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Stark Shadows (Stark Trilogy Book 2)

Page 9

by Bradley,CD

  The plane shifted suddenly and Kira felt her stomach rise up in her throat. She reached out to brace herself and accidentally grabbed Holt’s arm. Holt sat upright with a start. Wide-eyed he surveyed the plane and Kira. The muscles in his neck were tense as fight or flight adrenaline pumped through his shocked veins

  “I didn’t mean to startle you.” Kira called to him over the hum of the engines. “The turbulence surprised me, I’m sorry I grabbed you.”

  Holt pulled his arm out from under her hand. He was definitely still mad. He closed his eyes again and tried to settle back in his seat.

  “Have you done any reading about the Zika virus?” Kira asked hopefully. This would be a long three months if they weren’t on speaking terms. “I have been reading some articles and I don’t understand how the virus mutated so quickly. I mean from 2013 to 2015 there is a huge difference in the way people are effected and modes of transmission. I just don’t understand what the trigger or catalyst was.”

  Holt opened one eye to look at her. “Listen Nancy Drew, I don’t know what you think we are going to be doing down here, but I can tell you one thing. We weren’t selected to be on a research team. We are going to be babysitting a bunch of heavily armed bug catchers.”

  “I know we are attached to a team. But keeping them healthy and helping to collect samples for the research facility is vital to this mission.” Kira leaned closer so she wouldn’t have to yell over the constant drone. “I was just thinking back to immunology and virology in school. It’s fascinating, how viruses can change over time. This one seems to have made a transformation virtually overnight. This is way more interesting than pre-deployment physicals.” Kira couldn’t help her excitement. For the first time since joining the army she felt real purpose in her time there.

  “Yeah, I’m stoked to go in the hot bed of disease and pestilence. Malaria and Dengue fever sound like a real pleasure.” His scowl deepened and he attempted to roll away from her then turned back quickly. “You realize princess that we aren’t going to be in a cushy air conditioned lab. We will be trudging into the heat of the fucking jungle surrounded by swarms of blood sucking vermin. Not to mention all the other god forsaken creatures out there with one objective – to feed on us.”

  “Are you afraid of bugs Liam?” Kira giggled.

  “Get some sleep, Captain Riley.” Holt snapped back. “We will be there before you know it and even if you bathe in that bug spray shit it won’t matter.” He turned away from her before she could say another word.

  Kira settled back into her chair. Her mind tossed over possibilities but eventually the vibrations of the plane lulled her into a deep sleep.

  Owen Stark leaned in. His lips brushed her cheek. “Wake up beautiful.” The deep vibration of his voice warmed her all over. Kira stirred. She could feel the heat of his body on hers. One strong hand lifted her head as he began kissing her neck. Kira sighed. God how she had missed his touch. “I’ve missed you baby. More than you could ever know.” His words came between kisses on her neck and face, working his way until he found her lips. His leg grazed hers and he pushed her legs apart with his knee. She could feel his body closing in on hers. The space between them minuscule and infinite at the same time. She longed for no space between them. She longed to feel him inside her once again. Somehow with this man all else faded away. She was lost in the passion of his touch. The immense pleasure of his presence. She could feel him pressing against her. His manhood straining against the jeans she knew all too well. Faded, stained with oil from working on his bike the ripped denim was his favorite pair. She knew how they clung to his massive thighs and caressed his perfect ass. Kira tried to wrap her arms around his muscular chest and pull him closer, but she was restrained. She realized she was bound with leather straps held into place.

  “Say yes, Kira. Give yourself to me.” His lips caressed hers gently at first then building as the passion of months apart overtook him. Kira let all inhibitions go into the wind and gave herself over to the heat of his desire. She had never felt so alive as she did in his arms. His other hand slid up her thigh exposing more flesh as he lifted her night gown. He settled himself fully between her legs. His straining cock begged for release. She was restrained but felt free. The pressure to do or to perform in any way removed. The power was hers to relent to him and experience all the pleasure and pain he had to offer.

