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Taste For Blood: Stir (Nephil-Vamp Series Book 1)

Page 14

by Jenna Bernel

  "Sweet dreams," he said barely audibly, before letting go of my hand.

  He began walking to his room, and I followed him, walking to mine. We both turned our separate handles simultaneously, the metal grinding against the old gears, but before I opened my door, I couldn't help but look over my shoulder one last time, only to meet Alec's eyes, doing the same. I gasped when I felt as though his blazing glow was lighting up my senses, and my stomach dipped into the field of a thousand butterflies, my skin humming in response. I spun to face him, reaching out, with the unrelinquished need to ease the ache I felt too. His passionate lips found mine in one explosive kiss, and his hands coiled in my messy curls as I wrapped my arms around him, pulling in closer, needing him closer. We melted into each other, over each other, onto each other, as the electricity of our combined heat made me wobbly.

  I let out a soft moan into his lips, the ache fluttering in my stomach as if he was still not close enough, and Alec responded. Picking me up by my thighs, he wrapped my legs around his waist, pressing me against him. I tangled my fingers in his hair, as our mouths discovered the sweet softness of each other, and he kicked open the door behind me, while still holding me close. My hair whipped across my face when I suddenly flew through the air, only to land on the soft quilt of the four-poster bed. I sat up with a gasp escaping my throat, stunned by the abrupt separation of our lips. I looked at Alec's smoldering eyes, heating up the room as he stood in the frame of the broken door.

  He slowly walked toward me, and the glow from the hall glinted off his honey-colored hair that was swept up in a mess of passion, making it look like a halo framing his impeccable features. My heart pounded with approval as he approached, not at all fond of our distance, and I couldn't believe any being could look as sexy as he did right now. He stopped when his legs brushed my knees, standing over me, and looked down with hooded eyes, painting his thumb tenderly across my mouth. I knew the ache wouldn't relent until his lips found mine, and he must have felt the same, because he dipped down, kissing me deeply, as if he couldn't stand for us to be apart another second. I arched my back to get closer, and he held his sprawling palm between my shoulder blades to support me.

  He slowly laid down, sinking us further into the soft bed, and I twisted my fingers in his shirt, pulling him over me. His sultry, molten lips had hooked me, the dizzying effects more wonderfully fuzzy than any toxin a vampire's bite could ever provide. I knew in that moment I was addicted, that I'd stay up all day and night, and borrow, beg, and steal for just one more taste. Like any addict, that could only mean one thing… I was in serious trouble.

  Chapter 18: Our Situation

  My eyes felt heavy, refusing to open, even though my brain was alert. The light in the room was getting brighter, as the sun tried to sneak through the closed blinds. I was lying on my back with Alec's arm tucked under my head for a pillow, and I could feel the soft fabric of his t-shirt against my side, snuggling me like a blanket. He was slowly tracing his index finger over the lines of my ten-pointed star, waiting patiently for me to wake up. My eyes slowly fluttered open, and I tilted my head to look at him.

  He kissed my cheek tenderly. "Good morning," he said quietly, his mouth still pressed to my cheek, before giving it another kiss. We couldn't have slept more than an hour or two last night, opting instead to spend the majority of the dawn in a heated lip-lock, an option I'd take a million times over. Who needed sleep? I rolled into him, nestling deeper into his chest. I slipped my hand underneath his shirt, hugging him closer.

  "I hope you weren't too uncomfortable," I said, feeling his belt buckle against my stomach, as he glided his hand down my arm.

  "I'd wear six parkas if it meant I could sleep next to you," he said, kissing the top of my head, and I smiled. Although it was the longest make out session of my life, we kept it at that. He didn't pressure me in any way, which somehow made me want him more. I guess he really was a gentleman, like Kate thought; that and he was so damn yummy, I couldn't stand it.

  "You could've at least taken your belt off," I teased, pulling away to look at him.

  "I told you, Dani, just say the word," he joked, referring to when I challenged his equipment in the dugout, and I smacked his chest.

