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Stark Shadows (Stark Trilogy Book 2)

Page 19

by Bradley,CD

  When deemed conditions safe, Stark gave the command “GO” to the lead the stick out. He grabbed the rope and swung out of the craft wrapping his legs around the rope and began his decent. Once out of the chopper the only sound was the high pitched whistle of his gloves on the rope. Stark sailed into the darkness toward the waiting ground.


  Kira prayed silently. She dared not move. She could hear the rhythmic breathing of someone standing just outside the vehicle. A firm hand reached in and grabbed her by the arm directing her into the night air. The pungent odor of cigar smoke permeated the burlap hood and gave her momentary relief of its stench. She breathed it in deeply. While most people disliked cigar smoke Kira had always found comfort in its sweetness. Her captor blew the warm smoke into her face and it filled the hood. This time Kira sputtered and coughed. It felt like all the oxygen had been burned up. She struggled to pull off the hood. She was desperate for cool air to sooth her lungs. Her captor chuckled a deep satisfied laugh. She was shoved from behind and stumbled forward. Her feet crunched across dirt and rocks as she was hustled along by two sets of hands. The guided her to the stone steps and led her up them. One, Two, Three. Kira took a deep breath. Keeping track of the distance covered was keeping her sane. Four, Five, Six. Kira fell into step with her guards. Her feet hitting stone with theirs rather than being dragged along. They stepped onto a landing made of the same material as the steps. They stood for a moment Kira wondered why they had stopped, hell she just wanted to know where they were. She stood up straight. She was not going to show her fear. Kira stood and waited silently.

  “You’re a good little soldier aren’t you.” A deep voice with a thick Spanish accent growled at her.

  “My name is Captain Kira Riley, United States Army.” Kira stood with her shoulders squared. She willed herself to remain calm and breathe evenly. She would not falter. If this was it. If she was going to die in this jungle it was going to be with the dignity her father upheld and nothing less. Bam! A large object maybe the butt of a gun, slammed into Kira’s gut dropping her to her knees. Kira struggled to breathe as the wind was knocked out of her. Her diaphragm spasmed paralyzed for a moment. Her fingers grasped in the dirt. Despite her efforts bile rose and came out her nose. When her diaphragm finally released she sucked in a hot painful breath. Tears watered in her eye.

  “Fucking smart ass bitch.” The voice bellowed again. “Stand up!”

  Kira did her best to stand. Despite the overwhelming pain she again stood at attention, squared her shoulders and willed her knees to stop shaking. Kira swallowed hard to force the remaining bile back down. She took slow shallow breaths as anything else was excruciating. Kira stood for what felt like an eternity waiting.

  Another set of footsteps came from inside the house. “Bring her inside. Where’s the other one I thought you said there were two?”

  Kira perked up and listened. Holt! He had to be talking about Holt. Please God let him still be alive. They ushered her into the house. Either they didn’t answer about Holt or they used a hand signal that she could not see. She desperately wanted to ask but she was afraid saying of doing the wrong thing would get him killed for sure. She was terrified but this wasn’t over yet.

  They marched her across a room with a tile floor and up two more steps. She could hear running water like a waterfall inside the house. The door behind her opened and several men spoke rapid Spanish. She could hear them grunting and dragging something across the floor. Could it he Holt? Kira prayed that he was still alive.

  The pushed her down a long tiled hallway and paused to open a door. No light filtered through the hood here. They pushed her into the room and shut the door behind her. Kira slowly knelt to the ground and felt the tile floor. She moved slowly across the floor exploring the perimeter of the room. She found a desk with a chair. A small woven rug occupied the center of the room. Heavy Drapes blocked out all moon light from a window. She made her way around the room and felt the leg of a bed. She moved along the edge of the bed feeling for anything she could use. Kira froze as her right hand clamped down on a knee.


