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Moving to You (Rolling Thunder Book 5)

Page 17

by Pj Fiala

  She glanced at JT and Dakota, who’d stopped crying and was intently listening. “Dad. Did you shoot Duncan?” Her voice cracked when she said it, the stupid tears threatening once again.

  “No.” Taking some deep breaths, he went on, “Idiots working for me did. I didn’t tell them to.” He looked into her eyes. “I’m sorry.”

  She softly cried, the tears flowing freely. She swiped at them as they fell, her head dipped low and her hair falling forward. JT listened quietly, not sure what—if anything—he should say.

  “Kota, honey, give me a hug,” Oakes said.

  Dakota leaned forward and JT softly set her on the bed next to Oakes. She crawled up the side of the bed and laid down with her hand over his heart. The sight caused Kayden to cry harder. JT walked around the bed and pulled her into his arms, cradling her head on his shoulder and rubbing her back. He quietly rocked her back and forth, telling her it’d be all right.

  The heart monitor beeped a solid beep, the line straight across the screen. Kayden raised her head and looked at her father’s eyes, slightly open but not seeing. JT walked around the bed and pulled Dakota into his arms, returning to Kayden as nurses and Dr. Tish ran into the room, checking for a pulse or heartbeat. Dr. Tish spoke loudly over the voices, “He has a DNR order on file.” The nurses continued checking monitors, one opened up a laptop and began typing quickly into her medical software. Once they did all they were allowed to do, Dr. Tish called the time of death at nine seventeen a.m.

  Kayden and Dakota stood against the far wall with JT, watching the commotion and crying. JT’s eyes welled with tears and he did his best to comfort his two women.


  Dr. Tish let them sit in the room with Oakes until the funeral home came to retrieve him. Kayden had never been in this situation before and she tried her best to explain things to Dakota. Dakota was a little girl with a thousand questions and when Kayden just couldn’t answer any more of them, JT stepped right up and helped out. After the funeral home left with Oakes, JT called his dad and was told to bring them up to the house. The dinner they had planned to celebrate JT’s big win was still on. The food had been purchased and after the shooting yesterday, no one was interested in going to Sturgis and felt like hanging out at the house. Since the bar would be closed, out of respect for Oakes, the house was the logical place for them all to be.

  Entering the house around noon, the smell of cake baking in the oven wafted downstairs, and Dakota announced, “I smell cake.”

  Joci heard her exclamation and called down, “Come on up, Dakota; you can help us decorate cookies.”

  She ran to the stairs and made her way up as fast as her little legs could go. Kayden chuckled for the first time since the hospital. JT pulled her into his arms and kissed the top of her head. “I’m so sorry, baby. I’m here for you. You know that, right?”

  She pulled back and looked into his sincere eyes. “I do know that and thank you.”

  Kayden pulled away and tucked her hands into the front pockets of her jeans. “I have to call my aunts about Dad. Do you mind if I use the bedroom?”

  “Of course I don’t mind. Do what you need to do. Let me know when you’re ready to go to the funeral home to finalize arrangements. My mom and sisters will watch Dakota.”

  “Are you sure?”

  He chuckled. “Hear the giggling up there?” They both trained their ears toward the kitchen at the top of the stairs. Dakota was laughing right along with the women as they decorated cookies and must have been making funny faces based on the conversation. “She’ll be fine here, and I’ll drive you so you can just relax and get your head around things.”

  “Okay. Thank you.” She walked into the bedroom and closed the door, not sure who to call first. Her aunt Celia was Oakes’ sister and the obvious first call. Her mom’s sister, Joan, would be next, and then she’d need to call Payton and explain her father’s part in Duncan being shot.

  JT walked outside and bullshitted with the guys as they dragged wood that had fallen to the ground onto the platform built for firewood. They chopped it into manageable chunks and stacked it for later to build a fire.

