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Forbidden Future [Embrace the Future 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 5

by Berengaria Brown

  The men pulled out, rolling her in their arms, and she was tucked between the two of them, blankets pulled over their sweaty bodies, and Tau’s voice in her ear was saying, “Rest now, my beloved, because we’re gonna fuck again and again to celebrate our wedding night.”

  She didn’t sleep for long. She was much too excited at being with the two men she loved so much at last. Each of them took her cunt, one after the other, bringing her to orgasm then shooting their own seed on her breasts and rubbing it into her skin.

  Finally, just before dawn, Tau possessed her cunt and Udo her ass together, as they brought her to the biggest climax of her life, fucking very, very slowly, until every nerve ending was screaming with the need to come. When she finally couldn’t stand the tension any more, Tau bit her nipple and Udo pinched her clit, and her entire body flew apart with ecstasy, quivering and shaking until she thought her bones might break or the top of her head would fly off. She bit down on Tau’s shoulder to stop herself screaming her release for the entire village to hear.

  This time both men filled her with their cum, sealing the best orgasm she’d ever had, and with it, their love for each other.

  * * * *

  No one had gotten sick from the foods they’d tested, and within a week, baby Cara was contentedly sucking on powdered milk instead of whimpering and crying. All the children were given milk from the four cows in turn. But the cows were getting older, and no longer produced enough milk, so there was usually only enough for half the children each day. Now the ones who missed out received a cup of powdered milk instead in addition to their regular food.

  The people quickly worked out which cans probably had food that had spoiled and opened them, checked, and discarded them, putting in the cooking pot just the few that had lasted. No one opened the cans they were reasonably certain would be good, saving them for winter.

  And every day the group of men worked on the bus and the truck, learning what all the parts looked like, what function they served, and how to make them work. Stored in the cave had been many big cans of diesel fuel, but it was difficult to know how much would be needed for the journey to the city and back. Luke’s encyclopedia gave them an idea of how many miles per gallon the vehicles would use, but the maps of the area they had were very old and very rough, so it was almost impossible to calculate the distance. Besides, it was most unlikely they’d be able to drive straight down the old freeway.

  A favorite topic of conversation was whether they should travel in both vehicles or just one, and if only one, whether it would be the bus or the truck. The truck meant they could bring far more things back with them, assuming they found goods and equipment useful for the village, but the bus would give them a much more comfortable journey and more pairs of eyes able to see out and watch for danger.

  Udo wanted to take the truck. “We can cram four people into the cab, which is plenty of eyes to watch for danger, and the rest of the people can sit in the back with the equipment. It means we won’t be limited as to what we take and what we bring back.”

  Zuri and Tau agreed with him, but other people had strong arguments for the bus, and Arthur wanted to take both. “We have plenty of fuel, and with both we aren’t limited as to either how many people come with us or what we take. If we find a lot of things to bring back, that won’t be a problem either. We can go looking for warehouses now we know what kind of canned goods are likely to still be edible, too.”

  Other men had laid the pipes Faye had found in the storeroom, and now they had a simple watering system from the river to the vegetable garden, which saved much back-breaking work carrying buckets of water to the growing plants.

  In the evenings, Luke taught the children to read and write, using parts of the vehicles for words or terms about the journey some of the adults would soon be undertaking. Even older boys and girls had joined his class now. Many of them could read and write, but not very well, and not using all the words he was teaching the younger children.

  Some nights he would bring out one of the very old newspapers from the storeroom and read them a little bit about the past. Zuri always liked to listen to those stories, too, and Udo noticed Luke chose the stories quite carefully, and thought about what else he wasn’t telling them.

  “I wonder if he’s found out yet what caused the bad winds to come,” asked Zuri in bed one night.

  “I don’t think so. He’s only about one third of the way down that box of papers, although he’s rearranged them all. Likely putting them in date order or something, I guess,” said Tau.

