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STEEL TEMPTATION (A Back Down Devil MC Romance Novel)

Page 14

by Casey, London

  “You believe in God?” Miller asked.

  “I believe in the ground I walk on,” Nate said. “I can feel it.”

  “Good. Stay straight, Nate. I have to face the fact of Chief Jerry now. There’s a… ah, shit. He’s got a wife and kid.”

  “That mean you’re not going to kill him?”

  Miller lifted his shot glass, ignoring the question. “Lift it up with me.”

  Nate did.

  “Now,” Miller said, “if our ride of freedom ends tonight, then we ride some more. Somewhere else. A different life.”

  “Aye,” Nate said.

  They drank and Nate stood. The rest of Back Down Devil waited, staring. Looking for him and his approval on the night.

  It was official… Nate was going to make the kill. Take the lead. Control the scene. His leather cut may not have said VP or Pres… but he had the power. All because of his past. The past that haunted him and the past that kept him falling into Mia.

  Falling into Mia… falling for Mia.


  It was like a glorified bikini. Mia hated seeing the skimpy thing hanging up and she hated seeing it attached to her damn body. The top was tight, pushed up, forcefully making it so she had cleavage. The bottoms were super small, two inches away on each side from being a thong. She had to wear skinny leather bracelets and a leather necklace that was so tight, she felt it tug against her throat if she swallowed too hard.

  There was one other woman with her. Someone that Uncle Jake called Star. Her breasts were bigger and her top smaller. Five minutes into the start of the night and Star was topless. Walking around with her fake breasts bouncing for everyone’s enjoyment. That opened the door for everyone to ask Mia to take her top off.

  She refused it.

  Uncle Jake gave the warning that Mia was his and would not be naked. The way he said his left Mia shivering.

  The entire scene was sick.

  As the games played on, Mia couldn’t believe the size of the bets. Hands going for ten, twenty, even fifty thousand dollars a piece. There were men that Mia recognized. Men who held office. Men who ran companies. Men who were supposed to be pillars of the community (whatever the fuck that meant). Christ, there were three men sitting with their badges on the tables. Detectives, maybe even federal people, all taking part of this.

  And Uncle Jake wandered the room, sucking on a cigar, patting shoulders, squeezing necks, laughing with gritted teeth on the cigar.

  Mia took notice how he kept going to those with legal power. Those who could access weapons. He would bend down, say something, shake hands, and then they’d slip away. To Mia it looked like her uncle was planning some kind of attack.

  Against Back Down Devil?

  Maybe Uncle Jake could do something… bring in some kind of army and just attack. They could level the MC’s clubhouse, kill members, take the rest into prison, and nobody would give a shit. That was the sad part. The scary part.

  Maybe it was the right thing to do.

  Nate had admitted his past…


  Mia turned and let out a gasp. The doors were opened. Four men stood there holding shotguns. They were in leather cuts. They were a MC.

  But it wasn’t Back Down Devil MC.

  The four men with shotguns stepped to the side and five more guys came in. They were huge men. Thick with muscle that looked impossible to be real. All with short, spiked hair, veins pulsing, rage flooding the room.

  “I said DRINK!” a voice boomed.

  It was Uncle Jake.

  Mia hesitated again and suddenly Star passed her by, a tray of drinks in her hand. Her breasts bounced so perfectly and flirty as she approached the bikers.

  When Mia blinked, she studied their leather cuts.

  They were Coast Road MC.

  They were the guys who attacked Nate. They were connected to Uncle Jake and the chief of police in Frelen.

  Holy shit.

  “There they are,” Uncle Jake said as he walked to them. He put his cigar on a poker table and left it there. “The muscle behind it all. The brains. The truth. The honesty.”

  “Shut up,” one of the guys said. “I’m staring at shots and tits.”

  “What do you like better?” Star asked.

  The guy then looked at Mia and grinned. A silver tooth flickered at her. “I want that one. So little. I could break her in seconds.”

  Mia stepped back.

  “That’s, uh, my niece,” Uncle Jake said. “She helps here…”

  “Good,” the guy said. He grabbed a shot and took it. “She’s free game then. Ain’t that right, sweet thing?”

