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The Fall of Lilith

Page 8

by Vashti Quiroz-Vega

  Michael managed a solemn expression and turned to Lucifer.

  “This was but one fight. Do not get used to triumphing against me,” Lucifer said.

  “It shall prove difficult if I continue defeating you.” Michael challenged him with a smile. Lucifer studied his face. After a pause, he laughed.

  Lilith crossed her arms and scowled. He jested, but he had found a way to beat Lucifer. She gazed at Lucifer. Do not let your guard down or the pretender shall take all that is yours.

  “I shall ask God for permission that you may enter the healing waters of the River of Life.” Michael joined forehead with him and departed to make the request.

  The remaining angels began to disperse. They had come to see an exciting fight and were not disappointed.

  “Anyone can lose a fight once, and anyone can win one fight.” Lilith approached Lucifer, having regained her wits. She helped him sit on the riverbank. He gazed at her face.

  “You are disappointed.” His usually strong voice fragmented like the seeds of a dandelion dispersing in the wind. “I hear the disdain in your voice.”

  “I am disappointed.” Pouting, she stared at the grass, her lips lush as exotic flowers in deep bloom. “Disappointed at myself for diverting your attention. I have kept you from your rigorous training. For that I am regretful.”

  “It is not solely your fault,” Lucifer said. “I am also to blame for being careless with my responsibilities, but I make this pledge to you: I shall never lose another fight again.”

  She wore an alluring smile and nodded. She was going to have to work harder. Things were not yet as she desired them to be. She must continue to exercise her powers of persuasion until Lucifer, Michael, and all the rest were eager to do her bidding. “No. You shall never lose another fight. Michael’s win was a fluke. I shall remain by your side and ensure this never happens again.”

  Lucifer gazed at her in admiration. He grinned and nodded in agreement.

  Lilith stared at him and laughed. Yes, this would be the beginning of her reign over him.

  Lucifer, unsuspecting, joined her in laughter.

  Chapter 7

  Michael’s Request

  Michael knelt before the golden doors leading to the anteroom, which gave access to the portal into Metá Heaven and the throne room. The combined strength of every angel in Floraison could not unlock these gilded doors. Only God was capable.

  “Father, may I enter?”

  Thou mayst enter, my son.

  The golden doors opened, and he entered the anteroom. The anteroom was an area for cleansing and preparation. The small chamber had a crystal floor under which he saw the River of Life flowing.

  A gentle breeze moved through his body. He became light-headed, giddy, and elated. Suddenly, he assumed spirit form. He stared at his ethereal hands.

  Once he had transformed, a pair of full-length gates on the far side of the anteroom opened, allowing access to a courtyard shrouded in a fine mist. Michael moved across the enclosure, floating just above the river, which led him right to God’s throne.

  When Michael arrived in His awesome presence he fell before Him in reverence. He had been in the throne room once before but it was an experience one never got used to. God’s love and mercy overwhelmed him. He covered his face with his wings.

  Come hither, Michael, and do not fear, for thou art worthy to look upon me.

  Upon hearing God’s words, he uncovered his face and gazed at the throne. Such intense power emanated from it––more than enough to compel all things in Floraison and in all the galaxies to follow His will.

  Yet God granted free will to all the angels so that they might find their own path. Michael was humbled by this recognition. It made him love Him even more.

  God sat on his throne. Michael was in awe of his manifestation: a glorious light radiating power, love, and all things good. It was as close as his mind could come to a description.

  The throne’s overall appearance was one of unimaginable beauty, with hues defying those of the blooms in Triumph Gardens. It was encrusted with perfect rubies and diamonds, enhanced by a rainbow comprised of different shades of green, like a dazzling emerald catching the brilliance of Heaven. Clangs of thunder sounded and flashes of lightning rose from the seat.

  Michael gaped at the splendor in front of him. However, he could not see beyond the throne: it was as though it was without limits ––joined to infinity.

