The Fall of Lilith

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The Fall of Lilith Page 40

by Vashti Quiroz-Vega

  Dagon pulled her back and stepped in front of her to face Satan’s retaliation in her stead.

  Satan flushed a deep scarlet and sprang to his feet. Wild-eyed, he dashed in the direction he had seen Lilith go when she left him. He found her in a small open meadow surrounded by fragrant flower bushes. She lay on her back on the soft, verdant grass with her arms and legs wrapped around Samael’s torso. Satan watched from behind a bush their naked bodies entangled in a lover’s embrace. They moved as one, and they uttered sounds of extreme pleasure and bliss.

  Satan stood motionless and stared with wide eyes and raised eyebrows. He buried his hands in his hair. “I should be enraged by what I see.” His voice was but a breath. “Instead, all I feel is fear––fear of losing her.” His shoulders hunched and he covered his head with his hands and snapped his eyes shut. “More than anything I desire to be Samael, so that she can experience such ecstasy with me.”

  Suddenly, Satan was on top of Lilith. Her arms held him close, and her long legs wrapped around his torso. He gazed into her half-closed eyes, his brow knit tightly in confusion. She leered at him as she arched her back and gyrated beneath him. He kissed her face and neck, and she returned his kisses.

  He narrowed his eyes still mystified, but he groaned with pleasure. He glanced down at his body. Although he was making love to her, he had not changed into the red fiend she so detested. He inspected his chest. He gasped and stopped moving.

  “Who am I?” Satan asked in a tight voice.

  “The one and only Samael, of course!” Lilith giggled at his antics.

  Satan jumped out of Samael’s body, landing beside her. While yet on top of her, Samael howled in pain. She gasped and pushed him off and watched in fear as he wriggled in pain on the grass.

  “You were inside Samael’s body?” Her bosom heaved and she trembled as she stared wide-eyed at Satan.

  “Indeed, I had possession of him.” Satan scowled.

  Lilith’s eyes zipped back and forth between both of them. She was immobilized by fear.

  “I sensed your presence inside me, but I was a prisoner in my own body,” Samael told Satan in a gruff voice. “I experienced immense pain, as if I were covered in flames, all the while you seized my body. There was no longer pleasure, only physical torment and fear.”

  Lilith cringed and trembled.

  Satan crouched before Lilith and ran a knuckle down her cheek. “If Samael is the lover you desire, I shall make love to you using his body as my vessel.”

  Lilith’s lips quivered and she glanced at Samael.

  Giant tears fell from Samael’s eyes. He wrapped his arms around himself and rocked side to side. He dared not speak a word in contradiction to Satan’s plans for fear of further retribution.

  With no warning, Satan took possession of his body again. He leered at Lilith “It gives me great satisfaction to know I shall experience immense pleasure, while Samael shall suffer unspeakable agony.” He made love again and again to Lilith in his ally’s form.

  When done, he left his friend’s body. Once more, Samael writhed on the ground, his body racked with pain. Lilith gave him a pitying glance.

  She strolled away, holding Satan’s hand and left Samael behind to suffer alone the consequences of their actions.


  Gadreel sat on a rock a few feet into the ocean. Dagon, in his merman form, was submerged waist deep in the water. She gasped and bit her lip as she watched Satan and Lilith saunter hand-in-hand toward the beach. “My plans to turn Satan against Lilith has backfired it seems, and now I fear suffering their wrath.”

  When Dagon caught sight of Satan and Lilith strolling toward them together, he moved closer to Gadreel. He lowered his eyebrows, his hands tightened into fists and he spread his arms out.

  “The hour grows late,” Satan shouted to them from the shoreline. “We shall rest this night, and at first light, we shall search for Beelzebub in the depths of the river. We shall submerge together, for we are stronger in numbers. We do not know what manner of mayhem we shall stumble upon in the deep.” He and Lilith found an area to sleep and nestled against each other.

  Gadreel twisted her mouth and her eyes rolled skyward in disbelief. “What happened between the time I revealed Lilith’s betrayal to Satan, and now? What brought on such a change in him?” She looked at Dagon with a perplexed look on her face. “How did that acid-tongued serpent convince him that what she did was acceptable?”

