The Fall of Lilith

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The Fall of Lilith Page 41

by Vashti Quiroz-Vega

  “Indeed, my friend. We have finally found you, and we mean to set you free.”

  Lilith arrived and cringed, appalled by Beelzebub’s appearance. She did not have a future vision. Everything was as in her dream.

  A short time later, Samael arrived. When he saw Beelzebub, he pressed the heels of his hands into his eyes.

  “Are you going to hover and stare, or are you going to rescue me?” The creature said in their minds, and they got a taste of the old Beelzebub they knew and loved.

  “I shall wrap my tentacles around you and take you to the surface. Once on dry land, we shall find a way to release you from those chains.” Satan began to coil his limbs around him.

  Beelzebub cringed and wailed one moment and grinned, showing his greenish, pointed teeth the next.

  Lilith raised an eyebrow and looked at him sideways. She suspected he was conjuring up ways he would make them suffer once he was freed. She remembered the threats he had uttered in her vision.

  Satan finished wrapping his muscular appendages around his disfigured body and with great care and effort he began to lift him off the riverbed.

  “Leave the water and clear a path on the riverbank for us,” Satan told the others.

  Dagon took Gadreel’s hand once again and swam to the surface. Lilith and Samael trailed behind them. They surfaced and swam for the banks, but as before, they had a myriad of animals to manage.

  Lilith took the lead and changed into her snake form. She thrashed aggressive hippos and cleared a path for the others. Dagon summoned his legs and waded out of the river. Gadreel and Samael took flight, arriving first at the riverbank. They came together and waited for Satan to emerge from the water with Beelzebub.

  The unusual rise of water along the riverbanks made the angels and animals nearby seek shelter on higher ground. The hippos and other animals in the water scrambled for cover as Fornues ascended.

  Fornues heaved his hulk from the water, carrying in his four front tentacles Beelzebub’s chained body. Whilst Satan lowered Beelzebub to place him on the grass near the bank, five luminous beings appeared in the sky above him.

  Satan stared at the remarkable beings. The glowing creatures were not part of the natural environment. They were Heaven sent. His breaths quickened.

  Lilith glanced at the others and saw fear etched on their faces. Peering at the spherical entities in the sky, she saw the outline of five celestial beings.

  She stepped forward. “Show your true form, so that we may look upon you and know your true identity. Cease veiling yourselves behind the resplendent light.”

  Raphael stood in front, glowing like a star. His radiance painted the four angels behind him with brightness. Upon hearing Lilith’s words, he dimmed his glow allowing her and the others to see him and the holy angels accompanying him.

  Michael came forward, dressed in his green and gold general’s uniform and carrying his golden spear. The weapon symbolized the downfall of the dark forces in the war in Floraison. Like Raphael, Michael’s six large white wings were expanded in battle formation. Jetrel advanced and stood by his side, holding in her powerful hand the silver lance God fashioned for her. Hashmal and Esar followed suit. Soon they were side-by-side, hovering above the fallen angels.

  “You must return Beelzebub from whence he came, Satan,” Michael said in an orotund voice. Satan gasped, shocked by Michael’s knowledge of his possession. He defied his orders by placing Beelzebub on the grass before his followers.

  “The leviathan must remain imprisoned in this river, until the end of days.” Michael lifted his head.

  Lilith’s body stiffened at the remark. “This creature was once our friend Beelzebub.”

  Beelzebub’s eyes rolled languorously to Lilith.

  “He is no longer Beelzebub. At present, he is pure evil. If he is liberated, he shall wreak chaos upon this planet.”

  Lilith knew Michael spoke the truth, but she continued to defy him nevertheless, blinded by hatred for him. “Return to your celestial home and leave us be.”

  “If he is released, his hostility would have no bounds. It would be aimed at God, the angels, and human beings,” Raphael told them in his usual mild manner. “His hatred shall be aimed at your kind as well.”

  “Yet, it was not always so.” Lilith scowled and crossed her arms. “He is a monster because of the severe punishments inflicted upon him. Perhaps he shall change once he is freed.”

