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Glory Hole Wife (Easy Book 1)

Page 8

by Matt Coolomon

  It seemed her little panties were so transparent because they were actually damp. She'd stepped across to the other rock and closed her legs together but they could still see them, and from as close as they were it was obvious they were pasted to her pussy lips. When her legs were open there had even seemed to be a little glossy coating to her pink flesh, and Kenny wondered if Simon had fucked her while they were away on their walk.

  They started off again with Simon leading. Wiarangi and Kenny kept close behind Mira. She climbed slowly and deliberately, and whenever her legs were open she would glance back down at them and blush.

  "Enjoying yourselves?" she asked at one point while Simon was way up ahead and adjusting his camera for a shot of the cove.

  Wairangi grinned. "Why don't you pull them aside so we can have a better look?"

  He stepped up beside her, and his hand moved toward her crotch, but she caught his wrist. "I think you're doing well enough."

  Wairangi leaned forward to look around the edge of the rock face they were pressed up against, checking on her husband. He then groped under the front of Mira's little dress, and his big hand cupped her panties with his fingers probing into her.

  "Don't," she uttered, trying to wriggle away, but Kenny noticed she was biting a little smile.

  She clung to Wairangi’s arm, but it was huge and powerful, and he easily pinned her back against the rock face while his hand mashed into her crotch. He'd worked the soggy mesh aside, and Kenny saw his middle finger disappear up inside of her. He then pumped her with it a few times, but she managed to clamp her thighs together.

  "Fuck that's tight," Wairangi groaned.

  "Get off me," Mira demanded, but it was noticeable that her voice was under her breath and not loud enough for her husband to hear. “I didn’t say you could touch me,” she went on, tease in her voice and eyes.

  Wairangi wound the front of her panties around his fingers and ripped them completely from her body. She gasped and clutched at a branch sticking out from the rock face. Her other hand was gripping his shoulder, and she was trying to push him away, but he lifted her dress up to her neck and sucked her left tit into his mouth. He then leaned back a bit to have a look. He had his forearm across her shoulders, holding her dress up and pinning her against the rock. He thumbed her left nipple then licked his thumb and wet her right nipple. Mira's body shuddered, and her sweet little tits bounced as his fingers trailed down to her belly and lower until his middle finger smoothed over her pubes. He inserted the tip of his finger between her pussy lips and rubbed gently into her folds, separating them, then he forced his finger all the way up her again.

  Mira's head was arched up and away. She was anxiously looking in the direction of Simon. But don’t let my husband see,” she uttered.

  Her legs had fallen open a little and Wairangi was working her fluids over her clit. He had her hips rolling a little, and he was letting his middle finger slip in and out of her pink little hole, but he'd relaxed his hold on her, and suddenly she pushed away from him, and he almost lost his balance on the ledge they were standing on.

  Mira tugged her dress down, giggling, and she stepped around the rock face and quickly gained the level where her husband was just packing his camera away. Nothing was said about the incident, and they continued their climb with Simon again leading.

  Mira kept hold of her husband's hand for a while, and Wairangi and Kenny lagged back a bit. They had almost made it to the top of the headland. There was just a level stretch of trail then one final climb to the summit. As they began climbing again, Mira slowed and let Simon go ahead. She kept out of reach, but each time she had to open her legs she would look back down with a teasing little smile in her eyes.

  They reached the top of the headland and rested. Nestled amongst the palm trees below was the campsite. There was another tiny stream there, merely a trickle of fresh rain water from the hills beyond, which spilled into a broad, shallow pool surrounded by mossy rocks. There was a flat sandy park between the camp and what appeared to be a perfect surf beach. Fiumu was pulling on a wet suit, and he grabbed his surf board and ran into the waves. Wairangi hurried ahead to join his friend.

  Kenny stayed close, chatting with Simon as they made their way down from the headland. Mira kept ahead of the men, and on a few occasions Kenny was treated to a nice view down the front of her dress. It was loose and gaped to reveal her sweet little nipples when she had to turn and climb down some of the steeper parts of the trail.

