Quagmire's Gate
Page 35
In the course of the few months they had committed their love for each other, she had learned a lot about the man who had snuck up and stolen something she thought was well guarded and impossible to reach, her heart. Many secrets were shared and she reveled in the trust. However, she knew that he was holding back one secret in particular and it bothered her.
Considering all the things that had happened at Deep Lab 6, why did he still have an indifferent mind to the unknown? To her, it felt like he was denying to the bitter end the reality of dimensions and people existing in them. He saw the ship. He knew it was not one of ours. He saw the little alien girl. What more proof does he need of extraterrestrial existence? Was he in denial? When it came to the Apple Jack security contract, they were both on the same level yet he was holding back on sharing something with her. What happened in that lab to make everything else that happened so mundane to him?
She then did something to him that she thought was playful and he found annoying. With one finger, she started to twirl his chest hair and his eyes sprung open. Annoying or not, he knew where this was going. Using a romantic tone, it really wasn’t, he whispered,
“I thought you were too tired.”
Her response was cryptic.
“In a minute but first.
What she said next, at least to him brushed away any thoughts of pleasure.
“Do you remember that I once asked you how Deep Lab 6 got hold of the saucer and you said that you didn’t know?”
He did, but quickly realized that silence was the best reply.
When realizing that no reply was coming, her determination to get the truth from him was punctuated by a gentle tug on the chest hair. Understanding her tenacity, which to him implied stubbornness, he conceded defeat. She heard in his voice a reluctance to confess. Each word came out slowly and carefully. He told her about the time he escaped from General Irsthill’s office and rummaged through the secretaries desk to find a flash drive taped to the bottom of her desk.
“It was not until a week later that I realized I still had it. Plugging it in, I discovered very sensitive information that if exposed or if discovered that I even knew about it, it would be detrimental to my life. Apparently, the civilian secretary, Miss Crammer worked for a high-level government secret organization whose mandate it is to explore all knowledge and evidence of extra-terrestrial visitations to this planet. It is very sensitive and damaging information containing names of who really rules this country. I am sure that if it is known I have that information they will kill to keep their organization secret. Yesterday, when I saw you leaving in a Government helicopter I was afraid they were taking you away from me and I would never see you again.”
Because that was all he wanted to admit, he fell silent. However, in her determination to know how the saucer came to the lab, she demanded that he keep talking. Conceding defeat, he continued,
“One evening, six months ago two teenagers were in the Valley Woods doing whatever teenagers do in a parked car at night. Under oath that they were not on drugs and in full control of their faculties, they testified to being startled by a strange occurrence. Everything, they and the car started shimmering like a wave motion. They then saw a flying disc at about a forty-five degree angle crash into the forest. On top of that phenomenon they claimed that it never did any damage to the trees, that it sliced through them as if a mere shadow. When they got out to investigate, they discovered the saucer half buried in a huge boulder with no damage to it. They reported it looked as if it just melted into the hard stone. While scanning with flashlights, they saw the alien girl merge into a tree trunk. She was alive but now part of the tree.”
Suddenly Lynda remembered the story of the Philadelphia Experiment. In 1943, the Navy tried to make the USS Eldridge invisible by surrounding it with an electro-magnetic resonance field. As the story went, the ship disappeared and when it appeared again, men had sunk and merged into the steel decking. She wondered if this craft was not operating under the same science, albeit, highly advanced. She concluded,
“Somehow there must have been a malfunction on board the craft. Did you know about the female alien?”
“No, that truly was a surprise to me. She must have been taken to a secret medical lab for examination.”
She will admit that seeing the proof of extraterrestrials and dimensions had deeply altered her perspective on life. Obviously, there are other dominions in this complicated existence. She wondered why it was so hard for Whelan to accept that God had other children somewhere else in the mansion of creation. Why was it so hard for him to believe there are other children of God far across a barrier beyond our current ability to reach them? Perhaps the Babel Tower story in the Holy writings was more than a parable of separating people on Earth. Perhaps it was a parable telling how God separated all the creations by the vast distances of the universe.
Like Whelan, before meeting Professor Quagmire, she had not believed in any place except this reality here on Earth. Now she accepted that there are really other places, dimensions or universes, seen or unseen other than this one. As she was reconciling those places, a sullen mood invaded her thoughts. If it were true, then there was one dimension that she hoped really existed.
Inquisitive eyes slowly moved about the darkened room drifting from the floor and upward to somewhere in the empty air above. Are there people from other dimensions looking down on her right now? She was only doing what others who have lost loved ones were doing, hoping that heaven was one of those places. She slowly peeled the covers aside and slithered out of bed. Whelan had not fallen asleep. He opened his eyes to see her silhouette disappear out of the room. He understood she was going to her retreat, her office. It was where she went when needing personal space and freedom of thought. He closed his eyes and waited for her to come back.
Turning on the light she drifted to her desk, opened a drawer and pulled out the gift from Professor Quagmire. She untied the bow and opened the package. Inside was a note. ‘Chime it and he will hear you.’ She lifted the bell out and gently chimed it. She was not calling Professor Quagmire. She was hoping that somebody else was listening.
She wanted another dimension to hear her call, another place where somebody who still owns a large part of her heart and soul dwelled. She rang the bell again, put her head down and with great trembling words whispered,
“Jeff? Jeff, can you hear me? It is me Lynda. I just wanted you to know that I am sorry for the argument we had the day you left for the airfield. I was mad and said terrible things to you. I hated you for leaving. That is what I want to talk to you about. I am sorry I said those things. I just want to say goodbye sweetheart and I miss you every single day. If you are listening then we can talk about that daughter of yours later. For now, I just want to let you know that I have met a wonderful man and - - -
Be sure to read other thrilling books by Allan E Petersen
The House of the Nazarene series
And the Humans Wrote
As well as other exciting murder mystery books
The Factory
The Ratsenburg Curse
Graves of the Past
Hercules Down
High Tide Treasure