A Fistful of Honey

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A Fistful of Honey Page 17

by Malena Crawford

  Alena’s body was now galvanized with pride, in her people and in herself.

  “Take your rightful place as the New Leader of the New Golden Age. You will help to make whole what has been torn asunder. Urge your human family to unite, all rays must stand together. As long as human beings vie for the light that they already are, they will never ascend. The return to glory is now. This is the Power of Transformation.”


  “Mrs. Ford? Hi there. I’m Amy Wannager, pleased to meet you.” Alena gave the mousy looking woman a polite smile and then looked around the CCP office. It was shabby and small with towers of boxes almost reaching the ceiling. A lone poster of a sad looking woman and her child was framed on the stark tan wall.

  “ I am sorry for the short notice, we had an appointment open up at the last minute and thought we could get you started sooner rather than later. Can we get you some water or something? We’re out of coffee.”

  “Good to meet you as well. No thank you.”

  “Great, then please have a seat and let’s start with a quick overview of the program,” Ms. Wannager said, sitting down behind her desk. “My retainer and fees are being paid for by a grant awarded to the organization. Whatever charges that exceed your allotment within thirty-eight hundred dollars will be considered pro bono. To preserve grant funds applied to your case the Crisis Project may ask for you to opt for various conservation practices like agreeing to receive and submit documents via email to reduce waste and costs or to keep phone calls with your representative as brief as possible. And finally, you may be tapped as a volunteer in the future as well. Do you have any questions?”

  “Maybe one,” Alena wondered if she should tell Amy that this had all been a mistake and that she never applied or was this a gift from the Divine? Who could have sent in the application for her? “Out of curiosity, what made you choose my case?” she asked.

  “We receive thousands of applications in any given year so our selection process is more of a lottery. After a rare influx of funding we were able to sponsor twenty additional families this quarter. Your submission was pulled and you certainly met our guidelines for aid and, well, there you have it.”

  “I just… I can’t believe it. It’s a prayer answered.”

  “Congratulations. Will you agree to these conditions?”

  Alena nodded, “Yes.”

  “Please sign and initial here,” Ms. Wannager said, pushing the contract across the desk, which Alena signed. “Perfect. All right, so I’ve looked into your file, but I like my clients to tell me about their situation and what they’re seeking in their own words.”

  “I’m seeking full physical custody of our daughter, Maya. There was infidelity on my husband’s part throughout the marriage. He had an affair and left me for the other woman.”

  “And how long ago has it been since you separated?”

  “It’s been about nine months now since he left. What he failed to mention on his way out was that we our home was in foreclosure. The bank took it a short while after he left, around the same time I was laid off, and we ended up moving quickly to my current address. Things were rough financially but I was staying afloat.”

  “So what was the custody schedule after your separation?”

  “My daughter was living with me. When my husband finally came out of hiding he demanded to see her, so I let him, no overnight stays though. It wasn’t until I was uh… attacked and landed in the hospital that he took over and insisted she stay with him. I didn’t want to make things worse, so I didn’t fight him. I was served for the hearing and here I am, seeing my daughter on weekends only.”

  “I see. I need full disclosure, Mrs. Ford. Would there be any reason at all that your husband would be fearful of keeping your child in your care?”

  “Well, the neighborhood I live in would be the only reason. But as bad as it looked with my incident, it really isn’t as terrible as he and others made it out to be. Maya was still going to a good school, getting her homework done, being the happy and adjusted kid she’s always been. My finances were shut down because of him. Outside of those, no, I’m not on drugs, I’m very well educated, and I’ve got a career of my own.”

  “Yes, of course. We just have to look at everything like the other side will,” Ms. Wannager explained.

  “So, what do you think? Do I have a strong chance of getting my daughter back?”

  The attorney leaned back in the chair. “Well, we’ve got some pretty strong arguments to pry this thing open. The judge in your case appeared to have been biased in his decision and quite frankly, Mrs. Ford, this is why we exist. I’ve seen several rulings that strip rights and time away from a capable and vice-free mother in favor of a wealthier, better represented father. The fitness of the custodial parent is one of the court’s considerations. But I don’t think the judge adequately weighed the most important facts. You were the child’s custodial parent and acted as so up until the point that you were hospitalized. There was a precedent set before he strong-armed visitation away from you. From what I can tell, there doesn’t appear to be any evidence presented by the plaintiff that your daughter suffered educationally, medically, emotionally, or physically while in your care. While your residence and financial situation were not ideal, at no point were you deemed unfit to be the child’s custodial parent.”

  “Ms. Wannager, I’ve already told the judge these things and he didn’t care. What makes you so sure that this will change anything?”

  The lawyer sighed. “Can I be frank with you, Mrs. Ford?

  “Of course.”

  “With all due respect you went in there unrepresented. Going pro se against a hard hitter like your husband’s attorney was the equivalent of going to the hearing wearing a dunce cap on your head. As unfortunate as it is, the truth is that sometimes what we call justice is all about perception. You appeared in a position of weakness and you were railroaded. We’re going to do this my way now, okay?”