  “Owen” She breathed. Barely able to let the words escape her lips. “I …”

  His hand moved further up her thigh finding the edge of her lace panties. Her breath caught in a sharp inhalation as the rough skin of experienced hands met her growing wetness.

  “Fuck” She breathed and dug her nails into his back. Kira wanted nothing more at that moment. Her muscles clenched involuntarily around his fingers as he expertly worked her g spot.

  “You are mine.” He growled lowly. “Only mine.” His words struck her core. She was not afraid of anything at this moment. In this brief perfect moment, she was…

  “Will you wake the fuck up!” Holts voice penetrated her dream. “Captain Riley! Wake the fuck up!” The drone of the plane returned and Kira snapped out of her dream.

  Kira sat as bolt up as the seat restraints would allow. She looked around faced flushed and got her bearings. She was still in the C130, somewhere over South America headed toward Peru. Owen Stark was nowhere in sight. Fuck me!

  “I don’t know what the hell you were dreaming about but you were starting to moan like a two dollar whore.” Holt’s stern face looked flustered. He shook his head and wrung his hands.

  Kira swallowed the wave of embarrassment. “Are we there yet?” She tried sheepishly and then grinned. Holt turned away. On the inside Kira was still breathless from her dream. No matter how much she tried to forget Owen Stark he was always there. Even in her dreams he was with her, even when he was worlds away.

  Chapter 10

  A surge of excitement and anxiety pulsed through Kira’s every movement as the plane touched down in Lima, Peru. Kira knew the Olympic games would just be starting in Brazil. She thought of the athletes who had prepared their wholes lives for this one competition. Everything came down to a few critical minutes where they may succeed and culminate all of their dreams or fail epically. Kira watched the other soldiers grab their bags and stand to be released from the plane and given their orders. For soldiers going into battle it is similar she thought. They have trained extensively for these missions. It’s everything they worked for. Yet, if they succeed they will be coming home with the memories and scars that only war can provide. Etched into their very soul to carry around forever. If they fail… well then they won’t be coming home at all. Kira blinked back a tear before anyone could see it.

  After exiting the plane onto the tarmac at Jorge Chavez International Airport they were escorted by bus to the facility at NAMRU 6. Kira wasn’t as surprised by the cool comfortable temperature as Holt was. After being in Miami this felt like paradise. Kira couldn’t help but be excited. Just to set foot in an elite medical research facility like NAMRU 6 was beyond amazing. As the bus rolled through the streets of Lima, Kira watched the people crowded on the street. The narrow streets of Lima were packed with people and cars. Small sedans zipped in an out passed each other in a cluster of crazy. People seemed to obtain every square inch not occupied by vehicles. Expertly the bus driver weaved his way to the historic port area of Callao. The buildings in this part of the city combined old world artisanship and art deco coloration. Just Lovely. Kira looked over at Holt and caught him smiling appreciatively at a building on the other side of the street. Surely he can’t be hating this now.

  Today they were traveling to the compound of Centro Medico Naval, the largest Peruvian Navy Hospital in Callao. The main NAMRU-6 building was located here. She stared up at the brick buildings housing over 33,000 square feet of state of the art laboratories and an animal facility. It was like the first day of school. So many things to learn and explore. Kira had read that some army officers, doctors
and researchers were here permanently working with the Naval medical teams. Though she hadn’t even gotten started that sounded like a dream job.

  Kira craned her neck to see into the labs as they walked down the hall way to a large conference room with a brick floor. They sent their large duffle bags on the floor beside their chairs and waited for debriefing. She looked over at Holt and offered a smile. She didn’t know why she felt such and urge to make amends. Perhaps she still felt guilty for thinking he may have been the stalker. Hell she wasn’t even sure there had been a stalker, still someone had taken Paige. About that there could be no doubt. Holt sat staring at the floor. She hoped they could be friends again. He really had pulled strings and gotten himself into a world of trouble trying to protect her. Around them voices droned in quiet chatter as they waited for the commander to ender the room.