  “He’ll tell Andy when—if—he does find out,” added Udo.

  Udo hugged the other two close to his body, reveling in the fact that they were all together at last.

  “When do you think we’ll go to the city?” asked Zuri.

  “It’ll have to be in the next month or thereabouts. We have to allow enough time to go and come back before winter gets too bad. I don’t think the bus or truck will work so well in snow, and the men won’t want to have to shovel the road for it,” said Tau.

  “Good point.”

  * * * *

  The day the men returned to the village reporting the engines of both the bus and the truck worked, Andy stopped pretending he hadn’t yet decided whether or not a journey to the city would be approved. From then on, all the talk was who would go and who would stay behind. Most of the men and about half the women wanted to go, but everyone knew enough people needed to stay behind to care for the crops. The journey to the city wasn’t guaranteed to bring back food, and the crops were likely their only hope of survival through winter.

  Udo and Tau were quite confident of bringing back fuel for their fires and things like clothing and bedding, which shouldn’t have been damaged by the passing years, and the books Luke was so keen to read to find out how to improve their crops, but food was a different situation altogether.

  “Any animals will belong to the people there, and stored food will surely have been gathered over the past fifty years,” sighed Tau.

  “The people may even have divided the city among themselves, and if we enter someone’s territory, we may cause a war, or at the very least be told to leave,” added Udo.

  “We have to look though, don’t we? If people had looked in the cave all those years ago when Adena and her father first saw the bus, we wouldn’t have been hungry the past six months and may have had all sorts of new crops and farmed animals to feed us,” said Zuri.

  “Exactly. And until we look, we won’t know. At least with a vehicle we can cover a lot of ground and search much farther than we could on foot or just with a wagon,” said Udo.

  “We need to check those old maps Luke found and try to guess which zones of the city would have warehouses and where the farms were,” added Tau.

  “I think Luke has already been doing that. He said the farms were on the outskirts of the city, so we should pass them on the way in and be able to hunt wild animals on our way home again, last thing,” said Zuri.

  Udo nodded. “That makes good sense because we wouldn’t have to feed and look after them in the city then.”

  “Has Andy given any indication of how many people he will allow to go to the city?” asked Zuri.

  “Not as such, but I know he’s not going to agree with Arthur’s plan to take both vehicles. That would allow almost the entire village to go, and he’s been quite adamant that won’t happen.”

  But when the men checked all the tires, there were only enough good ones for one vehicle to travel safely with adequate spares, so the argument over whether to take the bus or the truck flared again.

  “We’ll take the truck because it gives us the biggest space to bring back food and equipment. People will just have to take turns sitting inside,” Andy decreed. He also announced an absolute maximum of ten people would go, including Tau, Udo, Zuri, Adena, Arthur, and Luke.

  Some of the men grumbled, but almost everyone agreed that since Zuri had found the truck and Adena had found the bus, they had t
o be included, and Luke was their best hope of remembering things from the city. Finally four more men were chosen, and the planning of what to take with them and where to search reached fever pitch. Because of his age and bad knee, Luke was their scribe, the one who would keep the lists of what they had and what they needed and where to go.

  Andy was insistent that all those going would be granted a turn at driving and turns in the seats. No one was to be left to travel in the back all the time. “Arthur is in charge of this journey, but all participants are to be treated equally. If I find out some of you are being unfair to others, there will be consequences on your return,” he said sternly, looking at the men.

  “Why don’t you go and supervise them?” asked Molly.

  “There’s no guarantee they’ll find food. Our crops must be tended to, and I want to oversee that work myself. I’d like to go and see the city, but Arthur can take charge, and Luke will help him with the written side of things,” was the reply.

  Udo nodded. Arthur wasn’t very literate, but he wasn’t stupid either. He’d listen to old Luke when it came to maps, lists, and strategies.

