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Page 20

by Apryl Baker

  He chuckled and tugged on her underwear. “Lift up for me.”

  She did, and he deftly sat up so he could slide the offending piece of clothing off.

  And then she got self-conscious.

  Stretch marks.

  Roger always taunted her about them. They were faint, but they were there. She shifted, her hands coming down to cover them, but Viktor was having none of it.

  He gently pulled them away and laid them beside her. “Don’t hide from me, moye sokrovishche.”

  “I…” She let out a shuddering breath. “I’m not beautiful there.”

  He traced the faint lines that coated her abdomen. “These?”

  She nodded, turning her head away from him.

  “Look at me, Sara.” His tone turned a little harder, only this time her first instinct wasn’t to flinch away, but to do as he asked. Deep down, she knew Viktor wouldn’t lay a hand on her.

  “These don’t make you ugly, at least not to me. These marks tell me how much you love your daughter. You gave up everything, including your body, to keep her safe and healthy. These marks? They make you gorgeous inside and out.”

  He leaned down and traced each and every one of them with his tongue. “You are the most beautiful woman I’ve ever known, Sara Riley. Don’t you ever forget it.”

  A tear slipped free at the reverence in his voice. His touch was gentle and cherished.

  He wiped her tears away with the pads of his thumbs. “You are amazing.”

  She couldn’t form words, but she didn’t need to. He pulled her up and hugged her, more emotion in that single action than she could have ever conveyed with words.

  “You good, baby?” he asked after a while, and she nodded.

  He began rubbing slow, soothing circles over her back. He kept his touch light because of the deep bruising, but she felt every brush of his fingers.

  “I need to touch you,” Sara whispered, and he shook his head.

  “If you do that, this will be over in minutes, and you deserve better than that. Let me love you, baby. Tomorrow, you can touch me all you want, but tonight is for you.”

  He eased her back down against the pillow, and this time when his gaze raked over her body, she didn’t hide from him. She embraced the scorching heat he created and smiled.

  Until his lips sucked her clit into his mouth. Then she cursed him. He teased her unmercifully. Again and again, he swirled his tongue over it. Her thighs quivered around his head. Two fingers slid deep the same moment his teeth tugged at the sensitive, swollen nub. Her back arched, and he made a sound of warning, but she didn’t pay it any mind. The pain was worth it. Her hands clutched at the sheets, his hair, anything she could to try to dispel some of the need building up.

  He set a deep, steady pace with his fingers while he showered her clit with kisses.

  “Viktor, please…” Oh, God, that tongue. “I need you…please.” She shot up this time when he hit that secret spot that almost caused her to come undone.

  “I know, baby.” This time he didn’t argue. He jumped off the bed and slid out of his jeans. He plucked his wallet out of the pockets and found a condom. He tore it open and put it on. It took him a minute because his fingers were shaking.

  She crowed inside. He was as affected by her as she was by him. He shook with need as badly as she did.

  When he crawled back between her legs, he gave her an apologetic smile. “I don’t know how long this will last, moye sokrovishche. I’m about to burst now.”

  He was long and wide. Her first thought was there was no way he would fit, but then she shook that aside. He’d fit, and he’d fill her more than Roger ever had.

  “That looks painful.” His cock was swollen and leaking precum. The condom barely fit, he was so big.

  “It is, but it was worth waiting.” He pushed her down. “You ready?”

  He asked before he moved. It was endearing. Always putting her first. She fell a little harder for him in that moment. This man held her heart, and every second that passed, he claimed more and more of it.

  “Love me, Viktor.”

  The first brush of his cock against her sent shivers racing up and down her spine. His tip breached her, and he kept pushing deeper, stretching her. She’d only felt that burn once a long time ago when she was in high school. Roger wasn’t this big, so he’d never caused this sensation.

  “Easy, baby.” He cupped her cheek, nuzzling her nose. “I got you. Just relax and breathe.”

  She tried, but she’d never had someone his size trying to force his cock inside a hole smaller than he was.