  After spending some time with Chase and Frog and his brothers, JT wandered to the upper deck of the house and leaned his shoulder against a post holding the roof over the deck. He watched the rock formation across the road where they’d seen the mountain lion the first night they were here. He’d love to see it before they left, but time was closing in on them now. If he looked down and to the left, he could see the guys setting up a game of bean bag toss and laughing. He wished his mood was as light.

  Joci walked out of the front door and leaned on the railing next to him. “It sure is beautiful here, isn’t it?”

  Taking a deep breath, he nodded. “Yeah. It’s gorgeous.” He crossed his arms and continued to scan the hills.

  Joci took a deep breath and slowly exhaled. “Are you staying, JT?”

  His jaw tensed and released and he slowly flexed his shoulders. “I don’t know, Mom.”

  She nodded her head. “Have you asked her to come back with you?”

  He leaned on the rail next to her. “I offered it up as a suggestion that she could come and live with me.”

  She tucked fallen strands of hair behind her ear and looked at her hands folded in front of her, hanging over the rail. “Maybe you should ask.”

  He nodded. “Maybe.”


  The day flew by in a blur. They’d made a trip to the funeral home to make the funeral arrangements. A trip to the police station after they had called and had a few more questions. A trip to the hospital to visit Payton and Duncan. A trip home to grab some clothes for Dakota and herself because JT talked her into staying at the house so they could light off fireworks. Dakota could use the fun and distraction; the next few days would be difficult.

  Descending the steps from her apartment, JT turned Kayden around to face him and pressed his lips to hers. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled herself up his body, wrapping her legs around his waist. He walked to the front of her Jeep and pressed her up against it. Her kiss became more insistent, her brain snapping on all cylinders as his scent enveloped her, his warmth and strength felt more like home than the home she was in right now. She pulled back and looked into his eyes, surprised at this thought and yet so confident and sure.

  “The first time we made out was up against this Jeep. I’ve thought about it many times since then.” His voice was gruff.

  “I have, too.” She was breathless with the realization that she wanted to be with him forever flooding her.

  He unbuttoned and zipped her shorts and pulled them from her hips. Her panties followed closely behind. He lifted her onto the hood of the Jeep and looked into her eyes as he slowly spread her legs open. He smiled at her and it was devastating—her nerves were raw from the events of the past couple of days, but she needed him. He looked at her pussy and slowly circled his finger around the opening.

  “I haven’t properly tasted you, Kayden. Everything else about you is imprinted on my brain, but not your taste.”

  He leaned forward and licked her from bottom to top, swirling his tongue around her clit, then pulling it into his mouth, flicking his tongue over the sensitive bud. She moaned and pushed herself into him.

  Reaching forward, she pulled the hair band from his hair and dug her hands into it. The thick lushness of it soothed her soul. He continued licking and sucking her until she moaned uncontrollably. He slid a finger into her channel and covered her with his mouth, drawing her in deeply until she quivered and exploded.

  She laid back on the hood of her Jeep as JT continued to softly run his tongue into her wetness and swirling it around her clit. When her strength returned, she slowly sat up, and placed her hands on either side of his face, pulling him up to her. She kissed his moist lips, nipping and loving the feel of them against hers.

  He grabbed her around the waist and pulled her from the hood, setting her feet on the gar
age floor. She immediately unbuttoned and unzipped his jeans and pushed them down his hips. He smiled at her and lifted her leg over his arm and pushed himself into her moist channel, seating himself fully inside her. The air whooshed from her lungs as she felt filled completely by him. Hearing his groans excited her. Her heartbeat increased and she felt light-headed.

  He bent his knees and thrust up into her again and again, and she hung on to his shoulders, threw her head back and allowed herself to be consumed by him. His scent, his strength, his power—just him.

  Driving back to the house, JT’s cell phone buzzed. He pulled it from his back pocket and furrowed his brow. Tapping the answer icon, he said, “JT.”

