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The Fall of Lilith

Page 38

by Vashti Quiroz-Vega

  “Gadreel and her offspring must come first! We shall return now from whence we came.” Satan raised his eyebrows. “I hope it is not too late.”

  Lilith smacked her palm against her forehead, shook her head and followed Satan and Samael as they turned back to find Gadreel.

  Gadreel had become rather significant to Satan. “I must put an end to this,” she said under her breath.

  Samael clenched his hands to stop them from shaking. His jaw closed tight and his teeth chattered. If they found Gadreel alive, she would divulge what really took place. Satan would be furious with him, and who knew what punishment he would bestow for his disobedience. His eyes opened wide as he stared ahead.

  Lilith scrutinized his facial expressions and body language. His face was pale and he seemed uneasy and terrified. What did he do? Lilith did not wish for Satan’s rage to fall upon him. It would put her plans to conceive Samael’s child at risk.

  “The sun is at its harshest, my prince,” Lilith said in her most appealing voice. “Perhaps we should land and rest in the shade. We can delay our quest for Gadreel for a short while.”

  “Not possible. It may be too late already.”

  Satan did not respond as usual to her use of the word ‘prince’. Though she raged inwardly, she wore a mask of complacency. “As you wish, my prince.”

  They maintained flight under the mighty midday sun. As their skin began to singe, Lilith and Samael moaned and flinched in pain. Satan transformed into the red fiend. His tough crimson skin was better able to withstand the sun’s fiery heat. The clothing Lilith fashioned from the small camel’s hide and fur offered some protection, but it did not cover much of her.

  Finally, Satan stopped. “I sense Gadreel’s presence.” He aimed his sights on a small cove separated from the deep sea by a barrier of hills jutting from the water.

  “We shall land there.” Satan pointed to the cove’s beach.

  Lilith exhaled a sigh of relief.

  Satan’s tracking skills were becoming more precise. They landed mere yards from where Gadreel slept.

  “Eat in silence and get some rest,” Satan whispered, staring at her as he spoke. Lilith stormed away to feed and find her own resting place, followed by Samael.

  Satan ate his fill of fruit and sat next to Gadreel. His eyes fixed on her belly, which bunched and became lumpy as the unborn offspring shifted within her. He placed his hand on her belly and felt the baby’s rolls and kicks. He chuckled.

  Gadreel jolted out of a deep slumber. She caught sight of a large, clawed hand grasping her belly. Her partially closed eyes sprang open, and she screamed.

  Satan withdrew his talons. “Apologies! I did not mean to frighten you. I saw the shifting of your unborn child, and I was compelled to feel its movements.” Satan transformed into his handsome angel form.

  Gadreel scanned the area in search of Lilith and Samael.

  “How did you find me?” Her heart still lodged in her throat.

  “I was able to sense your presence and thereby track your location.”

  “Where are Lilith and Samael?”

  “We are right here.” Lilith approached from a short distance away.

  Samael trailed behind. He gazed at Gadreel with imploring eyes.

  “Now that we are all present, please tell us what happened to you,” Satan said. “I was not aware you were gone. When I glanced behind me, you had vanished, but here you are in good health, and without so much as a scratch. What transpired?”

  Gadreel gazed at Samael whose eyes were like sunlight shining through amber. She covered her face with her hands. “I am close to giving birth now, so I tire easily. As a consequence, flying and keeping up with you was very difficult.”

  As Gadreel spoke, Samael trembled. What would Satan do to him once he discovered the truth? He swallowed hard and held his breath.

  “When Samael approached me, I felt lightheaded, but I never thought I would lose consciousness.”

  Samael’s knees began to falter.

  “He offered to assist me, but I refused his help. I blame my pride. He insisted, but I persuaded him to rejoin you and Lilith. I told him I was well and wished to be on my own. He believed me. A while later, I lost consciousness and fell out of the sky.” She looked at the ground while scratching her neck. If Satan would one day destroy Samael, it would not be because of her. It would be because of his treachery with Lilith. In addition, despite his cruelty, Gadreel was not prepared to never set eyes on him again.

  Samael stared at her wide-eyed and openmouthed.

