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Hellcats: Anthology

Page 75

by Kate Pickford

  Patrick watched with a grin as the two cats rounded the corner.

  “Back to business, kitts.” Kibble murmured as they jumped down. They crept through the open door into the next room. This floor was much more of an open plan. If they drew attention to themselves they would be in trouble, and so would the kittens, waiting in the sewer.

  The boys followed Minx to the darkest corner of the room, away from the four cats that she had spotted on the CCTV camera. They took shelter behind a large machine and peered out.

  Two sat on the floor, talking between themselves. One stood in front of a milk vat admiring his thick fur. He sang to his reflection, “Preeeetty kitty. Beauuuuutiful kitty.”

  The final tabby looked serious, with bulging eyes and a thick scowl. He stared into the darkness where Minx, Kibble, and Patrick were huddled, as if he had seen movement.

  The three cats froze.

  When he looked away, they all sighed in relief. Minx rooted through Kibble’s backpack and passed them each a mask. She put hers on and turned to the backpack to search again. The masks were perfectly crafted, each with a design. Patrick looked at his curiously.

  “Wait!” Kibble whispered, “How come you get the fish one and I get the mouse one?” He held his out and shook it. “Swap.”

  “Just put it on.” Patrick put on his own mask.

  The scowling cat turned sharply to listen, and cautiously approached them.

  Minx held out an object that resembled a tiny grenade. “Do not breathe this in and stay close,” she ordered. She stamped on it. It hissed as it activated, and she kicked it into the centre of the room.

  The two kitties who had been chatting saw the sliding object and sprang at it, tossing it in the air as they played. The handsome cat turned, tutting at their immaturity. The scowling tabby screamed, “It’s gonna BLOOWWW!” as a green-tinted smoke filtered from it and filled the room.

  Kibble, Minx, and Patrick rushed towards the door, holding their breath. They peered around it and quietly entered. The last thing Patrick heard as he entered the loading bay was a burst of laughter and one said, “Dude, I don’t know what just happened, but I feel GREAT!”

  “What was that?” Patrick asked Minx as they entered the final room.

  Minx winked. “I created it myself; it’s a catnip bomb. They’ll be giggling for hours.”

  “Yeah! That showed them.” Kibble raised his paw for a high five.

  Minx ignored it. “Just wait here.”

  They hid behind a crate as Minx slipped nearer towards the guards.

  “Who knew Minx was this good?” Patrick whispered, putting his mask in Kibble’s backpack.

  “She’s awesome.”

  Kibble and Patrick watched as Minx approached the guards. A fluffy cat spotted her, arching its back aggressively. Minx ran at him, kicking him hard in the face.

  He landed on the floor, his paw clutching his nose. “My fur!” he cried.

  She raised her leg and kicked him into a crate, where he lay slumped.

  She flipped through the air and landed behind a slinky kitty, who turned quickly. They spun and slashed, expertly avoiding each other’s claws. Minx dropped low, kicking the paws from beneath him. He staggered backwards into a pile of pallets which collapsed over him, knocking him unconscious.

  Minx turned to the third and fourth tabbies who stood, their paws raised. The grey one grinned nastily as the shorter, ginger one hissed. Minx battled the two of them skilfully. The fight was going well for Minx, until the ginger one ducked down, sandwiching her in between them. She avoided hits from in front of and behind her.

  Patrick cringed as the three of them fought. “Should we help her?”

  “She said not to…” Kibble whispered, but he sounded uncertain.

  The battle migrated close to the boys, the ginger cat almost in arm’s reach of Patrick. The ginger cat shoved Minx forwards, almost losing his balance. His tail came up to steady him, hitting Patrick in the face.

  Patrick, presented with a fluffy dancing object in front of him, grabbed hold of it tightly, his claws digging deep. The ginger cat let out a shrill cry.

  Kibble, realising what Patrick had done, lunged at the tail. They worked together to swing the ginger cat into a wall. He crashed into it and wheezed.

  Patrick looked up to see Minx stood over the now unconscious grey tabby. “You aced it!” Patrick whooped. “The kitt is right—you worked wonders out there. Maybe we’ll actually survive this thing and take the depot back.”

