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Stark Shadows (Stark Trilogy Book 2)

Page 15

by Bradley,CD

  “Which have been rejected twice.” Holt reminded her.

  “However,” Kira interrupted, “The microcephaly is still isolated to one area of Brazil. One. Even though we have identified Zika virus in several countries. That doesn’t make sense if the virus is mutating. So the question becomes what is actually causing the microcephaly and who knew about it. The second big mystery is the presence of GMO mosquitos in areas they haven’t been released. Why and how are they migrating and surviving in the wild. The bigger question is what the long term effects are?”

  “GMO mosquitos? Are you kidding? That’s creepy I thought they just cloned corn and sheep.” Emily sat wide- eyed taking in every word. “This is so exciting it’s just like a movie!”

  Holt rolled his eyes and looked up at the stars. “That is way outside what we are supposed to be researching Kira. We are supposed to be helping create a vaccine for a virus that is harming babies. Why can you just stay on task?”

  “Because I don’t think the damn virus is responsible. I think we are working to find a vaccine for something that isn’t even the problem. I have no clue why we are doing this instead of searching for the real answers. And I can’t figure out why everyone above us on the chain of command is turning a blind eye to it.” Kira blurted in frustration.

  “I think we better let Kira alone with Tarzan and her paranoia.” Holt said motioning to Emily to come on.

  “But I want to hear more!” Emily whined.

  “It’s ok Emily, Holt doesn’t share your enthusiasm. We can catch up later if you want. I have more samples to collect over the next three days. You are welcome to help if you like.” Kira offered thankful that anyone even cheer Barbie was interested. She would probably regret that decision. Holt shot her a glaring look. She could tell immediately that she was ruining his chances of making this a one night stand. Kira decided that was his own fault. They were on this boat for three more days. She watched them walk away arm in arm. Holt was tall and still the bubbly assistant was wrapped around him like a garden snake.

  “Do you really think there is a cover up of some kind?” Javier asked as soon as they were alone.

  “I don’t know for sure. What I do know is both reports that I have turned in with my findings and questions have been not only rejected but I got a reprimand with the second for not sticking to the objective. Just before we set out on this trip Brooke, a girl at the lab, discovered that some of the mosquitos that I brought back last time were genetically modified. They shouldn’t have been in the areas I found them. We are trying to track all the areas where they have been released and where they have survived to migrate. I am also collecting blood samples of their food sources to find out how they are surviving.” To hell with being stealthy Kira just wanted someone to listen.

  Javier sat and pondered what she said for a moment. He seemed to be wrestling with a thought. “Aren’t you worried about getting into trouble for sticking your nose into something it seems your government would rather be left alone?” He stared at her intensely as if her answer would determine her fate.

  “I’m more worried about what would happen if I’m right.” Kira responded without hesitation.

  “He wrung his hands together and looked out over the water and then back at Kira. “I know some people who may be able to help.” He started.

  “Great!” Kira was starting to sense a little hope.

  “It’s just… Kira these are not nice people. I… don’t know. I’ll do some digging and see what I can bring you. I’m just not sure these are people you want to be mixed up with.” Javier rubbed his hands nervously.

  “I appreciate any help you can give me.” Kira beamed up at him and he handed her another Pilsen. She popped the top and settled in to listen to the music. At last she was starting to have a little hope. Maybe just maybe together they would find the answers she was looking for.


  The next morning brought bright rays of sunshine and the reminder that she shouldn’t drink, especially not on a boat. Kira’s body swayed with her hammock. Her head pounded with each movement. Oh Fuck. That was miserable. Kira made herself get up she had more samples to gather. Every one she collected brought them one step closer. Kira fastened the buttons on her ACU and applied the daily dose of insect repellent. Javier appeared with coffee.

  “Hola. Buenos días.” He said offering her a mug. “We have a scheduled stop and an area up ahead that has commercial cattle. Will that be of help?”

