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Blessed: A Bad Priest Romance

Page 61

by Alexis Angel

Karen looks stunning; she’s wearing a red mini dress. It emphasizes the right parts of her body. A bit loose around the legs and tight around the breasts. It’s as if they have a life of their own as they bounce up and down as she walks in her heels. Her hair's tied back emphasizing her blue eyes and long neckline.

  Colt’s casual in a white shirt and jeans. They look quite the attractive couple as they walk in, and Karen’s turning heads as she confidently comes to the table.

  "I thought that you guys weren’t coming?"

  I sound like a typical dad checking in on them, and I think about the fact that I chose the restaurant so that we can be on neutral ground and we can talk. Not so that we can start an argument once again. I shake my head at my voice and especially my tone. I really need to calm down.

  "Sorry about that." Karen kisses me on the cheek as I stand up to greet her. I want to wrap my arms around her as I did the other night. But then I remember it was a mistake. I’m not going to get carried away like that ever again. I’m married to her mom, even if we don’t live in the same house.

  "Colt." I shake his hand, and he has a smile on his face as he quickly takes out the chair and then kisses Karen on the cheek.

  Shit, he knows!

  The way he looked at me, and he’s flirting with her; it’s clear that he’s making a point.

  "No worries. I was about to order. You guys weren’t picking up your phones either."

  They both exchange looks and start to laugh. I don’t like this one bit.

  "Karen you look beautiful. Stunning, even."

  "She does, doesn’t she?" Colt winks at her, and anger shoots up my spine.

  What the fuck is wrong with me?

  So damn jealous. I wish that we could change places. I hate the fact that he just took his hand and traced it along her arm.

  Doesn’t she remember the other night?

  About what happened between us?

  Why is she acting as if it meant nothing?

  "Shall we order?" I ask as the two of them blatantly flirt in front of me. I might as well not be here.

  "Actually, I’m going to go to the restroom real quick," Karen says and gets up. Colt stands up partially and I do the same as Karen gets up from the table.

  I’m watching that ass in that dress of hers as it sways back and forth.

  Karen turns her head and looks back at the two of us. She smiles mischievously and wiggles her ass very subtly – so that we’re the only two that catch it.


  The two of us sit back down and I look over at my stepson.

  It’s as if Colt’s woken up from a dream as he smiles at me, "Sorry about the other day, man. I think that if you need help with the business, then we should try and help you out."


  They've been spending more time together, which should make me happy that I’ll no longer be tempted to go to her room. Or feel her skin against mine, and as for that sweet pussy of hers… Shit, she was crying out like a baby; it was wet as soon as I touched it. It’s like a magnet; the closer you get, the harder it pulls you in. I think about that night and then I smile as I think about her pussy. She’s not just hot from the waist upward.

  "Yes, Karen and I."

  He nods in the direction she was sitting, and looks at me with a smile. It shouldn’t bug me, but it does.

  He’s fucked her. Multiple times.

  That’s when I fucking lose it.

  "What, you decided this when you were fucking or something?" I ask with gritted teeth.

  Shit, maybe the wine’s got to me. I was sitting here sipping on it like a jilted groom before they turned up.

  "Whoa there, Daniel, why the hostility?" Colt asks with a smirk. It’s obvious he’s been trying to push my buttons. "The other night…"

  But I’m done.

  I’m done being made a fool of. In my own fucking house.

  "Now you listen to me, you stupid little shit," I begin but Colt is already cutting me off.

  "You talk to me like that one more time and I will knock the fucking shit out of you, old man," he hisses. "I don’t care if you’re my Dad or not."

  "You’re lucky that I’m not your father because you’d be out on the fucking street if I had an ungrateful son like you," I say, my voice growing louder.

  "Well we’re almost on the street now, aren’t we because you’re so fucking bad with money?" Colt asks, this time his voice loud enough that people around us are turning to look. "Shit man. You need to calm the fuck down. This isn’t even about the money, is it? It’s about Karen."