  She had remained very quiet and appeared to be deep in thought. Kenny wondered if she would tell her husband about Wairangi touching her and about him doing nothing to stop him.

  Had she screamed or something he would definitely have stepped in, but at the time he didn't think that was what she wanted. To be sure, he didn't know what she wanted. Her body had responded – there was no denying the movement of her hips, pressing her open pussy against the guy's hand, and there was no denying the glossy coating of her juices upon his finger as it was coming out of her. But then at the first opportunity she pushed him away and hurried to her husband. But then she didn't tell him!

  Confused, is what Kenny was – confused, with a hardening cock that was just then responding to the sight of Mira fixing her hiking boot. Simon had stopped to take another photo, and Kenny watched the guy’s wife sitting on a rock with one foot raised and her little dress bunched at her waist.

  There was still evidence of her having been fingered a little while earlier. He could see where her lips parted at the base of her pussy – that the tender pink folds were sort of pasted open, and deeper inside the flesh was a reddish texture and looked slick. It was obviously tacky, if not wet.

  Kenny dare not say anything for fear of ending the moment. Her head was bowed, but he knew she could feel his eyes riveted to her pussy. She'd undone her boot lace and measured it, and she was slowly threading it again.

  A tiny droplet of fluid appeared from between her folds and oozed to fill the slit between the reddened flesh. It was kind of milky, making Kenny again wonder if her husband had fucked her when they were walking around the cove. He wondered if she was carrying a load of his semen and it was seeping from her, or perhaps it was her own lubricating fluids.

  His cock was throbbing against his belly, and the thought of fucking her was filling his mind. It had been over a week since the last opportunity he’d had for release, and the load welling in his balls was heavy and causing an uncomfortable ache.

  He was almost relieved when Mira finished tying her boot lace and stood brushing her dress down.


  They soon arrived back at camp where Max was eating lunch. They joined him, and after eating, the men sat around with a few beers while Mira took a book, a bottle of wine and a beach towel over to the little rock pool.

  She had come from the hut in a white bikini. Kenny watched her over her husband's shoulder and noticed Max taking an interest as well. She had laid her towel in the sun and started applying sun cream, and after doing her legs and shoulders she slipped her bikini top off.

  Simon saw that Max and Kenny were continually looking over his shoulder, and he turned to have a look. He was smiling when he turned back around. "Do you want to take our beers over?" he asked.

  "Would she mind?" Max asked in reply. He was a polite, gentlemanly type.

  "She might enjoy the attention," Simon assured him.

  They strolled over, and Mira blushed a little as she smiled up at them. She then glanced down at her breasts and looked back up the meet, first Max's eyes, then Kenny’s.

  "Do you want some help with that?" Simon asked, motioning to the bottle of sun cream.

  "I'll be fine, thanks," Mira replied. She then squirted some cream into the palm of her hand, and after rubbing it into her belly her hand smoothed up over her breasts, which were quite small. They were firm and sort of perky, with her nipples high, and right then they were hard and flicking nicely as her soft little fingers brushed over them.

The men settled around her with their beers while Mira sipped her wine. They chatted about this and that – Max was always happy to talk about birds, and apparently there were hundreds of species on the island, many of which were quite rare and difficult to find anywhere near civilization.

  Kenny had claimed the spot directly in front of Mira, and in addition to watching her breasts gently rise and fall upon her breath and occasionally catching her nipples jiggling when she laughed, he also enjoyed the view between her thighs.

  Of course he had just seen her pussy in the flesh, but he still liked the look of it cut open by the centre seam of a tiny pair of bikini pants. They were pulled up tight and her lips were split. Her little strip of finely trimmed hair was quite prominent, and he wondered if she liked the feel of the seam against her clit. It was certainly cutting deep enough to be pressing against it.

  Mira went for a dip in the rock pool to cool off, and when she came back the white material covering her pussy was almost completely transparent. She fussed around with her towel, getting down onto her hands and knees with her slender thighs nicely parted, her pussy opened and her pink inner-folds were revealed beneath the wet fabric.


