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Broken Pieces (Cape Isle, #3): A Cape Isle Novel

Page 13

by Allie Able

  She starts chanting ‘yes’, over and over again until she finally throws her head back and comes, moaning my name. I keep strumming her clit as I speed up my thrusts. Her inner walls pulse around my hard cock, and she continues to orgasm when I grab onto her hips and plant myself as deep as I can go, spilling my come inside of her.

  Gently, I glide in and out of her as we both try to slow our heavy breathing. I wrap my arms around her waist and lower my face into her neck, giving her skin a gentle kiss and breathing in her scent.

  “Well, we are certainly going to be late now,” she giggles after a few moments of silence.

  I chuckle against her skin. “And we smell like sex.”

  “So worth it.”

  I couldn't agree more. I kiss across her shoulder and down her back as I slowly pull my still semi-hard cock out of her. I step back to get a washcloth. My intentions are to clean her up, but when I turn back around, I have the perfect view of her pussy. She is still bent over the counter and my come is leaking down her legs. I grab onto my cock and stroke myself as I watch.

  “What are you doing?” she asks, turning her head to look at me. Her eyes flare with renewed heat when she sees my cock in my hand.

  “I hate to break it to you, but I think we are going to be even more late.”

  “Why?” she breathes.

  “Because seeing my come rolling down your beautiful thighs has made me hard as a rock and I can't sit through dinner like this.”

  She moves her hand between her legs and I watch as she sinks a finger inside her, spreading my come through her folds.

  I quickly walk to her and pick her up. She squeals and grabs onto my shoulders as I carry her to the bedroom and I smack her ass before gently tossing her onto the bed.

  “Oh, Angel. I love you, but I'm about to fuck the shit out of you. Any objections?”

  She smiles and shakes her head. “Nope.”

  * * *

  We arrive at Grant and Summer's house more than a little late. I knock on the front door as I look over at Lexie. Her cheeks are glowing and she is wearing a wide smile on her face. She looks like a woman who has had many orgasms, three to be exact… her brother is going to fucking kill me.

  At that thought, I chuckle to myself.

  Lexie looks over at me and raises an eyebrow in question, and I smirk shaking my head and causing her to roll her eyes.

  The good thing about being in a relationship with someone you know better than you know yourself is that they can read your thoughts, even the dirty ones.

  Grant opens the door and smiles at us. “I didn't know if y'all were going to make it.”

  “I hope we aren't too late.”

  “Nah, you're fine. Dinner isn't even ready yet.”

  He leads us to the kitchen, where everyone seems to be congregating.

  “Hey, everyone. We brought wine.” Lexie says, holding up the bottle.

  Summer smiles and takes it from Lexie's outstretched hands.

  No one says anything and all the attention remains on us. Lexie seems oblivious as she roots through cabinets, finally emerging with a wine glass. I clear my throat and look around. My eyes land on Nick and he seems to be trying to kill me with his glare.

  “Why in the hell is it so quiet in here?” Lexie asks, as she holds the wine bottle and corkscrew out to me.

  I shrug my shoulders and get to work uncorking her wine.

  She looks around the room again and shakes her head. “We aren't animals in zoo. Are you all waiting for us to preform tricks? Sorry, no can do. I think my vagina is broken.”

  I choke on my saliva and I think I hear her brother growl as Katie and Summer dissolve into giggles.

  “Jesus, Lexie. No one cares about your vagina,” Nick says with disgust.

  “Someone obviously does,” she winks at me and I have to smother a chuckle.

  This conversation is going nowhere fast… Leave it Lexie to talk about vaginas at a dinner party.

  “Grant, do you want to go put the steaks on the grill?” Summer asks. Her lips are still twitching in amusement.

  “Yeas, dear.” He smirks at me before grabbing the tray from Summer. “Zack, grab a beer and join us.” He kisses Summer's cheek and walks towards the back door with Nick following behind him.

  Oh, this should be good.

