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I Spy a Dark Obsession sa-3

Page 13

by Jo Davis

  “It’s a fake pussy,” Jeri supplied.

  “A what?” The women giggled at his expression. And no wonder, since he was staring at it like it was venomous.

  “It’s a vagina,” Katrina said between snickers. “You stick your penis in the hole and the beads stimulate you.”

  He snorted. “Why the hell would I want to fuck a plastic jelly pussy when I can have a real one?” Sometimes the female mind eluded him.

  “Because,” Jeri said, drawing the word out and rolling her eyes as though he were hopeless. “It’s something different. It’s the yum factor of your lover playing with you. Pleasing you.”

  “Okay, I get that. Maybe next time, huh?” He put the thing back in the drawer — and found what he wanted. Grinning, he lifted out a string of pink anal beads. “I think this will do nicely.”

  Snatching a small bottle of vanilla-scented oil, he carried the beads to the bed and climbed in, putting Katrina in the middle. “I take it you enjoy using the beads, since they’re yours?”

  She touched them lightly. “Actually, they’re new. I ordered them online a few weeks ago, and, sadly, I’ve been without a partner to help me try them.”

  “You’re an adventurous lady,” he commented, smoothing a palm over Katrina’s hip. “I like that. Roll onto your stomach. I’m going to get you ready and then fill that pretty backside of yours. Here, let’s put this pillow under your hips.”

  Jeri scooted closer. “What do I get to do?”

  “For now, just watch. You’ve got an important part coming up.” He winked at her, and she smiled happily.

  With Katrina settled and spread for him like an offering, he wished his recovery time was faster so he could go another round. Plunder that pretty ass of hers, so firm and plump. But he’d gladly wait, because the goal here was to make her forget her own name, not indulge his cock. Truthfully, he couldn’t wait to be the master of her pleasure.

  Spreading her cheeks, he drizzled a bit of the scented oil on her hole. “To make things easier. Just relax.” He began to work in the oil with one finger, massaging into her entrance.


  Not everyone liked ass play, and until today he’d never fully appreciated how good it could feel. Now he prepared her with extra care, making certain she was stretched just enough that the toy would stimulate without discomfort. When she began to make needy sounds in her throat, her muscles limp on the bed, he figured she was ready and picked up the beads.

  “Here we go,” he said, placing the first one at the tiny opening. He gave it a gentle push and it slipped easily into her channel, disappearing. “God, that’s wicked.” Beside him, Jeri agreed, eyes wide.

  He kept working, pushing one after the other into her hole, fascinated by the pink orbs being clasped by her flesh, then vanishing one by one. She began to writhe, moaning, and he smiled. This was almost as much fun for him as it was for her. “Just a few more, baby. You can take it; don’t worry.”

  “So full! I need…” She started to reach underneath her, between the bed and her body, going for her pussy.

  “Uh-uh, no touching,” he warned, taking her arm and moving it to her side. Finally, the last bead was in, and he nodded at Jeri. “Now for your part. How would you like to drive our poor Kit-Kat wild with your mouth? If it’s okay with her.”

  “Yes,” Katrina begged, wiggling.

  “Ooh, I’d love to!”

  “Go for it, honey.”

  Jeri crawled between Katrina’s spread thighs and lay on her stomach, moving close, her face a mere breath from the slick pink pussy awaiting her attention. The lift from the pillow under Katrina’s hips was just enough to allow Jeri to feast to her heart’s content — which was exactly what she did.

  Despite coming a short while ago, Michael’s dick took notice of the girl action and perked up a bit. He rubbed Katrina’s bottom as Jeri got into her task, licking the pouty little clit and the wet slit. The girl couldn’t have enjoyed an ice cream cone more than she loved eating her friend’s cunt, and Michael urged her on.

  “That’s it, girl. Give her a tongue-lashing she won’t forget.”

  When the whimpers and moans from the women began to reach a fever pitch, he reached for the end of the string and prepared to drive his lover over the edge.

