Past Betrayals, Past Loves
Page 13
“My child, you look lovely,” the older woman said.
Estella sighed. “I pray this is the right choice.”
“Perhaps you will find a man who will protect you from Blandon.”
“Maybe I will.” She lifted a darker blue palla and with a deep breath walked to the litter.
A hint of cold in the brisk breeze made Estella thankful Calpurnia’s house wasn’t far. At the entrance to the passage into the walled house Estella turned to her guards. “Return for me in two hours and announce your presence to the man at the gate. Austina will remind you when it’s time.”
A they left she drew in a deep breath. Though she hadn’t wanted to come to dinner, being here was better than fending off Blandon’s unwanted attention. She nodded to the servant who guarded the passage and walked into the atrium. She halted abruptly.
A couple stopped near the impluvium. Their bodies were reflected in the still water. One clasp of the woman’s stola was open and the man’s mouth was pressed to her breast.
Estella gasped. Blandon. What was he doing here? She turned to leave. Perhaps she could call her men before they were too far away.
Blandon straightened. Estella sought an escape.
“My love, don’t stop,” Calpurnia purred.
“I believe a late arrival is here.” Blandon released Calpurnia and strolled toward Estella. “My dear, why didn’t you say you were joining us? I would have been delighted to act as your escort.”
Calpurnia made no attempt to cover her bare breast. “Estella, are you surprised to learn the name of my new lover?”
Estella couldn’t speak. She nodded. How could she remain when he was here?
Calpurnia smiled. “Blue becomes you. You can join the guests in one of the rooms or perhaps you would like to share with me.”
Blandon laughed. He stood behind Calpurnia and cupped her breasts. “My love, let me first see to your needs, then Estella and I will talk about hers.”
“We could be a threesome.” Calpurnia turned and put her arms around his neck.
“An intriguing thought but I fear it’s too soon for Estella to enter such a coupling?” He swept Calpurnia into his arms and carried her toward one of the sleeping rooms.
Estella looked for an escape. Why had she come? She couldn’t leave until her men returned. A woman alone, especially one richly dressed wasn’t safe on the streets. Perhaps she could hide in the garden until she could safely depart.
As she moved toward the receiving room she glanced into the triclinium and gasped. A number of guests lay on the couches before a table where platters of food had been placed. One woman held a bunch of grapes in her mouth while the man beside her nibbled on the fruit. The woman’s hands were beneath the man’s togs.
Estella ran into the receiving room. Here, the scene was worse. Several of the male guests were unclothed and the women caressed their bodies.
As she ran across the atrium she feared Calpurnia and Blandon would find her. She paused in the doorway of an empty room and sank on a low couch. She would stay here until her escort arrived and prayed no one would find her.
* * *
Marius heard a sound and half-rose from his seat in a dark corner of the room. He’d accepted the invitation to dinner in hopes of pleasing one of his three patrons. When his term of service in the Praetorian Guards ended, he planned to become one of Rome’s leaders. His attendance tonight presented a problem since his host wasn’t here. The dinner had been arranged by Florio’s beautiful, lusty wife and her ambitious lover.
Blandon, a man he’d known in the past and one who had been his friend until their paths had forked, was involved with Calpurnia. These days they shared not a single interest other than ambition.
A vision in blue entered the room and slumped on the low couch beside the door. At first he thought she’d been sent to him. Then he noticed her harried appearance. “Are you all right?”
She gasped. “I thought this room was empty and I could hide here until my guards arrive.”
“I’m also in hiding.” He studied her more closely. She didn’t seem the type to attend one of Calpurnia’s affairs.
“Why are you hiding?” She pressed her hand over her mouth. “My pardon. I have no right to pry.”
“I thought my patron had arranged the dinner and since he asks little from me, I came. And you?”
She studied her hands. “Calpurnia and I were friends as girls. I’d decided not to come but an unwelcome visitor arrived at my door. I sent him away. When I arrived I found him with my friend. I fear when he and Calpurnia find me they will badger me to do what they want.” Her voice rose. “What if I am discovered?”
“By your husband?”
She shook her head. “He’s dead. Four months ago.”
“You have my sympathy.” He motioned to her. “Come and use my chair. It’s in the shadows.”
“Thank you.” She crossed the room.
As she drew near he saw she was more beautiful that he’d first thought. Something about her seemed familiar and he couldn’t imagine where he had seen her before. “I’ll wait with you. I’m Marius of the Praetorians.” He crouched beside the chair.
“Estella.” Her hand brushed his arm as she sat.
A short time later a nearly nude couple staggered into the room and fell on the narrow couch. Estella grasped Marius’ arm.
He rose. “They don’t see us. Come, I’ll find a litter and escort you to your home.”
“Will they not miss you?”
“Does it matter?” When they reached the door he shielded her from seeing the writhing couple.
Marius held his envy of the pair at bay. He’d been without a woman for several months since his favorite courtesan had left Rome. The sensations raised by Estella’s fingers on his arm brought urgent desire. He fought the urge to take her into his arms. Though she was a widow there was an innocence about her and he’d never been one to seduce wives or widows.
