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Violet In Lace

Page 12

by Vivienne Hunt

  “What were you thinking about just now?” Violet asked, pressed against his chest.

  Justin just smiled into her hair. No sense in scaring her — if it was meant to be, then it was meant to be; only time would tell. “I’m thinking that that was just the appetizer, my love. The night is young, and we are just getting started.”

  Chapter Twenty-one


  Backstage was a zoo. Violet had never witnessed such an organized display of chaos in her life. It was eight o’clock in the morning, and she couldn’t believe that not only was she up, showered, and dressed, she was amazingly alert. Her night of lovemaking with Justin only fueled her excitement for Chenille’s debut.

  Who am I kidding? Once this is over, I’m going to collapse.

  Everyone was working in tandem to get all the models ready for their runway debut. The hair and makeup stylists had been on site since six thirty, sculpting the models into the trademark video that Robert Palmer was so famous for: slicked-back hair pulled into a tight bun or twist, seductive, smoky eyes, and of course, perfectly lined, glossy lips painted bright red.

  While April and Chloe were coordinating with the convention’s management as to where they could hand out swag once the doors opened, Russell, along with Pam and Heather, was doing a final quality-control check of every piece of lingerie that was in the show. The apparel needed to be flawless — they couldn’t afford a snag or stray thread. Even Justin was preoccupied with the lighting and sound crew as they went over the schedule. Violet decided it was the perfect opportunity to give the exhibit hall floor one last go-around. She ducked through a side door, and the noisy chatter of backstage faded away. Standing near the runway, her eyes took in the oversized TV screens that would soon be playing the “Addicted to Love” video. The entire exhibit hall was draped in red, black, and white. It was striking yet elegant at the same time. Violet took a seat in a plush black chair, briefly closing her eyes.

  Ah, silence.

  “You must be Violet,” a man’s voice startled her.

  She spun around to find a gorgeous blonde-haired and blue-eyed, muscular man sitting only a couple seats back from her. “I’m sorry, I didn’t see you come in.”

  The Adonis got up, extending his hand in introduction. “No worries. I’m Shawn Matterson, Justin’s partner in crime.” When he smiled, Violet caught a glimpse of the whitest teeth she had ever seen.

  “Violet Smoke,” she said, surprised that instead of shaking hands, Shawn raised hers to his lips and kissed her knuckles. “But you already knew that.” She felt like she was in a Victorian movie.

  They stood staring at each other for a moment while Violet tried to figure him out. Was he hitting on her, or was he always this forward with women he had only just met?

  “Ah, I see you’ve made the acquaintance of this miscreant that I call a best friend,” Justin’s familiar voice filled the air.

  Shawn laughed, and Violet was relieved that Justin had come to her rescue. She didn’t trust herself alone with Shawn.

  Or him, for that matter.

  “He’s been the perfect gentlemen,” Violet replied, tearing her eyes away from Shawn and focusing them back on Justin.

  “That’s what I was afraid of,” Justin jabbed, but Violet could tell it was all in good fun. She was starting to sweat while sandwiched between these two hot men.

  So much for fresh air. Naughty thoughts of the three of them together swirled around in her head. She pushed the devilishly delicious scenes from her mind.

  “I’m going to go find April and Chloe. They could probably use my help.” Violet smoothed her hand over the Adrianna Papell red sheath dress she was wearing, noticing that Shawn’s baby blues were following her every move. She needed to get away from him, and fast, before she did something stupid. She gave Justin a quick kiss and headed for the exit. Violet knew she didn’t have to turn around; she could feel two sets of eyes burning holes into her ass as she sashayed away. She made a mental note to talk to Justin later about his best bud.

  It was almost nine o’ clock when Violet found April and Chloe out in the lobby armed with their swag bags. There was a large crowd gathered outside in front of the glass double- doors, where two security guards were holding back the throngs. They wore leery expressions, as they were about to be flooded by an insane number of women and men all clamoring to get inside.

