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Embrace The Dawning (The Covenant Series Book 1)

Page 20

by Betty Shreffler

  Adrian grinned at Kayci before bringing his head down and placing a sultry kiss on her lips. He immediately sensed her energy spark and felt her body eagerly respond. He stopped the intense breathless kiss and grazed her cheek as he came next to her ear.

  His voice was low and seductive. “You’re so enticing. How could I say no?”

  Adrian leaned back to see Kayci biting her lip, her gaze sensuous. He placed his hand under her chin to raise her head for another kiss. As his tongue found its way to hers, he anticipated her usual moan from his fangs grazing her. Her excited whimper was music to his ears. He drew her in closer by pulling her leg over his hip. She surprised him when she slid away from his lips and began giving quick succulent kisses down his neck, chest, and abdomen. He feared his mind might go crazed as she unbuttoned his jeans and pulled his erection into her hand, stroking it several times before filling her mouth with it.

  Kayci heard the familiar guttural growl that came from Adrian once his vampire nature started to combat his will. She slowly released Adrian and sat up in front of him.

  “We’ll take it slow,” she assured him as she lifted her shirt over her head.

  “Very slow,” she added as she unfastened her bra.

  Adrian admired her large supple breasts before taking one hand to her neck and the other to her right breast. He kneaded the firm flesh between his fingers as he ravaged her mouth with his own. He listened to her breathing turn to shallow whispers of pleasure. He leaned her down onto her bed and stepped off and to the side, bringing himself between her spread legs. He gently pulled her pants from her hips and over her buttocks, admiring the satin cloth and toned thighs below. He continued his process of undressing her by slipping his fingers beneath the satin and tenderly pulling the cloth from her thighs. He admired the small dark patch and let out a low growl, knowing what awaited him.

  He watched her intently while struggling to hold on to his composure as she leaned up and took her strong tender hands to his jeans. Once undressed, he joined her on the bed, leaning above her and bringing his lips to hers. He let his hands roam and touch everywhere and anywhere he wanted to, lingering the longest at her small dark patch and the tender crevice below. He massaged and kneaded before dipping between the folds into the warmth and wetness.

  Kayci arched her back as the waves of pleasure swam through her. She desperately wanted Adrian inside of her but knew she had to keep things slow for him. Relying on her own self-restraint, Kayci gently moved Adrian’s hand away before she became too aroused. She instead pulled him down to her, checking his level of self-control before bringing his erection down on her. She brought her legs up and around his thighs as he eased inside of her.

  The very first thrust filled her entirely. She gasped from the elaborate arousal that shock-waved through her body. She eagerly raised her hips as the thrusts continued and came more fervently. She held on to Adrian’s shoulder and looked into his eyes as the glistening gold glazed over. She could tell by the fierce humming of their energies that he was edging toward loss of control. She too was edging toward her climax. She gripped him tightly, hoping he could maintain his self-control a little longer.

  Adrian indulged in the warm, wet friction that covered his erection. Being inside of Kayci was better than he had imagined. It was quickly becoming harder for him to contain his hunger. Her scent and energy swirled around him, tipping his meager self-control to a minuscule amount of resistance. As she clung to him, he ached with the desire to feed from her. As her climax rose, he wanted desperately to have his own. He shakily held his body within inches from her neck.

  In a low hoarse voice, he spoke. “Kayci…”

  She could hear the painful ache in his tone.

  “I have to have you…now.”

  As her back arched and her breath escaped, she feebly reached her palm and placed it to his lips. He vigorously bit through the tender flesh, pulling her blood into him as quickly as he could. He heard a whimper escape her lips from his bite. He had bitten her harder than he’d intended. He felt a sting of guilt for hurting her, but he had held back as long as he could. He closed his eyes and sucked hard as her moans settled and she grew quiet. Her climax was cresting as he reached his.