They entered the atrium and walked toward the passage. Clouds darkened the sky. Marius paused. “I’ll send a servant for a litter.”
She shook her head. “The evening is mild and the distance to my house is safe. I would have walked but doing so alone is dangerous. I also fear what Calpurnia will say if she learns I’ve fled. She’s known for her tantrums and she has plans for you.”
“I bow to your knowledge of the lady.” He glanced at the dark clouds. “We must hurry. A storm approaches.”
She placed her hand on his arm. “This way.”
He felt heat flow from her fingers, a fire that swirled along his skin and settled in his groin bringing an erection to life. He ached to mold her body to his and savor her taste, her scent and her touch. He desired to thrust his sword into her sheath until she cried his name. He sucked in a breath. It was not to be. Estella was a lady not a woman bent on seduction like her friend.
As they hurried along the street the wind gathered force. Thunder rumbled and lightning flashed. They passed several houses with shops built into the front walls. “How much further?” he asked.
“The next passage.”
Just as they reached the atrium of her home rain poured from the sky. The wind blew in chilling gusts. She tugged him toward the open doorway of the receiving room. “Come inside and wait out the storm. The servants will find you something of my husband’s to wear while your clothes are being dried.”
Because of the desire pulsing he should leave. The sight of the way her soaked stola clung to her body inflamed him. The cloth molded her breasts. Her nipples strained against the material. He fought the desire to take one into his mouth.
An older woman with graying hair bustled into the room. “Estella, my child, why did you come home so soon and in such a state?”
“The company wasn’t to my liking.” Estella turned. “You won’t believe what went on. I couldn’t wait for the men to return. The Praetorian, Marius, was kind enough to escort me.”
“I’ve heard tales of the goings on at Cal
purnia’s.” The older woman turned to Marius. “I’m glad you were there.”
“My pleasure.”
“Find some of Caten’s clothes for him and see his tunic and toga are dried. Bring food and wine to the small receiving room. I fear we left without dinner.”
Austina eyed Marius and smiled. “Come with me. The master was a broad man and I fear his tunicas will be a bit short.’
“They’ll do.” He followed her to a room on the second floor of the house.
The older woman took a tunica and toga from a chest. “Take care with Estella. In many ways she’s still a girl.”
Marius stripped off his wet clothes and rubbed himself with the rough cloth she handed him. What did she mean? Estella was sweet and desirable but he was in no position to take a wife. Not until the remaining five years of his term was served. No woman as beautiful as Estella would wait that long.
He donned the tunica and laughed. Broad enough across the shoulders and chest but in length the garment ended above his knees. At least the toga would cover more of his body. Not that he felt embarrassed. His uniforms bared his legs and thighs but Estella might find the sight not to her liking.
When the older woman returned, she chuckled. “Tall and built like one of the old gods. Come, I’ll show you where to wait for Estella. She will soon join you.”
* * *
Estella stripped off her wet gown. Though her skin was chilled she felt flushed and edgy. What was wrong? Caten’s touch had never heated her women’s parts. He’d never kissed other than on the forehead of cheek. Why would she yearn to feel Marius’ lips on hers when Blandon’s rough assault on her mouth had repulsed her? She thought of the firmness of Marius’ flesh beneath her fingers. The memory raised a fiery need to explore, to touch and taste.
Could she do something to make him desire her? She couldn’t act with abandon the way Calpurnia had. Surely there were other ways to capture a man’s interest.
Estella dried herself and reached for a vial of scent. She daubed her throat and wrists with the floral scent. Her breasts felt achy. She stroked them. The nipples formed tight buds. How would she feel if those hands belonged to Marius? Her breath quickened. A pulse throbbed low in her abdomen. She donned a clean stola and left the room.
When she entered the small reception room next to the dining area she saw him and stared. Marius brushed his fingers over the floral mural painted on the pale yellow stucco wall. For an instant she felt his touch on her skin. A smile curved her lips. Caten’s toga was much too short.
He turned and his gaze met hers. His smile reflected humor. “At least it’s dry.” He held out a hand.
She felt compelled to go to him. “Come and sit.” She led him to a low couch. Her heart pounded. What should she do now?
Austina and two servants carried platters of meat, cheese, bread, dates and figs into the room. Austina put an ewer of wine beside the plates. “Call if you need more.”
“We will.” Estella poured two goblets of wine and handed one to Marius. “My apologies for the simple fare.”
He covered her hands with his. “Simple is fine. Sit beside me.”
Would he like to seduce me? She would enjoy the attempt. How could she let him know she was willing? Her mouth felt dry. She sipped the watered wine and began to eat. Once she’d finished her share, she lifted a honeyed date and turned to Marius. “Try this.”
Instead of taking the offering from her hand he bent his head and ate from her fingers. One by one he drew each into his mouth. Estella sighed and turned to him.
He gazed into her eyes. His darkened and drew closer to the edge. Something in their depths sent thrills along her skin. He brushed her lips with his. The scent of him filled her. Her hands slid along his arms and rested on his shoulders.
“Estella, you enchant me.”
She smiled. “I’m the enchanted one.”