  Lexie smiles and hands me a beer. I smile in return and shake my head.

  “Did you have to talk about your vagina?”

  She laughs and pats my chest. “Hey, at least I broke the awkward silence that was filing the room.”

  “Oh, yeah. That helped, Angel.” I bend down and kiss her forehead before walking towards the back door.

  Grant stands at the grill and Nick stands against the railing with his arms crossed. I don't pay him any mind as I look out over the amazing view.

  The sun is almost set, and I watch as the last rays of light reflect off of the waves. It reminds me of our date on Saturday and I smile.

  “Quit fucking smiling,” Nick grumbles.

  “Dude, you have no say over what my face does.” I chuckle as I turn to look at him and he gives me an annoyed look.

  “I don't like this,” he says.

  I take a drink of my beer and continue to smile at him. “What exactly is it that you don't like?”

  “Well, first you try to date my woman and then you start dating my little sister.”

  “I had no clue about Katie and you, Nick, and I think you and I both know that we were only ever friends. As far as your sister goes, I have been in love with her since I was a kid and I don't plan on going anywhere anytime soon.”

  He studies me with a hard stare. “You know, I knew you looked familiar when I saw you at the bar with Katie, but you've changed.”

  “I'm not a kid anymore, Nick. You were gone for a long time. I was what, fourteen or fifteen years old the last time you saw me? I didn't recognize you either.”

  He sighs and runs his hand across his head. “Why didn't you let me kick his ass when I had the chance,” he says looking over at Grant.

  Grant chuckles and continues flipping the steaks. “You didn't even know who he was and I've always liked the kid. He worships the ground Lexie walks on and he always has. You're just too fucking stupid to see it.” He lifts his head long enough to give me a wink, before turning back to the grill.

  Nick grumbles something under his breath, as he takes another drink of his beer. When he lowers the bottle he looks towards the house, before looking back at me.

  “Thanks for kicking Jared's ass.”


  “Need another beer?” he asks as he walks towards the back door.

  “Yeah, thanks,” I smile.

  “Bring me one too,” Grant calls.

  Well, that went better than expected.

  Chapter Nineteen


  “ARE YOU EXCITED ABOUT THIS weekend?” Summer asks

  I nod my head and smile. “So excited. I still don't know where we are going, but I'm definitely excited.”

  She quirks an eyebrow at me. “How can you be excited if you don't even know where you're going?”

  I shrug my shoulders and continue sorting the ribbon in front of me. “I like surprises. Zack knows me. He knows what I like and what I dislike better than anyone else on the planet. I trust him.”

  Summer doesn't answer right away and I look up at her in question. She's smiling and looking at me with a soft expression.


  She shakes her head. “You guys are just so cute together. I'm happy that you both finally sorted this out.”

  “Sorted what out?”

  “Your feelings for each other. We all saw it. He looks at you like kids look at my cupcakes.” She giggles and leans on the counter in front of her. “It's adorable. Lexie, I can't believe that it took you this long to figure it out. Oh, and the way you run to him? Whether it's something good or something bad, he's the first person you share anything with. I'm a little jealou
s of how deep y'all’s connection runs. It's like you look at each other and already know what the other is thinking without ever having to say a word.”

  “When did you become a romantic?” I ask, with a laugh.

  She shrugs and shakes her head as she stands back up. “I'm just happy for you,” she whispers.

  I smile and nod. “Me too.”

  She looks down at her watch. “It's almost three o'clock. Why don't you go ahead and go? I know you probably still need to pack.”

  “Oh, you know me so well, Mrs. Hamilton,” I joke.

  Her eyes tear up and I grab onto her shoulder and quickly pull her to me. “What is it? What did I say?”

  “That's the first time anyone besides Grant has said my last name.”

  “Oh, my God. You are so sappy,” I laugh, but continue to hug her.

  “I know,” she sniffs.

  I hear the bell over the door chime and I look in that direction, to see Grant walk in.