  The sensation of her blood coursing through his organs and veins was a rush he didn’t want to stop feeling. His energy pulsed in loud thumps, deafening the sounds around him. He pulled more of her blood, indulging in the high that whipped through him. If not for the distant sound of her voice calling his name, he may have selfishly continued his indulgence, but instead he released her hand, let the last wave of pleasure flow through him, and then held her hand in his as he looked down at her bright-golden eyes.

  “How bad did I hurt you?” he asked.

  Kayci glanced at her almost healed hand and then back at Adrian. She kissed him to reassure him she was fine.

  “It was nothing compared to the pleasure you just gave me.”

  Adrian smiled from the relief. He kissed her tenderly on the lips, cheek, and then nuzzled against her neck. His breath tickled her ear.

  “I still want you, Kayci. I want more of you. My hunger can be ravenous. But somehow you manage to subdue that urge.”

  Kayci turned her head to face Adrian, then took the temptation of her pulsing neck away from him. She kissed him tenderly and received the same kiss back. When they parted, she smiled up at him.

  “Let’s keep it that way.”

  She eased out of his arms and sat up in the bed, removing all temptation from him. She looked at the clock. His eyes followed hers.

  “I should be going soon. It won’t be long before its dawn, and you’re too tempting to be around right now.”

  Kayci looked at Adrian, who was admiring her naked. She smirked.

  “Based on the look in your eyes, I’d have to agree.”

  Chapter 14

  Danika strode into the classy lounge with dim lights and dark windows. She skimmed the few patrons and found the one she wanted. She sauntered across the room and took the seat across from the vampire she was there to meet. She tried to pry into the vampire’s mind and pick up any images she could, but got nothing. Only a mental barrier that she wasn’t strong enough to break through. She irritatingly sat back in her chair and crossed her lengthy legs.

  “I assume you have news for me?” Danika asked impatiently.

  The vampire across from her seemed tense. Surely concerned they might be spotted conversing. The vampire did a sweep of the lounge before answering.

  “The half-breed is the child of none other than Thorne Salvitto and Katriana Gavrikov. Eva is protecting her. She wants her alive for a purpose she isn’t willing to share. I believe she means to use her against you.”

  Danika felt her fangs pinch her lip. Her fist tightened into a knot in response to her aggravation.

  “Anything else?”

  The vampire swept the room once more. “Not all of us share Eva’s affection for the girl. We’d like her destroyed. I suspect you can handle it, yes?”

  The vampire eyed Danika expectantly.

  Danika smiled a sinister smile. Her fangs peeked out just below her top lip. “Anything can be done for a cost.”

  The vampire shifted in the seat.

  “I’ll message you with Eva’s location. Be ready.”

  The vampire slid a phone across the table before standing and nodding farewell.

  Danika watched the vampire leave. A smirk crossed her face. She was one step closer to bringing down the Covenant. Now it was time for a drink to honor her success.


  Kayci woke to a thin stream of sun seeping in through the edge of her curtains. With the sun shining, she knew if she reached behind her she’d feel nothing but mattress and bed sheets, but she reached over anyway and had a flutter of disappointment that Adrian was no longer there. He’d left so quietly she never heard him go. As she thought about the events of the night, she bit her lip as modest arousal swept over her. Being with Adrian had been
an incredible experience. An experience she wanted to have again.

  She brought her hand up and traced her fingers over her palm where Adrian had fed from her twice. No remnants of his bite remained. Only a memory. A memory that was odd but not unpleasant. During their intimacy, she barely noticed the pain, and it only lasted a few seconds when the puncture of his fangs first broke through.

  She sat up from her bed as the realization hit her. She was slipping into the world of vampires more than she had wanted or expected to. Adrian had promised her that there was more to vampires than what she knew and that it got better. Based on last night, he was right. Kayci looked at the clock. Her eyes widened when she saw that it was ten o’clock. Luckily, her appointment with her client wasn’t until noon. She showered, stuffed her duffel bag with her workout gear and after-wear, put in her colored contacts, and headed to the gym.

  After her own vigorous workout, she politely greeted her familiar client to give him his usual workout and fitness tips. Afterward, she quickly showered in the locker room, then headed to Rosemary’s.