  Any second, she was going to detonate. Arousal was building at warp speed toward impending orgasm, her skin too tight, the sensation too big to contain. Too hot. Overwhelming.

  Katrina moved her hips, trying to fuck her friend’s face, get more of the clever tongue and mouth to bathe her, making her vibrate from head to toe. She was a slave to what they were doing to her, and she loved every second.

  Then another sensation joined the mix. A gentle tugging at her hole. One by one, the beads began to pull free, slipping away. The stimulation, the fire quickly burning out of control in her asshole and pussy, was not to be believed. Much less endured. She couldn’t hold out under this dual assault and didn’t want to.

  Without warning, her body began to jerk as though electrocuted, the orgasm washing over her in a red tide. “Oh, God! Fuck, yes! Give it to me!”

  Distantly, she heard her own hoarse cries and Michael crooning his approval. Jeri moaning into her cunt as she lapped the juices. Everything became a haze of desire as they owned her, brought her down. Left her boneless, sated.

  “Thank you,” she whispered.

  Michael and her friend snuggled on either side of her and the pillow was removed from under her hips. “Sleep,” he said, rubbing her back.

  And because she couldn’t do anything else, she let exhaustion carry her away.

  In theory, Bastian’s plan to distance himself from Michael had been a good one.

  But working for the man made avoiding him damned near impossible. Katrina, too, since the two of them had been joined at the hip for days. They arrived together, took lunch in his office, left together at the end of the day. Bastian and everyone else in the building would have to be blind and stupid not to notice how they glowed in each other’s company, the lingering looks filled with lust. God, it hurt to be on the outside.

  Sometimes Bastian caught them glancing at him, their expressions reflecting sadness and… pity? And he would turn away and find something pressing to do, because pity he absolutely could not fucking take.

  He’d rather plunge a knife into his heart.

  Rolling his chair forward, he attempted to focus on the reports on his desk from their agents in the field, and their computer surveillance experts — aka hackers — as well. Neither of Dietz’s henchmen who were cooling their heels in the basement prison were saying much that SHADO didn’t already know.

  The hit men didn’t know Dietz’s whereabouts, but gleefully claimed he must be close, ready to make his move. Bastian agreed, but his agents couldn’t get a handle on where Dietz and Tio were hiding. It was like the earth had swallowed the fuckers whole, though he knew they’d never be so lucky. Those two were waiting, biding their time in the darkness like a couple of vampires. Ever since lackey number two had tried to off Bastian the other day, he’d been careful.

  Maybe… too careful.

  The idea took root and began to grow, and Bastian sat tapping his pen on his desk, considering how the plan would proceed. There were several drawbacks, but the reward far outweighed the risk. Mr. President wanted Dietz captured and eliminated, whatever the cost. If Bastian could lure the government’s most-wanted criminal into a trap, the agency would earn a fat bonus. And everyone would have peace of mind.

  If only he could put his plan into action without Michael’s approval, but whatever their personal problems, the man was technically his boss. For the time being, anyway. Bastian knew the FBI would take him back in a heartbeat, and he’d been giving a lot of thought to calling his old director. For now, he had a job to do.

  Pushing from his desk, he walked the short distance to Michael’s office and knocked on the doorframe before stepping inside. Michael looked up from his own mound of paper
s, happiness briefly lighting his face before he seemed to catch himself, face blanking, his welcome cool and professional. Bastian wondered whether he’d imagined the fleeting joy in the man’s eyes.

  “Come in. What’s up?”

  Bastian closed the door behind him and took a seat. “I need to talk to you about something important. An idea I have.”

  Michael leaned forward, elbows on his desk. His voice softened, sounding hopeful. “I’d love to hear it.”

  He hesitated. Surely the man didn’t believe it involved something personal? Like he was here to bridge the canyon between them? No, that was wishful thinking on Bastian’s part. “I have an idea to draw Dietz from hiding.”

  “Oh.” Michael blinked, looking deflated. “Okay, let’s hear it.”

  He nodded. “You and I have been extremely careful not to be caught unaware since the attempted hits on us both. We’ve battened down the hatches too much.”

