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Page 17

by AKM Miles

  Motherfucker. If he did this... hell, no doubt he did. He’d probably followed them home last night, just waiting for his chance to get even. He would pay. Soldier backed quickly around the house and just made it onto the street and down a little so the fire trucks could get in. Soldier locked it up and went to the boys.

  Gom ran for Soldier as soon as he saw him. Soldier caught him on the fly, as usual.

  “It’s okay, buddy. We’re all okay.”

  “You saved us. You saved us all.”

  “Hey. You woke up the same time I did. And you did just like I told you to even though you wanted to go after Pee Wiggles. Thank you for that.” Soldier squeezed Gom to his chest, so glad to be holding him. “I know it was hard for you to go outside and trust that I would get them all out safely.”

  “No, it wasn’t. You never lie. I knowed you would get ‘em.”

  Soldier was glad he’d been able to get them all out so he could keep his promise to this little boy.

  More sirens as police cars came from all directions. Soldier kept hold of Gom as he went to meet the policemen as the firemen jumped into their job. He stopped one of them and told him he’d seen someone behind the house when he had moved his Hummer out front. He thought arson might be probable.

  Dillon was talking to Officer Bradford when Soldier turned back. Jansen was there, too, hovering like a vulture. Soldier stepped over to them.

  “That boy seems to always be on you. I wonder about that,” Officer Asshole said.

  “This boy woke up when he smelled smoke and he was responsible for us getting out in time. If he’s scared now and needs to be held, I defy you to find something wrong with that.” Soldier didn’t care what the officer thought of his answer.

  “Whatever,” Officer A. muttered.

  Randy spoke up, “What’re we gonna do now? All our new clothes and stuff was in there.” The others nodded up at him with big eyes solemn faces, looking to him for answers.

  Dillon looked a little shell-shocked himself. He had hold of Ben and was rubbing his back and repeatedly telling him no one was going to die, they were all safe.

  Soldier figured they could all show up at Daniel’s shelter. He didn’t know if Daniel had room for all of them or not, right now. But, he figured, he could do just as well at the hotel. He could share with a few boys and get another room for Dillon to share with the others. For tonight, at least. Then tomorrow, he would rent a place and they would find out about this one. He doubted there would be anything left. No problem. He had insurance on it.

  He got the number for the hotel, then called and got them another suite, luckily right next to his. He explained the situation and was told that the hotel would comp him the room for the night, but he told them it wasn’t necessary. They insisted, and just like that, the boys had a place for the rest of the night.

  He went to Dillon and said, “We have two suites now at the hotel for the night: mine, and the one beside it. Can you take them over in the Hummer? I’ll stay here 'til this is safely over and take care of all the stuff that’ll come from it.”

  “Sure. They’re a little freaked. They won’t want to leave you here. Do you have any idea...”

  “Yeah. A definite one. I’ll tell you later. Not for small ears.” Soldier turned to the boys and said, “Okay, guys, listen up.” He was aware of the officers standing there listening. “I got another big room beside mine at the hotel where I live. They’re waiting for you all to come over.” They all looked like they were in shock, sleepy and scared.

  “They’ll get beds and cots and whatever, so everyone will have a place to sleep the rest of the night... and late tomorrow, I hope. We’ll see about getting you all some new clothes, too. Don’t worry.” He hoped they could get calmed down and get some rest.

  “I’m gonna stay here with the firemen and the policemen. When it’s all cleaned up, I’ll see you back there. Dillon will take you over in the big truck.”

  “What about Pee Wiggles and Traveler?” Gom spoke up from his shoulder. Soldier had honestly forgotten the kid was there. He was so used to the small weight of him.

  “Hmmmm...” Soldier thought for a minute. That was a problem. He remembered a sign at the hotel that said No Pets Allowed. Gom was looking like he was about to cry again... or still, and Soldier was stuck for a minute.

  Help came from a surprising source. Officer Jansen spoke from behind them. “I got a couple of dogs at my house and room for more. If you want, I’ll take them home for the rest of the night and tomorrow. Then you can get them back.”

  Soldier was at a loss for words. He didn’t know what to think. Was the man serious? Would the dogs be safe with him, after the way he’d treated all of them?

  “Thank you, Off’cer. That is a nice thing. You like dogs, too?” Gom said, raising his head and looking at the man.

  “Yeah. Got a couple of mutts. They won’t mind company. They won’t hurt yours. I’ll give you the address and you can get them tomorrow. I’m off tomorrow anyway.”

  Soldier looked him right in the eyes and said, “Thanks. That will help a lot. Are you sure?”

  “Yeah. I figure I been a butt about y’all long enough. You all go on and I’ll take the pooches. You know what you all will do now?”

  “By tomorrow afternoon, I’ll have rented a place to stay while we rebuild. I’ll take care of it.”

  Later, Soldier called Daniel on his cell, gave him the pertinent details, and asked him to get any information on Tommy’s mother and the man she was with. He knew that bastard had started the fire. Since he’d told them he saw the man out back, the firemen were on the lookout.