  What is thy request?

  “I have come to request that you permit Lucifer to step into the River of Life.” Michael bowed his head.

  Why hath Lucifer not come to beseech this for himself?

  “I offered to do it for him, my Lord. I did not spar in good faith, for there was jealousy in my heart and I desired to hurt him.” Michael pressed his face against his hands and wept like his face was melting.

  Thou hast shown thy remorse. Hence, I shall grant thy request. However, only he is permitted to enter the waters of the River of Life at this time.

  “Yes, my God.”

  Thou mayst leave my presence.

  Michael floated backward above the river, so as not to turn his back on the Almighty. He kept his head hung low until he reached the anteroom, and the doors between him and the courtyard had closed before him. He returned to his natural form. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath to recover from his experience.

  Michael followed the River of Life to Guidance Park. Lucifer yet rested, breathless and hunched, on the riverbank near the waterfall. Lilith sat by his side, running her fingers through his long, dark hair.

  Michael closed his eyes. “Father, I bind that spirit of jealousy that attempts to consume my being. Remove it now, almighty God, along with the anger and fear that feed it.” He opened his eyes and hurried to them. “I have returned.”

  “Well? Will God permit Lucifer to enter the River of Life, or not?” Lilith asked.

  Michael looked at Lucifer. “Indeed, God has granted you passage into the waters.”

  Lilith helped Lucifer stand and assisted him across the rocks to the water.

  “You must stop right there, Lilith!” Michael stepped forward.

  She whipped her head around and glared at him. “I mean to help him into the river.”

  “Apologies, but you must not go any further. God’s orders were that only Lucifer enter the water.”

  “But he is feeble and could collapse. I need to help him enter the water, for the path may be treacherous.”

  “Do not compel me to stop you, for if I must prevent your entering the water by force, I shall.” Michael took another step forward. “If God means for him to enter the water unaided, surely he shall guide his steps and not allow him to fall.”

  Lucifer looked at Lilith, who gripped him. “You must let me go. I shall be fine.”

  She released him, keeping her arms extended in case he wobbled. He swayed, but regained his balance and entered the healing water. At once, healthy color returned to his cheeks, his swelling, redness, and bruising faded. Cuts and scrapes vanished.

  Lilith and Michael watched the healing transformation in awe. Lucifer swam to and fro, submerged himself, leapt from the water and splashed around.

  Lilith glowered at Michael. He was watching Lucifer and grinning. She rolled her eyes.

  Michael turned to gaze at her. “We used to be inseparable, remember? Why have we grown apart?”

  Lilith frowned. “I think you know why.” She moved away from him.

  Michael grabbed her arm. “Tell me, I implore you.”

  She stared at his hand clutching her arm until he let go. “You have reprimanded and rejected me once too often. Your only ambition is to earn your way to Heaven Most High to be at God’s side. There is nothing left for me. Had I stayed by your side any longer I would have withered like a dried-out flower. I have flourished since I have been at Lucifer’s side, and he too has benefitted from my company. We are good for each other and my affection for him is great.”

�s chest heaved, his hands trembled and he blinked and stared at Lilith with a sorrowful grimace. He nodded and looked at the ground. “My chest burns and aches and everything around me is gray.”

  Lilith guffawed.

  Michael stared with a stunned expression. “My anguish amuses you?”

  She looked toward the river and laughed as she watched Lucifer splash about.

  Michael continued to stare at her in amazement.

  “I feel great!” Lucifer emerged from the water, seeming strong again. He hugged Lilith while yet drenched. She shuddered, an invigorating jolt shooting throughout her from the contact with his wet body.

  Michael frowned and hastened out of the park.