  “So the facility is pretty nice right?” Kira began hopefully.

  “I doubt we end up here. But you are right so far Peru isn’t that bad.” He gave her a half smile but then turned his attention back to the Peruvian Naval Officer in a blue skirt and blouse setting up the audiovisual equipment.

  Kira shook her head. Typical Holt. Well there is at least a chance he won’t hate me forever.

  When Captain Armstrong, Commanding Officer of NAMRU-6 entered the room everyone stood and saluted.

  “At ease, ladies and gentlemen.” Captain Armstrong had the smooth deep voice of experience. “Take a seat and let’s begin. Welcome to United States Naval Medical Research Unit number six.” He went on to explain the history and layout of the facilities before debriefing them on their particular mission. They would be located at an outpost near the Peruvian/ Brazilian border in one of the Vector-borne and Zoonotic Disease Units. Holt shot her a look. Kira had known the cushy labs and fancy equipment were too good to be true. They would at least get to bring samples and data to the lab in Iquitos. This was a new facility adjacent to the insectarium on the Peruvian Naval base. Iquitos she learned was an isolated city in the middle of the amazon only accessible by boat and air. No roads in and no roads out.

  Captain Armstrong went on to give the history and epidemiology information on the Zika virus and the Aedes species of mosquito (Ae. aegypti and Ae. albopictus). He noted that these mosquitos were also the vector for dengue fever and the chikungunya virus. As he spoke Kira watched the blood drain from Holt’s face. At first she thought it was a little funny, then she began to worry he would actually pass out. Sweat had appeared on his brow and upper lip. What the hell? How is he going to make it through this mission? He began to sway and Kira knew he was going down. As his body began to pitch forward, Kira reached out but before she could reach him, the door opened and in walked a tall leggy blond in a US Navy uniform. Something about the stunning woman was familiar. Kira froze and Holt crashed past her in to the chair in front of him. Kira jumped up and grabbed Holt helping to lay him on the floor and place his feet up into the chair. Her movements were quick deliberate. For vasovagal syncope head down and feet up, Kira recalled the passage from ACLS. This wasn’t her first rodeo with someone having a vagal response though. Last month in the ER a nurse had passed out cold while Kira performed a spinal tap on a patient. Kira had to call for help for the nurse while finishing the procedure to best care for her patient. After just a few moments in this position the color came back to Holt’s face. He regained consciousness and looked around the room confused at first but then flushed with embarrassment when he realized what had happened.

  “He’s ok.” Kira said quickly to the room full of gawkers. “We pulled a 24-hour ER shift right before we left Colorado. I don’t think he has eaten or had more than just a couple hours of sleep in a few days.” When Holt was ready the commander and Kira helped put him back in the chair.

  “Wow what the hell happened?” Liam Holt laughed and shook his head. He rubbed his hand over his face and through his bright blond hair. He looked around the room with his dazzling baby blues. Kira resisted rolling her eyes. She and Abby had come to call that look the Neutralizer. Like the movie Men in Black, if any of the nurses stared into the light they would forget what they were there to do. Kira saw several women mainly assistants and Peruvian workers visibly melt when his eyes met theirs. Gag.

  Once the commotion was over the commander resumed the instruction. He also introduced the blond naval officer as Captain Brooke Nehlen. She would be leading their training and would be who they reported all finding to between missions. He then detailed their specific assignments to collect mosquito samples, local population blood samples and small creatures. He noted that certain groups would be crossing into Brazil for collection as well. He emphasized the importance of what they were doing to help learn more about the virus in hopes of developing a vaccine as well as mosquito eradication.