  Kayci was pleased to see Rosemary’s face light up when Kayci entered the shop. This time Rosemary had a client, so Kayci politely greeted Rosemary and then shopped until the customer checked out.

  “My dear, how are you? You look radiant, utterly beaming.”

  Kayci chuckled as she set the book she rented on Rosemary’s counter. “I’m happy,” Kayci replied simply.

  Rosemary eyed her with humorous suspicion. “Uh-huh. Anything to do with a particular vampire hunter?”

  Kayci rolled her eyes. “Maybe.” She smiled as the word came out.

  Rosemary beamed a smile back at her.

  “I have news to share with you, Rosemary.”

  “What’s that, my dear?” she asked as she sorted through her files for Kayci’s rental agreement.

  “The Covenant found out about me.”

  Rosemary immediately stopped searching and looked at Kayci.

  “I met with them. Even came out of the meeting alive.”

  Rosemary’s expression displayed her shock. “How did they…”

  “Find out,” Kayci finished. “The rogue vampire that is wreaking havoc in town attacked me the night you made me this charm. I fought her and two other vampires. By the way, thank you for making my charm, or I probably wouldn’t have survived.”

  Rosemary gave a brief nod and then waited for Kayci to tell the rest of the story.

  “The rogue vampire saw my transformation and turned me into the Covenant. One of the members came to my house and drove me to a meeting with them. Half of them were kind, and the other half seem very unpleased with my existence. The best part, and the part that nearly knocked me off my feet, was the part that the Covenant leader is my aunt. My father used to run the Covenant with her, and better yet…”

  Rosemary seemed as though she couldn’t take much more shock.

  “My mother was a witch.”

  Rosemary put her hands on her counter, gripping it tightly.

  “Kayci, my dear, you’re telling me that your father is Thorne Salvitto, the previous leader of the Covenant? Making your mother Katriana Gavrikov?”

  Kayci hadn’t heard their last names yet, but recognized the first names. “Yes, that’s them. Why? Does that mean something to you?” Kayci asked.

  Rosemary muttered words under her breath that Kayci didn’t quite catch before she seemed to regain her composure.

  “Sorry, my dear. I did not mean to startle you. Those names are significant and well known among both witches and vampires.”

  “I heard the story,” Kayci said, “from my aunt. It was a beautiful love story that went terribly wrong, and I am the product of that love story.”

  Rosemary nodded. “Yes, you are. Kayci, you’re what we witches like to call a mystical arcane, which means something that is supernatural and not well understood. In spite of that, I’m beginning to understand why we’ve had these last couple of encounters. As well as a better understanding of what I saw in your reading, why I’ve had an unusual compulsion to help you, and why you were led to my shop. Everything has been happening for a reason.”

  “Rosemary, you’re about three steps ahead of me, and I’m falling behind.”

  Rosemary smiled at Kayci’s humor. “Your Craft has led you to my very shop. I’m meant to be your guide.”

  “Not just behind now, Rosemary. I’ve tripped and bumped my head.”

  Rosemary chuckled. “Lock the door, my dear. We have much to go over.”

  Kayci sighed as she walked to the front of the shop, turned the closed sign on the door, and then turned the bolt to the lock position. She sauntered back to the room that had become quite familiar to her. She sat down in her usual chair and watched Rosemary rummage through her armoire.

  “What is the Craft?” she asked.

  “The Craft is a gift that is passed down from mother to child. Through birth and blood, the mother passes abilities to her child. If she has a son, the abilities will not be passed down through him, but if she has a daughter, then the Craft is guaranteed to be passed on. The Craft is connected to the four main elements: earth, air, fire, and water. The Craft lives within each witch, at the center of your body, where your very life force exists. That is where we draw our power. If you were born from a witch, then the Craft is within you. Since your mother could not teach you to hone that power, it has become latent. It sleeps quietly within you.”

  “How do you know for sure that I have the Craft, or any powers at all? I was aware of my vampire attributes growing up. I’ve never noticed anything witchlike.”