  They’d tested the bottled water, and although it tasted different from the water in the river, it hadn’t made anyone ill, so they counted out a bottle per person per day, assuming on a travel time of two weeks. “We may find plenty of good water, but then again it may belong to someone else,” said Arthur. “It’s best to take the bare minimum we’ll need with us.”

  They followed the same pattern with food, taking the bare minimum they’d need, hoping to find things to eat on the way. They didn’t take any wood, certain they’d find something to burn to cook their meals, and the canned food they took with them could be eaten uncooked if necessary anyway.

  “Cold soup? I hope we find wood,” groaned Udo. Tau and Zuri just laughed at him.

  “I hope we find chickens and socks,” Zuri joked.

  “Sheep would be even better. Or cows,” said Tau.

  “Would they still be around after all this time? Surely they’d belong to villagers,” said Zuri.

  “They may have gone wild. It’s possible we’ll find some feral ones on the way, although they may be hard to catch,” said Udo.

  “Something else we need to plan,” added Tau on a sigh.

  * * * *

  Luke made Arthur a map of how he thought the truck could be driven from the cave to the old road, and Arthur and Ghedi, with two other men, scouted the route, finding Luke was very close to accurate. They only needed to make a few minor changes where trees had grown up, blocking the track.

  The truck was loaded with food and water, and those going to the city added a change of clothing each, plus their pillow and a blanket, and then all was ready.

  “The truck is good in that we can sleep safely inside it. The bus would have been better to travel in, but sleeping sitting up would have been uncomfortable,” said Zuri.

  “Safety is important, though. Inside the truck we’ll be much harder to attack. With the bus, we could see people coming, but they’d break the windows very easily by throwing rocks at us,” added Tau.

  “Is anyone taking weapons? Do we even have weapons?” asked Zuri.

  “Andy is adamant that we avoid conflict where possible. We have our own land, our own village. We won’t steal from other people. Our aim is to find things no one has already claimed. But having said that, I’m sure Arthur will have something we can defend ourselves with if we have to,” said Udo.

  “I don’t think I’ll sleep tonight. I’m so excited to be going to the city,” said Zuri.

  “We planned to do other things than sleeping anyway,” said Udo, wrapping his arms around Zuri and pushing one of his legs between her thighs. She responded by rubbing her cunt on his leg.

  “Time to get undressed,” he said hoarsely.

  Zuri could feel his cock growing and swelling against her belly even through their clothes and glanced over her shoulder at Tau. He was pulling his pants off. “Looks like the party’s about to begin,” she whispered.

  As soon as Tau was naked, he leaned against the back wall of the hut. “Slide onto my cock and ride me,” he ordered Zuri.

  She grinned. It was fun when he played at being bossy. She turned her back on him, wiggled her ass and hips, then said, “The floor is looking a bit dirty. I really ought to sweep it.”

  She took three steps toward the corner where the broom rested against the shelves and found herself caught up in Tau’s arms, thrown over his shoulder, and his hand slammed hard against her ass, smacking her over her skirt.

  Happily she rubbed her cunt against his back, trying to get some pressure on her clit. Udo hurried over and lifted her skirts up to run his hand over her butt, before both men placed her facedown on the bed. Udo pulled her skirt down and off her legs, and Tau slapped her ass three or four times. Hard enough to leave a red mark and make her flesh sting, but not hard enough to bruise.

  “Who’s a naughty, disobedient woman then?” growled Tau in his playful voice.

  “Not me. I was going to sweep the floor for you like a dutiful housekeeper,” replied Zuri.

  Udo snorted, sliding his hand under her body, inside her shirt, to grip her breast and tease a nipple.

  Tau kneeled on the bed behind her and ran his hands over her ass, gently soothing the warm flesh, then slapped her hard again low on her ass with a stroke that ignited heat right into her cunt. Next he licked and laved her flesh, puffing his breath over the wet areas.

  Finally both men lifted her up, Udo helpfully pulling her shirt off, and Tau asked, “Now will you ride my cock?”