  "Not everything is about her," I say, my fists balling as I sit there.

  "You’re just pissed because I’m fucking her night and day," he says, leaning over to me. "Oh yeah, we fucked before we got here. She’s probably going to the bathroom to wipe off my cum that’s dripping out of her. She’s probably using her fingers to scoop it out and lick it clean."

  I start to see red.

  But I start to get hard.

  "So don’t try to fuck with me, old man," Colt tells me. "You’re 39. I’m 22. I got way more than you."

  "I don’t need to fuck with you, Colt," I say to him. "I just need to exercise my right as a executor of the trust and you’ll see what little power you have."

  "Don’t you fucking dare," Colt seethes. "Don’t you go decide on your own."

  "Or what, Colt? You’re going to punch me?"

  He shakes his head, "Nah man. I’ll just tell you all about how I fuck Karen and fuck with your head even more."

  I don’t know why I say it. But I do.

  "I’ve already been there, Colt," I tell him. "I fucked your sister. And she was good. And all that cum you think she’s licking out of her puss? She did it all with me. First."

  The waitress comes over and hesitates for a minute. It’s clear that I’m making a scene.

  That’s when Colt punches me.

  I’m not surprised.

  I take it on the chin.

  And I punch back hard.

  At his fucking nose.

  I hear bones crunching – I don’t know if it’s him or me.

  But in a moment, we’re tumbling on the ground. Our chairs are knocked over. Our table has shattered.

  "What the fuck are you guys doing!" a voice yells and I can tell its Karen.

  I look up.

  She’s looking at us in shock.

  "Colt! Daniel!" she yells to us. But Colt is getting off of me, as I give him a shove.

  We could both keep hitting each other a bit longer. Take out some of the stress.

  But we don’t have the option to.

  "You both need to leave," the hostess is glaring at me. Her eyes are angry. I guess she doesn’t want to fuck me anymore. "Now."

  Karen has already turned her back to us and begun exiting the restaurant.

  Two men in suits – security – come and escort us from the restaurant.

  My jaw aches, and it’s obvious I’ve made things worse.

  But somehow I still feel alive.

  The old Daniel is back. Daniel Morgan has reawakened baby.

  You better watch out.


  I’m roaming the streets like a madman, trying to figure out where Karen went. She just walked out on us at the restaurant. With Daniel finally being true to his asshole colors its no surprise she had to get out of there. But she could've called me.

  I don't get it because her car’s still parked in the same spot. I keep going around the block, trying to figure out if she was in a nearby bar or something. I don't know where she could've gone. Her phone is off one minute and then on the next. She doesn’t pick up the phone, but her line is busy and I have visions of her speaking to him.


  Maybe she left the restaurant because she regretted being with me. But no, the guy’s a jerk; first he asked us to meet him and when we did, he starts taking personal jabs at us, practically calling Karen a whore. He never said it in so many words, but it was clear what he was
getting at.

  What was his problem?

  Fuck, I don’t know what my mom ever saw in the man. No wonder Clara turned to drugs; all this time I thought that she was the issue, it’s now clear that Daniel’s got issues. Big ones. I decide to stop in a bar. It’s clear that Karen doesn’t want anything to do with me. She was probably talking to Daniel earlier and for all I know, they’ve hooked up.

  What an idiot.

  All this time, I thought that she was into me. She’s proved me wrong, yet again. As I open the door to the quiet bar, all eyes are on me. The bartender doesn’t even ask me what I’m drinking before I have company by my side. "Hey sexy!" a red-haired beauty says as she stands next to me at the bar. She’s wearing hot pants and her ass is out ready for me to pinch or rub.

  I fake a smile, "Hey yourself."

  I don’t feel like talking after Karen left me at the restaurant and I couldn’t find her. Daniel shouldn’t have behaved like that, especially with Karen. I’m not sure why I reacted like I did, but Daniel was winding me up because he was acting like a jealous lover. Not a dad. Karen’s young enough to be his daughter, and he’s acting as if they should be lovers.