  Simon was watching the other men checking out his wife. He had the bottle of sun cream, and when she laid down he started smoothing the oily fluid into her back. She'd settled with her thighs slightly parted, and Max and Kenny still had a good view. As Simon worked the cream into the base of her back and smoothed it over her hip, he leaned to his wife's neck and whispered, "Do you want to take these off?"

  "Here?" Mira replied softly.

  "Yeah, why not? I don't think these guys will mind."

  "We won't mind," Kenny said quickly.

  Max was just gawking. He was speechless.

  "Well, okay, but you have to keep watch for those two native guys. I don't want them to see me lying here completely naked."


  "I'll keep an eye out for them," Kenny offered, and Mira met his eyes while Simon worked her bikini bottoms down over her hips.

  She lifted her bottom while he peeled the clingy little garment down her thighs. Kenny tilted his head to have a look around Simon's shoulder at her pussy. Her eyes followed his, and after taking a moment to examine her, he again met her gaze.

  Her cheeks had reddened. There was something playful yet evasive in her eyes. As if she was reading his mind, she very slightly shook her head, and he understood she was saying that they could look but not touch.

  Kenny smiled, sort of relieved to have some ground rules, and an open invitation to enjoy the view.

  Simon rubbed sun cream into his hands and smoothed it into her thighs. Her head had lowered to her folded arms, and her eyes had closed. She kept her knees together, and Simon kept his fingers well away from the smooth, puffy lips of her pussy.

  Max and Kenny could see the delicate pink layers of tissue parting and sealing back together as Simon’s fingers worked into Mira’s thighs, though. He then oiled his hands again and shuffled back to apply the cream to her calves and ankles, and in massaging them quite firmly he also worked her knees apart a little.

  He had them about three or four inches apart, enough that her thighs no longer met, and the other men then had a view of Mira's slit. Still, her inner folds were sealed together, but they could see the soft tissue enveloping her clit, and as Simon continued massaging her calves, a glisten of fluid appeared and softened the texture of her pink flesh.

  Mira lifted to look back at them again. She watched Max's face for a moment, then Kenny felt her eyes upon him. Her husband had moved away and was busy fixing a place to sit. She wriggled her body into the sand, settling, and in doing so, she edged her knees open a little further.

  Max and Kenny exchanged glances and sort of congratulated each other on their good fortune. They chatted casually, with Max delving into his fascination for birds again. Mira remained quiet. She was propped on her elbows reading and sipping wine, but her breathing was measured and she was obviously aware of the constant gaze resting on the little gash between her thighs, which had started seeping an almost clear juice.

  Earlier it may have been semen, but this was definitely her body's own lubricating fluid, Kenny decided.

  Simon seemed pretty comfortable with the situation, and after a while it became easier to openly appreciate the view between his wife's legs. Kenny often looked up from staring at Mira's pussy to find him watching. There would be an agreeable light in his eyes, and it would be okay to then go back to examining her.

  Max left to return to his work, and Simon settled back in the sand and seemed to doze off. He was still for quite a while then rolled onto his side with his back turned, and it was then that Mira got up and turned over.

  She had a little stretch then lay down on her back with her knees bent up. She wasn't taking any notice of Kenny watching her. She just had another sip of wine and picked up her book again. Her legs were far enough apart to give him a fine view, though, and as she read they sort of lazily swayed, and the soft pink folds of her pussy would gently peel open to reveal their glistening inner surface and then close and seal together.

  "That looks inviting," Kenny said, kind of easily.

  She smiled lightly but otherwise didn't acknowledge that he'd spoken to her.

  He reached out with his foot and pressed against her left shin, forcing her legs open a bit more than they had been swaying. Her right leg immediately closed against her left, but when he withdrew she settled with them parted again.

  "Don't," she said, sort of playfully.

  Kenny waited a few minutes, edging a bit closer, and then he started tracing around her toes. It was some form of contact at least, and she didn't object.