  “Not possible!” Lilith squinted and creased her brow. Gadreel recoiled. “You would have never survived such a fall.”

  “We were able to survive an even greater fall when we were cast down from Floraison.” Gadreel wrapped her arms around herself.

  “We possessed much of our angelic strength then, and bore none of the weaknesses that now afflict us.”

  “You are right, but here I am safe and undamaged. Perhaps I am stronger than you think.”

  Lilith opened her eyes wide and glowered at her. Could it be that Gadreel had divine guidance on Earth, while the rest of them were in constant threat of annihilation? Or perhaps she feigns weakness and was much more powerful than they thought.

  Satan chuckled. “The important thing is that you and your unborn child are not hurt, and we are once again united. Get some rest, for we leave soon.”

  Satan grabbed Lilith by the arm and took her away to a hidden area to have his way with her.

  Samael treaded softly to Gadreel. She withdrew from him.

  “Do not fear. I shall not hurt you or your unborn child. I appreciate what you did for me: omitting the truth of what really happened. Why did you do it?”

  Gadreel avoided his eyes, fidgeted and bit her lip.

  He held her face in his hands, gazed at her lips and leaned in to kiss her.

  “Move away from her!” Dagon charged him with his forehead tusk.

  Gadreel jolted out of her stupor. “No!”

  Dagon knocked him to the ground, straddled him, and placed his massive hands around his neck.

  “Aargh, awk, awk, gak!” Samael shook and clutched at Dagon’s hands, which squeezed his windpipe.

  Gadreel jumped to her feet and hurried to them. She yanked at Dagon. “Stop! I implore you!” He released his grasp and punched Samael in the face.

  Samael turned on his stomach and crawled toward the coast. He managed to climb to his feet. Unable to catch his breath, he staggered to the water and fell to his knees. He wheezed while splashing water on his reddened face.

  Gadreel gaped at him and rocked from side to side. She scowled at Dagon.

  “What did we have words about earlier?”

  He held her. “I know we discussed this, but when I saw him so close to you, something inside me shattered.”

  She glanced at Samael lying on the sand and noted his breathing was easier. She sighed with relief. “I do not wish for Satan’s wrath to fall upon you.”

  She took Dagon by the hand and led him to a remote area where they could be alone. On the way, they passed by Lilith and Satan. She lay lifeless on the ground, her eyes glazed over and staring into nothingness, as Satan in his grotesque fiend form assaulted her. Gadreel shuddered. She was almost sorry for her as they tiptoed past. Dagon recalled her enjoying the act much more with Samael.

  Chapter 31


  When Dagon and Gadreel arrived at their secluded space, they put the disturbing image of the crimson monster upon Lilith behind them. Lying on a patch of lush grass, they held each other, kissed and caressed. In an abrupt gesture, she flinched and pushed him away. Her face twisted and contorted in pain.

  “Gadreel, what is wrong?”

  “I am having a stretching sensation in my middle,” she said breathless. “I have never experienced anything like this.” She groaned while clutching her belly and jumped to her feet.

  Dagon sat hunched over on the grass speechless, follow
ing her with his eyes, as she paced back and forth.

  She screamed and panted. “Something inside me snapped!” She stopped, a gush of warm water pour out of her. At the sight of liquid running along her legs, she shrieked.

  Dagon hopped to his feet and scrambled to her.

  “What is happening to me?” She asked in a wobbly voice.

  “It must be time for our offspring to be born.” He furrowed his brow and his hands trembled as he stroked her back.

  “Bring Satan and Lilith to me. Please make haste!” Gadreel panted and grimaced in pain.

  Dagon rushed to where he last saw them. He found them sleeping. He sighed with relief when he saw Satan had resumed his angel form.

  “Wake up! I believe it is time for my progeny to arrive on this planet.” He shook them from their slumber.

  Lilith and Satan rose, and they followed Dagon to Gadreel. She sat reclining against a tree, grasping her belly with both arms. Her cheeks inflated she puffed again and again, staring ahead.

  “What is happening? What do you feel?” Lilith asked, more from curiosity than concern.