  Stark and his men moved swiftly through the darkness. They moved over rocks and through streams without making a sound. They were elite rangers of the United States Army. They would not be broken. Faces painted black and green they blended perfectly into their surroundings. A force in the shadows. By the time the enemy realized they were there it would be too late. Ten clicks from their destination they were making good time. A slight rain fell down through the canopy of the jungle. The group stayed in tight formation. Enemy forces were not the only things to consider moving through the jungle at night. But this was not their first trek through the Amazon. Anacondas were regarded with extreme caution but were a part of the landscape here. This mission required speed and accuracy. They worked their way along a ridge through dense foliage. Vines and slippery rocks stood in the way at each step.

  They paused by a large water fall. The trail had been washed away. “We need to repel down the left side of the falls. Once we clear the river bed we can resume the trail on the other side. The men took a moment to secure their Ropes to three BFTs (Big Fucking Trees) and drop a line to the bottom of the falls. They harnessed in and used the grigri to rappel quickly down the rocks. The stones were wet and loose. Stark felt loose rocks pelt his helmet from the soldier above him.

  “Rock” Came the call from above him in the darkness. Stark swung to the right just in time to miss a large falling boulder.

  Fuck. That was too close. The team carefully descended the water fall and began to cross the rushing water. Though not very deep the moss covered rocks provided as much traction as a snot on a hot day. Stark led the team across, one foot at a time. He thought of Kira. He hated himself for not believing her immediately. How could he make it up to her? It was no wonder she walked out. Someone went through a lot of trouble to make it seem like she was crazy. Hell even poor Kira was starting to have doubts. He couldn’t shake the feeling that Simone’s detective may have somehow started it. Maybe he employed the wrong people to dig for information. When Stark got back he was going to find that investigator and pick up where he left off.

  When the last man exited the river Stark check to make sure they were all ok. He wished they had time more time in Peru. Kira’s station was only two hours away. If they could only slip over to Iquitos for a while. He just wanted to see her. He pictured her asleep in her asleep in her cot snuggled up in the cocoon she always turned her blankets into. Maybe he could slip in and pay her a visit. He could almost taste her soft skin. Hear the way her breath hitched. She was his. He would make sure she was safe. From this moment forward nothing would be able to harm her. Whatever dangers would lie ahead he would be there to stop them. When they got back, he knew that he could make her see that what they had went beyond any ghosts of their past.


  Kira jumped back.

  “Hello Kira.” The smooth male voice rolled the R, filling out her name in a thick Latin accent like Javier but deeper. Maybe a little older.

  “Who are you?” Kira finally ventured. “Where am I?”

  “Is that really what you came all this way to find out?” He was standing now. She could feel the heat from his body as he circled around her, like a tiger circling its prey.

  “Where is Holt?” Kira had to know. She tried to access her situation. Here she was kneeling on the floor hands tied behind her back. The hood over her head still wreaked of her predecessor’s death. She had to stay calm and play her cards right. She did not want to end up another forgotten blood stain on this hood.

  “Who is this Holt?” he almost spat the name. She could hear him doing something with his hands. Was he opening something?

  She willed herself to remain calm, in control. “He is a fellow captain. He was taken along with me in Iquitos.” She guarded each syllable so that they came out even and not laced with the panic that lie just beneath her breath.

u were told to come alone.” He growled. Something snapped, like leather or a strap of some kind.

  Kira realized that she was for sure at her meeting and not a random kidnapping! She wondered if this was Javier’s brother. Of course Javier never actually said that’s who she would meet. Kira had assumed, well shit. She didn’t actually know who she was meeting. “I’m sorry. He followed me. I was trying to convince him to go back to base when we were taken. I wasn’t aware of your customs for transporting guests.” The statement just slipped out of Kira’s mouth before she could stop herself. Shit!

  The man laughed for half a second then stifled it. “You have a smart mouth for someone so small.” He stopped pacing directly behind her and trailed the strap from her knees up to her ass and struck her with it. Kira sucked in a hard breath but did not scream. She squared her shoulders and remained firm on her knees.