  “Hi, JT. This is Richard from the Build-Off. I’m sorry I haven’t called before now, we’ve been inundated with police interviews and the press hovering around trying to spin the story their way. Anyway, your bike will be released tomorrow from impound and I need to arrange a time to meet with you for pick up.”

  “Okay, I was actually going to call you and find out exactly that. What works for you?”

  “Let’s plan on eleven o’clock. And the news I’m sure you’ve been waiting for, JT. You are first runner-up, JT, and that’s a fabulous honor. You’ll be receiving a check from me for five thousand dollars and I’ll give you that tomorrow.”

  Swallowing, he said, “Wow, that is an honor and thank you.” He kept his voice even, trying to tamp down the disappointment.

  “You deserve it and sorry again how it all worked out. See you tomorrow.”

  “Yeah. Thanks, Richard.”

  He tapped the end call icon and glanced at Kayden.

  “Everything okay? That sounded like a good call.”

  He pulled the Jeep over to the side of the road. He leaned his forearm on the steering wheel and looked into her eyes. “I came in second, Kayd. The Build-Off. I didn’t win.”

  She wrapped her arms around his neck and hugged him tightly. She peppered his face with kisses and the tears sped down her cheeks like a bike running the racetrack.

  “Oh, JT, I’m so proud of you. Top three of all of those bikes. In the whole country. First runner-up is fabulous.” She devoured his mouth, and held him as close as she could with a console between them. When she pulled away, she swiped at the tears and the smile she shined on him brightened his whole world.

  He took her hands in his and kissed her fingers. “Thank you for making me feel better. I’m honestly honored. I’d just hoped for the top spot; you know?”

  She smiled at him and softly said, “I know. But you have to admit that your first time, this is more than most would ever dream of.”


  Entering the house hand in hand, it felt good walking into this house. Now they were all guests as the police would be confiscating this house as soon as the Sheppards left. They’d allowed them the privilege to stay just a few more nights.

  The sadness and anger still inside were set aside to allow her to think of the future. Tomorrow would be time enough to grieve the father she thought she knew, not the drug dealer she’d been living with. She was determined to live without anger toward her father, though she knew it would take some time to get there. Disappointment wasn’t a strong enough word for what she felt.

  Joci called down the stairs, “Supper is almost ready; come on up when you can.”

  JT set the suitcase Kayden had thrown together into the bedroom and pulled her close and kissed her lips. “Let’s go tell them about the Build-Off.”

  The closer they came to the top of the steps the louder the chatter became, Dakota’s little voice right along with the others. She’d blended nicely with everyone. Entering the empty kitchen, they turned the corner to the dining room to see it filled with Sheppards, employees, and food. Dakota jumped out from behind Emma, a huge smile on her face. “I got new boots.”

  There she stood, bright smile on her face, yellow t-shirt, denim shorts and the cutest little biker boots she’d ever seen. “I match Molly and Emma now.”

  Kayden glanced at Dakota’s new idols and saw they were wearing denim shorts and biker boots as well. She laughed and squatted down to hug the lively little bundle she loved more than her own life. “You look fantastic. Where did you get them?”

  “We went shopping today.” Dakota glanced back at Emma. “We tore it up.” She giggled and glanced back at her new friends.

  Kayden chuckled and looked at Emma and Molly. “Thank you for keeping her busy today and for her boots. I’m happy to pay you back for them.”

  Joci spoke up. “It was our pleasure, and my gift to Dakota.” Leaning forward, she whispered, “Jeremiah hasn’t seen the bill yet.” The smile on her face was priceless.

  JT cleared his throat. “We have an announcement.”

  The room grew quiet, expectations high. “I didn’t win the Build-Off. I’m first runner-up.”

  Woots and clapping sounded around the room. Dog pulled JT in for a hug and said, “That’s simply fantastic son. You’ve accomplished so much.” His brothers and future sisters hugged and congratulated him as if he’d taken first place. At times when she let herself dream about a better life, this scene would pop in her head and she’d push it right back out, afraid to dream of something so good.