  Sweet thing…?

  Mia held an empty drink tray in her hand. For each step she took back, the guy took two toward her. For a second, she moved her eyes to Uncle Jake. She waited for him to do something for her. To help her and save her, like he always did during the poker games. This time, he just stood there. Like he was content with what was happening right now.

  A little smirk climbed across his face. It left Mia feeling more trapped than ever.

  She bumped into a table and spun around, apologizing for almost spilling a drink. The man at the table had jumped back. He groaned and quickly adjusted his tie. He looked miserable.

  Mia felt something behind her. Pressing to her.

  A hand touched her shoulder, then fingers spread across her throat. “Hey, sweet thing. Don’t go running on me. I love a chase. Makes the fuck even better.”

  “You’re not fucking me,” Mia said. “I promise you that.”

  The Coast Road guy laughed. “You can’t fight your way from me. I’ll devour you. Let’s just go to the back for a little bit. I’ll make you crawl away… begging for more… crying your eyes out…”

  Mia wiggled and pushed back. She was able to turn but not get away. The Coast Road guy was still right there. Mia had the drink tray up, almost like a shield to her chest. The guy’s eyes were dark, maybe evil, maybe just fake because of all his fake muscles bulging everywhere. Nothing like the muscle Nate had. The muscle Nate had was earned, natural, real.

  “Back away from me,” Mia said.

  “Hey, hey,” the Coast Road guy said. He stepped back and put his hands up a little. “It’s all good. Don’t worry, sweet thing. I won’t hurt you… on purpose. I can’t promise what happens when the beast comes out.”

  “The beast…”

  It was pathetic listening to this.

  Yet nobody was helping. Half the people were already back to their fucking poker games. Uncle Jake stood there with his arms crossed.

  “The beast,” the guy said and cupped between his legs.

  He took another step and Mia lost it. Before she could stop herself Mia was moving the drink tray. It came up and smacked the guy at his chin. His head snapped back. Mia then brought the tray back and slapped the guy across the face. He turned and grabbed his face. Mia wound up to swing again and the Coast Road guy made a fist and swung it like a hammer, hitting the tray. The tray broke and went flying from Mia’s hands.

  The guy then lunged at her, grabbing her by the waist and throwing her. Mia yelled as she was airborne. She hit the poker table, a pain shooting up her ass into her lower back. She tried to reach for anything and stuck her hand into a drink. The drink spilled, everyone at the table was yelling, and Mia rolled back and off the table. Her head hit the floor and she kicked back, fearing whatever the hell was going to happen next.

  “Fucking bitch!” the Coast Road guy yelled.

  “Whoa,” Uncle Jake said, finally stepping in. “This is a peaceful night, guys. Everyone just take a breath.”

  “Fuck that little slut.”

  Mia looked up from the poker table.

  Uncle Jake put a hand to the guy’s shoulder. “Now that’s my niece you’re talking about. Let’s get a drink and hit the reset button. I’ll have a talk with her. For you. We can make this okay again.”

  The guy looked at Mia. He wiped a small splotch of blood f
rom the corner of his mouth. “Hey, sweet thing, now I am going to hurt you on purpose. I’m going to fucking jam my dick inside you and then take my gun and stick it…”

  There was a sudden explosion.

  To Mia, it was the end of the world.

  Everything shaking, everyone moving and yelling. Her mind was two seconds behind on reality. She blinked and saw the Coast Road guy staring at her, but he wasn’t talking anymore. His hands were at his stomach. His fingers covered in blood, able to disappear into his own body. Into an open wound.

  Uncle Jake darted toward the other Coast Road guys and pushed at them, yelling at them to shoot. To kill. He then pointed and screamed at everyone else to get the fuck out of the room.

  That’s when Mia was able to turn around. Her head, back, ass, her soul, ached. Looking back, she saw them coming into the room. Five of them. Dressed in black leather cuts, all holding guns, led by Nate as he held a shotgun. He pumped the chamber, the empty shell flew from the gun, and he lifted it again.

  It was impossible that all this could be happening so slow…

  Nate pulled the trigger again, teeth gritted.