  After a few days of training at the Lima facility their team would re-board the C130 and be transported to Coronel FAP Francisco Secada Vignetta International Airport in Iquitos. Kira dedicated herself to putting everything at home out of her head and focusing on the mission. She wanted to learn as much as possible during the training so that she would be effective in the field. They were split into groups and Kira’s team was led down the brick hallway into a laboratory with white tiled walls. The room was full of small tables with a technician at each one hovered over an absorbent drape dissecting small birds and bats like a mad scientist sweat shop. Kira did her best to absorb as much information as possible about what they would be looking for in live specimens to bring to the lab. She wondered how Holt was holding up in the other group. He had never had a weak stomach that she knew of. He handled all of his procedures without any problems at the hospital. Maybe it was just traveling or maybe he really was that paranoid about bugs. The thought of someone so big hating tiny insects so much still cracked her up. Just on the inside, he was already mad at her and she was not about to make it worse.

  The next lab area contained large common tables with Microscopes at each station. Captain Nehlen was there giving a demonstration to the other group. When they had finished for the day Kira approached her to ask some further questions.

  “Captain Nehlen, could I ask you a few questions about the Zika virus?” Kira hoped that the Navy captain wouldn’t mind a bunch of newbie questions.

  “You can call me Brooke. What do you want to know about?” Brooke smiled genuinely. Her blond hair was wound into a tight bun. She was naturally beautiful with bright blue eyes and minimal makeup. She wore no jewelry save a simple channel set diamond band on her left hand.

  “Prior to 2013, from what I have read the virus was more of a nuisance than anything. The annoying little brother to Dengue and Chikungunya. But in the last two years it has become a major player with severe neurotoxic effects. What Changed?”

  “You are right. When I first started here six years ago Zika wasn’t even on our radar as a serious threat. We hadn’t even seen any cases on this half of the world until 2007 there was an outbreak in the Micronesian island of Yap. Even though more than 11,000 people were infected there were no complications, no hospitalizations. Then in 2015 the outbreak in Brazil completely changed how we saw it.”

  “So why such a rapid evolution. It just doesn’t make sense without a significant catalyst.” Kira felt like the answer was right there. Something didn’t make sense. Animals and viruses didn’t evolve without a change in environment. There must be a catalyst, something that caused a rapid mutation or change in the virology and neural effect of the virus. Something big.

  “That’s what we are trying to find out. In addition to creating a vaccine, out teams have been studying the mosquitos and the virus itself to try to determine how and why the mutation occurred to help us better develop protection against it. If we are unsuccessful and the virus continues to spread and mutate this will be a worldwide pandemic. Any areas that provide habitat for the Ades mosquito are at risk. That includes about three fourths of the United States. This is a serious problem.” Brooke’s jaw was set firm.
Kira could see fine lines around the young woman’s eyes displaying her sleepless nights devoted to literally saving the world.


  Kira stepped out of her tent just as the sun peeked over the mountains. Mist rolled through the valley. Today they would venture into the Amazon by boat and do a 15 click march into dense jungle. Kira was determined to follow her mission to the finest detail. She would be setting traps to catch live mosquitos and take water samples. She would also be collecting small mammals and birds that the mosquitos may feed on. Of course going into the heart of their breeding ground would put her at risk as well. Not super keen on the idea of being lunch Kira slathered on as much bug repellant as humanly possible. She buttoned up her long sleeve shirt and ACU pants. She wanted to give the little vermin as small a buffet as possible.

  They set out onto the river the mist still swirled around them. Kira had been blown away by the beauty of Colorado, but this was heavenly. The otherworldly landscapes in this paradise defied even the most vivid imagination. As the golden beams of sunlight reached the water’s edge Kira could see river otters playing in the cool shallows. Bright red, yellow, and blue macaws flew in brilliant waves from tree to tree along the jungles edge. Waterfalls cascaded down from the trees and rocks into the river. Though she knew they had a job to do it was easy to get lost in this magnificent world. She wanted to take a thousand pictures in her mind. This would be a place she would keep with her forever.

  “It’s magnificent yes?” The deep Latin voice behind her startled Kira from her daydream and sent shivers down her spine. She whirled around and was startled by what she saw. “You like?” He asked again.

  Oh Wow. Seriously. Kira shook her head. Standing only inches away was a very tall olive skinned man with coal black hair. His square jaw turned up in a smile as he continued in broken English and thick accent. “The scenery is beautiful no?”


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