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Gilded Cage (Harbour Bay Book 6)

Page 7

by Camille Taylor

  “Not exactly what I’d expected.”

  “We’ll move on to bare hands to simulate a real fight after you’ve mastered the basics.”

  The unsupportive flutters were back. She couldn’t say why she was so nervous. Declan wouldn’t allow her to hurt herself. Nor would he laugh at her attempts.

  After giving her a quick run through on how she should move her feet she focused all her anger, resentments and hurts into each punch. Declan held firm though she noticed the clenching of his jaw which to her seemed to say he was having difficulties remaining immobile.


  Finally, she was doing something right.

  Declan changed his position, moving about the mat. She swung. Missed. Swung again. Made contact.

  “Watch your feet. Also, tilt your body. You want to present as little a target as possible.”

  Following his direction, she corrected her stance. When he nodded, she resumed their dance until Declan called a time out.

  Beth dropped her gloved hands to her thighs as she hunched her back and bent her knees. Her arms trembled as she caught her breath.


  “You did good.” Declan stopped before Bethany and released the Velcro straps keeping the gloves in place. Her once pristine knuckles were pink and she winced as wiggled her fingers.

  “When we get inside, be sure to ice those hands. It’ll keep the swelling down.”

  Her head bobbed, too busy trying to breathe.

  Declan had to admit she’d impressed him.

  How wrong he’d been about her.

  Despite her reservations, she’d tried her best. Bethany had taken his teachings seriously and had even injected some humour into her lesson. She was resilient. Beth only had to trust in herself more.

  They strolled back to the mansion, and he escorted her upstairs. The smell of breakfast wafted in the air. His stomach growled.

  Ducking into the shower, he lathered the soap over his body, washing away his sweat.

  After dressing, he stopped at Bethany’s bedroom door. He couldn’t hear her moving about and knew she hadn’t yet left her room. He knocked, then opened the door, concern he’d worked her too hard and she lay immobile.

  Bethany squeaked, snatching up the blanket from her bed and holding in front of her. He paused, staring past her to the reflection of her naked back in the mirror behind her. Declan imagined yanking the blanket from her chest and devouring her flesh.

  His pants tightened. Clearing his throat, Declan met her wide eyes.

  “What are you doing?”

  “My apologies. I was just checking in.”

  “I-I’m not dressed.”

  Yes, he’d noticed that.

  “I’ll wait outside.”

  He hesitated for one moment, then made his feet step back. Declan closed Bethany’s bedroom door firmly behind him.

  Declan blew out a breath. He couldn’t help the attraction sizzling between them. Worse, since he’d gotten to know her, Declan found he liked her.

  He straightened from the wall when Bethany’s door open. She eyed him.

  “How are you feeling?”

  “Tired…and exhilarated. Thank you for taking the time to show me how to defend myself.”

  “You’re welcome. I hope you feel more in control than you did earlier.”

  Her gaze studied him. “I do.”

  They arrived in the kitchen, and Declan pulled a stool from beneath the overhang of the counter for her. Her cheeks warmed and she ducked her head as she took the seat.

  Davies slid a stack of pancakes with a side of strawberries beneath her nose. Her eyes rounded.

  “Pancakes!” She licked her lips as a pouring jug of maple syrup was placed beside the plate.

  He chuckled at her enthusiasm, then winced when she doused them in maple syrup, undoing any cardio benefit she’d gotten from their workout. Declan wasn’t sure why the sight amused him. He bit into an apple, declining Davies offer of breakfast. He rarely ate heavy meals, his body trained to snack on healthy alternatives during the day. It helped when it came to keeping fit.

  After devouring her plate, Beth leaned back and patted her stomach. “As always Quinn, you outdid yourself. Those were divine. You should’ve had some.”

  “I was afraid of getting a fork to my hand.”

  “I wasn’t suggesting you take from my plate.” Her face lit up with a smile. “Thank you for breakfast.”