  “Yes! Javier, yes, thank you!” Kira was so excited she felt like cheer Barbie. They were so close to getting answers Kira could feel it. Kira stood with Javier sipping coffee when they reached the target area. Macaws screeched and sailed through the trees in vibrant flashed of color. Frogs and insects sang their chorus and monkeys chattered overhead. Along the shore where they were going to stop the ground was covered in giant ferns. The bark of the trees were red and silver. As the approached the village, Kira noted a small boy sitting on the top of a giant water lily. The water’s surface was covered with them in this part of the river.

  “Victoria amazonica” Javier commented. “These giant water lilies can hold a small human.”

  “I see that.” Kira responded. She couldn’t believe the ever expounding beauty of this place. Vines hung from tree limbs swooping down over the deck of the boat as they tucked into the shore. Kira traced her fingers along one and then another. The second one began to move slowly at first then much faster. Javier stepped in front of her and drew his weapon. Holt joined him and opened fire. The largest snake Kira had ever seen dropped out of the canopy and into the water beside the boat. Once in the water it moved like a shot and was gone in the lily pads.

  “Oh my god!” Kira yelled. “What about that little boy?” Kira was about to be in full mother tiger mode but the little native boy was already moving across the lilies to his mother. Kira put her hands on her knees and took a few deep breaths. “Snakes suck!”

  Holt and Javier were laughing. Kira had no desire to be giant snake food. She was going to be extra careful when they ventured into the jungle. The boat tied up in the shallows and they had to depart into a smaller vessel to fully reach the shore. Kira eyed the water nervously. That giant green beast was in there somewhere. They moved slowly through the lilies to the river bank. Once a shore Kira jumped out quickly and had never been so happy to be on dry land. She walked a little closer to Javier and Holt.

  “Who knew?” Holt started snickering, “All it took was one little snake.”

  “Shut up Liam. That was no little snake. It had to be twelve feet long.” Kira snapped back.

  “Actually they have been known to reach lengths of twenty feet.” Javier interrupted. “So this is not exactly record breaking.”

  As they made their way inland Kira pointed out a plant with lovely green flowers, oval leaves, a horrible smell and red fruit about the size of an apple.

  “Do not touch it!” Javier yelled and grabbed a hold of Kira’s arm. Holt came running up to them.

  “Don’t put your hands on her!” He yelled at Javier.

  “This is the deadly Strychnos plant. The plants resin is strychnine. It will paralyze and suffocate you. Be very careful what you touch in the Amazon. Sometimes the most beautiful will kill you first.”

  They used extreme caution while gathering the remaining samples. Two more days until she would be back in Iquitos. Kira desperately hoped the specimens they collected would make a difference. She was also anxious to try to reach Stark once again. No matter how hard she tried to forget him he was always there in the back of her mind and occupying all of her heart.

  Chapter 17

  Just as he turned to help Cyrus, Jayce caught his eye. Jayce subtly shook his head no and nodded in the direction of the tent. Jayce and his crew looked confident as they moved to back up Cyrus. Stark knew if anyone could diffuse the situation it would be Jayce. Stark trusted his direction and used the distraction to move closer to the tent. These men had fought together in eve
ry corner of this god forsaken earth and knew how to read each other. The cotton candy cat before him tried to pull him back to her and away from the chaos breaking out with Cyrus. He leaned in and kissed her hard. This tart was no Kira but he didn’t want her to get hurt either.

  “Stay put. This shit is getting ugly. I’m going to check it out.” Stark looked back toward the tent and slid around the dark side of the vehicle. He could stay in the shadows on the back side almost over to the edge of the canvas shelter. He didn’t know how much time they had be for the Zetas returned but the clock was ticking.

  Valencia and the other enforcers that stayed near the tent were on alert. Cyrus’s commotion was starting to unnerve them. When Stark made his move it was going to have to be swift. He moved into full combat mode. For a moment he wished his team was there but at the same time he didn’t want his men anywhere near what was about to go down.

  Stark was accustomed to moving silently in the darkness. A menacing force in the shadows he never missed his target. Shoot to kill. In this case he needed answers so he would have to keep Valencia alive until he got what he needed. He pictured Kira, her smile, the way she smelled, and the way she felt. He would be successful. He would bring Paige home and do whatever it took to keep Kira safe. Even if she wanted nothing more to do with him, she was the one thing he wanted in life. He would protect her even in death.