  He stopped inching forward. His fingers found her clit. She whimpered, but he gave her no retreat. His mouth found hers and kissed her so hard her toes curled. Soon, she forgot about his cock and got lost in his kiss.

  She never realized he’d started moving until that delicious pressure started building, and she gasped. He’d distracted her and made her forget her panic.

  “Wrap your legs around me, Sara,” he rasped. She barely recognized his voice, it had gone so gravelly, but she did as he asked. Her eyes rolled back in her head when he thrust back inside her. The shift of position gave him better access, and he hit that magic spot that made stars burst across her vision.

  His arms slid under her, and his hands curled over the backs of her shoulders, essentially holding her in place while he pounded into her. That spot…sweet baby Jesus, that spot. Her body trembled, her legs tightened, and something splintered in her soul. It wasn’t only her body that came apart around him. She came apart—her fear, her anger, her self-loathing. It all shattered and floated away when she came so hard, she screamed.

  Boneless. That was the only word she could use as his thrusts quickened into something almost brutal, but her body took anything he gave her. It was only a minute later when he shouted her name and stiffened. He emptied himself inside her. Even with a condom on, she felt it and tightened her legs around him, holding him as he held her.

  It took him a minute to recover, but he rolled, bringing her with him.

  Neither spoke for long moments. There were no words to describe what happened, and there was no point in trying. Viktor held her, his cock spasming inside her. He grunted when she wiggled. “Don’t do that.”

  “Why?” She kissed the slick skin of his chest, enjoying the taste of him.

  “Woman, your back can’t take a repeat of that. You’re going to hurt enough in the morning as it is.”

  “You always take care of me, don’t you?”

  “Even from yourself, baby.” He gripped her hips and pulled out. She winced, the slight pain more than worth what just happened. He made a noise, and she rolled over, her body still as boneless as a minute ago.

  He got up and went into the bathroom, coming out with a warm washcloth he used to clean her up. He threw his shirt at her and tossed the cloth into the open doorway of the bathroom.

  She scooted over so he had more room while she donned the green t-shirt that smelled of him. He wasn’t getting this thing back. She might not ever wash it. Well, she would because it’d stink soon, but she’d enjoy it for as long as possible.

  “I like how you look in my clothes.” He sounded sleepy, and she smiled and let him draw her to him. Viktor reached down and pulled the covers over them both.

  “I like how you look at me in them.” Sara snuggled into his side, her head on his shoulder and one arm over his chest.

  “That’s never gonna change, baby. You’re stuck with me.”

  “You’re sure you want to be stuck with me?” She glanced up and found his eyes closed, but a smile flirted with his lips.

  “I want you and our girl. You and Delia are mine, Sara. The sooner you get used to that, the easier this’ll be. Now, go to sleep, sweetheart. We have a long day ahead of us tomorrow.”

  For the first time in a long time, Sara drifted off to sleep secure in the arms of someone she trusted to keep her safe.

  The phone kept ringing. Viktor pulled the pillow
over his head and tried to ignore it. He was so boneless even the thought of moving required too much energy.

  When it started again, he growled and answered it. “Do you know what fucking time it is?”


  The deadly quiet in Conner’s voice splashed a cold bucket of water over him, and he was awake and alert instantly.

  “What is it?”

  “I’m at the hospital with your kid and Mason. Gabe’s in surgery. Delia and Sara’s parents have been admitted. Mason’s okay, but he has some severe burns.”

  “Explain.” He reached over and shook Sara awake. She blinked sleepy eyes at him and muttered something incoherently.

  “When I showed up, the barn was on fire, and so was the house. I tried to call Mason, but I didn’t get an answer, so I dialed 911 and went into the house. Delia was awake. She was in the upstairs hall crying, her arm blistered from the fire all around her. There were towels shoved under the doors, and they were barricaded on the outside. I got everyone out, but we couldn’t find Gabe in the house. Mason and I went to the barn. We found him inside. He’d been shot, Viktor. It’s bad.”