  Kibble trotted to Minx.

  Minx stood still. “Wait. Something doesn’t feel right…” she whispered. “Duke should be here. He was on the CCTV.”

  They spread out, searching for their inside man. When they neared the end of the room, a muffled murmur came from the storeroom. Minx raced towards it, Patrick and Kibble trailing behind her. They readied themselves for a fight.

  Minx jumped on the handle, pulling it down as Kibble wedged it open.

  Inside was Duke, sprawled on the floor. Minx rushed to help him up.

  “I’m so pleased to see you.” His deep voice echoed throughout the factory. “Something’s gone awfully wrong! I tried to stop him, but they tied me up!” Duke stood, nearly collapsing once more. He tenderly held out his paw.

  “What happened?”

  “Marlon was tipped off about this evening—someone must have told him. He’s on his way to the sewers with a gang of thugs! He’s just set off now. If you hurry you can get there and warn the others! I can only assume he will not be kind when he lands.”

  “We need to tell Sphynx; they won’t be prepared.” Minx turned to face the two tomcats. They stared at her.

  “There isn’t a plan for an attack…” Kibble was frozen in fear.

  “The kittens…” Patrick breathed.

  The gang fell silent. Patrick stepped forward, his eyes narrowed and prepared. “Duke, you can’t run with the way your leg is. You and Kibble can get the milk trucks to the hiding place, as planned. Minx and I will go warn the others. We’ll meet in the sewers.”

  “Good idea, old boy. Run, quick!” Duke nodded, as Kibble helped him to the trucks.

  Patrick and Minx dashed back up the long dirt road, through uptown and towards the sewer entrance. As he ran, Patrick worried for the clowder’s safety, especially the small kittens. He had no clue what Marlon would do, and that terrified him, causing him to push himself to run faster.

  Eventually, just as the sewer’s entrance came into view, Patrick slowed to an exhausted trot, his paws aching and his chest heaving. “Give me a moment.”

  “The entrance is only up the road; I’ll meet you there.” Minx looked back at Patrick. She gasped, her hackles raising.

  Patrick stared at Minx in confusion, then turned to see three jaws filled with long, sharp teeth.

  The mutts smiled as if they were greeting an old friend. One snickered. “Look who it is, fellas.”

  “Our little kitty.” The second grinned.

  The muscular dog turned to Minx. “Who’s this? A girlfriend?”

  Minx backed away a step. “Friends of yours?”

  “Fellas…fellas… We don’t want no trouble, now.” Patrick stammered, “We’re just trying to help our friends…”

  The mutts came closer. Their hot breath stank of garbage.

  “So...” He coughed, readying himself for trouble, “If you would leave me and my friend alone, we can be done with this.”

  “What are you doing?” Minx whispered.

  “What am I talking about? You’re all just mutts.” Patrick laughed shakily.

  The mutts growled.

  “Shut it, moggy!” the rangy one snarled.

  The big one added, “You’re pushing your luck…”

  “This time we won’t be so lenient.”

  “You couldn’t get me before, what makes you think you can get me this time?” Patrick sneered.

  The dogs snorted.

  “Jump when I say so,” Patrick whispered to Minx.<
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  She stared back at him with wide eyes. “What about you?”

  “The others will die without you there. Go. Trust me.”

  She nodded reluctantly.

  “Now!” With a panicked yell, Patrick shot through the big dog’s legs, causing him to jump and snap.

  The rangy mutt lunged at Patrick, but bit the big one's leg. He yelped and jumped, knocking the muscular dog to the ground.

  Minx leapt up onto a high fire escape as Patrick sped away from the dogs. “Quick!” She pointed at a fire escape, but Patrick knew it was too high for him.

  As he looked around for an alternate escape route one of the mutts skidded around the corner and stood, his muscles taut underneath his skin as he growled.

  Patrick glanced around, frantically searching for a sanctuary. Between him and the mutt was a small gated courtyard. It led to an abandoned set of apartments.

  “Patrick!” Minx called as he ran out of sight.