  He circled to her front. And stood only inches away. “I can see you are a fierce little one, that should be rectified. But first you smell like shit. Take a shower. Then we will take care of business” He turned and left the room abruptly.

  Kira knelt there in the dark wondering what the hell just happened. He still never answered about Holt. How the hell was she supposed to take a shower like this? Why the fuck would she want to? Well she did smell like something died. The last guy to wear this flipping hood, she reminded herself. Before she could collect her thoughts and make a plan, the door opened and light flooded the room.

  Two women entered speaking rushed Spanish that Kira desperately wished she could understand. They walked directly to Kira and removed the hood and hand ties. The sudden light was blinding but the fresh air was glorious. She took in several long deep breaths. They were talking to each other and giving Kira commands that she did not understand. One marched away and Kira heard water running. The other started pulling at her clothes. What the hell? I am not getting fucking naked in this crazy ass house. For a brief moment she considered asking for the hood back. But only a brief moment. She never wanted to see, or smell, that wretched piece of fabric again. Maybe that was some kind of test. Maybe this meant they were going to be nice to her now and actually talk with her. She rubbed her hands over her bruised abdomen and lower ribs. Sore but not intolerable. Kira hoped and prayed that Holt was recovering somewhere and not lying dead in the jungle. She had heard people say that if you died in the jungle, there would be nothing left to find by morning. She didn’t know if it were true or if they had been just trying to scare her. Either way it worked.

  The other woman had returned to her and now they were both trying to remove her clothes. “I can undress myself!” Kira fussed back at them. Her eyes had adjusted and she was able to see around the room. The floor was a terracotta orange tile. The shower however was like none she had ever seen. The bright blue tile wall spiraled up from the floor to form a semicircle which partially enclosed a shower. It did not however reach the ceiling so the top half of the occupant would be exposed to the room. If this were a romantic getaway it would be sexy. This was no romantic weekend. She had just been fucking kidnapped. She had to admit a shower would be nice after that horrendous hood but taking off her clothes made her feel more vulnerable than being tied up. She searched the room for a way out. No matter how beautiful this place was she could not forget moments ago they could have killed her and still may if she didn’t play ball just right. She was in the home of a ruthless killer. Was she a guest or a prisoner? This was beyond fucked up.

  Kira could hear large dogs barking outside. Fucking great. They are probably some huge man eating breed. Kira knew that there was only one way forward. There was no time to think of the value of her life. She started this to find answers if she gave up now she would probably die anyway. Kira disrobed and stepped into the warm water.


  They were only five clicks from their target destination. Stark was pleased with the time they were making. They moved like a thief in the night. He knew though there was no time or room to get cocky. Cocky men were dead men. He must remain on target. They paused on a ridge. Across the next valley lay the target hacienda. They would have to secure the perimeter and locate their targets. The mission was in two parts. Locate and identify all parties then take out primary targets in a simultaneous execution. They would have a very small window of time. It would have to be fucking perfect. That was their specialty. No questions. No second guesses. Even a moment’s hesitation could cause the entire mission to fail or get them fucking killed.

  Stark and Sergeant Colin evaluated the topography and calculated the trajectory across the valley in front of them. “Down! … get down…” He ordered quietly as the sounds of a motor approached. The entire team blended into the foliage just as headlights reached them. Each man became one with the trees, grass, and darkness. You could be looking directly at them and see nothing. Bodies completely still. Breathing controlled. Mastery of all body functions was a life and death skill set to this elite group. A skill set that they brought home with them as well. Restraint and control in all things.

  A convoy of jeeps and an old Peruvian military truck roared passed in the direction they were heading. Each man visible in the vehicles was loaded with semi-automatic weapons. They were getting close. By the size of the convoy Stark guessed that the leader of the Shining Path may be onboard. They could take them out now but they would miss the other half of their target. No they would follow orders to the T. That is what they were trained to do. Restraint and control. They watched silently until the tail light disappeared into the distance.