  Before Bethany could slip from the kitchen, Declan called out her name. When she stopped, he tossed her a bag of frozen peas he’d liberated from the freezer. She caught them easily.

  “Fifteen on. Fifteen off.”

  Bethany eyed the bag. “Right. Thanks.”

  She resumed her exit. From his position, he watched her head upstairs.

  He didn’t bother following her. He needed a few minutes to himself. To remind himself of the goal. He wasn’t there to be a friend. He was there to protect her and those couldn’t be forgotten.

  This wasn’t his life. And yet it soon might be. The knowledge he may fail his physical no longer scared him. Not since getting to know Beth and seeing the opportunities still open to him. He may never get to be a cop again but he’d served his years well and while he may regret not finishing them out, he could leave knowing he’d done all he could.

  He hadn’t really given much thought to the future until Bethany had planted the seed the day before. Now as he stood there waiting for Bethany, he contemplated opening a security business. He didn’t mind the work as he’d originally believed. It wasn’t a bad idea. He could certainly make it work. He imagined a small firm at the beginning, taking on a few clients. Maybe when he started to make some money he could hire more people on and expand.

  The picture became so vivid in his mind. Bethany too was there, running the office and day to day activities, being the face of the business while he dealt with the more dangerous stuff. She’d already proven she could learn and adapt. Could she be happy working nine to five, five days a week? He wouldn’t have thought so at first but Bethany was an enigma. One he wasn’t sure he wanted to figure out. Beth was the type of woman any sane man steered clear of if he had an ounce of self-preservation. She made a man feel a hundred feet tall and as invincible as Superman. Those kinds of feelings could be deadly. But Bethany would never leave her father. She needed him just as much as the old man needed her.

  “This is the happiest I’ve seen her in a long while.”

  Davies’ words pulled him from his mind.

  “A little confidence goes a long way.”

  The older man only smiled at him.

  Needing to end the conversation, though no idea why, Declan slipped outside. He would do another reconnaissance. His gut told him it wouldn’t be long until the man struck He needed to forget what lay on the line and focus on his target and bring an end to the job so he could get the hell away from Bethany before he succumbed to her charms just like Davies had said.

  Chapter 14

  “Now that you’ve mastered lesson one, let’s move onto lesson two.”

  Bethany eyed him. “I’m afraid to ask.”

  She had dressed in another pair of yoga pants, her top already damp from their run.

  For two days, they’d sparred. She felt empowered, confident. Though, like everything else in her life, it was an illusion. She wouldn’t last a minute outside the estate. Despite the nature of their lessons, Declan would never hurt her.

  “This time I’ll attack. You defend yourself then attack me. Block then engage.”

  They faced off across the mat. Remembering what he’d said about targets, Beth adjusted her stance. She quickly surveyed his. He looked mean. A hunter. Not like the man she’d know this past week. His eyes were hard. Uncompromising. Her mouth went dry. She was way over her head.

  Her eyes widened at his speed and the ferocity of his punch and she ducked, a reflex action rather than a planned defence. She dodged several more attempts before bouncing from one spot to an
other, springing from the balls of her feet.

  “You’re a natural at this. Now, attack me.”

  She looked him up and down, studying the best way to go about it. When she had finally decided on the course of action, she quickly implemented her strike.

  He easily deflected her and fell back against the ground, the wind knocked from her lungs. She lay dazed for several moments before he helped her to her feet.

  “I’m not going to go easy on you. That’s how people become arrogant and ultimately get dead. You want to be good. You earn it.”

  She nodded.

  “Watch your opponent. Most will reveal their intentions before they move. Most. Not all. So be mindful of that.”

  They sparred. He got a good knock on her shoulder which no doubt would be bruised by nightfall. She reciprocated with a blow to his chest bone. She hadn’t been aiming there but a strike was still a strike.

  After another half hour, her energy had depleted and even if she managed to get a blow in, it lacked any strength. Finally, Declan called quits.

