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[Bellevue Bullies 01.0] Boarded by Love

Page 19

by Toni Aleo

  Holding on to the pole, I spin myself around as I wait, but I don’t get all the way around before the door opens and in piles my adopted family. Rushing to Harper, I hug her tightly as she kisses my cheek. She helped raise me when Phillip would travel for hockey and I love her for it. She’s Reese’s older sister and treats me like I’m hers. When Elli Adler grabs me, I just relax against her. Her arms have always been home to me. Even being the owner of the Nashville Assassins doesn’t keep her from coming to all my events and sending me loving texts. She has been a constant presence in my life, and it’s refreshing having her in it. I hug Fallon Brooks and Audrey Odder next. They are sisters, and while I love them, I’m not as close to them as I am to Harper, Elli, and Piper. They trust me enough to watch their kids when they need me to, so that has to mean something. When Piper snags me, I grin as I hug her tightly before bending down to kiss her belly.

  “So, tell me what it is,” I demand, but she shakes her head. Unlike her twin sister, she’s the light version to Reese’s dark. They have the same face, but she’s more petite, with blue eyes and light brown hair, while Reese is tall with brown eyes and hair. She’s so beautiful pregnant, and I wish she wouldn’t have waited as long as she has to have another one. Dimitri, her son, is probably my favorite kid in the whole wide world. I am beyond excited for this little baby. Sometimes I wish Reese and Phillip would have kids, but I know that won’t happen. Reese doesn’t want kids and has repeatedly said I’m enough.

  “No, not telling. It’s a surprise.” Piper grins, rubbing her belly affectionately.

  “Tease.” I glare playfully, a grin pulling at my lips as I hold her little belly in my hands. She isn’t showing much, but I know it’s in there.

  She smiles, but then her brows come together and she eyes me slowly. “Something is different about you.”

  “You losing weight?” Harper asks and then Elli nods.

  “I was gonna ask the same. You look thin, Claire. Make sure you eat. I know it’s stressful with school, but you have to eat.”

  I roll my eyes, dropping my hands from Piper’s belly. “I’m eating guys, I promise.”

  “It’s her glow that’s throwing you guys off,” Reese says, wrapping her arm around my waist. “She’s dating.”

  All of them grin and make little noises of delight as I glare up at Reese. “Thanks.”

  “Anytime,” she says with a wink.

  “Who is he?” Harper asks.

  “How old is he?” Audrey asks next.

  “Is he hot?” Fallon asks with a wag of her eyebrows.

  “Does he treat you right?” Piper asks.

  “Does he play hockey?” Elli asks and I shake my head, even though I knew this was going to happen.

  “His name is Jude, he’s twenty, he’s hot, he treats me like a princess, and, yes, he plays hockey,” I answer, and they all seem pleased.

  “As long as he plays hockey, he’s good for ya,” Elli says with a wink before standing by her pole and kicking off her shoes.

  “You know there is more to life than hockey? Right?” Audrey asks her, but Elli shakes her head.

  “No, hockey is life, and a guy who plays hockey is the best kind of guy. Hockey players are the best, in my opinion, and all of you agree ’cause y’all are all with one,” she says with a grin and I laugh.

  “She’s right. Hockey players are hot,” Reese says and then takes her shirt off.

  I agree completely, especially after seeing Jude kill the ice, but I don’t say that because I notice my aunt has a gut. Something she doesn’t have unless she stress eats, which happens a lot when Phillip is gone. Poking her in the stomach, I ask, “Stress eating before the wedding?”

  Glaring at me, she pulls back and smacks my arm, hard. “Shut up, I am not.”

  “Ow!” I complain, holding my arm where it stings.

  “You are looking pudgy, Reese, but I mean that with all the love in the world,” Elli says when Reese sends her a dark look.

  “I don’t. You’re getting fat. What’s wrong with you? It’s a wedding that you wanted, remember?” Harper says, always the blunt one out of the bunch.

  “You did,” Piper says. “I was there when you told Phillip that y’all are getting married as soon as possible.”

