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Soldier Page 9

by AKM Miles

  “Baby, we’re getting face-time later tonight. I’m liable to suck your lips right off your face. When we get time alone behind a locked door, I want more than your face.”

  “I’d love a list of what you want just to think about, but I’m afraid I’d have a hard time walking between now and then.” Dillon looked down at his tight jeans.

  “Oh, I’ll take care of that tonight, I promise. We can manage a couple of quick jerk offs without making too much noise or being away from them too long, but I want you in ways you probably haven’t even thought about.”

  “I’ll be there. I’d say, if I can arrange it with Daniel, we have a hot date.”

  “Good. Let’s get set up to meet with the guys. Then we’re making brownies. Then bed for them and time for us. Damn, I’m horny. Come here. Can we sneak one kiss, at least?” Soldier vowed to try to keep it at one, one good one.

  Dillon looked out the door and then closed it. Soldier had him up against it before he could get fully turned back around. Ooooomph! Soldier smiled at the sound from Dillon, then, his lips were taken and mauled. Oh, heavenly day. That was what Soldier needed. Soldier opened and thrust and sucked and licked and thought his head would spin right off his shoulders.

  Soldier held on, wanting this to never stop. This knowing he wanted someone, and was wanted back, and not being able to act on it, was worse than not having anyone at all.

  Dillon muttered, “I want to climb right up your body and rub all over you and touch you in sweet places and taste more and... oh, that feels wonderful.”

  Soldier’s hands were moving over Dillon's back and settling on his ass, squeezing and molding. He sighed into Dillon’s mouth and started to shake.

  “Dill? You in there? Gom’s upset again. Uh... Dill?” It was Tommy.

  They drew apart and tried to get it together enough to open the door without embarrassing themselves. Tommy looked at Soldier like he was the devil incarnate. Dillon slid by on his way to Gom and Tommy looked at Soldier and simply said, “Liar.”

  “Whoa, son, wait a minute. You don’t say that and walk away. What’s the matter?”

  Tommy, quiet, shy Tommy, sneered at him and said, “You said you weren’t like that. You don’t think I know what you were doing? I know that smell. You all were getting it on and you said...”

  “Tommy? Wait. Come in here a minute... please. Now, you hop up on that dryer so we can be face-to-face. I’m going to treat you like a grown up and explain what was going on. I won’t have you thinking I’m a liar or that I was doing anything wrong. You’re not afraid of me, are you? Will you let me talk to you?” Soldier was asking, but he was determined to get this straightened out.

  Tommy sullenly came in and surprised Soldier by hopping up on the dryer and looking right at him, waiting. Soldier reached out and closed the door. Tommy’s eyes got wide, but he didn’t say anything.

  “Relax. You’re right. We were getting it on. Did Dillon look like I was forcing him to do something? Did he look upset? No, you know he didn’t.” Soldier wasn’t yelling at the boy, but he wanted Tommy to listen to him and understand, so he was talking clearly and succinctly.

  “I can’t believe I’m talking like this to a boy, but this is important to you. So, I’m going to be straight with you... that’s a joke. I’m not straight. See? I’m gay. So’s Dillon.” Hell, Soldier thought, that was pretty blunt. Since Tommy wasn’t saying anything, Soldier went on.

  “We found that we really like each other. We’d like to be together, but it’s just not possible here, for just this reason. We don’t want anything to upset the boys.”

  Tommy just kept glaring at him, silent, still looking like he felt betrayed.

  Soldier might have blushed as he admitted, “This was my fault. I was in here doing laundry and he came in with a question and we got to talking. I asked for one kiss before we started on the brownies for you all. I admit it got out of hand, but we would not have done anything else, I swear it. Not here. And, Tommy, Dillon is a grown man. Not a boy. I meant it when I said I would never, ever, touch a young boy. I don’t know how else to tell you, to make you trust me.”

  Trust was an issue in this house and Soldier would have it. He had to have it from all of them.

  “I don’t ever lie. Never. If people don’t like the truth about me, I’m big enough to handle whatever they throw my way, but I can’t stand thinking you don’t believe me or trust me, especially after we talked today.”

  When Tommy continued to sit quietly, Soldier kept on, praying he was getting through to Tommy on this issue.

  “You can come to me and tell me anything and I will never judge you in any way. I know by what you said and how you act that something bad happened to you. It won’t here. That’s a guarantee.” Soldier had been watching Tommy’s reactions. There were none at first. Tommy had remained sullen. But, as Soldier went on and Tommy began to get the sense of it, his expression changed a little.

  “Now it’s up to you to decide whether you trust me or not. If you want to talk to Dillon and me together, we can do that, too. But don’t let this grow into something in your mind that is just not a problem for you.” Something else occurred to Soldier so he just put it out there. “Unless, maybe you have some kind of bad feeling for gay people in general. Is that it?”

  Tommy looked up at Soldier now, honesty shining in his eyes. “No, sir. I’m sorry I called you a liar. I... believe you. I don’t think you’d do anything to any of us. I don’t care if you’re queer. It doesn’t matter to me.” He shrugged his shoulders and went on. “I won’t tell the others. They don’t know about stuff like that, I don’t think. I hope they don’t.”