He lifted her onto his lap. She turned and met his mouth with hers. When he caressed her breasts she felt as if thunder rolled along her spine. Her lips opened and his tongue slid inside and tangled withers. Her body ached and throbbed for a thing she didn’t know. Her arms encircled his neck. “Marius, I feel magic in your touch.”
“Nay, you are the magician. I would show you more but not here where anyone can intrude.”
Estella thought of the man and woman who had invaded the room at Calpurnia’s. Did he mean to do those things to her? Her women’s parts felt engorged. If they disrobed would he touch her skin and take the ache away or make the sensations stronger?
She raised her head and looked at him. What she saw in his eyes thrilled her. He wanted her. He needed her and she needed him.
“Estella, enchantress, be mine.”
The rich timbre of his voice added fuel to the fires burning low in her belly. She rose. “Come to my room. No one will bother us there.”
He captured her in an embrace. His mouth opened over hers. She leaned into him. He cupped her rear and held her close. As the kiss deepened she felt part of him grow hard.
She drew back to catch her breath. “This way.”
He kept his arm at her waist. “You are as the evening star. I desire you with every fiber of my body.”
She paused on the threshold of her sleeping chamber. “You are the first man to enter here.”
He released his hold on her waist. “Do you mean your husband never came to you?”
She nodded. “He marked the sheets so no one could say we weren’t wed. He had no desire for a woman but he sought to protect me from a distant cousin who coveted my riches.”
He turned her to face him. “Are you sure you want to do this?”
“From the moment I saw you I felt I had known you before. I want your touch, your taste and your scent. I would like you to show me what happens between a woman and a man.”
“Then all I have is yours.” He followed her into the room.
With widened eyes Estella watched while he removed the toga and tunica. His shoulders were broad, his arms and chest muscular. A line of hair ran down his chest and over his abdomen. As the tunica fell to the floor she saw his male organ jutting from a bush of hair.
He winked. “Have no fear. My sword is made to fit into your sheath.” He moved toward her and opened the clasps of her stola. As he drew the fabric over her breasts she shivered. “Estella, look at me. In this I am as near a novice as you are. I have heard there’s pain but one time and not for all women if a man takes care. Let me pleasure you before I take mine.”
Estella kept her gaze on his face. “You make me feel strange, different.” He caressed her shoulders and the calluses on his fingers raised exquisite sensations along her skin.
He took her hand and led her to the bed. He lay beside her and turned on his side. “You are beautiful.” After rising on one elbow he ran a finger over her lips. Just the way he had tasted her fingers she drew his inside.
His mouth replaced the fingers. One had caressed her breasts. When he teased her nipples she felt fluid gather between her nether lips. His mouth moved from hers, nuzzled her neck and rained kisses along her collarbone. She tried to slow the rapid beating of her heart. He pressed his mouth to her breast and drew the nipple into the heat of his mouth. She moved restlessly.
“Marius, let me touch you.”
“As you will.” He leaned back.
She ran her hands over his chest. The hair tickled her palms. She felt twin bumps like miniatures of her nipples and wondered if they would react as hers had. She ran her tongue over one and felt it tighten. He groaned. “Does it hurt?” she asked.
“Only in the best way.”
As she continued her exploration of his chest and taut abdomen she felt his hands sliding along her thighs. Her legs parted. He touched the throbbing center of her and explored the cleft between her legs. Myriad sensations stormed her body. She grasped his organ and moved her hands restlessly along the length. He leaned forward and kissed her.
As though alive his sword moved. With a fing
er she traced the length and touched the tip. A drop of fluid rose.
He raised his head. “Like this.” He placed his hands over hers and moved them up and down on his shaft.
“Hard yet soft.” She found the sac at the base and cupped it in her hand.
“Cease before I spill.”
He rose to his knees and knelt between her legs. His mouth moved along her skin. He suckled her breasts. Her sighs became moans. “Marius, what is happening to me?”
“Your sheath is preparing for me. Be still and let me love you as I have before.”
His strange announcement seemed tight. She felt a stretching in her women’s parts. Je slid his hands beneath her hips and rocked forward.
“Oh.” She tensed.
He stopped moving and gazed into her eyes. “You are mine now as you have been in the past. Forever mine.”
The burning sensation faded. In his gaze she saw love and desire. “You fill me.”
He smiled. “As was meant to be. Wrap your legs around me and together we’ll soar.”
Though she feared the pain would return she slowly did as he asked. When he began to move Estella tensed and then relaxed. There was no pain only heat flowing through her body. As his movements became harder and faster she tensed in a different way. Fire spread though her. She felt ready to explode. “Please, please,” she cried.
“Soon, my love. Come with me.”
Their bodies moved in frenzied action. She grasped his shoulders. Her nails dug into his skin. A cry rose form her depths and joined his triumphant roar. Fluid gushed inside her. “My love, my love.”
He kissed her forehead, her eyelids, the tip of her nose and then found her mouth. “For now and forever.” He rolled her on his side and brought her with him. She nestled against his chest and drifted in an euphoric fog. His breathing slowed into the sounds of sleep. She yawned and followed him into dreams of the present and glimpses of a strange past.