  Rosemary brought the items she had gathered from her armoire to the table. “You wouldn’t. Every child of the Craft must go through a ritual called Hanu. In the past, once a child had reached their twelfth birthday, the child’s coven would come together the day after the fire festival and commence the ritual. The ritual is led by the child’s guide. A witch’s guide is hardly ever their mother. It is often a family member, but sometimes it’s someone they don’t know at all. A witch is always drawn to her guide.”

  Kayci tapped her fingers on the table anxiously. “Rosemary, you do realize how crazy this sounds, right? It was strange to accept that I’m part vampire, but the attributes and signs were there. It was easier to see the connection, but this…this is out there.”

  Rosemary smiled reassuringly at Kayci. “I know it sounds bizarre. You didn’t have the opportunity to learn your heritage from your mother, so hearing it now at your age after living with humans all your life, it would sound crazy. Kayci, my dear, I have no doubt you have the gift. We just have to wake it up.”

  Kayci tapped her fingers a little more wildly as she absorbed the information Rosemary had just shared. Her fingers came to an abrupt stop, with a heavy sigh.

  “Why didn’t your blood test reveal that I was a witch?”

  Rosemary began spreading several candles out on the table, making it easier for her to light them.

  “I didn’t test your blood for a response to the Craft. I stopped the test immediately after you were positive for having vampire blood in your system. I had no reason to continue the test after that result.”

  Kayci inspected the materials Rosemary had set on the table. “I assume you’re wanting to conduct the ritual here and now, aren’t you?” Kayci asked with tension in her voice.

  “Aren’t you the least bit curious, my dear? If I’m wrong, I’ll have only wasted an hour of your time with some foolish hocus-pocus.” Rosemary smiled endearingly.

  Kayci laughed at her coy persistence. Of course she was curious. Curiosity was her Achilles’ heel.

  “All right, Rosemary. I’ll let you dabble, but no dancing naked under the moonlight around a bonfire.”

  Rosemary gave a victorious smile. “Would you mind helping me light the rest of the candles while I mix some herbs in a tonic?”

  “A tonic? I’m going to have to drink something?” Kayci huffed. “Yep, definitely dancing
naked under the moon tonight.”

  Rosemary smiled at Kayci’s cynicism. “There will be no dancing under the moon. I promise.”

  Kayci finished lighting the candles as Rosemary mixed and crushed herbs into a bowl and then muttered more Latin. During a moment of silence, Kayci took the opportunity to ask a question that lingered in her mind.


  “Yes, my dear?”

  “Did you know my mother?”

  “Unfortunately, I did not. However, I knew of her. Your mother was a powerful sorceress. She was well known amongst our kind but rarely seen. She became even more well known, of course, after we heard of her pregnancy. Everyone believed it only as rumors though, because as I said, she was rarely seen. A sorceress with her kind of powers understandably wouldn’t want to be easily accessible.”

  “Do you think that’s why she died, because she used sorcery to create me?”

  Rosemary offered a sympathetic smile. “Yes, my dear, I do. As I explained before, sorcery often comes with consequences. Despite what happened, I don’t believe your mother would have done anything differently. I have no doubt that the moment she held you in her arms, it was all worth it.”

  “Thank you, Rosemary.”

  Kayci turned her gaze away and back toward the lit candles.

  “I’m nearly finished. The tonic will have a bitter taste to it, my dear. Best to drink it quick.”

  “What will happen once I drink it?”

  “What is seen and experienced differs for each witch. Nonetheless, there are some similarities. Once you drink the tonic, I’ll work from the outside and attempt to awaken the Craft within you while the tonic works from the inside. I must warn you that I am not entirely sure how the vampire within you will react to the ritual. You’re the first vampire breed to go through the ritual.”

  Kayci lifted her brows, and Rosemary quickly added, “However, I did add a little something extra to help subdue that part of you. Best to take off the amulet as well.”

  Kayci took off the necklace and set it on the table behind the lit candles.


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