  “Hmm. Let me think,” she teased, watching her men’s faces. Then she dropped her gaze to their cocks. Oh yes, they wanted her real bad.

  Grinning, she said, “I suppose standing-against-the-wall sex could be fun. Very well then, I’ll ride your cock, Tau, and Udo can take my ass.”

  The game ended right then and there, with Tau grabbing her and thrusting his cock deep into her cunt before half carrying her so he could lean against the wall. Zuri balanced herself against him, sticking her hot ass out so Udo could stretch her rear entry for his cock.

  There were a few moments when she could hear the rustle of fabric as Udo stripped out of his shirt and pants, and then his fingers were in her, warm and wet from his saliva, sliding inside her ass as he scissored the opening to widen it for his cock.

  Tau grabbed her attention by thrusting his tongue in her ear, making her giggle, then biting along the edge of it just hard enough to nip and keep her mind focused on him.

  Zuri responded by licking down his chest and sucking one of his flat, brown nipples into her mouth, then biting on it in return. Then she sucked it again to soothe it before turning her attention to his other nipple. This time she licked wet circles all around it without touching it, until he pressed her head against his chest, silently demanding she suck him there, too.

  She loved the games they played like this. The sex and the orgasms were always excellent, spectacular even, but being together like this, able to talk freely to each other and play sexy little games was almost as good. They’d bonded as a triad before they’d received Andy’s approval to be together officially. But back then they’d never had the opportunity to just spend time teasing each other and enjoying fun little games like this. Zuri cherished these moments, knowing once they headed for the city there’d be neither time nor opportunity for such things. Their attention would need to be on survival, searching, providing for all the people in their village, not on being together like this. So she deliberately wiggled her ass back and forth instead of pushing onto Udo’s cock, and took her mouth off Tau and grinned at him as she did it.

  “Does my beloved need her ass spanked again,” challenged Tau.

  “Well, don’t hit me by mistake,” said Udo, who was pressed behind Zuri, almost covering her about-to-be-spanked ass.

  Naughtily Zuri stretched an arm backward and swatted Udo’s ass. “What’s that saying of
Molly’s? Something about sauce for the goose being sauce for the gander?” she asked.

  Udo moved back and slapped her high on her thigh, then pressed his cock at her rear entry. This time she pushed back for him to press past the ring of muscles and slide deep inside her.

  “Enough foreplay. Let’s get fucking,” said Tau.

  “Gods, yes. My dick is dying here,” said Udo.

  The men gripped her tightly between them, pulling out and pushing in together, fast and hard, the games they’d played evidently having used up all their patience. Zuri let them set the pace, loving being held so tightly encompassed by hot, hard male bodies, enjoying the sweaty slide of chests and backs against her skin. She especially enjoyed their cocks filling her and emptying her in quick succession, the stretching of possession, the emptiness of loss, quickly replaced by fullness once again. The rhythm was addictive and passionate, erotic beyond comprehension. She loved both these men so deeply, and she loved the way they made her feel so precious and desirable as they fucked her in tandem like this.

  Even though the men held her firmly sandwiched between them, standing against a wall, she had more leeway than when they fucked lying down. Zuri widened her legs just a little, clenched and held their cocks deep inside her, wiggled her hips and ass, and slid her foot up and down first one of Tau’s legs, then one of Udo’s.

  Both men groaned when she gripped their cocks so tightly, then groaned again as she loosened them. Grinning, she waited a few heartbeats then rolled her hips in a circle, making their cocks slide over all her inner tissues.

  “Gods!” said Tau, lifting his hands from Udo’s shoulders and grabbing her hips tightly.

  “You’re killing us here,” added Udo.

  Udo moved a few inches closer to her back, his body now tight against her skin, and gripped Tau’s hips, holding the three of them in arms like iron bands. Both men increased their pace, slamming into her, pumping their hips fast and furious.


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