  The water from the River of Life was potent. If only she could enter the river whenever she desired, she would be formidable, indeed. Someday God’s pointless rules would be no more, and the angels would be free to do as they please. But she would not get ahead of herself. There was still much work to be done before that could happen. She must first engage the angels with her power of suggestion. It may not be possible to persuade all the angels to align with her cause, but she was certain that most would join her. Michael, however, had proved to be quite a challenge, but she would not abandon hope yet. With Lucifer by her side, there was little she would not be able to do.

  Chapter 8

  God’s Declaration

  The atrium was a vast, circular area the size of a small city. A high wall of blue gemstone encircled this space. Set within the wall were twelve gates made of carved pearl. Its foundations were garnished with a variety of precious stones.

  The first foundation was decorated with fiery rubies. The second was embellished with blue sapphires. The rest of the foundations were enhanced with grayish-blue chalcedony, black onyx, orange carnelian, sparkling pale green peridot, violet amethysts, and citrines the color of burning stars.

  Of the twelve gates, three were on the north side of the atrium, three on the east, three more on the south, and the last three were on the west side.

  Inside the atrium, the pathways were pure gold, so fine it was translucent. The light in the atrium was magnificent, with the stars, planets, and all entities in the galaxies contributing to its brilliance.

  It served as a classroom and conference room, where the angels gathered to learn about the various worlds and all matter and energy in the cosmos. At times God tested the angels spiritually, intellectually, and physically. The angels also gathered here to listen to declarations and other announcements pertaining to affairs of the celestial beings.

  One brillante, God summoned the angels to gather in the atrium. God never appeared to them, instead a window between Floraison and the realm of Metá Heaven opened and from this incandescent, ethereal opening in the atmosphere His voice was heard. When the angels were assembled, He proclaimed his intention to create a new life form, one with an appearance similar to their own and with intellect, marking the dawn of a new epoch in Heaven.

  Many angels were not pleased with this announcement. Some were full of fear. Lilith seemed the most threatened by God’s declaration. She was offended by the implication that she was not enough for Him. She had worked hard to get in His good graces. She was studious, scored high marks on tests and worshipped quite often, although her heart was not always in it. After finally reaching a level she was comfortable with, she feared she would have to compete for God’s favor once again with the new race of beings He planned to create.

  Lilith turned to Lucifer and Samael. She aimed to fill their heads with her fears. “Why would God need to create other beings when He already has us? Are we not enough for Him anymore? Does He mean to replace us?”

  “We shall always come first in God’s judgments. We are celestial beings and therefore His children.” Lucifer leaned in and grinned.

  “What makes you so certain? There is no assurance that when He creates these new creatures we shall not be forgotten.”

  Lucifer sighed deeply. “We are the closest to Him. Why would He prefer any other life form to us?”

  “God shall create this new creature solely for His and our amusement.” Samael interjected.

  “Yes, but what if these creatures are to live amongst us? They, too, would become celestial beings such as us, would they not?”

  They both furrowed their brows, considering her question.

  “Surely they would try to compete for God’s devotion.” Lilith clenched her hands. “I, for one, do not want these beings residing with us. I hope you’re right, but I don’t know God’s mind, and neither do you.”

  She departed, but not before she planted seeds of doubt in her friends’ minds.

  After God’s revelation, a noisy disturbance arose, unlike anything ever witnessed in Floraison. Lilith dispersed her insecurities like an outbreak of disease. Doubts and fears spread amongst the angels, with sweeping influence. A myriad of angels needed reassurance. Many converged outside of the golden double doors––the portal to Metá Heaven. They wished to gain audiences with God. Lilith stood before them, knowing their agitated minds were like clay and could be easily shaped any way she desired.

  “We are His celestial creations. We deserve to have a say about who resides with us in Floraison. These new beings have not earned the right to live amongst us. If these creatures reside with us, we shall lose many of our privileges. They shall compete with us for God’s favor, and maybe they shall take it from us.”

  More angels assembled and listened to her words. They became noisy and boisterous.

  Michael stepped forward and stood before them in a calm manner. “This is not the way to obtain an audience with God.” Hashmal came and stood beside him.