  Dagon threw his hands in the air and shook his head.

  They uttered their goodbyes and he swam to Fornues and his daughters. She swam to the beach, dug a trench near the water, and slept within it.

  Fornues converted empty shells of a large clam into beds for the mermaids. They slept comfortably, while he kept watch.

  Dagon gazed at him with affection, opened his arms and met Fornues’ eyes. “I want you to know that I am grateful for everything you do. I appreciate you.”

  Fornues gave him a nod. “If I were smaller I would join foreheads with you.”

  Dagon chuckled. “Satan requires us to rest this night. Tomorrow, we shall search for Beelzebub in the light of day. The water shall protect us from the sun’s rays.”

  “How can I be of use? I cannot come any closer to shore, for my size prevents it.”

  “Satan is wise. He shall think of a way to use you in this effort. Do not fret and get some rest.”

  “I do not require sleep.” Fornues dropped the last two words to a grumble. “Go now, and sleep with your babes. I shall be your guardian.”

  “Thank you, my friend.” Dagon flung himself onto the sea floor between his daughters’ cradles and fell asleep.

  Chapter 35

  In Fornues’ Hulk

  The next morning Dagon awoke and proceeded to shore. Gadreel ran to him, and they embraced. Samael inched his way up to Lilith and Satan. She glanced his way, but swiftly turned her face away. Satan did not acknowledge his presence.

  Everyone consumed his or her fill of the abundant nutriment obtained. Afterward, they congregated under a grouping of shady trees.

  “The time has come to release our ally, Beelzebub, from bondage. We shall grant him freedom from the river that imprisons him.” Satan stood tall, chest out and shoulders back.

  Fornues turned a stark white hue. “I am afraid I shall be useless in this endeavor, for there is a stretch of land between the ocean where I now dwell and the river that holds our friend.”

  Satan peered at the ocean, admiring how the sun’s vivid light sparkled and danced over the surface of the water, knowing Fornues’ large form drifted beneath it. He focused his unblinking stare at the others. “Take refuge on high ground!”

  Gadreel gasped and without hesitation took Dagon’s hand and flew him to high ground.

  Lilith pulled Samael by the hair. “Come, we must take cover!”

  Samael glowered at her. They took to the sky and joined the others.

  “Fornues, make yourself ready.” Satan peered at the dark water.

  Lilith and the others watched from a nearby cliff overlooking the ocean, waiting to see what Satan planned to do. As they looked at Satan, he disappeared.

  Lilith stood slack-mouthed, her gaze fixed on the area where he had stood, unable to move. Gadreel gasped and pressed her hands over her mouth. Samael hurried to the edge of the cliff and search for Satan his eyes flashing in every direction. Dagon appeared to be in a stupor.

  Their attention turned to the ocean, which began to stir violently. Large waves smashed into the rocky shore. Coastal birds squawked and zoomed and whooshed, as they flew to take cover. Gadreel covered her sensitive ears from the cacophony.

  The fallen angels watched in awe as Fornues hauled himself out of the ocean and onto dry land. For the first time, they saw him out of the water.

  Through Fornues, Satan spoke into the angels’ minds. “Follow me to the river, and we shall begin our quest.”

  “Satan, is that you in Fornues’ bulk?” Lilith gaped at the large b

  “Indeed. I have taken possession of Fornues’ body. I shall remain within him until his body is submerged in the large river.”

  Lilith stared wide-eyed and openmouthed pressing a palm to her forehead.

  Fornues had changed to his original shiny black color, and the angels observed his immense bulk, under Satan’s domination, lurch onto the beach and crawl across dry land.

  A breeze wafted Fornues’ powerful aroma into the angels’ nostrils. It was the combined fragrance of the ocean––salt, fish, algae, and seaweed. Lilith covered her nose. Gadreel turned pale and wrinkled her nose. Samael scowled and pinched his nose.

  “I need to move at a rapid pace to prevent Fornues from desiccating in the sweltering sun,” Satan said.

  Gadreel, holding Dagon, dove off the cliff to the beach. Dagon hurried to Fornues, and she scuttled by his side.