  Reese reaches for her shirt and throws it back on. “Screw you guys,” she mumbles as she goes by her pole.

  “I mean, you’re still so hot,” I say, feeling bad, but then she looks at me, fighting a grin, and I know she isn’t mad.

  “Don’t suck up to me now.”

  I laugh along with everyone else and then walk to the stereo. I’m not a fan of the sound quality in this room, but Reese guarantees me that she’s getting that fixed before we start real classes. The room used to be Reese’s old apartment, but we turned it into a studio. I used to do solos up here, but now we’ve turned it into the “Get Sexy” room.

  Turning around, I look at everyone and smile. All of them so different but the same. They are all extremely successful women and are all so beautiful, but each one of them is her own person. I love these women. They are my people – my family, my foundation – and I am thankful for that. As I stand here, I can’t help but think what Reese said is true. I want to believe her, know that I don’t need the security of money when I have all this love, but it’s so hard to do. It’s like I’m programmed to make sure I have a security blanket, and maybe it’s smart but dumb at the same time because at any second, I could lose two people I care for. Phillip could turn his back on me like he did my mother and his sister and so could Jude.

  I need to be honest.

  Not now, but soon.

  Right now I have a job to do.

  Taking in a deep breath, I look out at my dancers and smile. “So does everyone remember the dance?”

  A few shrugs and shy looks from everyone except for Reese. She nods with confidence as Piper says, “I know it, but I think I’m gonna look dumb with this big ol’ gut!”

  “Never! You aren’t even that big!” I say with a shake of my head. “It’s about being sexy, hot, just move with the confidence that you are the sexiest chick in the world and Erik is sitting in front of you, drooling.”

  “It works. I actually did this for Phillip before,” Reese adds.

  I make a sound of distress as a look of horror comes over my face. “Reese! Niece here!”

  She laughs and waves me off. “Again, I know you’re having sex, so hush.”

  I stick my tongue out at her and then say, “Okay, I’m gonna do it, and y’all just follow along on the first part, and then we’ll work on the middle together.”

  I push play to Beyoncé’s “Drunk in Love,” filling the studio with the sexy, erotic beat, and then I’m off. I move up and down the pole, moving my body like I want a hundred-buck tip. The older guys are good for those. Holding on to the pole, I move my hips against it and drop to the ground, legs open before going back up. It’s a very easy routine. I’m not trying to hurt anybody, and while I know the ladies are getting a great workout, I want it to make them feel like they are sexy as hell. When I reach the end of what we’ve rehearsed before, I hit pause and then turn to look at everyone.


  Elli raises her hand and says, “I didn’t do anything ’cause like always, I’m distracted at how good you are at this! It’s insane! Y’all are gonna make a killing with this class. It’s only been a month, and I want a pole. I bet Shea will love that!”

  Everyone laughs and I just smile.

  I am good at this.

  Now I just hope that the two people I care most for will believe in me.

  After a great class, I take a quick shower in Reese’s old bathroom and then quickly get ready. I only have forty minutes to get ready, and to my surprise, I manage to make it on time. Wearing my favorite red skirt and black-and-white striped shirt, I top off the outfit with a pair of nude high heels that I stole from Reese and pull my hair in a high, messy bun since my hair is still a tad bit wet. I hope that M
rs. Sinclair likes how I look, but most all of all, I hope it makes Jude drool a bit. Packing my bag, I make sure I have everything because after we get back to Jude’s, I have to go straight to the club for my shift tonight. Since I have asked for almost every weekend off, Ms. Prissy is making me work a lot of weeknights. Some would think that isn’t good money, but it’s surprising how many business guys come in after a long night at work and will drop a grand at a time on someone they like.

  Heading downstairs, I step out and find that Reese and everyone haven’t left yet. They are standing in a circle talking, and my heart immediately speeds up.

  They are going to see Jude. And probably talk to him.

  Fuck. Me.

  Glancing at the clock, I see that I have three minutes to get rid of them.