  She can’t blame me for his behavior, but then again this shit was all messed up. I’m her stepbrother, and he’s her stepdad.

  "What’s your poison?" I ask.

  I need someone to help me forget Karen. She’s my stepsister. The last few days were magical, but they were a fantasy. One that this redhead may be able to help get out of my mind.

  "A cosmopolitan," she purrs as she comes closer toward me. She’s no way as meaty as Karen in the tits department, but she’s got booty. Maybe that’s why her chest is covered and her butt’s practically falling out of her shorts.


  She’s probably ordered the most expensive drink on the menu. I’m not even sure if this place does cosmos. It’s sporting an older crowd. The type that gets away from tourists and people.

  There are a couple of TVs showing sports—one’s showing the basketball game and the other the latest football game. There are a couple of guys who look as if they’re happy to get settled for the night. They’re not talking, they’re just sitting back in the sofa chairs and sipping on their beers.

  There’s nothing fancy in this place; they have wooden tables and chairs. It’s all mahogany and kind of basic, yet it feels as if it’s the right place to be.

  "You’re new here, aren’t you?"

  Her face is so close to mine that one turn and her tongue will be instantly fucking my mouth. There’s no doubt that she’s after something tonight and it’s not a free drink.

  I manage to get the bartender’s attention and order the drink, "Cosmopolitan and a couple of tequila shots."

  She laughs, "Someone’s on a mission."

  I’m about to say something; she has no idea what kind of mission I’m on. It’s not just about drinking, it’s about making her so wet that she’ll be able to fill the shot glasses herself. The bartender nods and then he says to her, "Cherry I told you to stop getting customers to buy you drinks."

  That’s when I notice what’s going on here. "Do you work here?"

  She nods, "Just finished my shift. Why?"

  Damn, so she works here and then after she finishes, she gets suckers like me to buy her drinks.

  "Well, we could just get out of here. My place isn’t far." she nods toward the door. As soon as I finish the drink, that’s what I intend to do. I need to forget Karen, even if it means sleeping with someone for the night.

  Anyone who isn’t Karen.

  "That sounds like a plan."

  She smiles as if she’s won the lottery. I order a couple more shots; it’s the only way that I’m going to forget about Karen. This red-haired beauty looks nothing like Karen; she’s older, and more sophisticated. Besides, Karen’s most likely with Daniel, I reason, otherwise why would her car still be in the same spot? She’s probably driven him home because he was too drunk to do it himself.

  Karen’s not even worth thinking about, I decide, after I look at my phone and after all the messages and calls I made to her when she bailed out of the restaurant. She hasn’t even bothered to call back. So, why does it bother me so much? I know that after a few more shots I seriously won’t give a fuck.

  "Have another shot, pretty boy," Cherry says to me, and a shot glass sets down with amber liquid being poured in.

  I pick it up and am about to drink it.

  When I think of the next one.

  The shot will hit me good.

  The next one after that will make looser and freer.

  Cherry’s hands are already on my thigh. I know in two more drinks they’ll be in my pants.

  I’ll go home with her.

  Fuck her.

  Make her cum. Hard.

  And that’ll be it with Karen.

  Daniel? I don’t know what’s going on there. But Karen will definitely be gone for good if I go down this path.

  I might be mad at her now. But I’m not ready to throw it all away. Not yet.

  I put the glass down back on the bar.

  "I gotta go," I tell a disappointed looking Cherry and I get up.

  "You sure?" she asks me, clearly upset. I nod.

  In a few minutes, I’ve left.

  I need to find Karen. I need to be with her.


  This whole thing is crazy. I don’t even get what the fuck happened in Mama Mia’s.

  Don’t look at me like that, okay? I’m telling you the truth I don’t know what’s going on.

  Yes, if you need to know, I’ve been spending time with Colt. We’ve been fooling around a bit, which was why we didn’t even make it to the restaurant on time.