  “You know, I was worried that having the first runway spot on the second day of the show would hurt us,” April mused while playing with rack cards in her hands, “but seeing all these people gathered gives me hope that we’ll fill the room.”

  “Oh, we’re going to fill the room all right,” Violet said knowingly.

  “How can you be so sure?” Chloe didn’t sound convinced.

  Violet waved to a couple of familiar faces on the other side of the glass. “I think you are going to realize that we have more support than you think.”

  The guards unlocked the doors, stepping to the side as a flood of bodies poured through the entrance. A large cluster made a beeline for the three women. Violet recognized the front-desk guard from Justin’s building. Tessie, was one of Chenille’s regulars. Apparently she wasn’t alone, as other clients of the boutique followed her indoors. Violet was thrilled; her email to all of their subscribers had worked.

  Tessie, came up to April and Chloe, giving them each a hug. The girls were floored.

  “What do you think of my new bling?” Tessie said, sporting a rhinestone pin that read “Ladies of Chenille” in a flirty cursive. She wasn’t the only one wearing one. There had to be at least a few dozen people that Violet could readily see, each wearing a Chenille pin.

  “Where did you get these?” April clamored.

  “They’re fantastic!” Chloe exclaimed, handing her some swag.

  “It’s all because of Ms. Violet here,” Tessie offered, giving Violet a hug. “When I got your email about the trials and tribulations of being a curvy woman and how you were dealing with those trashy tabloids, why, I just had to rally the gang to come out and support the show!”

  Violet teared up a little. “Thanks, Tessie. It means the world to us that you and the rest of our ‘ladies’ are here, too.” She hugged her back.

  “Sweetie, don’t you worry. If any of those paparazzi are still hanging around when Chenille opens up next week, we’ll give em’ some of our warm Southern hospitality and send them on their way.” Tessie was standing with one hand on her hip, waggling her finger on her other hand in the air. “Oh, and kudos on snagging Justin! You two make for the hottest couple. Whew!” She fanned her face.

  Violet laughed. It felt great to be supported. Justin was going to be beside himself once he saw that some of his best boutique patrons were in attendance.

  The usher at the door hollered out the last call as the crowd broke up and filed into the exhibit hall. The room was packed, with standing room only around the sides and back. Violet noticed that some of the TDP crew was there as well, which was to be expected. She said her goodbyes to Tessie, nodding to April and Chloe to find their seats up front.

  As she approached the front row, Joanna Avery waved her down. “Violet, you are magnificent!” Joanna said loudly over the stream of music playing from the DJ’s speakers.

  “My magnificence is a direct result of your influence,” Violet noted. “These dresses are simply divine.” Joanna just beamed her approval.

  “Speaking of divine,” Dylan interrupted from the row behind them. “Are you ready to watch the performance of a lifetime?”

  “Dylan! You made it!” Violet reached back, clasping his hand in hers.

  “Honey, you have met my man, right?” Dylan playfully huffed. “I told him I would be here with bells on, and well, here I am.” He actually jingled a set of bells — typical Dylan.

  A set of baby blue’s caught her eyes, and Violet nodded to Shawn, who was sitting two seats over from Dylan. Realizing her cleavage was front and center for his viewing pleasure, Violet turned a
round in her seat, focusing on the runway while Joanna chattered on about previous shows. She snuck a glance back. Sure enough, Shawn’s eyes were lingering over her curves. She wondered if she would be having that talk with Justin about Shawn sooner than later; they needed to find that man a girlfriend, and soon.

  Oh, knock it off. What are you complaining about? Being stared at? Violet steeled her nerves. She wasn’t used to all the attention. She should feel flattered that she was still turning heads.

  The DJ’s music changed in beat, and the lights dimmed around them, illuminating only the runway as the TV’s screens cued up the Chenille logo. Then Robert Palmer’s video began to stream, the rhythm heavy and sensual, and Violet forgot about everything else around her.