  Samael approached them with relaxed, confident strides. “Who are you to command us?”

  Michael looked at him with an inscrutable expression but did not speak to him.

  Hashmal stood before him. “We command nothing. However, this assembly does not please God, for there is no order. You cannot demand His presence.” Lightning burst from Hashmal’s mouth as he proclaimed God’s will. Samael jolted and retreated a few steps.

  Hashmal stepped forward and stood face-to-face with him. Samael tried to hide his trembling hands as he held his stance.

  Lucifer hurried and stood between them. He placed a hand on Samael’s shoulder and gazed into his eyes. “Hashmal is right.”

  He gestured with his eyes for Samael to retreat, and he obeyed without hesitation.

  Lilith was impressed to see how the lightest touch from Lucifer caused him to obey without question. She had seen his power demonstrated on a plethora of angels many times before. Angels such as Beelzebub, Dagon, and Fornues, among many others, never wavered to do his bidding.

  He was becoming more and more powerful, and this served her purpose well, for he also became more devoted to her, and more eager to please. Lucifer was a remarkable ally to have on her side. He would help her achieve her goals. Whatever angels did not follow her would surely follow him. He awakened joy and excitement within her.

  “We do not feel that the being God shall create is worthy of living in Floraison with us,” Lilith said, as angels around her agreed. “We have earned our place here!”

  “God and only God shall designate where these creatures shall dwell. He alone shall decide who is worthy.” Hashmal’s eyes blazed.

  She flinched.

  “You deem yourself worthier than the rest of us because you can breathe fire, but you are not superior.” Full of defiance and without fear, she glared into his red eyes.

  “Lucifer––” she said, extending both arms to point at him, “is second only to God. He is praiseworthy. You shall never be greater than he.”

  “Enough, Lilith please.” Michael’s voice was tender and dulcet, but Lilith glowered at him.

  Raquel made her way through the spectators and stood between Michael and Hashmal. She scanned the crowd and saw the usual provocateurs: Beelzebub, Samael, and––not surprisingly––the queen ag
itator, Lilith, front and center. “Please remain calm.”

  “Calm, you say?” Lilith took a step forward. “We shall have peace of mind once we are certain the new beings shall not live amongst us.”

  Angels yelled in agreement and cheered.

  “God shall reveal to us the answers we seek in good time,” Raquel said. “Let us disperse for now. This assembly is not pleasing to God, and we shall not receive answers at this moment.”

  Lilith glared at her with venom in her large, almond-shaped eyes.

  “I am leaving since I do not wish to be in your presence—not because you have ordered me to go.” Lilith turned and shouted to the crowd, “Remember my words, my brethren! These beings shall replace us in time if they become celestial beings and live in Floraison.”

  Smiling, she swaggered away. Lucifer and Samael trailed behind her. Soon Gadreel, Fornues, and Beelzebub followed her as well.

  “God deliver us from Lilith,” Hashmal whispered, his throat glowing like a newly formed star. Raquel nodded. They exchanged anxious glances, as the crowd of protesting angels scattered to the four winds.

  Michael’s head hung low. Suddenly, above his head appeared a resplendent ring of light. He lifted his head and spoke to Hashmal and Raquel. “God is displeased by the irreverence and impertinence of the angels. He has always shown us love and never given us cause to feel insecure or fearful. I heard Him say in my mind, ‘It is time for the angels to have a tangible purpose on Floraison.’ Hashmal and Raquel were mesmerized by the divine radiance on his face and the glittering ethereal halo on his head as he spoke.

  The angels had grown into impressive beings with great potential. God had always been proud of them all until now. The free will He had granted made them unique individuals. Many of them developed exceptional talents and incomparable abilities. Others chose to develop a perilous mindset.

  God made the determination to divide the angels into ranks according to their strengths and talents. Through Hashmal, He summoned the angels to the atrium once more.


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