A Fistful of Honey
Page 24
Legions of angels from the North, East, South and West had descended from their angelic kingdoms. The Beings of Light, her father, the holy Sirian warrior, and the ancestors joined in with them and crackled down like bolts of lightning surrounding her, brilliant white veins of power cutting through the night. They arched their blazing bodies over their people to fortify the lighted fortress Alena, Gloria and Michael’s powers had created. A mighty violet orb then took up its station in the West of the sky, Sirius. There was only one more planet to rise and complete the formation.
The wound on Alena’s arm was no more, the jagged flesh now smooth and new. The glow around her hands intensified and light pulsed from them even more brilliantly. Her power was magnifying by the second. She felt it rattle her teeth and rage with the force of her words.
“I am the resurrection of the glory! Leave them alone in the name of Christ! Flee from here you have no power!” Alena commanded in a soaring, powerful voice.
Just then, a smoldering red orb settled into the East. All four arms of the Grand Cross of Initiation had been set and the New Heaven and New Heaven’s door began to stretch open from the center of the formation. From the flames of her heart, Alena summoned a force that surged through her and the force sent a peal of thunder bursting through her limbs. The Sun of Sirius blazed in her left hand, the Flame of Restoration in the right.
Alena directed her hands toward the Beast and the glow died in its eyes. At her command it was bound in the pillar of golden flames she had summoned. A terrible screech rose from the beast, one so shrill and haunting that everyone stood still and silent. It broke through the dark skies and rode out on the storm winds. And then its writhing body was burned into nothingness. The rains stopped. Calm rested over all of them. At once she knew that in that space and in that time, she had altered everything.
A mighty silver finger of lightening tore down the center of the sky, splitting it in two. Each half gave way like two great curtains revealing a golden crystal river of light. .
“Hear me!” Alena cried.
The sea of people obeyed and remained still, every eye fixed on her. The gift of true vision that Mary Magdalene had once given returned to her. In that hushed fold of time she saw and felt into one thousand hearts at once. They were dull and broken from years of serving as vessels to the Shetani.
Finally, she spoke. “Remember! Remember yourselves!” Alena cried once more, this time casting the fires she had created into the crowd. With her enchanted flames she bestowed true vision to the people.
Suddenly, the lightness of peace and hope filled each one of their hearts. One by one, the bonds of illusion the Shetani had placed on them were torn asunder. With the flame of restoration, their divine senses were returned to them. With true vision they could see themselves and one another as holy kings and queens after centuries of blindness. “Listen to me!” she bellowed over the howling winds, resplendent in her full power. “You have been lied to. You have been deceived for generations. I have come to remind you of the truth. I have come to return you to the glory that you have forgotten. You must know that for eons you have been fed an illusion. Look around you.” Alena gestured to the still burning buildings and charred remains of the community.
“This is just what they, the dark forces, want you to do, to destroy yourselves with their darkness. I know you are tired of the injustice of this world. The cruelty! The war waged against you! The war waged against even your children! I know that you are enraged and you have so many reasons to be. But please, understand that that police officer is not the true enemy. We are not each other’s enemy. The entire human family has been pitted against each other by an evil force called the Shetani. Their mission is to destroy God’s Divine Plan for a New Earth by destroying us, the Black Race. It is a mission achieved by creeping into those who show you hate.”
The crowd turned to gaze at one another, nodding and cheering in agreement.
“Their hatred for you is an implanted hatred of the truth, of your birthright to the throne of God, and for the Dark Mother of All Creation,” Alena continued. “Their fear of you is so deep because they long to be a part of you. Those infected by the Shetani do not understand how viciously they destroy themselves in their quest to destroy you. Hear me! No matter what we have been told, no matter the brutal dark forces have been trained against us, we belong here and our victory is assured.” Alena felt her power growing as she looked out to the crowd.
“We are the first and the last sent here by God and the Beings of Light. We are the portals through which this planet will receive Heaven on Earth, God Kings and Goddess Queens walking on our consecrated land. You must know that we are rightfully on the very land that God has ordained to us to save. America is a hallowed ground, our hallowed ground. Our sacred work is here to live as God’s Freedom, God’s Will and show humanity the way to unity.”
Alena thrust both palms toward the ground. The Sun of Sirius and the growing forces within her struck the earth with a sonic boom, breaking the wet ground open.
“It is the will of the Shetani to inundate you with hardship in order to make you believe that you are powerless, cursed and alone. Let the lies that claimed you have come to this land for servitude and suffering be burned away from you tonight. Today we finish the mission that our ancestors began. The battle is already won. It is already done. We only need to stand. It is up to us to bring it forth. Come. Follow me!”
From the fault in the earth, a bridge of fire emerged and arched through the golden opening in the heavens. It was the bridge of freedom. The Era of Rebirth had begun.
The End… For now.
Malena Crawford is a Washington, DC-based author and a graduate of the George Washington University. She is the founder of the Black Divine Feminine Reawakened movement and facilitates workshops on personal development, empowerment, and anti-oppression across the globe, most recently in South Africa and Brazil. A Fistful of Honey is her first novel and she is currently completing its sequel. She would love to have you join her on her website:
MalenaCrawford.com or on Facebook,
https://www.facebook.com/TheBlackDivineFeminineReawakened/, and on Twitter,
A Fistful of Honey is available on Amazon.com, Barnesandnoble.com, and other retailers.
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