  “That’s enough for the day.”

  She closed her eyes and let out a silent thank you. Beth flopped down onto the mat, happy to curl up and go to sleep right there. She had plans not to move from her position for a good long while.

  “You planning on freezing your butt out here?”

  She barely managed a ‘go away’.

  When he lifted her over his shoulder she squealed and scrunched his shirt in her fists. She wasn’t frightened he’d drop her, Declan was a man in control. Still, the angle didn’t excite her. Images of slipping and cracking her head open filled her mind. In the next minute, she was airborne and she hit pool water, momentarily going under before she kicked and surfaced. She glared up at an amused Declan.

  “You rat!”

  “Thought you could cool off.”

  “Well then, you going join me?”

  His skin glistened with sweat.

  “Why not?” He moved to shuck his shirt.

  “Oh no. If my clothes are drenched so can yours be.”

  With a lift of his shoulder, he dove into the water like an Olympian. Envy filled her. Diving elegantly had always eluded her. Usually, she just used the stairs.

  She swam over to him. “You may be able to kick my arse on land but you’re on my turf now.”

  “You planning on drowning me?”

  The thought had crossed her mind. “No. A race. First one to complete a full lap wins.”

  His eyebrow twitched as he scratched his jaw. Her attention drew to the sexy stubble covering his face. What should’ve looked unkempt just oozed masculinity on him.

  “And what does the winner get?” Had his voice dropped? Surely she imagined the low rumble which travelled through her body and landed at her sweet spot. She bit her lip. Taking a deep breath, she calmed her way too imaginative mind which had some interesting ideas for a prize.

  She cleared her throat. “Bragging rights? Me finally beating you at something. You besting me at my own sport.”

  “All right then. Count me in.”

  “One lap. Up and back. That’s it.”

  “Sounds easy.”

  It usually was but she’d never done it in yoga pants and a shirt before. They were bound to slow her down and Declan had brute strength behind his strokes. The best she could hope for is to gain some space between them from push off. Then she’d have to work hard keeping him from catching up.

  They shook hands, sealing the agreement and took their positions.

  He counted down. She sank into the water and propelled forward. Her arms sliced through the water, their bodies forming waves as they moved. Twisting, she kicked off the wall and headed back to where they’d started. She didn’t know how far or close Declan was and refused to search him out, fearing she’d lose momentum and just plain lose. She’d know soon enough.

  She surfaced a full five seconds before Declan and gripped the side of the pool as she drew in deep breaths, the adrenaline from the race coursing through her body.

  “I win.” She swiped water from her face.

  “This time. Rematch tomorrow?”


  Letting go of the edge, she let the water determine her direction, floating. She’d never get enough of water. It soothed her like nothing else. She closed her eyes, enjoying the peace and silence. With her ears beneath the water’s edge, all surrounding sounds were muted.

  A hand clasped her ankle and reeled her in.

  “Okay, mermaid. Enough fun. Better get a move on before you prune.”

  He caught her waist and hefted her out of the water, firmly planting her on the pool’s edge. She marvelled at his easy strength then worried as he bounded up beside her and helped her to stand.

  “You shouldn’t be straining your shoulder. What if you do more damage?”

  “Doubt anything but a minor miracle would help me now.”

  “Don’t say that. Try and keep positive until the last minute.”

  He didn’t look convinced but squeezed her hand anyway.

  “Wait.” She halted him when he would’ve pulled her towards the house. Tugging her hand free, she removed her shirt and wrung out the excess water.

  “What are you doing?”

  She almost laughed at the comical expression on his face. His eyes were larger than she’d ever seen as though they’d pop out of his head at any second.

  The cool breeze had goosebumps erupting over her flesh. “I’m not going in there with dripping clothes. Greta will kill me. You may think she’s a sweetie but I know the truth.”