  "I'll take that as another maybe," he smiled, dipping in for a light kiss, and my stomach did a little spin at the realization that it wasn't a joke to me anymore. That "maybe" could one day turn into more. I had never been this close to someone, to even think of the "maybe." It all felt like uncharted territory. I had always kept men at bay, a safe distance away from my heart, and now, even crossing the Pacific with Alec suddenly didn't seem so scary. It was nice to let someone in for a change. I didn't realize how much I was missing by only walking in the beach surf.

  "Would you like some breakfast?" Alec asked, starting to sit up.

  "I'd like some sleep," I pulled him back down, retaking his arm as my pillow.

  "Dani, I'll sleep up here all day with you, but I need to eat something first," Alec said with a coarseness in his voice, and I recognized the bloodlust dripping in his words.

  I instantly sat upright. "That's right, you didn't even get to eat last night."

  It was so easy to treat him like a regular human, because he was a regular human in my eyes, you know, with the exception of a beating heart, untraditional appetite, and super Gifts. Still, it was easy to forget that the seared scallops did nothing to stave off his hunger. I climbed over him and hopped out of the bed, holding out my hand, and he stood up, lacing our fingers.

  "You don't have to get up with me, Dani. Go back to sleep," he said, but I ignored that, and pulled him along with me down the stairs.

  "It's my turn to cook for you," I said, as we entered the kitchen. I sat him down at the island to inspect the fridge. Now knowing what lies behind the door, I didn't flinch like last time, and looked over the bottles as if they bore different labels, but of course, they didn’t. The dark green bottles all looked the same except half had red corks, the other half yellow. I pulled one of each out and set them in front of him before searching the cupboards for a glass. I handed it over and went back to my task of making a real breakfast to go with his drink.

  "Do you want to try it?" Alec offered, pulling out the yellow cork, and I looked at him, scrunching my nose.

  "Not particularly," I said, trying not to be offensive. It wasn’t like he could help it. At least he didn't have a blood whore locked up in back. That thought made my breath stop, and I swallowed hard at the implication. I knew nothing about what Alec did when I wasn't around.

  "What's wrong?" He asked. My upset expression was hard to hide.

  "I never saw you at The Basement," I said, hedging into my question.

  "That's because I don't go to The Basement unless I have to," Alec said, taking a sip.

  "Am I safe to assume than that you don't partake in their… activities?" I asked innocently, unable to look at him when he answered. He knew what I was getting at. Did he usually drain living, breathing humans until his toxin killed them?

  "Of course not. This Red Champagne is venison. I only drink the red corked stuff if I need my full strength, and even that is stolen from hospital blood banks," he said, almost offended, and I bit my lip, feeling guilty for even thinking otherwise. I walked over to him and put my arm on his shoulder.

  "You are just full of pleasant surprises." I smiled, looking down at his glass.

  "I was going to tell you last night about the more organic options that those like me have developed, but to my pleasant surprise, we got sidetracked," he said, wagging his eyebrows, and I laughed.

  I took the glass from his hand and peered in. "Just deer, right?" I asked, needing the reassurance.

  "Just deer," he said, putting up his hand in a scout’s honor. I brought the glass to my lips and took the smallest bubbly sip. The carbonation hit my tongue, and after that all I could make out was rusty iron, mixed with grass and dry leaves. I swallowed it down with a loud gulp, handing the glass back to h
im. I'd try again another time, when I'm vamp and can appreciate it.

  "I think I'll stick with French toast," I said, and he laughed, kissing my forehead before I stepped away to scrounge up the ingredients. After last night's dinner, I had a feeling his kitchen would be much better stocked than Will's.


  "Um, do you think you could give me a ride home? I know it's only a few blocks, but I don't want the neighbors to get the wrong impression of me," I said to Alec's back as he finished loading the dishwasher. I guess not all boys are as gross as my brother. He turned to face me and started to shake, trying to hold back his laughter. My battered, dirty clothes were tucked under my arm, and I was standing there in my cropped tank top, Alec's gym shorts, and five-inch black stilettos.