  “Explain.” His friend frowned.

  “We’re not accessible, so neither is Dietz. We know he’s close by. He’s waiting for an opportunity to move, which so far hasn’t come along. I propose we give him that opportunity.”

  “You want to set up a sting.”

  “Yes.” Here came the part Michael wasn’t going to like. “With me as the bait.”

  “No fucking way.” Sitting back in his chair, he shook his head. “Find someone else. Get Emma to make up one of the agents to play your role. We’ll find someone your height and build, put him in a blond wig—”

  “Which is exactly what Dietz will expect us to do. But if I go out to a club on my own, supposedly to pick up some action, he might be confident in making a move.”

  “I’ll have to pull the men back way too far to make him believe you’re really alone,” his friend said in a low voice. “It’s too dangerous.”

  “What’s the alternative? We let him remain at large indefinitely, and just hope that we somehow get lucky and our computer guys or someone else accidentally gets a lead?” He paused. “I’ve gotten three calls from the president this week, demanding to know how close we are to catching this asshole. How about you?”


  “What choice do we have, Michael? If we don’t do something, Dietz is going to reorganize what’s left of his men, and when he does, we’re all in deep shit,” Bastian insisted. “We’re not going to catch him without risk. It isn’t possible.”

  The defeated slump of Michael’s shoulders signaled his capitulation on the matter. “I wish the bait didn’t have to be you.”

  “Well, it has to be one of us, and it makes more sense for it to be me. I’m the one he went after last, and I’m sure he wants to hurt you by getting to me. We’ll make him think we’ve relaxed our guard, that I’ve gone out with no agents trailing me for protection, and I’m positive he’ll move.”

  “That’s what worries me. The physical distance that will be between you and our men is problematic. If he goes after you, you’ll be alone for as much as five minutes before backup arrives.” He paused, thinking. “You’ll wear an audio device and one of the pinhole cameras.”

  For all the good those would do when their enemy put a bullet in his brain. But Bastian wisely kept the opinion to himself. “How soon can we do this?”

  Michael was silent for a long moment. “Dietz is keeping tabs on us somehow. I’m willing to bet he has a contact keeping him in the know. Not one of his soldiers, but a local snitch, one he’s paying off. Someone who works in the background near us. This person could be a bouncer, bartender, or one of our cleaning personnel here at the agency. Hell, it could even be Mrs. Beasley.” At Bastian’s arched brow, he grimaced. “Just sayin’.”

  “Okay, he has a snitch. So?”

  “So we let Blaze, Emma, and some of our agents who are more active in the underground community spread the word that you’re not happy in your love life. You’ve suffered a devastating breakup. You’re going to have fun, nail every piece of ass that will hold still long enough.”

  Bastian’s heart ached at the version laced with shades of the truth. But Michael would never be devastated on his behalf, he was positive. The man had barely blinked when Bastian shoved him out of his life. “This will take more than one night. He’ll watch first, make sure I’m really doing what the rumors said.”

  Meaning, Bastian would have to make the pickups real. And Michael didn’t even flinch, or show an ounce of remorse. He could have wept.

  “Do what you must. We’ll start tomorrow night. Like you said, he won’t move the first night, so we’ll have you go fishing again Friday night, Saturday if necessary. If he still doesn’t try for you, we’ll set up a predictable pattern — one weeknight plus Fridays and Saturdays. Three weeks with no results, and we’ll scrap the op and come up with something else.”

  “Fine. But I don’t think that will be necessary.”

  “Me, either. Stop by and see Katrina before you leave and get the equipment you’ll need to wear in your clothing.”

  Oh, goody. That meeting wouldn’t be awkward at all.

  “Will do. I’ll leave my condo at nine tomorrow night to go out. Not many people are hanging at the club before then.”


  Bastian took his cue to leave and stood. As he reached for the doorknob, Michael’s voice drifted behind him.

  “Please be careful.”

  Briefly, he closed his eyes. “I always am.”

