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The Fall of Lilith

Page 6

by Vashti Quiroz-Vega

  “Anyone else?” Lucifer scanned the remaining angels. No one else volunteered.

  “I too shall take part in this race,” Lucifer said. “Lilith, you can give us the signal to start. Hashmal, you and Fornues can mark the finish line.”

  Everyone agreed to do their part. Hashmal and Fornues ran to mark the finish line. The racers positioned themselves at the starting line. Lilith placed herself in front of them to give them the signal to begin the race.

  “What shall I do?” Beelzebub asked in a gentle manner.

  “You can stand on the sidelines and cheer for your favorite.” Lucifer grinned.

  “But of course that would be you, Lucifer,” Beelzebub uttered in a singsong voice, all the while gazing at Gabriel with playful eyes. Gabriel smiled.

  Lilith stood a few feet in front of the racers. She pivoted dramatically to face away from the runners and then lifted her arms, turned her head and glanced at Lucifer, batting her eyelashes.

  “Go!” she yelled, as she dropped her arms to her sides. She zipped away from their path to join Beelzebub and Raquel on the sidelines.

  “Behold, Lucifer runs like the wind!” Lilith cheered at the top of her voice.

  Raquel cheered for Dagon in her mind.

  “Lucifer is fast, and so are Michael and Jetrel, but none is more graceful than my Gabriel!” Beelzebub clapped while his eyes followed him along the track.

  “Your Gabriel?” Lilith asked in an undertone. “I suggest you mind what you say.”

  Raquel glanced their way, but quickly turned away to focus on the race. Her eyes followed Dagon.

  “Are you saying I cannot trust you, my dear friend?” Beelzebub’s eyes were wide, and he pressed a hand against his chest, fingers spread.

  “Shhhh!” Lilith indicated Raquel with her finger and whispered, “Have no doubts, my cherished one, your words are safe with me. It is in others you must not place your trust.”

  Beelzebub listened and stared.

  “There are those among us who desire to be closer to God than anyone else,” Lilith continued. “They are willing to become talebearers and get the rest of us in trouble. That is why you must be careful, and trust only those worthy of it.”

  Beelzebub nodded and smiled at her, and they resumed watching the race.

  Hashmal and Fornues looked alert and excited as they waited for the winner to arrive at the finish line.

  Lucifer was in the lead, with Jetrel close behind him. Michael was gaining on Jetrel. Gabriel, Raphael, and Dagon were a short distance away from her as well. Esar lagged behind. It was a good race, charged with driven competitors and the contest remained thrilling to the end, with the athletes running at wind speed, determined to overtake each other.

  A few yards from the finish line, Jetrel began to sprint. She lengthened her lead on Michael and, like a stream of air she dashed past Lucifer to the finish line, winning the race.

  Hashmal burst into a fit of laughter and clapped his hands. Lucifer, who came in second, bent at the waist, placed his hands on his knees, and expelled his breath in a puff.

  Michael went to Jetrel at once to commend her on her triumph. Raphael, Gabriel, and Dagon also approached her in good sportsmanship and congratulated her. It took some time, but Lucifer finally approached her.

  “Congratulations on winning the race. You used a good strategy.” Lucifer sighed deeply.

  “Thank you. It means a lot coming from you.” Jetrel smiled. He returned her smile and slouched away.

  Raquel strolled to Dagon.

  “I really did lose this race,” Dagon told her. “I did all I could to achieve victory.”

  “I know you did.” Raquel grinned. “I saw you make a great effort, but your legs were probably tired from all the running around you did with Fornues prior to the race.”

  “Perhaps.” Dagon beamed. He gazed at her and caught himself leaning his face toward hers. They stared at each other in awkward silence. Beelzebub’s shrieks roused them from their trance. He ran to Jetrel, hands extended forward.

  “Jetrel, the champion!” He grinned and clapped.

  He hugged her. He also embraced Lucifer for coming in second and Michael for reaching the finish line third. He offered Gabriel a consolation hug.

  “You may not have won the speed contest, but you looked the best competing,” Beelzebub whispered in his ear, making him blush. Gabriel pulled back from him and hurried away. Beelzebub ogled him as he fled.