  He could still hear Cyrus’ loud mouth exchanging insults and accusations with the man he had thrown to the ground. The level of his antics went beyond usual crazy Cyrus. He made a perfect distraction. Stark just hoped Cyrus didn’t get himself killed. Jayce and his crew had joined him. Stark could hear Jayce’s calm clear voice trying to diffuse Cyrus. He could see the crowd around them growing but could no longer visualize Cyrus. All eyes were locked on Cyrus. The moment was right for Stark to make his move.

  Stark approached the edge of the canvas, like a panther approaching his prey. Valencia stood less than three feet away and had no clue he was there. Stark stepped forward he could hear Valencia breathing, smell the hot tobacco of his cigarette. Valencia shifted his feet, pacing in place. The fucker was nervous. He should be. Stark waited for him to take a step closer to the darkness.

  Another enforcer stepped in his way and Valencia moved a few steps away toward the opening of the tent. The other enforcer would have to go first. Stark assessed the situation. Three guards stood by the front of the tent. Another fifteen or so had moved toward Cyrus. The guard closest to him took another step toward his kill zone. One more step. Before he could reach for him he heard a familiar voice.

  “Joaquin! Que duela bebé!” Paige’s satin voice rang out into the night. She was alive! And from the sound of it, she had her captors in the palm of her hand. Whatever she had been through she would be ok if he could just get her the fuck out of here before Cyrus’s mess exploded or the Zeta’s returned to exterminate anyone in their way. He listened for Paige to completely incapacitate the Cartel leader. Valencia was no longer needed to find Paige but Stark did want to know why he was at Kira’s. Maybe Paige would be able shed some light once he got her to safety.

  He approached the edge of the darkness one step further and it would be on. The three enforcers including Valencia would need to be removed before he entered the tent. Paige had done her part. He could hear the cartel leader approaching climax and knew the time was right. He stepped forward to grab the first enforcer just as his fingers reached the back of the man’ s neck shots broke out across the arena.

  No time to second guess. In once swift motion Stark cupped his left hand around the man’s mouth and pulled him back into the darkness and put a knife into the base of his skull instantly severing his brainstem. The body rag dolled into Stark’s arms without making a sound and he swiftly lowered it to the ground. All hell was breaking loose. Stark moved with lightning speed. This was what he trained daily for. No force in heaven or hell could stop the relentless force. More shots exploded into the arena. He saw a group of men tear through the entrance. The Zetas had returned. He was out of time. This would not be a negotiation. They were known to take what they want by force.

  He hit the second enforcer, Valencia, with a bullet in the left knee. Valencia wailed into the night and dropped grabbing his mangled knee. A double tap center mass crumpled the third enforcer to a heap in the dirt. No time for stealth now. The Zeta’s had one objective and he was in their way. Stark knew they would have no problems killing Paige when they reached the Cartel leader. He grabbed Valencia by the back of his shirt collar and pulled him screaming into the tent before the Zeta’s closed in.

  The light of the tent was muted. He could see Paige straddling the shocked Cartel leader. A large makeshift metal table stood between him and the bed they were on. Stark pointed the gun directly at Joaquin’s face. He dropped Valencia in a lump. The sound of bullets zinging all around them intensified as the Zetas approached the tent. Shouts in Spanish and footsteps could be heard rapidly approaching. He could still hear Cyrus cursing and unloading his shot gun. Adrenalin surged through his veins as Stark ran towards Paige slid across and over the table landing directly in front of the bed. He put a bullet in the hand of Joaquin as he reached for his gun. Joaquin screamed and held up the remaining two fingers. Blood and flesh dripped on the bed and onto Paige. She jumped quickly and ducked beside Stark as he flipped over the metal table. Money, coke, and ammo from the table flew through the air. Stark reached over it and with one arm grabbed Valencia up and pulled him over the table.