  “Me, too. We’ll try to make sure this kind of fear is no longer a part of their lives.” Soldier was beginning to feel better about things between them when Tommy spoke up again.

  Now Tommy looked down and seemed embarrassed, almost nervous. “And... uh, yeah, something nasty happened to me, but not about being queer, er, gay. I might could talk to you sometime, maybe.” A look of panic crossed Tommy’s features and he went on. “Not yet, though. I get scared when I think about it and it makes me mad that I get scared and...”

  “And you’re the one who wants to learn to fight back. I promise I will teach all of you that, but especially you. I will train you so you don’t ever have to feel like a victim again.” Soldier would, too. It was important to this kid to not be a target anymore.

  “Thank you, Soldier.”

  “Are we square now? No problem? Want to help me make brownies?”

  “Yeah. Cool. I’m sorry I was ugly.”

  “I understand, in light of all you’ve told me, that it looked like I was lying to you. But you see the difference now since it’s between Dillon and me. I’m not sure he’d be comfortable with any of the others knowing, so I’m glad you’ll keep it quiet. You’re a good kid. I’m glad to know you.” Whew, Soldier had dodged that bullet.

  “Yeah?” Tommy looked disbelieving.

  “Definitely, yeah. Come on. Time for chocolate.”

  They worked together and had ice cream on top of hot brownies and the sounds from the children proved it was a great success. Dillon kept looking between Soldier and Tommy as if to see if everything was all right, but they were fine.

  They scheduled a fifteen-minute meeting with each kid and took notes on sizes, clothes, food preferences, and favorite things to do. Soldier planned on getting them each a couple of play-around outfits and one nice one. After getting a little insight into each one, he and Dillon were really thinking about starting the special days next week. They would start with the youngest and end with Tommy on Sunday.

  Later, they would check on actually getting the house listed as a shelter or home for boys. That way, no one had to hide anymore. But that meant legalities Soldier wasn’t sure about yet. He decided he was going to set Dillon up as director of the house and put him on salary.

  The man needed some money of his own and seemed to have no visible means of su
pport. Soldier could afford to support them all into the next century, so it was nothing to him. He didn’t know how Dillon would feel about it. Tricky subject, money. He’d save that conversation for later tonight. He’d have to tell him about Tommy, too. Another tricky subject.

  Oh, well, he’d deal. It was the new life path he’d chosen and he was happy with it. Soldier marveled at how far he’d come, how much his life had changed in just a few days. He had purpose, goals, excitement, and the possibility of a relationship. Life was funny.

  Chapter Seven

  “I can’t believe we’re finally here, alone, together. I was beginning to wonder if we’d ever be this way again. C'mere, you,” Dillon said eagerly, dropping down on the old log by the back fence. This had become “their” spot. This tired old fallen tree was where they could be alone together and hash out the day’s problems and maybe spend a little face time. It was quiet back here, close enough to be there for the boys, but far enough away to feel like they were free for a few precious moments.

  Soldier smiled at that tone in Dillon’s voice. Dillon obviously couldn’t wait to get his hands on him.

  Soldier straddled the log and turned Dillon to face him. Leaning, he put his mouth to Dillon’s and took his time. Soldier kissed him gently a few times, and then pushed slowly into his mouth, touching Dillon's tongue and sliding against it. He breathed in and moaned at the way Dillon filled his senses. It was as if he wanted to inhale Dillon, suck him up and fill himself with the taste, smell, and feel of him.

  Soldier moved his hands across Dillon’s chest and smiled into his mouth when he felt Dillon’s heart pounding against his palm. His was probably beating just as hard a tattoo. He moved his hand up and cupped Dillon’s face and turned it to hold it still for him to deepen the kiss.

  Dillon pulled away, pushed his face into Soldier’s neck, and took deep breaths.

  “God, I want you. Need you. Love the taste of you, the smell of you... oh, the feel of you.” Dillon reached down between Soldier’s legs and moaned when he took the hard heat into his hand.

  Soldier couldn’t help the groan as Dillon rubbed him, measured his length, and caressed him through his pants.

  “Can I...?” Dillon asked.


  Dillon bent his head to watch as he carefully unzipped Soldier’s pants and put his hand in to take out the hard cock. Soldier knew he was pretty big, long, and very thick. He shuddered thinking about taking Dillon. God, he wanted to... so much. Dillon smoothed the length of it, touching the tip and spreading the big drop of pre-come around the large, flared head.

  “I can smell you. God, you’re sexy. Uh, I want... to...” Dillon hesitated. “I know we haven’t even talked about protection and if we’re safe. God knows I am. You have to have actually had sex in the last few years to be unsafe. I was tested after I had a couple of encounters a long time ago, and then again. Since that, there’s been no need.” Dillon looked up at Soldier’s face, waiting.

  “Dillon, I’m as clean as can be. I’ve had every test known to man. I haven’t had anyone since... God, months and months before I was hit. Clean then, clean now. You trust me?”