  Beelzebub strolled past Raphael, who stared at him sideways. Ignoring him, he pursed his lips, expressing insincere sympathy as he scrutinized Esar.

  “Are there accolades for coming in last?” he asked Esar with a sardonic smile. “Maybe you should have turned into a rabbit and hopped all the way to the finish line. It might have been faster.” Beelzebub giggled. Esar smiled.

  “Oh, wait a minute,” he continued. “If you had attempted to turn into a rabbit, you might have ended up with only a bushy tail. That would have been the only thing funnier than seeing you finish last. Watching you finally arrive at the finish line, in last place, with a rabbit’s bushy tail sticking out from behind you, as evidence of your cheating!”

  Beelzebub cocked his head and shook with laughter. Several angels standing around chortled with him, and he beamed at the attention.

  Esar stared at him. He lifted one of his legs, bent it, and placed it behind his head, putting on a display. Others ran to see the fascinating bending and flexing stunts he did. He performed tongue tricks and wiggled his ears among other strange feats. The angels took no notice of Beelzebub as they passed him by. The crowd of spectators cheered and applauded Esar while Beelzebub huffed and sulked.

  Close by, Lucifer kicked a stone lying on the ground. He stomped to and fro, frowning. “I could have done better if I had paced my steps until I was near the end and then sprinted to the finish line, similar to her strategy. She was more astute than I this time, but next time, I shall not be defeated,” he muttered between his teeth.

  Lilith observed him. From his demeanor, she deduced his ego was injured; thus, she hurried to his side to do what she did best.

  “It was brilliant how you arranged for Jetrel to win that race.” Lilith strolled toward him with an alluring smile.

  He squinted and wrinkled his forehead, looking confused.

  “You are aware of her lack of confidence.” Lilith put her arms around his neck. “And how she is always trying to validate herself to the rest of us. So, you surrendered your pride, and gave her the victory––to make her feel worthy. You are the wisest and kindest of us.”

  With her flattery, Lilith convinced him to believe things happened as she described. He smiled and began to trust in his superiority once again.

  “We should go to Lake Serena and celebrate.” She lowered her head slightly and looked up at him.

  Lucifer sighed and grinned. “Yes, you are right. We should celebrate.”

  Beelzebub spotted them as they sneaked away from the crowd gathering to watch Esar’s spectacle. “Where are the two of you going?”

  Lucifer spun around. “To Lake Serena!”

  Lilith scowled. She desired to be alone with him.

  “We should all go!” Beelzebub whisked around to try and convince everyone, especially Gabriel, to come along. Most of the angels were distracted by Esar’s antics.

  Beelzebub asked Michael to go. Michael glanced at Lilith’s hand in Lucifer’s and frowned. “I have training exercises and other matters arranged for the next few hours.” He glowered at Lucifer and went on his way.

  “Apologies, for I too have plans.” Jetrel hurried off in pursuit of Michael.

  “How about you, grumpy Fornues?” Beelzebub asked in playful tone, batting his eyelashes for a laugh.

  “No. I have obtained my fill of you today.” Fornues plodded away from the group.

  Dagon and Hashmal wished to stay behind and continue to enjoy Esar’s performance.

  “I shall not be going to Lake Serena either, for I too hav
e training exercises.” Raphael turned to Gabriel, who he expected to leave without hesitation. “We should go to Guidance Park. We have many skills yet to master. It would be wise for us to train with Michael and Jetrel for a while.”

  “No, Gabriel, please.” Beelzebub grabbed hold of his arm. “The lake is so beautiful and refreshing. You must come with us.”

  “Very well, I am inclined to go for a short while.” Gabriel smiled.

  Beelzebub grasped his chest. “Ah! I sense my heart shall burst from my chest with excitement.” Gabriel chuckled.

  Raphael’s brow knitted in a frown and he ambled away.

  Lilith and Lucifer wandered ahead as they conversed. Beelzebub and Gabriel lingered behind, admiring the beautiful, fragrant flowers in the meadow on the way to Lake Serena.