  “My lower back hurts. It seems like my insides are being ripped apart.” Gadreel groaned and opened her legs wide. She instinctively began to push. She closed her eyes, and shrieked as she attempted to thrust her offspring into the world.

  Her ruby face was wet with tears and perspiration. Dagon held her hand as she wailed in agony. Her abdomen became hard. She howled and clenched her fists, crushing his hand. Her belly became soft again. She puffed and experienced a slight relief. She released Dagon’s hand and then her middle became rigid once more. “I am experiencing a dull ache in my back and lower belly. There’s a lot of pressure. I am going to burst!” Gadreel squealed in pain.

  Satan drew nearer and glanced between her legs. “I see the child’s head!”

  Dagon knelt before her. Satan held one of her legs and Lilith the other, and together they spread her legs wide.

  “Push, Gadreel!” Lilith shouted. “Thrust the babe unto the earth!”

  Big drops fell from Gadreel’s eyes, mingling with the moisture seeping from her nose. Her eyes opened wide. She gripped Satan’s forearm and released a booming scream as the baby’s head and shoulders finally became visible. Those around her stared in awe as they witnessed the first of their kind being born.

  “Grasp the infant by the shoulders, and draw it from her with care, Dagon,” Lilith said. Dagon gripped the baby and pulled it from Gadreel. The baby began to cry at once, as if it did not wish to emerge into the hostile environment.

  Samael heard the commotion and came to stand by Lilith and Satan. All three gawked at the baby. Lilith’s hand flew to cover her mouth and stifle a scream.

  Dagon almost dropped the infant when he drew it from its mother and saw it in its entirety.

  Gadreel gaped at the newborn in his arms. She gripped her hair, shook her head nonstop, and bawled.

  The baby possessed the head and upper torso of an infant, and the lower body of a fish.

  A birth cord connected the infant to Gadreel.

  “You must cut the conduit between the newborn and Gadreel,” Lilith told Dagon.

  “How?” Dagon asked. “I do not want to harm my offspring.”

  “Simply cut it!” Lilith yelled. Dagon looked perplexed.

  Satan transformed into his red form and sliced the cord with one of his talons.

  Gadreel’s labor pains intensified once more. She was not yet done giving birth. She felt the urge to push again, but as she did so, she screamed in agony. Another head presented between her legs. She bore down and strained until her face turned a deep crimson and forced another infant from her insides.

  Dagon grabbed his second child. It too had the head and torso of an infant, but the scaly lower body of a fish.

  Lilith fixed her gaze on the babes. “Gadreel has given birth to twins, and to the Earth’s first mermaids.” Her voice was low and dripping with disdain.

  Satan, Lilith and Samael snuck away quietly to give the new parents time alone with their offspring. Dagon held them, while Gadreel rocked back and forth, her body racked with sobs.

  “Embrace your little ones.” He extended one of them to her, but she shook her head and blubbered.

  “You do not love our offspring because they have fish tails?” Dagon’s lips trembled and his body slumped.

  She hung her head. “I do not even know if they are male or female.” She stared at the ground away from his gaze and blinked away teardrops stuck to her eyelashes.

  “They are both female.”

  “Forgive me. I was wrong to despair.” She buried her face in her hands. “I am ashamed of my behavior.”

  He leaned forward. “All is forgiven. Embrace your little ones, for they shall soon need to go to sea.”

  “What?” Gadreel asked in a brittle voice. “They shall not stay with me?”

  “No, they are bound to the sea like me, when I am in my aquatic form.”

  “Oh no, how shall I ever know them?” She whimpered, her glittery eyes filled with sorrow.

  “They shall remain with Fornues and me. We shall provide for them and protect them. You shall see them whenever you desire. Sing, and your songs shall guide us to you.”

  Gadreel held out her arms, and he handed her the infants. She stared at them. “I watch my newborns peer through brand new eyes at what must be a strange world after life inside of me.” She giggled. “These are new beings, and I am already filling up with love for them.” She glanced at Dagon eyes wide.

  One of the mermaids was born with her father’s intense gray-blue eyes. The other possessed Gadreel’s big, almond-shaped, and hooded brown eyes. They were both fair-haired.