  But on the other hand, Daniel’s acting as if he owns me and I hate it. Both he and Colt, actually, are trying to own me.

  Daniel doesn’t own me. Colt doesn’t own me. No one does.

  I still don’t understand though why Daniel cares so much to make such a big fucking deal. Shit, he’s not even bothered about me. If he was, then why not talk to me after that night. Ever since we spent that amazing night together, he’s been avoiding me like the plague. It’s a good thing that Colt’s been around to keep me company, otherwise I really would be in New York right now.

  I hate Daniel, because he made me feel cheap. I don’t deserve that. Now that I’ve been with Colt, Daniel wants to act like the jealous boyfriend. No wonder Mom left him. He’s the type of guy that doesn’t know what he wants and likes to play games. Now I see why he’s changed his image so much and why he snuck out that night after he nearly fucked my brains out.

  I decide that staying at the house isn’t a good idea. I pick up my phone in tears, "Sandra it’s me."

  I need to get the fuck out of here. At this rate, I’ll have a shit summer, and then go back to Harvard even more stressed than I am already. I don’t need or deserve it.

  "What’s up? You sound like you’re not happy."

  I sniffle and try and control my breathing and what I need to say, "Please can you help me? I’m going to go back home. I did a terrible thing."


  And it hits me. Right then.

  This whole thing is my fault.

  "I’m the reason they’re fighting," I say into the phone. "I should have never slept with either of them."

  "Karen, stop. Not only are you scaring me, but you’re rambling, which means that it’s been pretty bad. Just tell me what you need."

  "I just need a place to crash, and a friend’s shoulder to cry on," I tell her. "Can I drive over to you?"

  "You got it. But please, don’t drive from California in your condition, babe," she tells me. "I’m going to look online and book you a flight. I just don’t want you on the road in your condition."

  I take a few deep breaths and try and calm down. I need to tell her what’s going on, but before I can even say another word, she says, "Calm down. I’ll get you a flight for the morning. Doubt I’ll get
anything now. Will you be okay to stay on your own till the morning?"

  I tell her yes; I can leave my car at the house. There are so many things going in and out of my head right now that I can’t even think straight.

  "I’ll get my things. I’ll call you when I get to the hotel."

  "You do that. And I’ll book the flights. Just one thing."


  "You’re not a bad person. Don’t you ever think that okay?" Easy for her to say; she doesn’t know that not only did I sleep with my stepdad, but with my stepbrother too. That I pretty much seduced them. I shake my head about the fact that I’ve crossed a line. One that I can’t go back on, and I don’t even know why or how it happened. If I panic any more, then she’ll worry. Something that I don’t want her to do. I’m getting out of here, that’s all that matters now.


  "Good, see you soon."

  I hang up the phone feeling relieved that at least I’m getting out of here. I don’t know what’s worse: the fact that I slept with them both or the way that Daniel made me feel when it was clear that I’d been with Colt.

  I sit down on a park bench and try to calm down. I can’t drive in my condition, and I watch as others walk by, getting ready to enjoy Friday night. The same way that I would under any other circumstances. Not tonight. I know that I will be in New York soon and then I would party. For now, I hope that Colt went home and realized that I wasn’t there and left to go wherever he had been for the last few days.

  And as for Daniel Morgan…my stepfather is good at disappearing. I hope that he can do that for one night. That’s the least he could do after the way he behaved tonight. I feel like shit, not because he slept with me, but because I always thought of him as being the gentleman and Colt being the jerk. Now I know that it was the other way around. I wish that I had never slept with Daniel in the first place.


  Instead of going back to the house, I curl up in the fetal position and go to sleep. I’ve never done something like this before. I had two choices: to go to a hotel wearing a dress like this with no luggage or stay in the house one night. I didn’t feel like doing either of them. Going to a hotel would probably mean that the staff would think that I’m some kind of hooker or something. But really, at this point, I have two words. Fuck off.


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