  Beelzebub strolled alongside Gabriel and gazed at him in awe. “I appreciate your handsome, sweet face framed by your thick crop of soft, dark brown curls, and the way they rest on your strong shoulders.” Beelzebub leered at Gabriel whose face turned bright pink. “I also enjoy your cheerful blue eyes, the color of little forget-me-not flowers.” Beelzebub continued to stare. He ogled his delicate features and lean athletic build. Gabriel squirmed and moved further from him.

  Beelzebub fidgeted and kept his eyes fixed on him. He knew he must gain control of his desires, for if his feelings for Gabriel were ever discovered, it would signify his end. God’s laws prohibited any sexual relationship between angels, but carnal love between angels of the same sex was considered vile and a purely selfish act, and thus, a greater sin with harsher punishment. The thought of what that punishment might be made him shudder.

  When the four angels reached Lake Serena, they stopped to admire the landscape around them. The beauty of the lake and its surroundings always took their breath away. Scores of graceful, flowering trees surrounded the lake, which reflected the colors of the blooms on its surface.

  Lilith was the first to leap into the still waters, causing large ripples to break the glassy surface. “Jump in, the water is magnificent!”

  The warm pebbles surrounding the lake crunched under Lucifer’s feet as he moved closer to the edge. He watched Lilith enjoy herself as she made her way through the clear water, and dived in to join her.

  Gabriel sprang into the lake, uniting with them.

  “Come Beelzebub, get in!” Lilith yelled.

  “I shall. Give me a moment to take it all in,” Beelzebub responded in his melodramatic way. Before entering the lake, he watched Gabriel swim for a while.

  After some time, he finally joined Lilith and the others. Together they splashed and frolicked in the water. Later, Lucifer tired and exited the water. He lay on the soft grass and took a nap. Gabriel and Beelzebub also left the lake. Lilith continued to swim.

  Gabriel began to sing. Beelzebub was half sitting, half reclining on the grass. He gazed at him, who rested on his elbows and closed his eyes to make music with his beautiful voice.

  The angels’ white garments were wet, semitransparent and clinging to their bodies.

  Beelzebub found it impossible to tear his eyes away from Gabriel’s physique. He began to feel hot, flushed, and achy all over, but it was a delightful yearning. He trembled and could sense the rapid beating of his heart.

  Hence, he jumped to his feet and stepped away to divert his eyes.

  He took a deep breath to slow his breathing. He had to control these urges that drove him, but the longings were in every fiber of his being.

  Lilith watched him hurry away from Gabriel. She left the water to find out what was happening. She approached him as he came across a delightful, sweet-smelling flower bush. “What is the matter, Beelzebub?” she asked, startling him. “Why do you look so flustered? And why did you leave Gabriel’s side? It is not like you to do so. Did he ask you to leave?”

  “No. I simply needed to get away for a moment to calm myself.” Beelzebub continued to fidget and wring his hands.

  “It does not look like your methods are working.” Lilith looked at him with a mischievous expression. “Come with me.” She took his hand. “I am going to show you something that shall put a smile on your face.”

  “Indeed?” Beelzebub beamed and followed. She took him to the atrium and then to a small hidden room.

  “Why did you bring me here?” Beelzebub scrunched his brow and touched his cheek.

  “This is where I come when I desire to be alone with my thoughts or when I wish to do something I want no other to see.” Lilith wore an inscrutable expression.

  Beelzebub shot her a coy glance.

  “Come closer, I shall show you something I have learned,” she said. “But you are not to tell anyone about this or come to this section of the atrium without my permission. Do you understand?”

  Beelzebub nodded, his eyes round as moons.

  “I want you to close your eyes.”

  Beelzebub obeyed.

  “Imagine you are here, in this hidden, secluded place––with Gabriel.”

  He gasped and opened his eyes.

  “Keep your eyes closed!” Lilith yelled.

  He closed his eyes again.

  “Pretend Gabriel is here with you. You are both comfortable, relaxed, and enjoying each other’s company without interruption.” Lilith paused, allowing her words to penetrate his mind. She chuckled at his contented expression. She leaned forward and kissed him on the lips. He snapped his eyes open. She kissed him again.

  Beelzebub withdrew. “What are you doing?”