  The evening passed and JT found himself smiling so much his cheeks actually hurt. As much as he’d dreamed of the Build-Off leading up to it, his family and Kayden had made him feel as if he’d won.

  The dishes were cleared and they pulled blankets from the house and spread them out on the lawn to watch the fireworks display. When the first one went off, Dakota clapped her hands and squealed in delight. Frog and Chase had been talking about their fireworks chutes for months. They’d been building them, practicing and perfecting them. This was their show and it was turning out to be a pretty damn good one at that. JT glanced over to see Dakota sitting in Kayden’s lap, the smiles on both of their faces breathtaking. The colorful flashes of light illuminated their faces with colors, creating glowing effects on their cheeks and in their eyes.

  This was the perfect culmination to the horrible beginning of today. He had been pissed at Oakes for his misdeeds, but he understood the passion and need behind it to make sure these beautiful ladies were taken care of. That would be his job now; but he’d do it with hard work and love.


  Kayden finished pulling her hair up into a messy bun; the older black dress she’d pushed to the back of her closet would have to do for her dad’s funeral. It still fit; that was a blessing. She slipped on her black pumps and left the bedroom in search of Dakota and JT.

  The past two days had been both extremes—joyful and sad. The police found another cave on the property the big house sat on, and it was filled with bricks of marijuana. He’d been the mastermind behind the growing operation and they’d found stashes of cash all over the bar—in the ceiling tiles, the freezer, his apartment, the caves and in his motorhome. It was mind-boggling how he’d amassed so much money in a relatively short time. The police figured two years based on the information they’d gotten from some of the buyers they’d rounded up.

  The big house the Sheppards were staying in and the five acres it was on were now the property of the federal government. The bar, fortunately, had been purchased years ago, so she just had to find a buyer for it. She’d work on that after the funeral.

  She strode into the living room and found JT standing in front of the sofa, staring out the window at her dad’s garage. He turned and whistled when he saw her. Giving her the once-over created tingling everywhere his eyes focused. He held out his arms to her and she willingly stepped into his embrace.

  “You look beautiful, Angel.” He breathed in her hair and she closed her eyes. “You always do.”

  She splayed her fingers across his back and thrilled at the definition of muscle under her fingers. The short sleeved black button up shirt he’d purchased in town for the funeral, while not his usual attire, was very sexy on him.

a handsome man, Mr. Sheppard.”

  “I’m ready.” Dakota walked into the living room, wearing a white cotton dress Kayden had purchased for her earlier in the summer and her black biker boots. She carried the red cowboy boots from her grandpa in her hand.

  “What are you doing with those?” Kayden asked.

  “I’m going to give them back to Grandpa. I’m a biker babe now.”

  Kayden kneeled down and looked into Dakota’s sincere blue eyes. “Kota, you might want to wear them again, and Grandpa bought those for you.”

  She shrugged. “I know, but he bought them with drugger money and you had to give the house away because of that, so I should give my boots away.”

  JT swallowed and kneeled down next to them. “Kota, you don’t have to do that. It’s okay.”

  Dakota looked deep into JT’s eyes. “It’s okay. Every time I look at them now I think they’re bad and I don’t want to wear them anymore.” Kayden was stunned at the maturity in the voice of such a small little gal.

  Kayden looked into JT’s eyes and saw the sadness in them that this little girl’s favorite pair of boots were now tainted by the actions of her grandfather.

  JT stood and took the boots from Dakota. “Okay, how about if I carry them for you?”


  “I’d like to have a little talk.”

  He took Dakota’s hand in his and said to her as he walked to the sofa, “I want to talk to you and your Mom about something.”

  She climbed up onto the sofa next to him, her little ankles crossed, and he chuckled. Looking up at Kayden, he held his hand out, beckoning her to him. She walked over and sat on the knee he patted, encircling his arm around her backside.

  He looked into Kayden’s eyes for a few seconds, admiring the greens and browns that blended so beautifully together.


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