  “Time to roll baby.” Stark tossed Paige a combat knife and turned to unload his remaining four rounds toward the entrance of the tent. He dropped the empty magazine and inserted a fresh magazine into the Kimber 45. Paige ran to the back of the tent and immediately cut a slit in the fabric and dove through. After emptying the round Stark reached for Valencia to drag him out with them. Valencia failed in pain and tried to fight Stark off. Stark wanted to keep him alive for now.

  “I’m trying to get you out of here you crazy fucker.” Stark grabbed him up to carry him out. “What the fuck were you doing at Kira’s house?” He started at the man.

  Valencia sputtered in screams and broken Spanish. Just as Stark stood a hail of bullets sailed through the tent wall. Stark returned fire but one of the oncoming rounds hit Valencia square in the neck. Blood splattered across Stark’s face and chest. He used Valencia as a shield until he reached the slit in the tent and then dropped him diving out into the night.

  “We’ve got to get you the fuck out of here.” He barked at Paige looking her over to see if she was hurt. “Can you run?”

  “Fuck yes!” Came Paige’s rapid reply. They took off behind vehicles and a corrugated metal Wall that formed the edge of the compound. Stark had to get her to the Ducati and then race like bats out of hell to the meeting place. Cyrus and Jayce should be leading their crews out as well. He sent a text alarm to Jayce to alert him Paige was clear for them get the fuck out. A barrel exploded 10 feet to the right of them and shit flew everywhere. Stark dove on Paige and covered her behind an old truck. They rolled under the vehicle. Footsteps in all directions ran passed the vehicle as some people began to flee.

  “You ok.” He mouthed.

  She nodded and he checked the perimeter. Gun ready, he grabbed her back up and they ran from vehicle to vehicle in the darkness. Shots and screaming filled the arena. Stark hoped the strawberry pop tart made it out. Would her face join the others in his nightmares? No time for that now. Paige’s life depended on him keeping his shit straight. They ran as fast as Paige could go. As they rounded an old military issue truck a large man with his belt undone stepped in front of them blocking the way. The legs of the intoxicated and possibly unconscious woman dangled from the front of the truck. She made no attempt to get up.

  “Where the fuck you slinking off to…” The burly man started and reached for his gun eyeing Paige.

  As the world exploded behind them Stark dropped the man in two quick taps before he could even fin
ish his sentence. Paige started to take deep breaths. Stark could see her reaching her breaking point. He reminded himself that this wasn’t an everyday experience for Paige. This was his day at the office. “Paige stay with me.” He commanded. Even in her rising panic she would respond to his dominant voice. Stark knew from experience that if he could get her to focus on him she would be ok. “If you want to get out of here alive, you have to stay focused. We are going to have to run.”

  The Ducati was in sight. Twenty yards separated them from their freedom. He grabbed Paige’s hand and pulled her behind him stepping over the large man’s body as they passed. When she fell into step with him, Stark let Paige go. He knew she would stay right on his heels and follow orders.

  Bring on the thunder. They began to close the distance. On Starks signal they took off in a full on sprint, running like bats out of hell through the darkness. A ball of Fire erupted from behind the metal wall and a piece of the makeshift bar flew through the air and crashed to the ground in front of them. If he had been by himself, he would have never broken stride just sailed right over it but Paige would never make it. With cat like reflexes he stopped just short of the flaming metal turned and spun Paige around the obstacle. She stumbled but he caught her and pulled her on toward safety.

  “Fucking run Paige. Keep going. 10 yards baby.” He barked and they kept moving. They closed the distance to the bike. Stark could see all the rat rods still there. Jayce and Cyrus were still inside. No one would get left behind. He would have to secure Paige to their meeting place and go back for Jayce and Cyrus. Just as they reached the bike a side wall of the arena area collapsed and a wave of men burst through guns blazing. The whole damn place was on fire. Stark jumped on the bike and pulled Paige on after him. He looked at the oncoming tirade and started the bike. Hells fuckin bells! He saw Cyrus and Jayce come barreling out with most of their crews. That crazy bastard had nine fucking lives. Stark stood ready to ride but provided cover as Jayce and Cyrus got closer. Just before they reached their vehicles a shot rang out and dropped Cyrus.


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