  Alena nodded.

  “So, we’ll do a couple of things here. We’ll argue that it’s in Maya Ford’s best interest that she is returned to her mother. In addition to the stress this separation has caused her, she is a growing and developing female child that needs motherly care at this crucial stage. We’ll show the court that at the time of the ruling you were in the midst a diligent search for work and in the interim have successfully obtained employment adequate to support your child. Now with the uh… personal violence that you sustained it would be advisable that, if at all possible, you relocate as well to complete this picture of redemption. Is that a feasible option?

  “Yes, I just have to find a place with an affordable rent.”

  “Good. The sooner you do so, the better. Now, how far are you and Mr. Ford in the divorce process?”

  Alena shrugged. “I haven’t filed and as far as I know, neither has he. The only papers I’ve received were the ones for emergency custody.”

  “Hmm, that’s quite interesting. He’s aggressive in his pursuit for Maya yet has not made any effort to dissolve the marriage. He may have been thinking ahead. It would be pretty hard for you to get alimony or child support if he’s the one with primary custody at the time of dissolution. I would also advise that we file immediately.” Ms. Wannager shuffled some papers on her desk and made a note to herself.

  “These custody matters, in addition to any claims for support or alimony, will all need to be addressed. I will, of course, represent you in the petition. Can we get you full physical custody? I don’t know. Dad obviously is very involved and certainly ready for a fight which, Mrs. Ford, really is a good thing as long as he’s a good father. Is Mr. Ford a good father?”

  “He is. I don’t see much of their interaction these days but he’s always been a great dad to Maya. And Maya, as much as it used to hurt me, she’s a bit of a daddy’s girl. She loves her dad and he loves her, fiercely.”

  “Good. That’s great. The bulk of clients we serve here have had to worry about protecting their ch
ildren against a father’s violence, abuse, even molestation. Sad stuff. Well, Mrs. Ford, I’ll certainly fight for full custody, but even if you end up getting at least a joint custody arrangement that doesn’t limit you to weekends, I’d consider that a win too.”

  Alena gave a hopeful smile although the thought of joint custody still stung.

  “I’m confident that we’ve got something solid here. I’ll be contacting Mr. Ford’s attorney and get a feel for the possibility of mediation. Stranger things have happened with these cases. Okay? So, we’ll stay in touch.”


  That evening Alena was restless. She felt that familiar beckoning pull that began as a tingling at the crown of her head and then traveled through her heart. Her eyes closed involuntarily and the space in the center of her eyes had begun to buzz. The blackness behind her eyelids filled with light, and then images. She was peering through her third eye, and without a wormhole. Alena was, once again, standing at the great jewel encrusted door of her Queendom, her heart. Alena shuddered and braced herself to behold the frightening dark world of her heart as she had before.

  At her silent command, the door opened once again. But this time the most marvelous, grand palace Alena could have ever imagined greeted her. Its brilliant crystalline walls were made of translucent pink quartz and stood at least sixty feet high. The floors were vivid green jade tiles and glistening emerald slate. Solid gold columns rose from them, jutting up into the palatial archways above. A sweet fragrance of tuberoses permeated the air.

  There Mary Magdalene stood in a rose quartz archway, as serene and radiant as before with an endearing smile welcoming Alena.

  Alena grinned excitedly as Mary enclosed her in an embrace.

  “I’m so glad to see you again!” Alena exclaimed.

  “Welcome back, Beloved. I know yours has been an arduous and exciting journey.”

  “I’m grateful for every moment of it, Mary.”

  “Well you should be very proud Alena. You have done marvelous work in clearing your heart, Dear One. What you will receive here during our time together is a most important key,” Mary said as she led Alena through the labyrinth of her heart as she had before, ascending one of the spiral stone staircases swirling to the upper chambers. There was no more darkness and the once slime drizzled walls were pristinely pink with no sign of the Shetani’s Beasts. They returned to the chamber that held the great Emerald table.

  “You have worked diligently yet there is one final lesson awaiting you here,” Mary said, motioning Alena to approach the table of her heart.

  “All creation began from and flows through the black woman. You are the keys to the new Heaven on the new Earth. You must unlock the door and change is assured. We are the Black Madonna-Isis, Oshun, Mother Mary, me, our daughters. We are the Watchers, the Healers, the Bridgers, the Guardians, the powers of the Great Dark Mother emerged. We will end the Shetani’s division of the Rays. We will bring oneness and harmony to all of Her human children that heed the call.” Mary placed a hand on Alena’s shoulder.

  “It’s time you heard my story, Dear One. I was a High Priestess of the Great Mother Isis and one evening I lit my candle for Her and she came to me. She told me that I was one half of the same soul, the other half walks among the earth in search of me to join together and serve the will of God together in a mighty way. The divine sparks placed inside of us were one kindling fire, Twin Flames. We were separated to experience our own individual spiritual enfoldment, to be cleaved together once again in due time. Two halves of one whole. For many, many lifetimes we learned our lessons, felt the joy and pain of humanness, and perfected ourselves separately. And though in those lifetimes there remained an unquenchable longing within us that plagued us both, yet we could not understand. As our enlightenment grew with every incarnation, the distance between us shortened. We were being prepared for a lifetime together in which we would both fulfill our cosmic appointment and reach transcendence for all souls. When my divine flame reunited with his, our fire would free all humanity from the noose of the Shetani’ illusion and death. Our divine union would usher in a change that the world could not fathom, yet soon it would.” Mary paused for a moment before continuing. What she said next surprised Alena.