  “He merits the punishments he received for his depravities and misdeeds!” Jetrel moved forward pointing her weapon at her. “He has always been weak and easily led astray. He was always going to be evil. There is no changing him!”

  Lilith tightened her hands to fists. “Let us decide what to do with him. We are the rulers of this planet––not you!”

  Michael observed Lilith with a pitying expression. “I have been watching you–– For a long time I had hoped that you would repent and ask forgiveness for your wrongs. Instead every decision made by you has been an act of defiance against God. You believe that you and your followers rule on earth?” He shook his head. “You and your allies are merely crepuscular insects amongst the lowest forms of life on this planet. Rulers you are not.”

  Lilith snarled, brandishing her fist. She curled her viper’s tail over her head in a menacing stance. “I hate you Michael! I hate you! Come down and face me on the ground.”

  “Enough! We are here to implement God’s commands!” Hashmal emitted from his mouth a powerful beam of fire setting ablaze the trees surrounding the fallen angels. The animals nearby fled, leaving them to stand-alone.

  Gadreel winced and screamed as the heat from the blaze singed her. Dagon picked her up and whisked her away from the flaming trees. Lilith and Samael also ran from the firestorm.

  “We shall return Beelzebub to his watery prison where he shall remain until God orders his release. Now stand aside or perish!” Michael’s voice was like a thunderous boom.

  Gadreel, Dagon, and Samael huddled together, afraid to challenge Michael and those standing with him. Lilith stood alone, defiant––glowering at him. She looked at Satan, anticipating his next move.

  Watching his followers shrink in the presence of Michael enraged Satan. “Beelzebub shall remain here, on dry land with us.”

  “Defiant to the end.” Michael shook his head, staring first at Lilith and then at Satan. “Very well.” With a mere glance, he conveyed orders to Hashmal.

  Hashmal flew to Lilith, hovered before her, and spit a fireball, which caught her hair on fire. She collapsed to the ground, wailing as the fire burned her hair and consumed her skin.

  Gadreel and Dagon hurried to her and threw dirt over her to snuff the blaze. Samael dawdled behind. It took a long time to smother the flames. Lilith’s long hair was completely incinerated by the fire. Her scalp, wings and the skin on her face, neck, and upper body were burned. She shrieked and tried to touch her face, but Gadreel held her hand back. The three of them pulled her away from the ensuing battle.

  Hashmal emitted flaming breath aimed at Fornues’ bulk. Satan lifted Fornues’ tentacles to protect his eyes and withstood the flames. Hashmal moved in closer. The fallen angels watched in horror as Satan, endured a firestorm of attacks from the fiery angel. Satan extended Fornues’ muscular arm and grabbed Hashmal in a tight grip.

  Esar advanced, transforming into a poisonous creature equal to Fornues in size and fierceness. Like Fornues, he possessed eight muscular arms, but unlike him, he was nimble and able to fly.

  Esar flew swiftly around Fornues. He lashed at him from every angle. Before Satan could maneuver his gigantic form, Esar attacked him from behind, injecting him with his paralyzing saliva.

  Satan could no longer maneuver his body. He stood immobile and defenseless, so he abandoned Fornues’ body, leaving him to fend for himself, and jumped into Samael’s.

  The holy angels moved in to finish Satan, not yet realizing he had abandoned Fornues’ body. Fornues stood vulnerable against them who rained down upon h
im. He knew Satan abandoned his body, but he was paralyzed by Esar’s venom, he could not move to defend himself. He now experienced the damage inflicted to him by Satan’s possession, his travels on land, the animal attacks, Hashmal’s firebombs, and at present, the thrashings he endured from Esar and the rest of the heavenly warriors. His body turned white with fear.

  Fornues was made sightless by Jetrel’s relentless attacks to his eyes with her lance. A sensation of falling into a dark pit conquered all other feelings in his consciousness. He fell deeper and further into the dark void. His life was slipping away. He could do naught to stop his ensuing death. He collapsed on the banks of the river, and with his eyes fixed on his dark brethren, he drew his last breath.

  “Satan!” Lilith screamed. If he was dead, what would become of her? She would be free, no longer in fear of his mistreatments, but she needed him to occupy Eden and exact her revenge, which she desired now more than ever. She needed to see if he was truly dead.