  Her pants were the next the go, the fabric gluing to her thighs until she was wriggling and grunting to remove them. Stripping down to her bra and underwear she hung her wet workout gear over the nearby lounge to dry out and turned back to Declan. Her mouth lost all moisture.

  Declan stood wearing nothing but boxer briefs. His body on display and she drank in every inch of him. She’d never seen a man undressed in person and Declan certainly made up for it. She twitched to cross the small space dividing them and pressing her palms against his delectable chest and explore the dips and valleys.

  “You coming?” Snagging her wrist, he dragged her in his wake into the house. She giggled, feeling lighter and freer than she had before.

  Though they weren’t doing anything wrong, it seemed naughty to be running around half naked. Especially when you considered Declan. He made her feel sinful. A state she welcomed. It reminded her she was alive. Gloriously alive.

  Declan closed the door behind him and she took the lead, sliding to a stop on the foyer floorboards when they came face to face with Quinn.

  Her face heated and her gaze dropped. Her stomach did a dive. Pressing her lips together she peered at Quinn through her eyelashes.

  The man’s lips twitched at her discomfort.

  “We were just…”


  Quinn’s eyes danced as she stumbled over the explanation. Heat rolled beneath her skin over his amusement. She’d been a perfect angel up until now. She’d performed as told during her father’s functions. Done well in school. Never caused trouble. Least not to her knowledge. If anyone deserved to cut loose it would be her.

  Straightening her back, she met his gaze. “We didn’t want to drip on Greta’s floor.”

  “I know.” He handed them each a towel before heading towards the kitchen.

  She faced Declan who wore a large grin on his face, revealing the lines bracketing his eyes. He waggled his eyebrows. She slapped the towel against his arse, the sound reverberating throughout the large ceiling foyer before wrapping it around her.

  “Serves you right. Next time don’t drop me in the pool fully clothed.”

  “You’d prefer to be naked?”

  Her stomach buzzed. She swallowed hard as every nerve tingled. Holy shit. She needed to stand outside for a good ten minutes to cool down.

  Her lungs screamed, crying out for oxygen. She inhaled sharpl
y. The man couldn’t be more potent if he tried.

  “Best hurry. I will not be blamed for any of your puddles.”

  After showering, her muscles protesting every movement, Bethany logged onto her computer. She had been neglecting her work lately. She had been telling the truth when she had told Declan that she was good with computers. From the age of nineteen, she had run Bethany’s Designs, a website development company. Business wasn’t booming but she made enough that if she ever wanted to break away from her father, she could support herself and in fact had been since the age of eighteen when she realised she would never the estate. Not without her father sending out a troop to bring her back.

  Bethany’s Designs was small, only maintaining seven websites, including her own, and her friend, Ashley Copeland’s personal page where fans could go and ‘worship’ her, though she had another couple of businesses nibbling and about ready to sign.

  In addition to her regulars, Bethany had taken other contracts over the years but mainly for start-up development, getting the overall design outlined and after that, the owners tended to update the pages themselves.

  She made a few changes, updated Ashley’s page with the new photos her friend had emailed her from her most recent overseas trip.

  Bethany was amazed at how much her life had changed over the past few days. Even she had in some degree. It might not be noticeable but it was there. She felt it in her bones. Could anyone else tell? She doubted it. No one ever really looked that close at her anyway.

  What was she going to do? This last attempt was the last straw for her. She felt like she was in a small room and the walls were drawing in on her. She was being suffocated.

  Bethany didn’t blame her father—well maybe just a little. It was his fault she was being targeted and he had left her to deal with this on her own. Not alone. She had Declan. He was a force all on his own and she was afraid she was falling in love with him.

  So stupid. This is what you get for reading romance novels and have no contact with the opposite sex. You begin to daydream and romantics every situation no matter how ludicrous. She didn’t even bother to hope that he felt the same.

  She was way out of her league. Declan was a raw sexual man what the hell would he do with a timid unexperienced heiress like her?


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