  “Alena, what do you know of the Holy Grail?”

  “Not much. I just remember in the Indiana Jones movie that it was a very special gold cup. One that the villains were willing to kill for.”

  “A lost treasure?”

  “Yes.” Alena answered.

  “Ah, such as this one?” A beautiful golden chalice dotted with aquamarine and olive green jewels appeared in the palms of Mary’s hands.

  “Yes,” Alena’s eyes filled with wonder. “Just like that! Is that… is that the Holy Grail?” she stammered, her voice catching in her throat.

  With a clench of her fist, Mary crushed the chalice until it was dust in her hands. She blew gently, sending the remaining golden powder scattering into the air.

  “Christ cannot be held in the material yearnings of man and will never be found in wicked pursuits. Such power, such force, cannot be possessed like a common trinket. The Holy Grail is neither a golden relic nor a chalice from which Christ imbibed. It is not even my womb as some have pondered. There is but one hiding place of the Holy Grail, a destination that requires a journey from the head. In man’s arrogant quest to possess it, that which is in plain sight was hidden away, for it has been commanded, seek ye first the Kingdom all shall be added unto you.” Mary turned to Alena. “Would you like to know the true Holy Grail, Dear One?”

  “Yes, of course.”

  “Come, follow me, and I will show you.”

  Mary led Alena from the Emerald Table and down another great hall.

  “The treasures man has searched for lay only in the heart. Those who choose compassion are granted an even more cherished gift, the accelerated development of a fifth heart chamber. This chamber is a gift given to all humans upon the embodiment into flesh form yet in order to be opened and offer its full power it must be cultivated by love and developed with, faith, compassion, meekness, empathy, and long suffering. In response to the centuries of persecution and suffering you and your people have endured, many of you have chosen to cling to these fruits as the only way of salvation you knew. Your choice has resulted in this gift. Ego, arrogance, malice, hatred, and all its vile fruits seal the chamber’s doors and halt its growth and where most humans only have four, you and the chosen among you have been developing a most incredible gift.”

  They came to the fifth and final chamber door that had been locked shut at her first visit. It now sprang open at their approach. Mary swept her graceful arms toward the vision that awaited.

  “Alena, behold the Holy Grail, the fifth chamber of your heart. It is here in your heart that the Kingdom has come. The throneroom of your Queendom is the one true vessel for your Lord, the Christ.”

  Inside was an enormous sprawling room, each of its massive walls and ceiling covered in twinkling blood red rubies. At the center of the boundless garnet tiled floor, a blazing white, sapphire blue, and rose pink fire roared, its flames licking the deep red heights of the palatial room.

  “This is your Divine Spark, the Three Prong Flame of love, wisdom, and power. It is placed into every single soul prior to its descent to earth from the Divine Heart. It, like you, is eternal. For those that do not lead with love, the Spark does not burn as a mighty flame as yours does, but a dim flicker. For most, the flame is all but extinguished completely,” Mary said.

  An immense figure, a giant man it seemed, suddenly appeared and stood in the center of the conflagration. His dark skin was black as burned brass and a fiery ray of light encircled the shock of white hair flaring around his head like the mane of a lion. Alena lifted her eyes to his, and then quickly threw up an arm to shield them from the painful blaze of light. His eyes were as bright as the sun, blazing with an unimaginable depth of purity and love absolute. The brilliance of His perfect ill
umination was too piercing for Alena to behold. She wept and stood entranced with her mouth open until the muscles in her trembling legs went slack and folded under her. There on the smooth coolness of the jeweled floor Alena bowed before Him.

  “My Lord,” she stammered weakly.

  Mary placed her hand on Alena’s shoulder.

  “Christ is God’s light and love. He is the gateway through which the human and divine worlds meet within your heart. His dwelling place is here. The gift has been given. Receive him. The struggle of your ray’s mission and your commitment to a higher vision has expanded your hearts so that it may receive the ultimate, the second coming of Christ energy. The power of Love is what is needed to assist all of humanity in developing the Holy Grail. You must awaken the earth, help them to drop the veil of ego. Yours is the oldest legacy, it is your walk that will return your world to balance. You are the natural gateways of the light, carriers of Christ on the Earth. From your Holy Grail, this blazing altar of Christ in your heart, you shall draw all unto you.”

  Mary Magdalene gestured for Alena to stand and then dipped her hands into the Three Fold Flame and a small yet fierce fire burned where the golden chalice had sat. The next moment, the two of them were standing in Alena’s living room.

  “I want you to look out of your window, and tell me what you see.”


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