  “Aw, Claire, you look gorgeous,” Elli says, and I smile.

  “Thanks, why aren’t you guys gone yet?”

  Reese laughs as she snakes her arm around me. “We were waiting for Jude to get here.”

  “For the love of God,” I mutter, and right on time, I hear the roar of Jude’s bike and then see him as he pulls up next to Elli’s SUV.

  Shit, shit, shit.

  Standing, he pulls off his helmet, brushing his hair out of his face and then he grins up at us.

  “Sweet baby Jesus,” Piper mutters.

  “Good job, Claire,” Audrey says.

  “Really good job,” Fallon adds.

  “Well, hot damn,” Harper laughs. “Claire got herself a hottie, huh?”

  “If I were ten years younger and not married to the hottest man in the world, I would be hollering for sure,” Elli says, and all I can do is turn beet red because I know Jude hears them.

  “Ooooo, Phillip is going to hate him even more now. That motorcycle is trouble,” Reese mutters as Jude heads toward us, looking confident as always and so freaking hot.

  His eyes are locked on me and I freaking love that, but I know what Reese says is true. Phillip is going to hate every single thing about Jude.

  The only problem is…I don’t care.

  Chapter 24


  Man, Claire looks hot.

  Even with the eyes of five beautiful ladies on me, I can’t take my eyes off her. She’s stunning, and I can’t believe that I’m lucky enough to have her waiting for me. Placing my helmet down next to hers, I head toward her, my eyes locked with hers. She’s all polished and glossed up, looking spectacular in a skirt that shows off those great legs she has. The same legs I want wrapped around my waist, and you better believe I’m counting down the seconds until that moment.

  Don’t get me wrong, I love being with this girl, and I know this is not solely about sex, but I’m really going to love it when I can bury myself deep inside her without any rules or restrictions. The last six days have wreaked havoc on my control. Ever since I watched her come undone without me doing anything to her but watching, I’m constantly thinking of doing just that to her. I want the chance to make her come, to make her whisper or scream my name, but most of all I want to hear her say she loves me.

  It’s crazy, but I think I love her.

  The last six days I’ve been immersed in her. I’ve learned everything and enjoyed every second of it. I don’t get bored with her. I don’t wish I was anywhere else; I just want to be with her. I never thought I could miss someone every second of the day, but with her, I do. I miss her constantly and wonder what she’s doing at all times. I keep my phone close just in the hope she’ll text me. I’ve become one of those pathetic guys who live and breathe their girl, and I have no fucking problem with it.

  I just want to hear those three words.

  I need to hear them. I just don’t want to rush things, but every time she locks me in that intense, lusty gaze of hers, I feel like I’m losing my balance and falling hard against the ice. She knocks me on my ass every time, and I can’t help but enjoy it. She makes it hard to breathe, especially now as she heads down the stairs, a sneaky little grin on her face. When she stops in front of me, I take ahold of her waist and smile.

  “You look really good, babe,” I say, leaning in for a quick kiss. “Superhot.”

  She giggles against my lips before parting to say, “So do you.”

  She then turns to the ladies who are currently checking me out. I remember Reese, but everyone else I’m curious about. I feel like they are checking me out but also sizing me up the way Reese is. It makes me nervous, but thankfully, Claire introduces us.

  “Okay, well, this is Jude. Jude, these are my aunts: Elli, you remember Reese, Piper, Fallon, Harper, and Audrey.”

  “Nice to meet you fine ladies,” I say with my lady-killing smile and all of them blush a deeper red before saying the same.

  “Okay, well, we’re gonna go,” Claire says, lacing her fingers with mine.

  “Where to?” Reese asks.

  “I’m meeting his family,” she says and everyone looks as if they want to throw a party.

  “That’s wonderful!” One of them says, I think Elli, maybe? She looks superfamiliar. Not sure where I know her from, but I’m sure I know her from somewhere. “We should have you over for dinner with everyone, Jude. It will be fun!”

  “Sure,” I say. “That would be great.”