  He dashed for the courtyard. The mutt lunged for him, skidding on the wet pavement. As the dog got to its feet, Patrick ducked through the gate and out of sight.

  The mutt entered and sniffed around. “Come out, little kitty.”

  Patrick looked around frantically for a place to hide. Next to him lay a large pipe. He squeezed himself into it. It was tight and suffocating.

  “Come on moggy…it’s just you and me, now,” the mutt taunted as he followed Patrick’s scent to the pipe. “Found you.”

  Patrick scrambled frantically along the pipe as the mutt shoved his head in as far as it would go, his jaws just grazing Patrick’s tail.

  The two other mutts appeared, bruised from their tumble. “Is he hiding?”

  Patrick squeezed desperately further and further into the pipe towards the light at the other side. Reaching it, he glanced back. The dogs were still trying to shove their faces in the far end. His heart beating like a drum, he wriggled free from the pipe.

  Still trying to get into the entrance of the pipe, the dogs didn’t notice.

  He looked at the gate and readied himself for one last desperate leap. The gate was high, and if he missed…

  A deep bark came from behind him, “He’s out!” The three dogs raced towards him, snapping and snarling as he sprang into the air, jaws snapping at the air where he had just been.

  He landed on the gate, the force of his impact slamming it shut. The quaking gate was unstable, and his grip wasn’t secure. It wobbled as he climbed. The mutts jumped, attempting to drag him down. As they slammed against the gate, his back paws slipped free, leaving him dangling from his forepaws. His breath came in panicked gasps. One more jolt would send him tumbling towards the snapping jaws below.

  Just as the muscly dog launched himself at the gate, sharp claws dug into Patrick, pulling him, and Kibble’s worried face came into view.

  They both jumped down on the other side of the gate. The dogs bit and scrabbled at it, but it just rocked back and forth.

  “I thought you were a goner, Cotton-tail!” Kibble teased.

  “I never thought I’d be happy to see you!” Patrick panted, euphoric from his escape.

  The two cats laughed.

  “Gonna have to do a lot more than that to take me down!” Patrick jeered at the dogs as he turned tail and pranced to freedom.

  Kibble and Patrick made their way through the sewer again. For the first time that day, Kibble wasn’t telling a story and looked stressed as he ran through the darkened tunnel that led to Sphynx’s domain. They paused at intervals, listening for screams and chaos. When none sounded, they crept forward, nearly at the mouth of the tunnel.

  “One…Two…Three!” They counted in sync, leaping from the darkened tunnel and into the bright area. They landed on their hind legs, claws extended for action, screaming defiance. “Raaaaaargh!”

  “Oh, hi guys. Nice of you to join us.” Minx called from the centre of the room.

  Patrick blinked. He dropped to all fours, rather sheepishly, and beside him Kibble did the same as they took in their surroundings. Everything was normal. Well, apart from fifteen of Marlon’s goons being tied up by a laughing Minx. She pulled the ropes tight and the goons groaned.

  Knots tied, she smiled and padded over to them. “You’re both okay?” She pressed her head against theirs.

  Patrick flushed, looking at the ground. He turned to see Kibble, purring softly, the purrs continuing as Minx explained what had happened.

  “Marlon was lying in wait for Sphynx in the backroom, but she just flew at him!” Minx’s eyes sparkled with glee. “I got here just in time to warn the clowder, but we were ready when they arrived, and we made short work of them!”

  “And the kittens, are they okay?” Patrick glanced up to see if there was any disarray up on the higher floor.

  “Everyone is fine.” Minx laughed. “And… I’d like to thank you for what you did out there. You were, dare I say…brave?” She smiled.

  “Yeah. Good job, Icicle!” Kibble elbowed him companionably.

  A tabby was wriggling out of his ties. Minx pounced on it. “I think I better watch for any escapees. See you around, yeah?”

  “See you,” the boys replied.

  As they walked away, Minx growled and one of the goons let out a terrified ‘Meoooww’.

  Patrick and Kibble walked towards the back rooms. Shrieks and pleading could be heard echoing from her room.

  Patrick frowned. “Do you think Sphynx will be safe in there with that hairball?”