  If only that concern meant something deeper. But it didn’t, and never would. That depressing knowledge dogged him all day and had more than a little to do with his putting off going to see Katrina as long as possible. He might have avoided the errand until tomorrow if he hadn’t answered the phone on his desk just as he was wrapping for the day. Not thinking about much except heading to his temporary quarters for the evening, he picked up the handset.


  “Hey, it’s Katrina. Are you coming by to get the equipment you need for the op? Michael said to expect you, and I’m about ready to go home.”

  Crap. He hadn’t realized she’d be waiting for him. “I’m sorry, time got away from me. I’ll be there in a couple of minutes.”

  “Okay, see you.”

  Hanging up, he buried his face in his hands. “Damn. Okay, stop being a pussy and face her like a man. She already knows that you want her as much as you want her lover.” Hell, she’d wanted Bastian, too. Had that changed?

  And as a result, seeing her and Michael spending every waking moment together cut twice as deep. After tidying his desk, he shut down his computer and walked out, thinking that a call to his former director was in order. He’d stick it out here until Dietz was caught, and then he’d move back to Virginia or wherever the hell they wanted to send him. Alaska would work.

  Or maybe the president would be so pleased, he’d agree to send Bastian overseas as an agent so deep undercover, his real identity would cease to exist. Maybe he’d be like James Bond, breaking hearts all over Europe until he either vanished into a cozy retirement in the Mediterranean or got his ass blown up by the enemy.

  Stifling a sigh, he walked into Katrina’s office to find her shutting down for the day, as well. She brightened when she saw him and crossed the few feet to give him a warm hug.

  “Hey, stranger.” Pulling back, she studied him. “Haven’t seen much of you in over a week.”

  “I’ve been busy protecting the world from heinous criminals.” He shrugged. “You know how it is.”

  “Unfortunately, I do. How sad is it that those criminals keep us employed?” Her eyes twinkled.

  “Very. You have a couple of gadgets for me?”

  “I do.” Scooping them off her desk, she placed them in his outstretched palm. “I don’t have to tell you how these work. I just want to point out that the audio device is disguised as a nipple ring. You can wear either a mesh shirt or a solid one and it won’t interfere with the sound. The camera was trickier, but Emma and I came up with a solution by disguising it a
s an earring.”

  “Neither of my ears is pierced, though.”

  “Doesn’t matter. See this? It’s one of those magnetic-button things, no piercing required. The angle won’t be as good as if the camera was fixed on your shirt or somewhere it could point straight on, but it’ll be okay.”

  “What about a necklace?”

  “Didn’t think of that, but we’ll design something for Friday night. Come to think of it, changing up the accessories will be good. Less suspicious.”

  “All right. Guess I’m good to go.”

  She hesitated, biting her lip. “Bastian, please be really careful. I haven’t trusted Dietz since the day he accepted the job as Michael’s right hand. He’s evil, not stupid. Whatever we’ve thought of, he’s already there.”

  “Gee, thanks,” he deadpanned. “Maybe I should just wear my T-shirt that has the red bull’s-eye on it and stand in the middle of the road.”

  “That’s not funny.”

  “Agent humor. What can you do?”

  She considered him a moment, obviously chewing on something. “Why did Michael originally pass you over for the CEO’s position and give it to Dietz? I’m not the only one who’s baffled by that, either.”

  “The truth is, he didn’t pass me over. I turned him down. The gory details, Michael can fill in for you.” He was surprised she hadn’t asked him already. “Gotta run. Thanks for the gadgets.”

  “Wait. About the other night—”

  “What about it? We’re all adults. You and Michael have a thing, and I get that.” How calm he sounded. Not at all like his guts were being ripped out. “I’ve got no claim on him, or you for that matter, as much as I — Forget it. I have to go.”

  She grabbed his hand. “Bastian… I still want you. Do you still want me, too? This is important.” Her earnest expression arrested him, those big blue eyes begging him to be honest. He could fall into them and never emerge.

  “I’d give anything to be with you and Michael. But I fail to see how. I can’t have either of you, regardless of how I feel,” he said painfully.


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