  Satan, now in Samael’s body, grabbed her arm and prevented her from running to Fornues’ carcass.

  Gadreel’s body shook with sobs. Dagon held her, his own face wet and contorted with grief. “Fornues, my dear friend, you shall be missed.”

  The holy angels ceased their attack on Fornues. Esar, in his giant, monstrous form, hoisted Beelzebub to deliver him to his watery prison once again.

  Beelzebub, who had watched everything unfold in silence, now shrieked at the thought of being laid at the bottom of the river once more.

  “No! No, I implore you!” Beelzebub yelled in the minds of the fallen. “I cannot endure anymore pain and suffering, I beseech you, fight for me!”

  However, Lilith, Satan and the others realized it would be futile to resume fighting. They were too few and their powers were diminished in the presence of Michael and those alongside him.

  “I knew you would abandon me. You, who call yourselves my friends, I despise you all! Beelzebub raged in their heads. Lilith looked away and Satan in Samael’s body closed his eyes and tucked his chin into his neck.

  Michael winged toward the dark angels, but none of the holy angels ever touched ground.

  “You yet draw breath for a lone reason––because God has deemed it so. Be gone from this place at once. Do not make another attempt to free Beelzebub, for next time God may not show such mercy.” Michael glared at Samael. When he was done, he joined the other holy angels higher in the sky.

  Raphael emanated his intense radiance once more, and the celestial beings disappeared in the light of the sun.

  Chapter 37

  Burial at Sea

  As soon as the celestial beings vanished from sight, the dark angels went to their lifeless friend.

  Lilith dropped to her knees and wept large briny tears that stung her injured face. “Satan, why have you forsaken me? You vowed you would always be by my side. Now that you no longer draw breath I shall be forlorn.” She turned away. Who would make sure her bidding got done? Would the others follow her now that Satan was gone? Or would they try to go their separate ways? Surely Gadreel and Dagon would try to follow their own path. What of Samael? How could she exact her revenge on God without allies?

  Samael knelt beside her and whispered in her ear, “I yet draw breath, my treasure.” She whirled her head around and gazed into his eyes. Samael was finally pledging his love and commitment to her? He would be her new vessel. With his aid she could go where she needed to go and get the revenge she craved. She embraced him and kissed him while the others yet stared in disbelief at Fornues’ corpse.

  Fornues’ eyes remained open. Dagon closed them. Gadreel leaned against Fornues’ white hulk and caressed his bumpy skin. Dagon held her, and they grieved in each other’s arms.

  “Who shall protect you and our daughters at sea, now that Fornues is gone, my love?” Gadreel asked between sobs.

  Dagon lifted his head and pushed his chest out. “I need not protection, and our daughters shall be secure by my side. I shall keep them out of harm’s way.”

  Fornues’ immense carcass was already desiccating in the intensifying sun. The odor released by his corpse enveloped them. He reeked of acrid, colorless despair. They stiffened and their eyes watered.

  “The cloying, sweet smell of death is in the air, never to be forgotten, for never before has an angel perished on Earth.” Gadreel’s gaze was fixed on Fornues. The others wore a stunned look on their faces.

  Satan released Samael’s body and reappeared before their eyes. Lilith jolted and stared at him, wide-eyed and openmouthed. Satan scowled at her. Gadreel and Dagon gasped. Samael collapsed to the ground, his arms wrapped around his body, whimpering. Steam emerged from his ears, nose, and mouth as though he had been in an inferno. Lilith panted, staring at him and Satan.

  Dagon stood motionless and slacked-mouth. Gadreel gazed at Samael with pity, and hurried to him and placed an arm around his shoulders. The heat coming off his skin singed her. She ran her hand through his hair and kissed his face. Dagon looked at them sideways, arms crossed, his eyes narrowed to crumpled slits. His lips set in a grim line.

  Lilith also frowned at them. She sensed Satan’s gaze upon her and quickly changed her manner. She embraced him and closed her eyes. It had been Satan. Samael never pledged his devotion to her. It seemed she must endure life with Satan until her deeds were done.