  The models took to the catwalk, swaying down the runway in step with the music. A steady flow of legs and lingerie moved in endless succession to the beat. The crowd was drinking in the energy, some tapping their feet to the beat of the music. Cameras were flashing as bustiers, teddies, and chemises all glided by. In perfect symmetry, all of the models froze in place for the chorus. The audience was clapping now, totally caught up in the movements of the models as they unfroze their poses and continued past each other.

  The debut was a success. It ended with Justin, followed by Russell, taking to the runway and being surrounded by the models. There they accepted their just dues. Violet’s heart swelled; she had never been so proud to be a part of something so special.

  As the crowd broke up to move on to other events in the convention, a few reporters and cameras lingered behind to speak with Justin, and Joanna joined her son, clearly using her own star power to bolster Justin’s success. Once Dylan scampered over to Russell to give him a big hug and a kiss, Violet found she was standing by herself.

  “You’ve gotta admit, he definitely knows what women want.” It was Shawn again. This time he came up beside her, grazing a finger along her elbow.

  Violets breath hitched a bit. “Are you always this forward with your best friend’s girlfriends?” She needed to quell his fire before things really got out of hand.

  “My apologies. It’s just that now I see why he’s so into you.” His baby blues were sincere as a lock of blonde hair fell across his forehead. Violet had to resist the urge to push it away, no matter how gorgeous he was. What was with this guy that made him so irresistible?

  Before Violet could come up with a snappy response, Justin joined them, basking in the afterglow of the interviews. “We did it. It was incredible. It’s over, and I can breathe again.” He chuckled, running a hand through his hair. “There are a couple of magazines that want to meet up over lunch to discuss business. Violet, I want you there for those meetings — this could be Chenille’s ticket to a more global market.”

  Violet was touched. “Justin, I’m honored. Thank you.” She turned to Shawn, and to her relief, he was acting on his best behavior. “Shawn, it was a pleasure meeting you. I’m sure I will see you again.”

  “The pleasure was all mine.” He smiled, flashing his perfectly white teeth. “Justin, buddy — phenomenal as always. I expect nothing less. Drinks later?”

  “Sounds great. I’ll give you a call in a bit.” Justin nodded as Shawn gave Violet one last glance before leaving the exhibit hall.

  “So, how bad was he?” Justin’s questioned

  “You could tell?” Violet asked, surprised.

  “Let’s just say that I’ve known Shawn for most of my adult life, and where beautiful women are concerned, he sometimes forgets his manners.”

  “He wasn’t that bad,” Violet countered, but when Justin frowned, she knew he knew. “Okay, he might have been a tiny bit forward.”

  Justin laughed. “One of these days, I’ll tell you about some of our exploits together. Trust me, he’s a great guy; he just tends to think with his dick — a lot.”

  “Mmm . . . sounds like someone I know,” Violet observed.

  “Oh, come on. I’m not that bad!” Justin objected, but now it was Violet’s turn to show that she knew better.

  “Okay! Okay! Guilty as charged!” Justin threw his hands up in the air.

  “Uh-huh.” Violet snaked her arms around his waist, kissing him on the cheek. “Let’s go grab a coffee and recharge before I fall over. I think I am coming down off of this morning’s high.”

  “I hear that.” He kissed her back.

  As they made their way to the door, none other than Justin’s father stood before them, blocking their exit.

  “Dad,” Justin said, his jaw tight. “What are you doing here?”

  “Mr. Avery.” Violet nodded at him in acknowledgment, her tone even. He was the last person she wanted to lay eyes on, ever.

  Austin cleared his throat, shifting his weight from one foot to the other. He appeared uncomfortable. “I just wanted to tell you ‘good job.’ Your mother . . .” He coughed. “Your mother requested that I come out and show my support.”

  “The only ‘support’ I want from you is an apology to Violet for how you treated her.” Justin’s voice was menacing.

  Austin turned to Violet, and the two of them regarded each other for a second. Violet could feel a bad taste well up in the back of her mouth.

