the world, it definitely was enough for us.

  The closer I got to her the heavier and hotter the air around us became, it was like our combined desire filled everything around us with electricity and heat. Unable to hold it in any longer, I buried my hands in her hair and pulled her face to mine.

  I kissed her hard, and she responded eagerly. We kissed like our lives depended on it. It was a kind of passion and urgency I had never known before and was quickly getting addicted to. We didn’t pull away until we needed air, but once we did, I hooked my fingers on the hem of her dress and hiked her skirt up to her waist.

  My heart nearly stopped when I looked at her. “No underwear?”

  She smiled and shrugged. “This dress doesn’t do well with them.”

  “Neither do I,” I whispered as I kissed her again.

  With our mouths locked in yet another passionate kiss, I guided her over to the sink and lifted her up. She opened her legs slowly, showing off, as I unzipped my pants and pulled out my throbbing member. Her eyes shot down and widened a bit. It was a reaction I wasn’t expecting but thoroughly appreciated.

  “You want this, right?” Although her actions up to that point made it blatantly obvious that she did, in fact, want it, I was—mostly—a gentleman and needed to check. Her head bobbed in a slight, breathless nod and I pulled her hips closer to the edge of the counter and pressed my tip to her center.

  She was wet enough for me to slide all the way in and tight—too tight. Her lips parted, inhaling a sharp breath that revealed that she was, in fact, a virgin.

  “Oh, fuck,” I groaned.

  A part of me wanted to stop, to pull out and go find a model to take care of what I needed. But then, she wrapped her legs around me and looked into my eyes, commanding my hips to move in a rhythmic motion against her. With our eyes locked, I thrust in and out of her, savoring how tight, warm and wet this beautiful woman was.

  She moaned softly as her head fell backward and her legs tightened around me. There was such a sense of satisfaction in knowing that this woman wanted me to be her first, I almost exploded at the thought. However, I wanted to repay the gift she was giving me with a remarkable first time. I wanted her to remember what it was like to be fucked by me and use me as a comparison to everyone who came next. Above that, I wanted her to see how beautiful the pleasure I was giving her looked on her face.

  Reluctantly, I pulled out of her. She whined between pants, but neither of us said a word as I pulled her down from the sink, turned her around and bent her over the cold marble. Her eyes focused on me for a second before they found her own face in the mirror.

  I squeezed her hips between my fingertips while I entered her from behind. The bewilderment in her eyes turned to pure lust as I started fucking her again. This time, I moved harder and deeper.

  She looked her reflection in the eyes. I could see her savoring the sight of her pleasure as much as I was. Although I would have rather her first time to be in a better location—say a bed or a couch or my office desk—watching her stare at herself in the mirror while I fucked her, was probably the sexiest thing I had ever seen.

  “Oh, Kellan,” she roared as her walls grew tighter around me, making my cock go crazy.

  Not wanting any passerby to hear us and interrupt our fun, I covered her mouth and thrust harder, bringing both of us to the brink of release. She moaned against my hand and looked at me through the mirror. As our eyes locked, her pussy convulsed around my cock causing my own climax to erupt. Her moans were like a sweet symphony as I continued to rock my hips back and forth, gripping her skin tighter as we rode our orgasms together.

  I drifted back to reality slowly, but, once I did, my mind was full of questions and confusion. “This was your first time,” I said as I pulled back. When she nodded, I asked, “Why me?”

  “Does that really matter to you?” she countered with a sated smile as she pulled her dress down to cover herself. Our eyes met and a second later, she turned back to the mirror to check her appearance.

  A line formed between my brows at the nonchalant way she spoke. In all my years, I had never met a woman who seemed to care so little about losing her virginity. It was as strange as it was refreshing, and though it made me yearn for her again, I knew our time together was over.

  “I guess not,” I replied as I stood beside her to fix my hair and tie. Once I was sure I looked as good as I did before our encounter, I turned to leave.

  “You’re just going to leave?” There was a clear and unexpected outline of outrage in her voice.

  I took a deep breath and, in an attempt not to be a complete asshole, turned to look at her. “The cocktail party has started, and I’m sure my associate is wondering where I am,” I responded, giving her at least a valid excuse. “But this was lovely.”

  Without another word, I left the bathroom and walked to the hall where the party was being held. I greeted familiar faces along the way and flirted with a few women, but my mind stayed in that restroom with her.

  I had never taken someone’s virginity so I had no grounds to compare, but there was something about the way she had acted that puzzled me. Her laser-sharp focus on getting me made me feel like she had saved herself solely for me, which made no sense since we had just met.

  I shook the thought away and scanned the room in search for Alexander, my business partner and best friend. Although Alex was a family man and had a very poor grasp on my bachelor lifestyle, he liked a good story and never failed to offer reliable advice when it came to handling certain situations.

  As per usual, the party was filled with celebrities, models, and businesspeople that socialized in a drunken haze that was only acceptable in these kinds of occasions. Usually, I thrived in places like these, but tonight it was all too loud and busy for my taste. Trying to ignore people as much as I could, I made my way towards the bar knowing that was probably where I’d find Alex.

  From a few feet away, I saw him talking to his wife. I gave them a small wave and received warm smiles in return.

  “I was starting to worry,” Alex proclaimed shaking my hand.

  I kissed his wife, Leslie, on the cheek before ordering my drink. When I looked back at my friend his eyes were wide and curious. I cleared my throat and stole a glance at Leslie. No matter how many times I found myself in these kinds of situations with them, discussing my sex life in her presence always made me uncomfortable.

  “That’s because you worry too much. I was just making a new friend,” I said trying to defuse the awkwardness.

  Leslie rolled her eyes and took a long sip of her blush wine while her husband stared at me with a broad smile and knowing glance.

  “You were fast to find your fun for the night. You must be getting better,” Alex commented with a tipsy chuckle.

>   “I suppose I am, but tonight it wasn’t all on me.”

  My words got Alex’s attention, but before I could continue, Leslie yelled, “Finally!” My brows gathered above my nose she dropped her wine glass over the counter and ran to greet someone.

  That kind of overly excited behavior was very unlike Leslie—even drunken Leslie—and forced my curious eyes to follow her. My frown deepened when I realized that I had just been between the legs of the same woman that was now between Leslie’s arms.

  What the hell?

  The bartender placed my glass of whiskey sour in front of me just as the two women started walking towards Alex and me. I couldn’t peel my eyes from her. She looked just as gorgeous and elegant as she did before our encounter, the only thing that had changed was the way she looked at me. Instead of the wild vixen who had seduced me not an hour ago, the woman walking towards me now regarded me with an aloofness and innocence that made my whole body twitch.

  Her eyes stayed focused on me until she and Leslie finally stopped in front of us. Then, they turned to Alex. “Hey, Daddy,” she greeted, and my heart sank to my feet.

  “Hi, honey. Mom and I were about to send someone after you.”

  I reached for my whiskey and downed half of its contents in on gulp as I watched my friend interact with his child—whom I had just casually deflowered. Shit!

  Through my blurry eyes, I watched her say something to her father that made him chuckle, but I was too preoccupied cursing inside my head to pay any attention to her words. My silent freak out only ended when Alex called my name. I plastered the most natural looking smile I could muster and nodded. “Yeah?”

  “You remember Amelia, right?” Alex asked me with a proud smile.

  This was such a complicated question to answer. “S-sure,” I shuddered and then cleared my throat before adding, “Hi, Amelia.”

  Alex frowned at my unusual display of nerves, but before he could say anything, Amelia stuck her hand in my direction and smiled. “Hello, Mr. Shepard,”


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