  "You look nice. I bet Missy will want to borrow that outfit and you two can finally bond by sharing clothes and braiding each other's hair," he said sarcastically through his laughter. I shook my head, so not funny yet, and gave him a good dose of Eli's latest trademark gesture. In the darkness of the night, this outfit was fine pajama gear, but there was no way I was walking down the street, even three blocks in these high heels, wearing not much more than a swimsuit and tousled bedhead. I tilted my head and pursed my lips at him. He walked over and picked me up like his bride.

  "All right, I'll take you home. I wouldn't want anyone thinking you were on the market anyhow," he said, giving me a quick kiss. My stomach instantly clenched, thinking about all my friends hanging out with us at the party tonight, particularly Evan. I had dates once in a while, and went to school dances with an escort, but nothing you would call a boyfriend, nothing like how Alec and I were with each other. I didn't know how Evan would respond, despite how close we were, but I had a pretty good idea. Evan was so protective of me, there was no way he would react well if Alec and I were suddenly snuggling by the bonfire. Hmm, I just said Alec and I. I tried to shrug off my worry about how people might react to us. I had enough life and death worries as it was. Besides, it wasn’t like Evan hadn't had his fair share of girlfriends. What was the difference?

  Alec carried me all the way down to the car and set me in the passenger seat before hopping in. "Just stop here," I instructed a minute later when we were a few houses down from mine. If Missy were home, I didn't need her tattling to Bill that an unknown male dropped me off at the house. Alec pulled to the curb and faced me in his seat, running his fingers through my hair before taking my hand.

  "Do you trust me, Dani?" He asked, with some hesitation in his voice, as if even after last night, I still might not be convinced. There was a pinch in his eyes I couldn't place, but it made me instantly nervous.

  "Yes," I said quietly, believing without a doubt in his human Gifts, and that he came here to protect me, although I was still not sure how. He leaned in, giving me a tender, but deeply passionate kiss, and hooking me all over again. I was breathless as he started to pull away. It was all I could do not to jump him right back in this car. Before I got carried away, I slung my purse over my shoulder, gathering my dirty clothes and shoes and opening the door.

  "See you tonight," I said with a smile. He returned the smile, but again, it didn't reach his eyes, and I quickly jumped out, running to my house through the neighbors’ yards before I could overanalyze it.

  I was relieved that the front door was open, because I realized my keys were probably still stuck like ninja throwing stars in the window at the restaurant. As soon as I came through the front door, I cursed under my breath. Bill and Missy were sitting in the formal living room, obviously waiting for me.

  Bill immediately shot to his feet. "There you are. I was getting worried," he said with relief, as I started toward the stairs, ignoring him.

  "Young lady, don't you dare walk away from me! Now I gave you last night to cool off at Will's, but we are going to talk about this," Bill said, following me to the stairs, and I felt a little relief that Will had still covered for me without question. I slowly turned, halfway up the staircase, to glare at him down below, and being careful to cover my vampire tattoo with my shoes. The last thing I needed was another fight over inking myself behind his back, not that I had a choice, or that he didn't do plenty of deceitful things behind my back too.

  "Can I at least change first?" I asked through my teeth, the unwelcome memories of last night flooding my brain all over again, and polluting my amazing morning with Alec. Bill sighed heavily, gesturing for me to continue up the stairs.

  "You have five minutes," he called after me, and I slammed my bedroom door shut, wishing I could lock myself in for the rest of the day.

  "Get down here now!" My dad yelled up the stairs, after I lingered in my room for seven and a half minutes past his five minute deadline. I let out a huff, sitting up on my bed. I didn't want to deal with Bill and the slut right now. I was preoccupied with how Eli would react to my change of heart with Alec. If Evan was the battle, Eli was definitely the war, and knowing what he did, he had plenty of weapons to fire my way. I plodded downstairs, slumping into a chair by the fireplace, while refusing to look at either one of them.

  "All right then. Obviously, you know now that Missy and I have been seeing each other," Bill said calmly.

  "Is that what you call it?" I said under my breath.