  “You know I do, with my life, with my boys, certainly with my health. Same here, Soldier. I haven’t been with anyone in, well, enough years to be embarrassed about it. I’m safe. I swear it.” Dillon bent to put his mouth close to Soldier’s cock. He breathed out and Soldier shuddered.

  “I think it sounds like we were both a couple of losers until we found each other and now I think we’ve won the fuckin’ jackpot. Clean and ready to go.” Soldier pushed into Dillon’s hand. “Please move that hand and do whatever you want. Then it’s my turn. Oh! Yes! Damn, your mouth is hot.”

  Soldier couldn’t believe he was finally feeling this. “There, yes, right under there, oh! Dillon, oh baby, you’re gonna make me embarrass myself. Mmm... mmph...” He couldn’t help it. It has been so long and Dillon had a wonderful mouth, open, accepting, eager, and right now, very full.

  Soldier shot hard and had to put his fist in his mouth to stop the shout from waking the whole neighborhood, much less those in the house. He moved his hips in and out as Dillon took all of him and then cleaned him up, placing a chaste kiss on the tip when he was done. Dillon moved up and Soldier just had to have that mouth again, had to.

  He held Dillon’s head in both hands and thrust his tongue into him, taking that sweet, hot mouth over and over again, forcing Dillon to breathe hard through his nose. Soldier swept through Dillon’s mouth, gathering up his own taste and the sweetness of Dillon himself. Moving his lips down, he planted hard kisses in the crook of Dillon’s neck and along the top of his shoulder, wanting to just eat him up. He pushed and Dillon leaned back on his hands, presenting his whole torso and groin for Soldier’s delighted gaze.

  Soldier looked at the buffet before him and thought how nice it would be to have a big bed to play on. Soon, he prayed. Right now, a feast awaited a starving man. He put both hands on Dillon’s chest and drew them down, kneading and molding, getting a feel for the way Dillon was built. Perfect: lean and tight and hard. Soldier didn’t waste a lot of time, though, wanting to taste and suck and listen while Dillon lost it. Sweet Dillon. Sexy Dillon. Surprisingly impatient Dillon.

  “Come on, man. I’m about to lose it and I really would like to feel you on me. I’m not gonna last, you know that. Just... oh... yeah, there’s my Soldier. Oh, your hand is rough, feels so good. Harder, yeah?” Dillon watched as Soldier leaned down to take him into his mouth.

  Soldier didn’t waste any time here either. He opened wide and took Dillon’s whole prick right down to the base. Soldier had Dillon's cock touching the back of his throat as he swallowed against the tip.

  Dillon almost lost his seat on the log.

  He didn’t last any longer than that. He crooned as he pulsed his load right down Soldier’s ready throat. Soldier liked that Dillon didn’t yell out, but kept making a sweet, humming sound that encouraged Soldier to keep it going. He licked Dillon clean and gently put him back into his jeans. Then he reached to pull Dillon close.

  Soldier tugged him up onto his lap so their groins met. Soldier wrapped his arms around Dillon and hugged him up tight so Dillon would feel completely surrounded.

  “Now that’s just another form of heaven,” Dillon said. They were so tight and so close, breathing the same air, and their hearts thumped together. Dillon wrapped his arms up around Soldier’s neck and held on.

  Soldier loved the quiet and the dark of the backyard and the closeness he felt with Dillon.

  “Mmm. How long can we stay like this?” Dillon muttered.

  “Mmm. ‘Bout two years,” Soldier mumbled back.

  “Works for me. You comfortable?” Dillon sighed, his breath teasing Soldier’s neck.

  “More than I have been in... well, ever.”

  “I hear ya. Ya know, being gay, which set me apart, and feeling so alone, and scarred and ugly, all these years was worth it, if it led me to this... right here,” Dillon said, and snuggled in like he wanted to be closer than close, wanted to be part of Soldier.

  “I can pretty much say the same. People will say we’re together because we’re both scarred, you know. I don’t care. I didn’t even know about yours 'til you made me feel them that night. I can’t believe I watched you all that time and always seemed to be on the other side of you.” Soldier shook his head again, rubbing against Dillon’s.

  “Yeah. I don’t even see yours most of the time. I just look at your eyes and that’s it for me.” Dillon didn’t seem to mind letting Soldier know he was a goner and was quite happy about it.

  “Can we talk a few minutes? I mean about some things I want to get straight.” Soldier hated to break the moment, but he knew they couldn’t stay out here all night, so things had to be said.

  "Sure." Dillon gazed at him.

  “First, Tommy. We talked some in the truck today and he let some stuff go about wanting to learn to take care of himself and w
hy. Someone did something bad to that boy, something sexual. Makes me sick and furious.” Soldier couldn’t keep the anger out of his voice.

  What was wrong with people? Gom’s mother, and whoever messed around with Tommy. What was the world coming to?

  “Yeah, Tommy’s a good boy. He deserves better.”

  “He asked if I’d ever do anything like that to any of the boys and I swore I wouldn’t. Ever. So, when he found us in the laundry room, he called me a liar.” He felt Dillon jerk against him and start to pull away. He held tight and went on. “We had it out. He said he could tell by the smell we were getting it on and I had said I wouldn’t do anything like that.”

  “But we... I...” Dillon interrupted.


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