  “Violet,” he began, “I would like to apologize for my behavior towards you over lunch the other week.” He coughed again, clearly not enjoying being the one with no control. “It was uncalled for. I hope that you can forgive me.”

  Violet wondered if he was being genuine with his apology; she couldn’t tell. “Thank you, Mr. Avery. I appreciate your forthcoming apology.”

  “Well . . . uhm . . .” Austin cleared his throat. “I need to go and find your mother. We have some things to discuss.” He nodded to them both before making his escape.

  “Well, that was . . .” Violet was searching for the right word.

  “Unexpected?” Justin offered. “Strained? Uncomfortable? Awkward?”

  “All of the above,” Violet confirmed.

  “Joanna must have truly laid into him; though I am not so sure that I can forgive him just yet.” Justin cupped her cheek.

  “I am beginning to like your mother more and more.” She pressed her face into his waiting palm. “But do you know what I would like the most right now?”

  Justin laughed, the tension breaking. “Let me guess…coffee?”

  “Coffee, coffee, coffee!” she agreed vigorously.

  “All right, let’s get you your caffeine fix. We still have a big day ahead of us.”

  The lunch meeting went smoothly. Violet was impressed with Justin’s prowess when it came to Chenille. His long-term vision was inspiring, and the two magazines that were interested in featuring the boutique ended up vying for his attention. Violet spent most of the time taking notes while occasionally interjecting her thoughts and opinions when needed. Justin was definitely on top of his game. Now, if they could take the top spot of the Emerging 10 at the end of the week, then that would be the icing on the cake.

  “Let’s celebrate,” Justin suggested once the meeting wrapped up and they had the lunch table all to themselves.

  Violet sipped her third cup of coffee. “If by ‘celebrate’, you mean finishing out the day y attending a couple of workshops that we signed up for, then, yes, celebrate away,” she teased him.

  “Ugh . . .” Justin pinched his nose. “I just want to blow everything off, go back to our suite, and work on a different kind of blowing.”

  Violet snorted into her napkin, trying to keep it together. “Thank you for the visual, baby, but you promised your team; besides, it will be all the more rewarding if we get our work out of the way first.”

  “Fine, fine” — he sighed with mock resignation — “it’s a hard life. Let’s find the crew and break the excellent news about the forthcoming featured shoots. Russell will be beside himself.”

  Violet spent the rest of the day immersed in the glamorous world of fashion, surrounded by the people she cared about most. She couldn’t have been happier.

  Chapter Twenty-two

  Violet and Justin

  Six months later

  It was a beautiful September day in later summer in Piedmont Park. Violet was cradled against Justin’s chest, her arms resting on the tops of his knees as she inhaled the fresh air. A warm breeze was blowing, flipping up the edge of their picnic blanket as they lay underneath a big oak tree that kept them partially hidden from the nearby walking trail, where a host of runners were taking advantage of the incredible weather. Dapple rays of sunshine flitted about through the breaks in the leaves above their heads.

  Violet brought a hand down over her very round belly. “The babies are kicking again. Here, feel.” She took Justin’s hand, covering it with hers.

  “Mmm . . . our little boys,” Justin whispered into her ear, nibbling on the soft spot right below her earlobe that he loved so much.

  “They’re not so little anymore. I already feel as big as a house.” Violet shifted her weight in an effort to get more comfortable. She was six months pregnant. Not only had her mind been blown when she found out that she was expecting, but the fact that she was having fraternal twins really took her breath away.

  “You are perfect, absolutely incredible. You feel like heaven, and these . . .” Justin brought both of his hands around to her plump tits that were threatening to spill forward out of her cotton halter top dress. “These . . . are the best present of all while I wait for our sons to be born.”

  “Uh-huh. I knew you were in this for the added perks of my ever-growing chest.” Violet pushed her breasts into his hands, and she was rewarded with a lustful growl from Justin. She giggled. His appetite for her had actually doubled once he had found out she was pregnant; they were still making love, albeit slow and sweet now, almost every day despite her big belly. He was insatiable.


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