  “How did Mason…”

  “He picked up Delia and ran down the stairs. The fire was worse than when I came upstairs. I got her parents out. They’re suffering from smoke inhalation. Given their age, the doctors are keeping them overnight for observation. They escaped any serious injury.”

  “And Delia?”

  “She’s a brave kid. I think I scared her to death. She looked at me and cried, telling me I wasn’t her Viktor.”

  “How bad is she hurt?”

  That woke Sara up. She grabbed at the phone, and he shook his head.

  “First degree burns on her left leg and a broken wrist. I don’t know how that happened, though.”

  Viktor’s breath whooshed out. The burn was serious, but it wasn’t life threatening.

  “We’re getting on a plane. As soon as Gabe is out of surgery, call me. I might be in the air, but I’ll see it as soon as we land.”

  “First flight back here isn’t until ten a.m. I already checked.”

  “Trust me. I’ll get there in a couple hours. I don’t want the local PD on this. Call Uncle Pete.”

  “Already did. State police are crawling all over the crime scene, and he promised he’d be there personally.”

  “I want him found, Conner.”

  “Team’s on the way. They’re flying in. Kade’s coming too.”

  “Rent us some rooms, and I’ll be there as soon as I can. And Conner?”

  “Yeah, brat?”

  “Thanks for keeping my kid safe.”

  “She’s ours.”

  He smiled. “For keeping our kid safe.”

  As soon as he hung up, Sara was on him. “What is it? What happened to my baby?”

  “I don’t have the entire story. Conner gave me the basics. When he got there tonight, the barn and the farmhouse were in flames. He and Mason got everyone out. Delia and your parents were admitted for burns and smoke inhalation. They found Gabe in the barn. He’d been shot and is currently in surgery. That’s all I know.”

  “We have to get home, now.” Fear caused her voice to shake, and she jumped up, at a loss for where to start.

  Viktor took her in his arms and held her close. “Calm down, baby. Delia is fine. She’s got a burn, a broken arm, and they’re holding her for smoke inhalation, but she’s okay. Mason’s with her. Your parents are fine. Again, it’s smoke inhalation. You get our bags packed, and I’m going to call in a favor to get us home.”

  She took several deep breaths, clutching him like he was the only life raft in an ocean full of sharks. Her entire body shook, and he held her for as long as it took for the tremors to subside.

  “You good now, baby?”

  She nodded and moved away from him to grab her suitcase. Viktor opened his contact list until he found Bart Eldridge’s number. He let the phone ring until the man picked up.

  “There had better be someone dead.”

  “There might soon be. Wake the hell up.”

  “Who the fuck is this?”

  “Viktor Kincaid.”

  “Shit.” Bart yawned and told someone to go back to sleep. “What’s going on?”

  “I need a favor.”

  “Anything. Name it, and it’s yours.”

  “I need to borrow your private jet.” He explained what was going on, and Bart agreed to call in his pilot and alert the airport to be expecting them.

  “You need anything else, you let me know.”

  “Thanks, Bart.”

  Bart hired him last year to do some investigation work on his then wife. Wife number three. Turned out the woman had been planning on doing away with him and the kids. Viktor and his team discovered the plot and were able to stop her from carrying out the “accident” meant to kill Bart’s two children. He’d told Viktor to call him night or day if he ever needed anything.

  He needed it now, and Bart came through.

  It took them all in of forty-five minutes to check out and board the plane. They’d be there in less than two hours. It didn’t help ease any of the anxiety raging.

  Once they were in the air, Viktor hauled Sara into his lap and held her the entire flight back to Virginia. Neither of them spoke. They didn’t need to. Sara cried, and he rocked her, trying to comfort her and keep his mind from reliving the horror of the night. His kid, his brothers, and Sara’s parents could have been killed.

  Roger was going to pay. The fucker better hope the police found him first.

  They arrived at the hospital exactly three hours after getting Conner’s phone call. They went straight to pediatrics. Delia was sound asleep when they got there, Mason nodding off in the chair beside her. He was in a hospital gown, an oxygen mask strapped to his face, and an IV in his arm.

  What the fuck? Conner never said he needed oxygen.