  “I fret for our friend, and for our daughters whom we left to fend for themselves in the ocean.” Dagon rubbed the nape of his neck, his chest heaving with rapid breaths.

  Gadreel wrapped a curl around her finger and bit her lip. She looked over her shoulder at the sea. “Oh, please be safe and stay near the coast.”

  Fornues was trapped in his own body. An immense, hot pressure built in his head, making it difficult for him to have an orderly thought. He saw his friends and the land around him, although everything appeared hazy, but he held no control over his body. He trembled with fear, never having left the ocean since he was cast from Floraison.

  Samael strolled alongside Lilith. “I yet suffer the after effects of Satan’s possession. My skin is tender to the touch, and I struggle to take a deep breath.”

  Lilith glanced at him and sighed. “This is not a good moment to speak of this. We are on a quest to rescue our friend Beelzebub. I know you agonize on account of what we did, but do you not prefer to be the one made to suffer in my stead? I––I would take your place if I could.” She touched her lip, gave him a one-sided shoulder shrug and walked ahead without making eye contact.

  Samael’s body drooped. He shoved his hair back away from his face and clasped his hands over his head. He gaped at the giant creature. “Fornues, are you suffering as I did when Satan occupied my body?”

  Satan lacked the skill to maneuver Fornues’ large hulk, so he advanced awkwardly, dragging his eight muscular arms. As he scooted across the rough terrain, Fornues’ suction pads took a dangerous thrashing.

  Gadreel pointed at a large smear left behind by the giant. “What is that cerulean fluid trailing Fornues?”

  Dagon lowered his head. “He leaves behind a stream of his blue blood.”

  Fornues’ color changed from black to gray.

  Gadreel pressed her hands against her cheeks. “He is losing a great deal of body fluid.”

  Gnashing his teeth, Dagon confronted Lilith. “Fornues shall die. Will Satan sacrifice one life for another?”

  “I am certain that Satan is well aware of what is happening. Fornues shall be fine.” Lilith used a honeyed voice to assure them. Dagon glanced at her sideways, closed his eyes briefly, and then moved on.

  Gadreel took his hand and kissed it. They walked hand-in-hand. Samael stared at them and sulked.

  Satan and his followers neared the river. Gadreel gasped and pointed. “Behold! There is an abundance of wildlife along the river banks.” A large clan of spotted hyenas cackled outside their dens near the waterway, while jackals barked and engaged in aggressive play. Wolves howled. A pride of lions reposed along the riverfront with their cubs, and a bloat of hippopotamuses, some partially submerged in the river and others patrolling the banks.

  Gadreel gawked at the animals. “It appears it shall be quite a challenge to get near the river. I cannot imagine what perils awaits us beneath the surface.” She rushed to Dagon’s arms and he embraced her and kissed the top of her head.

  Satan maintained his gradual advancement, determined to get Fornues’ large form into the river before it was too late.

  When the pride of lions caught sight of the large beast they stood before their cubs and roared as if they perceived Fornues was a threat to them and their litter. Hence, they pounced on his tentacles, scratching, biting, and tearing off chunks of flesh with their sharp teeth. Satan cringed and howled, suffering every painful blow delivered by the animals. Fornues would remain oblivious to the injuries until he abandoned his body.

  “Satan!” Lilith rushed forward. Samael caught her by the shoulders, wrapped his arms around her pressing her against him and pinning her arms by her sides.

  “Release me! I must help him!” She struggled to escape from his grasp. Who would ensure she would make it to the Garden of Eden if Satan were gone?

  Samael lowered his eyebrows and pushed her away. “Go then!” He ran his hands through his hair in an aggressive manner. “Satan is a powerful being. These beasts are no matches for him. Much less now that he occupies Fornues’ immense bulk.” Lilith frowned and crossed her arms but she did not take another step.

  Dagon approached her. “If you go to him, you shall put him at a disadvantage, for then his focus shall be on you instead of the animals.”

  Lilith lowered her head and looked away from them. “You are both right.”

  Satan retaliated. He waved Fornues’ powerful tentacles, striking the lionesses with great force. He killed several of them and knocked others dazed. The surviving lionesses rushed to their cubs.