  I’m not sure how Claire feels about that, but soon I see that she does not agree.

  “Hell no, I am not bringing him into a firing squad of hockey players. Knowing them, they’ll tie him up and shoot pucks at him! No way!”

  “Huh?” I ask.

  “I told you Phillip plays for the Assassins. Elli’s the owner and her husband is Shea Adler, and then the rest of them are all married to players, and no freaking way. I won’t subject you to that.”

  That’s where I know her from! Holy crap, now I’m starstruck.

  “Don’t listen to her. We’ll make the guys play nice, Jude. But maybe we’ll let Phillip at him before we bring in everyone else,” Reese suggests. “Make sure he makes it through that first.”

  They all laugh and Claire lets out a sound of frustration. “I’m leaving, bye! Let’s go,” she says to me and I comply, walking with her to my bike.

  “Nice meeting you all,” I call at them, but when we are far enough away, I lean into Claire. “I wasn’t the least bit scared to meet your family, but I’m rethinking that now.”

  She laughs as I hand her the helmet I had ordered for her. “Yeah, don’t worry. I’ll make sure you are good and in love with me before I do that to you. By then you won’t run, hopefully.”

  I smile and then pull her to me, pressing my lips to hers for a longer kiss. I know her aunts are probably watching us, but I really don’t care. I want to feel her lips against mine; I’ve missed them. When she pulls back, I smile against her lips and whisper, “I won’t ever run.”

  “So you say, but that could change when the hockey sticks and tape come out.”

  I eye her. “That sounds superkinky.”

  “You freaking freak, hush. Get on the bike. Let’s go meet your normal family,” she says, her face turning redder with every passing second.

  Laughing, I get on my bike and say, “Baby, my family is nowhere near normal.”

  “I don’t doubt that, but mine is crazy!” she says loud enough for the five women to hear, but I don’t think they care because they just laugh. “Nuts, I tell ya,” she mutters as she pulls out a pair of sweats and slides them up her body, covering her legs.

  I smile as she puts her helmet on and then ask, “Ready?”

  “As I’ll ever be,” she says, climbing on the back of the bike.

  With one last wave to the ladies, we’re off, driving through downtown Nashville then onto the interstate to head to my family’s home. Nerves are eating me alive and I really don’t know why. I am confident my mom will love her. She is amazing. Even Lucy and Jace will like her, but knowing my dad will be there has my stomach in knots. The only reason I agreed to this was because he wasn’t supposed to be home until tomorrow. For some fuck
ed-up reason he came home early, and now I’m as nervous as I would be playing in the college finals. I’m not excited about this at all, but when Claire’s arms hug me tightly and her thighs squeeze me, I can’t help but feel a little better.

  With her by my side, I’m pretty sure I can do anything.

  It’s a nice evening, and I hope that the temperature stays like this. I don’t want her freezing her ass off on the way home, but if need be, I’ll drive Jayden’s car back, and he can drive the bike home. He should already be there by now. I kind of wish we would have all ridden together, but then I would have missed out on feeling my girl’s body wrapped around mine.

  Pulling into my family’s driveway, I head down the gravel drive, kicking up rocks, and I know that my mom will probably tear me apart once I’m inside. Never stopped me before, though. Pulling in beside Lucy’s car, I shut off the bike and then pull my helmet off, brushing my hair to the side with my fingers.

  “Wow, this is a beautiful home,” she says as I get off.

  “Yeah, my dad had it built for my mom when I was two.”

  She smiles before handing me her helmet, and I help her off her bike. As I strap the helmets to the bike, she takes off her sweats and tucks them in her bag. When she goes to put the bag on her shoulder, I take it from her, putting it on my own and then lacing my fingers with hers.

  “Nervous?” I ask and she shakes her head.

  “Nope, I’m actually excited.”

  I smile, but I know that it’s fake because I’m nervous and not the least bit excited. Though, when the door opens and my mom comes out, throwing the screen door back, I put a huge grin on my face before leading Claire up the stairs.


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