  “Did you enjoy it?”

  “Yes, but––”

  “I am trying to teach you how to kiss.”

  “Kiss?” He blinked.

  “God has given me the gift of sight. I have visions––this is something you must also keep secret,” Lilith said with a solemn expression. Beelzebub bobbed his head. “In many of my visions I see beings very similar to us but without wings. I call them wingless angels and a kiss is something they do to show each other their love. Would you like to demonstrate your love to Gabriel?”

  “Yes, but these acts are forbidden to us,” Beelzebub said.

  “Sometime in the future Floraison shall change––another supreme being shall rule, and all acts shall be allowed. You and Gabriel would be free to love each other without restraint.”

  His face glowed like a lotus petal.

  “Now, would you like to learn to kiss, or not?”

  Beelzebub nodded quickly.

  “Very well, I shall teach you to show Gabriel love and affection while giving him pleasure, but you must do as I tell you and whisper a word of this to no one.” Beelzebub nodded again, wide-eyed and mute.

  Lilith kissed him on the lips again. Then she told him to part his lips. She inserted her tongue and taught him how to make his tongue dance with hers.

  Afterward, Beelzebub’s light green eyes shone with delight, and he wore a beatific grin. “I am excited to share this secret with you, and I’m pleased that now I know how to kiss. Someday I shall kiss my love, and Gabriel shall like it.”

  Lilith laughed and led him back to Lake Serena. “Be mindful that no one must know what we have done, or of my visions, and do not return to that area of the atrium without my permission.”

  “Yes, Lilith. I am heedful of your words.” He looked toward where Gabriel sat, still singing. He picked some flowers and returned to him. Gabriel was finishing his song.

  Lilith’s lips screwed into an irritated smile as she watched him. She waved dismissively and returned to the water.

  Beelzebub’s eyes livened, and he looked overjoyed upon seeing Gabriel again. “I want to be by your side––always––to listen to your dulcet singing.”

  “Thank you, Beelzebub, but I sing only to praise God, not to seek admiration for myself.”

  “I am aware of that.” Beelzebub’s cheeks blushed pink. He presented him with the bouquet of fragrant blossoms. “Here, I picked these for you.”

  “Thank you again.” Gabriel adjusted himself to receive
the flowers. He sniffed them and placed them on the grass by his side. “Although I appreciate your gesture, the flowers would have been better served on their bush rather than torn apart from their stems.”

  “Apologies.” Beelzebub rubbed his cheek and fidgeted. “I merely wished to present you with something delightful.”

  Gabriel placed a hand on his shoulder and smiled. “I understood your meaning, and your intent is appreciated. You are a good friend. I need no more than your presence to be delighted.”

  Beelzebub inhaled a long, deep breath. “Thank you for the kind words. They are like one of your songs—pleasing to my ears.”

  “It is so exquisite here in Floraison. We should be grateful God has chosen us to be here,” Gabriel said between yawns. He lay on the grass once more and closed his eyes.

  “I am especially appreciative of God’s wonders,” Beelzebub whispered to himself. In a sly manner, he placed his hand on Gabriel’s knee.

  Upon sensing Beelzebub’s hand on his leg, his eyes sprang open. He glanced at his friend, who was casually gazing at the beautiful scenery. Gabriel scrunched his brow, shrugged and closed his eyes once more.

  Beelzebub, who watched him from the corner of his eye, noticed his heavy eyelids close again. He took the opportunity to drag his hand further along his leg to his thigh.

  Gabriel partly opened his eyes and stared at him, who again appeared to harmlessly admire the delightful flowers and trees. “Beelzebub.”

  “Yes?” Beelzebub raised his eyebrows high. He drummed the side of his opened mouth with the fingers of his free hand.

  “Kindly remove your hand from my thigh.”

  “Apologies! I did not realize––”

  “It is all right. I understand you were distracted by the splendor of this place.”

  “Indeed. That is what happened. I was distracted. I beg your pardon.” Beelzebub rubbed his cheek.

  “There is no need for regrets.” Gabriel stared at Beelzebub’s unsteady hands. He closed his eyes once more and this time fell into a deep slumber.


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