  As the embarked on any mission heavy or light the Ranger Creed was always in the back of their minds. Recognizing that I volunteered as a ranger, fully knowing the hazards of my chosen profession, I will always endeavor to uphold the prestige, honor, and high esprit de corps of my ranger regiment. Stark signaled for the men to move forward. Like a cloak had been removed they emerged from the darkness and were once again on the move. Intel indicated that the next five clicks would be the most difficult taking them through an area riddled with explosives to keep any trespassers out.

  Every step would have to be taken with extreme caution. This was a different world than Afghanistan or Iraq. Here instead of large IEDs planted for convoys, they would encounter snares, small explosives, and dead fall traps. They could not get in a hurry. Though for some reason Stark felt an unusual sense of urgency. He knew better. That type of thinking would get them killed. They had to keep their eyes open for electrical wires, batteries, steel tubes, and springs. Anything that looked like it shouldn’t be there could be a potential device. Clutter was their enemy.

  As they moved along the edge of the dirt road they encountered a group of isolated boxes and containers sitting off to the side. Stark motioned for them to stop, sweep the area and move around. Sergeant Teka located a trip wire. They scanned for additional triggers and moved quietly over and around the traps. Acknowledging the fact that a ranger is a more elite soldier, who arrives at the cutting edge of battle by land, sea, or air, I accept the fact that as a ranger, my country expects me to move further, faster, and fight harder than any other soldier.

  Stark felt more than ever before the need to move quickly. His gut told him to move quickly as if more than just a kill lay ahead of him. He did his best to shake the feeling but the nagging roared like a lion in his head.

  Sergeant Colin motioned to a group of abandoned vehicles and military equipment up ahead partially hidden in the foliage. Stark pointed at two of his men and indicated eyes to the sky. Two others were eyes to the ground. The vehicles may be just a decoy or they may hold explosives and the trigger could be anywhere under their feet. They searched for any signs of trip wires, string, and cables.

  “Stop.” Stark ordered and put his hand up to Sergeant Miller. Sergeant Miller paused his foot an inch over a small patch of disturbed soil. They looked closed and saw a footprint trail to the area that stopped suddenly. Never shall I fail my comrades. I will always keep myself mentally alert,
physically strong, and morally straight, and I will shoulder more than my share of the task, whatever it may be, one hundred percent and then some.

  “Don’t move.” The order came out calm and cold steel. Sergeant Miller had walked right into a trip area. A wire was just behind him and the dirt beneath his foot appeared to contain a small mine. If he set his foot down it would all be over. This was a situation they had trained for still one wrong move would be the difference of life or death. Stark shined his light on the wire and guided Sergeant Miller to step backward over it. A bead of sweat ran down the Sergeants face. Heart racing, Stark guided him with the precision and calm exterior of a surgeon. He eased backward to retrace his steps. One step, inhale, move on the exhale. Gallantly will I show the world that I am a specially selected and well trained soldier. My courtesy to superior officers, neatness of dress, and care of equipment shall set the example for others to follow.

  Once clear of the obstacle they regrouped and started again. The way was slow but deliberate. The more treacherous the path became the closer they were to the final objective. This was not work for the faint of heart. Whatever was required they would meet it readily. Energetically will I meet the enemies of my country. I shall defeat them on the field of battle for I am better trained and will fight with all my might. Surrender is not a ranger word. I will never leave a fallen comrade to fall into the hands of the enemy and under no circumstances will I ever embarrass my country.

  Four clicks to go. Stark urged his team on. Despite his focus his mind kept returning to Kira. Before they left this continent he would have to see her. He didn’t know how, but he would find a way.


  Kira stepped out of the shower. She didn’t think there was enough soap to ever remove the smell of that hood from her memory. That would remain with her indefinitely. The women had laid a large towel on the ornate tile vanity. Kira began drying herself and looking around for her clothes. Shit. Where were her clothes? Kira wondered back into the bedroom cautiously. A pair of plain white pans, a tank top and a large blue drape lay on the bed. What the hell is that? She walked over to the fabric to examine it.


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