  "Dani, please don't make this harder than it already is," Bill said, the stress evident in his voice. I sat up in my seat and looked at him in disbelief.

  "Why would you think I would give you any other option? I thought we finally had a good moment last night, and you totally ruined it!" I said, the hurt showing in my eyes, as Bill’s dropped to the floor and he swallowed down his shame.

  "I understand the circumstances weren't ideal, but I can't change what happened. Missy and I are seeing each other and plan to continue our relationship," Bill said with a nod, like he'd already forgiven himself. Relationship? What did he want? My permission to ram his tongue down the hot nanny's throat? God, he was such a walking cliché, I could vomit.

  "What about Conner? She is supposedly here to take care of him, not you," I said, crossing my arms.

  "Conner's always my first priority," Missy chimed in, and I swiftly put my hand up, blocking her face from view. She must have balls as big as her boobs if she thought she was getting in on this conversation without her life coming to an end.

  "I went to your mother's this morning to tell Conner about the change in our situation," Bill explained.

  "Ha! What did Mom say about your situation?" I asked, actually wanting to hear the answer.

  "She was less than thrilled, but it's my life and she wants me to be happy, just like I want for her," Bill said, obviously sugar coating it. Man, I wish I could have been there, especially after Missy dropped Conner off so late, all hopped up on sugar, just the night before. She was probably cranky and exhausted, and laid into him really good. You haven't been cursed at ‘til you've been cursed at in German.

  "I know this is an especially difficult situation for you, so Missy and I have come up with a compromise I think you'll find fair," Bill said, and I sighed, completely doubting it.


  "Missy has agreed to stay in one of my vacant apartments in the city when Conner's not here. That way, the two of you can have your space," Bill propositioned, and I actually liked the sound of it.

  "You're never home anyway, why don't you just let him stay with Mom?" I suggested. Maybe I could rid Missy from the house altogether.

  "Because he's my son too! I'm your father, Daniella, not just the bank roll for this family!" He yelled. I had obviously struck some sort of post-divorce nerve. I slumped back in my seat, disappointed in my failed plan.

  "Now, I realize you only stay here because it's so much closer to school and your friends, but don't forget who put this roof over your head, you got that?!" Bill's calm was lost for good, and I nodded. Really, I stayed here because my mom is home every night and would be much better about keeping tabs on me than Bill. I stayed here because I could pretty much com
e and go as I pleased, and with Missy out of the way every other week, my dad and I could finally agree on something. The less time we spent together, the better.

  "When does this new arrangement start?" I asked, hoping it was right after this conversation is over.

  "Not so fast. I know I let the Clark boy thing slide, but I'm not just going to leave you two alone at the house all week." He said, and I scrunched my face. He totally thinks Evan and I are doing it.

  "What does that mean?" I asked with trepidation. If he got me a nanny, I'd lose it.

  "Ulla has agreed to come over and check on you at the house, even staying a few nights a week while Missy's in the city. I told her about Evan's visits too, so you be respectful to your grandma," Bill explained, and I nodded in a silent agreement.

  Fine by me. I tell my grandma everything. I love having her around. She already knows about Evan and my sleepovers, so Bill wasn't exactly giving her a shocking blow. I’d rather have her here looking out for me than some other twenty-something bimbo my dad hired. This actually could be nice, because Ulla would let me walk around the house being my whole self for a change. It was such a luxury to have that with Alec last night.

  "Sounds fair, can I go now?" I asked, standing up to leave.

  "Yes. And I am sorry, Dani."

  I walked away, giving Bill a sarcastic thumbs up, like I could give a crap about his empty apology. If he could invent a probe that would erase the horrible images from my brain, then we could talk. I wished I could Trance myself into forgetting it all. I so didn't need this right now. Maybe if I told my dad the truth, that I was a half-vamp who, if left to her own devices might break her biggest rule and drain his new gold-digging girlfriend just for the fun of it, he'd leave me alone, and move Missy out for good.

  Chapter 19: Bad Boys

  "Girls, I made you some snacks," Kate's mom came into her room with a plate of cookies in one hand, and veggies and dip in the other.


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