  He watched her face and got to stroking her foot, and as he rubbed over her ankle, her legs stopped swaying. They were nicely open, and she stretched and sort of rolled her hips.

  Kenny didn't know what he was thinking right then. It was just an instinctive action, but he rubbed up her shin to her knee and forced her leg aside again.

  She immediately tried to close her legs together but he rolled between them and shouldered her other leg aside as well.

  Her hand was then against his head, pushing him away, but he'd slipped his hands beneath her hips and shouldered her legs wide open. Her pussy was then only inches from his face, and her inner folds had peeled open to reveal a deep, juicy gash. He could hear her voice but it was somewhere in the distance, and he could feel her fingers clutching his hair, but he lowered to her pussy and cut the tip of his tongue up through it.

  Her thighs were firm, and they were crushing his neck and shoulder. She'd twisted to one side, but he clung to her hips and started licking deep into her. She was hot and very wet. Her juices were thick and sweet, and as he worked beneath the hood covering her clit he found a firm little button that seemed to cause her legs to open when he sucked over it and massaged it with his tongue.

  He worked over her clit for a moment then sunk his tongue deep inside of her again, but her thighs were then crushing him once more, and suddenly there was a foot against his shoulder and she managed to squirm away from him.

  Kenny’s mind cleared, and he sat wiping his mouth on his arm. Mira was grinning defiantly. She had her arm across her breasts and her legs folded up and away from him. Her husband stirred, and she stood and walked to the rock pool, leaving Kenny wondering what the hell to do.

  He moved back to where he had been sitting earlier, and as Simon sat and yawned he met his eyes with a forced smile and a nod.

  "I must have dozed off," Simon started happily.

  "Just for a few minutes," Kenny lied.

  Simon got up and strolled over to the laundry. There was a kerosene fridge in there, which is where they had the beers. He returned with one for himself and one for Kenny. Kenny’s heart was still pounding, but he managed to act cool and have a chat with the guy while they watched Mira floating about in the pool.

  She hadn't looked o
ver, and Kenny had no idea what to expect as she came back and dried off – still without meeting his eyes.

  She seemed okay in conversation with her husband. She was smiling and talking lightly about their plans for later that afternoon. She spread her towel and sat down. Her eyes then flashed across Kenny’s, and he could swear there was the hint of another smile. She then lay back and picked up her book, again with her legs bent up, and that time her knees were even wider apart than before.

  Kenny was sitting directly between her legs, and he studied her face, but she wouldn't look at him. There was just a tiny little smile and a calm confidence in her eyes that had him more confused than ever. Simon was chatting away and Kenny was doing his best to respond, but he couldn't keep his eyes off Mira's pussy.

  She spent another hour sunning herself, and during that time her legs remained open. Occasionally she would shift or lean over to pour some more wine, and when she did that her legs would stray wide enough that her pink inner folds would peel open to reveal what appeared to be an ever present hint of moisture.

  Kenny could still taste her. Her sweet scent filled his senses, and he constantly fought with the urge to ignore her husband and dive in for another frenzied taste of her nectar.


  Wairangi and Fiumu eventually started back to camp. Mira saw them in the distance and pulled her bikini bottoms back on. She remained topless, though, and when they stopped for a chat she sat with her chest proudly forward and her shoulders back.

  The guys only stayed for a few minutes. They were hungry and asking if there was anything left over from lunch. Cooking was one of Kenny’s jobs, so he went with them and organized food, then he began preparations for dinner.

  Mira and Simon went to find Max. Apparently there were some species of parrot that were likely to be found feeding late in the afternoon, which he wanted to show them.

  The three guys were playing cards when they returned. Max and Simon went into the hut to check out the photographs Max had taken that day. They left Mira, but she kept her distance. Her clothes were still hanging on the line, and she busied herself taking them down and folding them. She had on another little dress that time. It was pink and quite short. It was also sort of clingy, and they could see her nipples easily enough.


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