  A pack of wolves surrounded his bleeding body. They growled, exposing huge canines, erect ears pointing forward and tails held high. Satan slapped one, smashing its skull and knocking it down. He grabbed another, wrapping a tentacle around it. The wolf yipped. Satan crushed its body, tasting its blood, and then tossed it aside. He pitched three others into the river.

  Hyenas whooped and growled over the lifeless bodies of the wolves, whose skin and bones they had begun devouring. The surviving wolves howled and barked. Gadreel covered her ears. “There is no sound as haunting as a wolf’s howl,” she whispered. As pack members fought off hyenas and dragged away their dead, her eyes glistened with accumulating tears. “There is so much death and destruction.”

  Satan opened Fornues’ large mouth. A loud piercing shrill tone filled the ears of the surrounding animals, as well as the fallen angels. The jackals yelped and whimpered.

  Lilith ran to him. “Cease the shrill noise, I implore you!” Lilith’s hands covered her ears as she screamed. Satan noticed her and ended the piercing sound at once.

  “Are you well?” He asked in her mind. She nodded, so he proceeded to the river. He stopped on the riverbank. “I shall hold each of you in one of Fornues’ tentacles. When I provide the signal, take a long, deep breath. Then, together we shall go below the surface.”

  Satan grasped the angels one by one. When he held them all, he ordered, “Inhale a deep breath and hold it. We shall submerge.”

  Lilith, Gadreel and Samael inhaled and Satan entered the river.

  Dagon willed the transformation to his merman form. The others watched in horror as he suffered the drowning process before he was able to breathe underwater again.

  Satan swam many fathoms at great speed with his allies wrapped in Fornues’ tentacles. At the bottom of the river, he released them.

  “I sense we are close to the area where I saw Beelzebub in my vision,” Lilith communicated to them mentally. “He is no longer at the greatest depth. We can disperse and initiate our search for him from this point. There is a stream that flows over the riverbed. If you find it, follow it, for it shall lead you to him.”

  “Do as Lilith has instructed,” Satan said. “We shall not rest until we find him.”

  Lilith and Samael proceeded in separate directions. Satan used Fornues’ eight sucker-lined arms to move about on the river floor. Dagon and Gadreel left together and soon found the enigmatic underwater river Lilith described, and followed it as she instructed.

  Chapter 36

  The Battle for Beelzebub

bub sensed the presence of Lilith and the others. His eyes darted in every direction. At a distance, he saw a strange creature, one he had never seen, part man and part fish, swimming in his direction. His body trembled and rocked from side to side––but then he caught sight of Gadreel. Her long golden blonde hair was like a small piece of the sun whose rays rolled and undulated in the murky waters.

  “Gadreel!” Beelzebub bellowed in her mind.

  She came to an abrupt halt. Her wide eyes scanned her surroundings.

  Dagon stopped and stared at her with a quizzical expression. “Why did you stop?” He saw how she trembled. “What frightens you so?”

  Gadreel remained as if in a trance.

  “You are near. Draw closer to me.” Beelzebub’s voice summoned.

  She exploded out of her daze and blasted in his direction, followed by a bewildered Dagon. Before long, they encountered the chained leviathan.

  When they saw the creature lying in chains, Dagon froze and stared with broad eyes and eyebrows raised high. Gadreel inhaled a sharp breath in shock, allowing water to rush into her system. More water squeezed into her lungs. She bobbed languidly, head thrown back, and arms at her sides.

  Dagon woke from his stupor and leaped into action. He tugged her close and pressed his mouth over hers, pumping the water out of her and passing it over his gills. He then extracted oxygen from the water and passed it to her. She held her breath once more. She peeked at Beelzebub, winced, squeezed her eyes shut, and pressed her face against Dagon’s chest. He pushed her away gently and swam closer to him. He stared at him.

  “Dagon, it is I, Beelzebub.”

  “It is difficult to believe what you have become. A creature hideous and painful to perceive,” Dagon said. Beelzebub turned his head away from them.

  “Satan, is that you?” he asked. Dagon and Gadreel turned to see Satan in Fornues’ form approaching.

  “Yes, it is I.” Satan continued to crawl over the riverbed.

  “Have you come to free me from these chains?” Beelzebub asked.


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