  Needless to say, the man wasn’t that smart. The gas can was still there, behind the house.

  It’s a wonder Soldier’s Hummer hadn’t blown when the kitchen and utility room were engulfed. It’d been close. Upon closer inspection, there were a few places where the paint was curled and discolored from the heat. Whew. Soldier was lucky he hadn’t blown up when he started it. Another reason he’d like to get his hands on the man. He wasn’t worried about the damage to the vehicle. Hell, now it was scarred just like the rest of them, the official Scarcity vehicle.

  Time passed. People came and went. Questions and answers were traded between a varied group of uniformed men. Soldier stood up through all of it, watching. There was so much to think about. But he was just about dog-tired and still had to stay and meet the fire inspector. He’d told everything he could to the police and firemen there. His insurance man was coming soon. Daniel would be by a little later with information for him. There were people milling about everywhere. There was even a news team there from a local TV station. Soldier had no intention of talking to them. He saw them talking to the policemen, though. Great, let the police handle it.

  He needed Dillon. He really, really, really needed Dillon. He could stand to be held himself right now. It was sometime after eight in the morning now, and he hoped the kids had slept and that Dillon had managed all right. Of course Dillon had managed. Dillon had managed fine before Soldier got here.

  What Soldier needed was a good long nap and to wake up in Dillon’s arms with time to do several naughty things to the man. It seemed like forever since they’d been together. He wanted. He smiled a little, thinking of what he wanted.

  “I can’t believe you can muster up a smile right now,” said Daniel, stepping up to Soldier. Showed how tired Soldier was. He hadn’t even been aware Daniel was there.

  “It’s about all I can muster this morning. You got info for me on those two? We hadn’t even had a chance to tell you about meeting them in the store and them trying to take Tommy. We were calling you today to see about some kind of restraining order or something.” There weren’t enough words to tell what Soldier wanted to do to that man.

  He rubbed his hand tiredly over his head, eyes blinking rapidly at Daniel. “But, Daniel, I saw him out back when I was moving the Hummer up here. Yes, it was dark, but the fire was already making light enough back there to s
ee he had on overalls and had that stringy hair. I want him caught. He could have killed us all.” Soldier couldn’t suppress a shudder at the thought. He was so tired and stressed. “When I think about those boys and what would have happened if Gom and I hadn’t smelled the smoke. If everybody had been upstairs it might’ve been another story.”

  “I’ve brought as much information as I have on them and will give it to the police. I don’t want you going after him on your own. You can’t afford to get into any trouble now.” Daniel looked like he was worried about Soldier going off half-cocked. Maybe the look on Soldier’s face caused the concern..

  “I’m not going after him. I’m going after the kids and Dillon. I just want him caught and put away, and the woman, too, if she was part of it. I don’t want Tommy to have to worry about them ever again.” Soldier’s eyes lit up for a second as he recounted their experience from last night. “You should have seen him last night at the store. He stood up to them and then little Gom stood up for Tommy. It was amazing.”

  Daniel was full of praise and some news. “They’ve come a long way. You and Dillon are good for them. I’ve done some preliminary checking on laws and so on about you all fostering. We have to decide if this is a foster parent family or a sanctuary for boys. That makes it more a business-type deal. You might have less trouble with the gay thing with that. I’m still doing research.”

  “Scarcity Sanctuary.” Soldier turned the name over in his head. He liked it. He would check on that. Maybe he would just build one big complex, one that would be plenty big enough for these and more, with a separate apartment for him. It looked like the whole house here was a total loss.

  The policemen came over and the four of them talked at length about the man Soldier had seen. They discussed who the man was and possible reasons why he'd done what he had.

  Without telling Tommy’s secrets, Soldier explained that he and Tommy had seen Tommy's mother with that man the night before, and they’d made their third attempt to get Tommy back after having him taken away due to abuse. Soldier was glad to see that the police were taking it seriously.

  Next came the fire inspector and Soldier explained the same to him. Then came the insurance agent and he was told what he needed to know. It was going on ten-thirty in the morning when Soldier finally left, Daniel giving him a ride to the hotel.

  Soldier called from the car to tell Dillon he was on his way. He must have sounded tired, because Dillon promised to keep the boys in the other room so he could get some rest.

  “Fine, but I need to see them all first.”

  “Honey, you couldn’t get out of that if you tried. You’re all they’ve talked about. Gom is beside himself with worry and the others are very quiet.”

  Soldier was so tired, but he could tell it was all Dillon could do to talk quietly and calmly for him, knowing he needed that right now. Soldier was sure Dillon wanted to shout questions and rant about his fear for the boys and their home. Dillon kept it together, though his voice was shaky, and Soldier was proud of him.

  “They’re watching TV, and room service brought up huge trays of breakfast for them. They’ve been so nice to us. The kids are awed by this place. You know they’ve never seen anything like the luxuries here. The only thing the boys asked for was... guess what?”

  “More juice.”

  “You’re good.”

  “Good and tired. See you in a few.”

  Soldier hung up and he and Daniel talked some. He told Daniel how all the boys were fiends for juice. Daniel wondered how long they’d be at the hotel.