  “Sphynx?! Oh yeah, she’ll be fine. I’m more worried for Marlon.”

  Sphynx opened the door, dragging a fat naked cat by the ear.

  Kibbles burst into laughter. “Looks like Marlon had a close shave.”

  Sphynx dragged the freshly shaved Marlon forward, throwing the sagging, fat cat to the ground. His goons looked on in shock to see their master like this. “Say what you want to say, Marlon,” she whispered.

  The naked tabby trembled. “I swear on the Great Cat that I, Marlon H. Tabby, of upstate New York, will leave Sphynx and her Meowfia alone.” His voice trembled.

  Sphynx gripped harder and he added on quickly, “And I return the Milk Depot to its rightful owners.”

  She threw him to the ground. Marlon clambered to his feet and fled, whimpering. Sphynx watched him go, a wicked smile upon her face.

  “If he likes Sphynxes so much, let him be one,” she drawled as he ran to the sewer, splashing his way to safety.

  “Well, what are you waiting for? We don’t want you!” Minx growled at Marlon’s goons.

  They struggled to their feet and ran, still in their restraints. “Wait for me, Boss!” one called out as they ran after him.

  Sphynx saw Patrick, and her face lit up. She padded towards him. “Good job, darrrrrling.” She pressed her head against Patrick’s. “You saved Minx’s life, you saved my family, and, whenever you’re ready, Kibble will escort you to your new home.”

  Sphynx turned to her family. “Now, let us celebrate!”

  All the cats cheered, beginning to dance and sing as Duke arrived with three others, dragging a crate full of milk and cream.

  The ginger cat with kind eyes came up to Patrick, cradling a kitten in her arms. He smiled widely at her.

  “Thank you.” She hesitated. “Will you be coming back soon? The kittens would be happy to see you.”

  “Yes, hopefully very soon.”

  “That would be lovely.” The ginger cat nodded, and took the little one over to the milk that Duke was passing out.

  The party went on for hours and despite Patrick being desperately tired, he joined in, having the most fun he’d ever had.

  The following day, Kibble and Patrick made their way upstate again, and Kibble was back to his old talkative self.

  “Sphynx wouldn’t stop talking about you at the party. Saying how great it was that you came, but not once did she thank me for bringing you.” He grumbled.

  “You did only bring me to get rid of me.” Patrick chuckled, saun
tering alongside his friend, enjoying the warm sun that the day had to offer.

  “Well…that’s beside the point. Because now I’m stuck with you. I have a feeling you’re gonna keep coming down there to annoy me,” Kibble joked.

  “Of course.”

  They turned onto an avenue with detached houses lining both sides.

  “We’re here.” Kibble nodded at the house nearby.

  The two of them sat down in front of the gate. It was a pretty little house painted white and in the garden were bushes of pink and blue flowers. Through the window, Patrick could see his new humans.

  Kibble mumbled; “You still aren’t going to change your name, are you?”

  Patrick laughed, not answering the question. “Well…maybe Patrick Bernard Louis the 3rd, formerly known as Snowball, isn’t such a bad title.”

  Kibble stood and shook himself. “Good luck, kitt. If it doesn't work out, you know where to find us.” He began to trot away.

  “I’ll come and see you all soon. I’ll tell you all about living with humans.” Patrick smiled, “See you later.”

  “See ya, kitt.” And with one last wink, Kibbles turned onto another street and sauntered out of sight.

  The door behind Patrick opened and a small girl with black curly hair ran out, accompanied by her father. “It will be out here somewhere; check in the bushes.” He called, “Honey, I’m off to the depot, I’ll drop Tabitha at your mother’s.” A muffled response came from indoors.

  Patrick meowed, making his way towards her. Her eyes met his, and in an excited voice she shouted, “KITTY!” She knelt to the ground and opened her arms.

  “Tabitha...” Her father stopped as Patrick ran into Tabitha’s arms. She held him close and giggled as Patrick purred and chirped. “It is very sweet.” He knelt to the ground himself to inspect Patrick. “Doesn’t have a collar or anything…”


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