  The little mermaids smiled at Gadreel, wiggled in her arms, and gurgled. She hugged them and kissed them. Dagon looked at his family and beamed. He put his arm around her and allowed her to enjoy their newborns a little while longer, but soon he would have to take them away. They had to go to the ocean or they would not survive.

  “Gadreel, it is almost time to take our daughters to sea,” he said in a gentle manner.

  She was hoarse from the screaming. “But there is still at least an hour of sunlight left.”

  “They are not land and sea creatures to my knowledge. I believe they are purely aquatic beings. They are beginning to appear uneasy out of the water.”

  She gazed at her babies. Their little faces seemed pale and feeble. “I love you. I shall never leave you.” She handed one of the babies to Dagon, and they hurried to shore.

  As they approached the beach, Lilith rushed to them. “May I carry one of them?”

  Gadreel held tightly onto her infant, but before she could pronounce a word, Dagon handed the baby he held to Lilith. She held her breath as Lilith grasped her other daughter.

  “We have only a moment, for they need to go to sea.” Gadreel slowly raised her heels.

  “Oh, she is not so hideous.” Lilith sneered. She held the newborn to the sky.

  “Be careful!” Gadreel blurted, standing on the tip of her toes.

  “Be calm. I shall not harm her.” Lilith squinted at her.

  “How did you know the infant is female?” Gadreel asked.

  “I just knew. Somehow, this area indicated it to me.” She pointed to a small black spot under the mermaid’s tail. Lilith rocked the infant in her arms. The innocent darling smiled, causing her to grin.

  Dagon came forward. He removed his child from her arms. “It is time we take them to the water.”

  Gadreel exhaled with relief once he had the child in his arms. She waded waist deep into the ocean and held both infants, while Dagon began his painful transformation into a merman. Then he reclaimed the little ones and gently placed them in the water. Their little tails smacked and spattered about. Gadreel watched, holding both arms outstretched in case she needed to intervene. The small mermaids began to swim around on their own. They wiggled their little fish tails and jumped in and out of the wa
ter. She tittered. “I am relieved. They appear happy and comfortable in their new environment.”

  “They are beautiful!” Fornues said.

  “Thank you!” Dagon and Gadreel replied in chorus, causing laughter among them.

  Lilith peered at the happy family as they played in the water. Her eyes glinted with resentment toward Gadreel. She was deep in thought when Satan and Samael approached her. They watched the blissful couple and their little mermaids from the shoreline. Satan and Samael wore smiles on their faces. Lilith looked at them and narrowed her eyes as an awful idea came to mind.

  What if Satan impregnates her? What if instead of having beautiful offspring, she had little red monsters? That was quite possible, since Gadreel gave birth to sea creatures in Dagon’s cursed image. No––it must be Samael who impregnates her.

  Lilith’s chest heaved. She glanced at Satan, grimaced, and dashed away. He followed her with his eyes until she was beyond his sight.

  She meandered about until she found a beautiful lake and waterfall. She swam awhile and stood under the cascade, as she remembered doing when she first landed on Earth. She left the water and lay on the lush green grass surrounding the lake. She closed her eyes, desiring to daydream about her future child. Instead she fell asleep and had an epiphany about Beelzebub.

  Chapter 32

  The Making of Pure Evil

  Beelzebub remembered a time before the creation of Earth or human beings: an era before the angels were ranked, and the mood in Floraison was not so solemn. He reminisced of running through green meadows in the exquisite brillante of Heaven, hiding behind fragrant flowering bushes while playing games with friends, swimming in the crystalline waters of Lake Serena, and watching the thrilling sparring matches in Guidance Park. These recollections sustained him for a while, but his memories were becoming hazier. Even the ones of his cherished Gabriel sitting by the golden double doors leading to the portal to Meta Heaven, singing God’s praises, were now obscure remnants in his mind.

  His warm and cozy nostalgia—embracing Gabriel, playing with his lush curls, listening to his songs, music or poetry in the cheerful and picturesque Triumph Gardens—were slowly exchanged for bitter, cold thoughts of vengeance. Beelzebub hated God. He despised everyone he once called friend, especially Lilith, as well as his once true love Gabriel, and even himself.


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