  Sara ran right to Delia and pulled her up, not caring if she woke her. The little girl screamed, and Mason was up and out of the chair in a heartbeat. As soon as he saw Sara, he sank back down into the chair.

  Conner rushed into the room a few seconds later. “Fuck, man.”

  Viktor clasped his brother’s shoulder. “You good?”

  “She screamed, and I…” He ran a hand through his hair. “She’s been having panic attacks all night, and I’m not helping. Had to bribe the nurse to let Mason in here with her. I stepped down the hall for a cup of coffee, and I heard her scream.”

  “Sara woke her up. She’s good. Now, what the fuck is wrong with Mase?”

  “I’m right here, asshole.” He’d pulled the oxygen mask down to glare at them all. “She just went to sleep.”

  “Boy, if you pull that mask down one more damn time, I’m calling Mama and Babushka on your ass.”

  “You wouldn’t dare.”

  “Try me.”

  Mason pushed the mask up.

  “He’s not my Viktor,” Delia whimpered. Viktor stepped around his brother and walked over to the bed.

  “Hey, now, malyshka. It’s okay.”

  She pulled herself away from Sara and threw her little arms around him. “My Viktor.”

  “Shh, malyshka. This is Conner. He’s my twin brother. He’s not going to hurt you. I promise.”

  “He’s scary.” Tears welled up and cascaded down her cheeks.

  “He is, but he won’t hurt you. He found you in the fire and helped everyone, didn’t he?”

  Her lower lip wobbled. Dammit, this kid and her wobbly lip. It nearly killed him. She buried her head in his chest and whimpered. Sara looked lost, tears streaming down her cheeks. He pulled her in for a hug.

  “You okay, malyshka?”

  “Nooooo!” Delia burst into tears, and he looked over his shoulder at his brother. He had no fucking clue how to deal with two crying women.

  Conner shrugged, no fucking help at all.

  “Mama’s here, poppet.” Sara pulled Delia away from him, and he let her. She hop
ped up on the bed and pulled Delia into her lap, rocking her. “It’s okay, baby. No one’s gonna hurt you again.”

  “That’s for damn sure,” Conner said and came to stand beside Viktor. Delia looked up for a second then buried her head against her mother. Conner was the first Kincaid brother who scared her. “Delia?”

  She peeped at him, and he smiled. Gone was the hard, angry man of a minute ago, and there was Conner, the brother he hadn’t seen in years. He smiled, and his eyes sparkled. He looked more like Viktor than he ever had. Her eyes darted back and forth between them, her little lip trembling.

  “We look alike because we’re twins.” He winked at her. “I know I can look scary sometimes, but it’s only when I’m worried about my family, and you’re my family now.”

  “Remember when my brother Kade said the same thing? You belong to the Kincaids now, malyshka, and that includes Conner.”

  “Is he mean like Daddy?”

  “No.” Conner took her little hand in his. “I would never hurt a child. You will always be safe with me, and I’ll always protect you. Even when I look mean, it’s only to take care of you, never to hurt you, baby girl. You can trust me when you can’t trust anyone else. I promise.”

  More tears leaked out of her eyes, and he continued. “Viktor told me what your daddy did. When I find him, he’s going to go to jail for a long, long time. Viktor and I will make sure of it.”

  “You’ll find him?”

  His mouth turned up in a half smile. “Baby girl, there’s not a person alive who can hide from your Uncle Conner.”

  “Malyshka, I need to ask you something.” Viktor didn’t want to ask her this, but it had to be done, especially after she asked Conner about finding Roger.

  She nodded, hugging her mother so tight it might soon cut off circulation.

  “Did you see your daddy tonight?”

  Her little face screwed up, and she started crying again. Sara warned him off with a look, but this was important.

  “I know it’s scary, but if he was there, honey, I need to know. Can you remember?”

  She nodded. “I heard something, and I snuck down the stairs. He was in front of Mason’s door and was pushing stuff against it. I ran upstairs and hid in Mommy’s closet. I was so afraid.”


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