  He takes in me hugging Summer and the smile drops from his face. “What's wrong? What happened?”

  At the sound of his voice, Summer lifts her head to look at him. He quickly walks around the counter and is in front of us within seconds.

  “Calm down, Rambo. We were just having girly talk, but I think your wifey is about to have her monthly visitor. She is an emotional wreck. Here take this thing before her emotions rub off on me,” I joke, as I gently push Summer into Grants waiting arms.

  They both chuckle at me and I continue to watch them for a second. Summer burrows herself into Grant's chest and he wraps his arms tightly around her. Every time I have ever seen Grant hold Summer, I am fascinated at the change in him. I grew up with this man. I have seen him evolve and grow, but with this woman he is someone that I have never met. The expression on his face is one of intense love, but his body language tells anyone around them that if they fuck with her, they will have him to deal with him. I love how protective he is with her.

  I sigh and step towards them, wrapping my arms around both of them best I can.

  “What are you doing?” Summer laughs.

  “Group hug!”

  I hear the kitchen doors swing open and I know Jenna just joined our little party.

  “You all are insane—every single one of you. That's including you big man, and don't look at me like that. You don't intimidate me.” I hear the doors close again, indicating that she walked back to the kitchen.

  I laugh and drop my hands away from Summer and Grant. “She loves us. She really does. Okay, Can I go, boss lady? As you pointed out, I have packing to do.”

  Summer steps out of Grants arms and smiles. “Yep. You're free to go.”

  I squeal and clap my hands before grabbing my purse.

  “Have fun and be safe,” Grant says.

  “Yes, Dad,” I joke.

  “Text me when you get to wherever it is y'all are going.”

  “Yes, Mom.”

  I give them one last wave before I walk out of the bakery and make my way towards my car. I'm so freaking excited!

  * * *

  I hear a knock on my door right at five thirty. I toss my makeup bag on my bed and walk towards the front door. Once I check the peephole and see that it's Zack, I swing open the door and smile.

  “Why do you knock?”

  He smiles back and cocks his head to the side. “Um, because this isn't my house?” he says with a chuckle.

  I roll my eyes and step back for him to walk in. “Whatever. I'm almost ready. Come on in.”

  I lead him towards my bedroom and start pointing at bags that I'm finished with.

  “You do know that we are coming home on Sunday, right?” he asks, taking in all of my luggage.

  “Yep. A woman must be prepared for anything. It says so in the rule book.”

  He laughs and steps towards me. “Can I have my hello kiss, now?”

  Instead of answering him, I stand on my tip toes and press my mouth against his as his hands come around my back and he pulls me closer to him. Tilting my head to the side, I part my lips and his tongue strokes against mine in a slow and sweet caress. He pulls back to nibble on my bottom lip.

  “Hmm… strawberries today,” he mumbles.

  I let out a small laugh against his mouth before he deepens the kiss again. It's not long before I can feel his hardness against my hip.

  He pulls away, with a groan, and kisses the tip of my nose. “Let's go, before we end up just staying here.”

  I quirk an eyebrow in question and he shakes his head. “Nope, come on feign,” he laughs.

  He grabs three of my six bags and makes his way back down the hallway. I watch his ass while he goes before turning back to finish packing. Oh, this is going to be a fun weekend!

  After being in the car for three hours, I am bored out of my mind. I am not a good traveler; I'm restless and I hate being still.

  “Are we almost there?” I ask, for what must be the hundredth time.

  Zack looks over at me and smiles. “Almost.”

  That has been his response every time. I sigh and roll my window down only to roll it back up. Reaching over for the radio and scroll through the stations. I can't find anything, so I sit back and tap my feet against the floor board and hum to myself. The side mirror looks like it needs to be adjusted, so I spend a few second playing with the controls for that.

  Zack's laugh has me turning my head to look at him.

  “It's like traveling with a toddler.”

  I squint my eyes at him. “You know I hate being in a car.”