  “Oh, hell. I’ve got to get something arranged. I need to talk to a realtor about renting a house big enough for us to use 'til we get the new place built. I’ll use all three lots and make it really efficient. It’ll take a while. We’ll need a place nearby, if possible. Oh, and we’ll have to pick up the dogs from Officer Jansen.”

  Daniel gave Soldier a local realtor’s name to check in with and told Soldier that he’d call with the number as soon as he got back to the shelter.

  The manager met Soldier as soon as he got in the hotel doors. Uh-oh. Problems? Soldier straightened. He knew he was a sight, with his wrinkled clothes and soot and red eyes from all the smoke. He waited.

  “Sir, welcome back. I’m Bill Manchoy, the hotel manager. I’m sorry about your loss. The hotel would be happy to offer the room for another night for the children, complete with meals.” The manager's eyes held respect and compassion as he continued, “I have to tell you that’s the most well-mannered bunch of boys we’ve seen in here. I know they’re probably in a bit of shock, but they’re definitely a hit with the staff. If there’s anything you need, you let us know. I’d be glad to see to it personally.”

  “Thank you, Bill. I’m in desperate need of a shower and some rest. I’d planned on trying to go out and find a place to rent for the next months while I rebuild. Daniel, at the shelter, is getting me the name of someone to work with. I’m glad they haven’t caused any trouble. I appreciate your kindness.” I want Dillon... For a second, Soldier thought he’d said it out loud. Damn, he needed to get to his room.

  “Well, take all the time you need. I might suggest you rest and spend time with the young ones today. Maybe get a good night’s sleep tonight and check out a few places tomorrow.” Bill seemed to notice how tired Soldier looked. “Sorry, just a suggestion. We’re glad to have you here. Let us know if we can do anything.” He turned, and Soldier headed for the elevator.

  The quiet hum of the glass-walled elevator nearly lulled Soldier to sleep on the way up. He paid no attention to the beauty of the hall carpet, the bright colors and design, or the softness of it. The pretty paintings on the walls were lost on him, but he was sure the kids had been awed by it. The little tables that were spaced at intervals along the long hallway had fresh flower arrangements in them, something he was sure the boys weren’t used to seeing. Soldier could see how this would freak them out a little, to say nothing of how opulent the rooms themselves were. Yeah, he bet the boys were having quite a new experience here.

  Soldier went straight to his room, not knowing who or what he would find in there. He slumped against the door and looked around. It was quiet. He could see that there were three cots in the room, but his bed was made up. He longed to lie down just for a while, but he was filthy. He heard a sound and looked up, and there stood Dillon in the bathroom doorway, completely and gloriously naked.

  “Sweet Jesus. You take my breath away.”

  “Come on. Tommy’s keeping the boys for a couple of hours in their room. He told me to take care of you and then they want to see you.” Dillon held out his arms invitingly. “Come here. I want to take care of you. I need to take care of you.”

  Soldier walked over to him. He was afraid to touch Dillon, he was so dirty and sweaty and sooty, but Dillon just stepped up and embraced him, holding on tight. Soldier felt Dillon shaking so he pulled him even closer. Soldier pressed his face into Dillon’s neck and breathed. Oh, yes. He loved that smell. Dillon. They stood for a few minutes, holding and breathing.

  Dillon began to talk. “I want to fall apart. I held it together for the boys and they’ve been great. But I was so freaked out.” He kept clutching Soldier to him. “We could have all died. If it hadn’t been for you and Gom, it could have been so bad. I’ve been worried about you. You have to be exhausted.” He began to pull away a little, clearly thinking of Soldier now. “Here. No kissing. Shower, massage, sleep. You need to rest. Oh, well, they have to see that you’re okay, too. Is that all right?”

  “No. Kiss first, then all that other. The thought of you is all that got me through all the shit I’ve had to do all morning. Bring it.”

  “Bringin’ it,” Dillon said, and put both hands on Soldier’s dirty, sweaty, blackened face and kissed him all better. It must have been obvious that Soldier needed it hard and dirty, because Dillon thrust his tongue in and ravaged his mouth.

  Soldier held Dillon fast and took and took. Soldier opened wide an
d took Dillon’s tongue in repeatedly, giving Dillon his moans and sighs as the gratitude they were. Dillon sucked on Soldier's tongue, licking and nipping it with his teeth, clearly knowing that Soldier needed to feel. This wasn’t the soft, sweet, long kisses they were so good at. This was need, explosive, heightened need. Soldier felt Dillon hard against him, but knew this was not the time. Soldier wanted to take care of him, but he was more than exhausted.

  “Come on. Let me help you.” Dillon started removing Soldier’s clothes and dropping them in the corner.

  “Shewww. Nasty.”

  Soldier nodded in agreement as Dillon got the shower going.

  Soldier had lost a good portion of his amazing strength and was too tired to move. No wonder. The adrenaline, the action, the fear, the details, the hassle, and the anger all worked to take it out of him and leave him so tired he could hardly stand up.


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