  “We must depart from this place,” Satan said. “First, I wish to move Fornues from this site and return to shore so we may lay him to rest in the water. I am unable to possess his body any longer since there is no life left within it. Thus, we must all do our share to transport his remains to sea.”

  Gadreel helped Samael to his feet and returned to Dagon’s side. Dagon and Samael glared at each other before embarking on the task of hauling Fornues to sea.

  “Are you able to do your part?” Satan stared at the huge blisters forming on Lilith’s burnt face and body. “You are injured.”

  “I am in much pain, but I could still do my part.”

  Satan shifted into the red fiend. They each grabbed hold of one of Fornues’ limbs. The others did the same, including Samael in his weakened state. They hauled the enormous corpse to the shoreline. Once there, they slid him into the sea.

  “I must change into my aquatic form to ensure he comes to rest in a suitable place.” Dagon caressed Gadreel’s cheek. “I must also find our daughters and ensure their safety.”

  “A great part of the day has gone by, and the sun has begun to diminish. I know it is time for you to leave me, but I need you so at this moment.” Gadreel embraced him. They spoke their farewells, and he disappeared into the ocean.

  After Dagon underwent his transformation, he scanned for Fornues’ drifting form. When he found it, he took hold of one of his tentacles. He came across a coral reef, which was alive and vibrant. He admired the many rocks encrusted with assorted thriving and strange marine plant life. As he swam about admiring the different corals, seahorses, eels, and many other species living on the reef it occurred to him that this diverse and exquisite marine habitat would be an excellent resting place for his friend.

  “You shall rest here, my friend, and someday, you shall become part of this delightful seascape.” Dagon’s tears dissolved in the seawater. After devoting a moment longer to his dear comrade, he surged through the water in search of his little mermaids.

  He found them at once, for they, too, had come across the coral reef and loved it, not venturing too far from it. They had grown even more by feeding on shrimps, crabs, and lobsters. Dagon was delighted to see they were able to fend for themselves. When the twins saw their father, they swam to him and greeted him with warm embraces.

  “We missed you, Father,” the mermaids uttered in unison inside his mind. He beamed, surprised at their communicating with words.

  “Where is Fornues, for we missed him as well?” They stared with eyes sparkling with innocence.

  “It is with sadness I say to you that our beloved Fornues draws breath no more.”
Dagon lowered his head, feeling certain the news of his demise would break their little hearts.

  The twins glanced at each other, scrunching their little brows, and then stared at him with blank expressions. He realized their confusion. He noticed one of them, the one whose wild, curly blonde hair and big brown eyes resembled their mother, held in her hand the husk of a lobster.

  He pointed at the useless outer shell of the crustacean and asked his girls, “Do you see the lifeless creature you hold in your hand?” The mermaids glanced at the dead lobster and nodded.

  “It is void of life, but it was not always so, for once it lived, swam and ate. Fornues is like this creature at present, a lifeless carcass.”

  Understanding bloomed on their little faces. Their eyes opened wide, and they moved about fitfully. They embraced each other, pouring out grief for the first time in their short lives. Dagon put his arms around them and held them for a long time. Afterward, he accompanied them to see Fornues for the final time.

  Chapter 38

  The Heartless Serpent

  The fallen angels sat on the beach together, listening to Gadreel’s melodious songs and watching the sunset. When the sun disappeared below the horizon and day became night, Gadreel stopped singing and waded into the black sea. “I shall not see my daughters on this day. I miss them so.” She pressed her hand against her bosom.

  Satan got to his feet. He shuffled away, engrossed in his thoughts, leaving Lilith and Samael sitting together on the beach. Samael rubbed the nape of his neck and stared at the ground. Lilith looked away and squirmed.

  After a long silence, Lilith spoke in a honeyed voice. “Samael, I am miserable you have suffered so because of me.” She pressed a finger against her lower lip.

  “I do not blame you. It was not your doing; we both did things that led to my suffering. There is, however, something you can do on my behalf.” Samael stared at her blackened and blistered flesh. Her bald head was charred and areas of her skull were exposed. He lowered his eyes and crinkled his nose.


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