  He takes his eyes off of he road for a second to look over at me. His smile is so big that I can see the dimple in his cheek.

  “I promise we will be there soon.” He reaches his hand across the center console and takes mine, giving it a squeeze.

  I sigh and relax back in my seat. “Who is watching Lady this weekend?”

  “I took her over to Summer and Grant's house before I came to pick you up.”

  I nod my head. “I miss having Duke at my house. He took up so much room and now it's so empty without him.”

  “Do you want to get a dog?” he asks.

  “No. I'll just come steal Lady.”

  He chuckles and lifts my hand to kiss the back of it. “Sounds like a plan, but if she stays over then so do I.”


  We are both quiet for a few more miles and I look out my window again, trying to figure out where we are. I know we are somewhere in the mountains of South Carolina, but I don't think I've ever been through here. I ask Zack numerous times where we are going, but he still doesn’t tell me. We better not be camping. I'm not a good camper.

  “I'm hungry,” I whine.

  He looks over at me and then to all of the empty wrappers in the floor beneath my feet.

  “There is no way in hell you are hungry, Angel, but we will have dinner when we get there. I promise.”

  I sigh again and lean my head back.

  A few minutes later, we finally slow down and take a right turn. I sit up and look out the window.

  A few miles later, we come to a large metal gate. I look around and notice the large brick walls that block you from seeing in. Where in the hell are we?

  Zack lowers his window and pulls up to the little box next to the gate. He types in a code and the metal gate starts to slowly swing open. I look over at him with wide eyes, as we pull forward.

  “Look out your window, Angel,” he says as we pull through the gates. The first thing I notice are the trees. They are massive and they are everywhere. The road in front of us is lined with them and it looks like it goes on for miles. Then, I see what is just on the other side of them and I smile. A Vineyard. Rows and rows of grapevines, as far as the eye can see.

  “You brought me to a Vineyard. Oh my God!” I can feel my smile over taking my face. I lean over and give him a kiss on the cheek before leaning back to roll down my window. I swear I can smell the grapes.

  I see a sign up ahead that is we
lcoming us to the Ariel Vineyards and Villas.

  “Do you like it, Angel?” Zack asks, looking over at me with a soft smile.

  “I love it,” I whisper in awe.


  I practically stick my head out of the window as we drive a little farther.

  I gasp again when we come to a circular driveway. The main house looks like something dropped straight out of Tuscany. Zack parks in front of an old looking fountain and I jump out before he has a chance to turn the truck off. I spin in a circle and take it all in. The main house sits up on a large hill and from up there, there is a view of the whole vineyard. Behind the house are a few smaller houses and I assume they are the villas.

  Zack walks towards me and I throw my arms around his neck. “I love this. Thank you so much.”

  “You haven't even seen inside, yet,” he smiles.

  I shake my head. “I don't even care. This is the best surprise ever.”

  He wraps his arms around me and picks me up off of the ground. I pull his lips down to mine and give him a brief kiss.

  “I'm glad you like it. Come on, let's go get checked in.” He sets me down and grabs my hand, leading me towards the front door.

  When we walk in, I feel my breath catch and my eyes go wide. Wow, I don't even want to know how much it costs to stay here. While the outside looks like old Tuscany, the inside looks like a modern castle. There is marble flooring and chandeliers everywhere I look. The massive staircase goes up at least five stories, each story with beautiful wood railings and a balcony. When I look straight up, I see that most of the ceiling is made of glass. Off to my right looks like a restaurant and to my left is a little shop.

  My wide eyes go back to Zack, as he watches me take it all in. He tugs on my hand and we walk further into the room, where the woman at the receptionist desk greets us with a smile.

  “Hello and welcome to Ariel Vineyards and Villas. Will you be staying with us this weekend?”

  Zack smiles back and nods his head. “Yes, ma'am. We are checking in under Grantham.”

  “Alright, Mr. and Mrs. Grantham. My name is Jessica and I will be getting you settled in. Let me see here.”


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