  The noise echoed through Mia’s head again, making her cringe. She turned to see what Nate shot… who Nate shot… desperately wanting it to be Uncle Jake.

  But it wasn’t.

  It was another Coast Road MC guy.

  Back Down Devil kept advancing… Nate, Blaine, Griffin, Miller, and Gaige.

  The rest of the guys had their guns out, pointing them around the room, making sure everyone in suits and ties stayed back.

  Mia started to stand, wanting to get to Nate. She was halfway up when she saw the Coast Road guys finally reacting, lifting their weapons, ready to defend themselves.

  A hand grabbed Mia’s shoulder and she turned to see Miller forcing her to the ground. He dropped to his knees and put his face close to her ear.

  “Don’t fucking move!” Miller yelled. “You’ll get shot if you stand up.”

  Mia watched as Nate walked by the table.

  And the gunfire continued.



  All Nate wanted to do was grab Mia and get her the hell out of there. The MC did not expect to find Coast Road MC in the room. That left Nate wondering if Judge Jake and Chief Jerry weren’t expecting the attack.

  It also left him wondering if Mia… did she tell them?

  He couldn’t face that yet.

  When they saw the motorcycles outside, they knew it was going to be an even worse night. They had no choice but to kick in and just take control.

  When Nate heard the voice… Hey, sweet thing, now I am going to hurt you on purpose. I’m going to fucking jam my dick inside you and then take my gun and stick it…”

  That was all he could take. He kicked the door open and just shot. He blasted the Coast Road MC piece of shit in the gut. The guy would bleed out die right there. Just like the second guy he shot.

  That’s how terrible Coast Road MC was at fighting. They all just stood there, surprised that they were going to have to fight. But they finally lifted their guns and a war finally broke out.

  Nate watched as Judge Jake pushed his way by the Coast Road guys and was out the door.

  Nate, Gaige, Blaine, and Griffin all advanced, ducking behind poker tables when they needed to, avoiding the spraying of pellets from the Coast Road MC shotguns. They returned fire, both set of bikers getting closer and closer.

  Once Nate was in range to attack in a different way… he did.

  Out of shots, needing a reload, he said fuck it and just dropped the gun. He swung the gun, hitting one of the guy’s in the shoulder. The guy threw a punch, hitting Nate in the jaw. Nate absorbed the punch and went after the guy. They started to struggle until Nate felt the barrel of a gun to the back of his head.

  “Don’t fucking move!” a voice yelled.

  “Fuck you!” another voice said.

  Nate dropped down and the shotgun went off. His eyes were looking, able to see as one Coast Road guy shot the other by accident. The guy’s head exploded like a pumpkin being shot.

  Then there were screams.

  “Jesus fucking Christ!” a voice boomed.

  Nate lifted himself up, turning, and grabbed the shotgun from the guy who had just shot one of his own. He was obviously in shock, just standing there, jaw dropped. Nate turned the shotgun, putting the barrel under the guy’s chin.

  Old school style…

  He put his finger to the trigger and turned his head, pulling the trigger.

  The gun went off, and another Coast Road member was taken out.

  The rest of the room was completely cleared out.

  It was the basement of an old warehouse. A building that probably went deep with records, titles, liens, all kinds of bullshit that was purposely done to leave it standing and let it be used for this shit. Hell, Back Down Devil had their warehouse and buildings they did the same with.

  Griffin, Gaige, and Blaine walked the perimeter of the room, guns out, checking for anyone else.

  “Mia!” Nate bellowed.

  He saw Miller stand up, Mia next to him.

  Nate ran to the poker table and threw it out of the way. Glasses shattered, chips rattled, leftover cash floated to the ground.

  He grabbed Mia by her waist and pulled her close for a hug.

  She was goddamn almost naked, wearing some skimpy leather shit that made her look like a fucking whore.

  With his arms around her, Nate felt a small sense of relief wash over him.

  But there was more hell waiting for the MC. And Mia.

  “Chief Jerry’s not here,” Griffin said. “Son of a bitch was never here.”

  “You don’t know that,” Blaine said.

  “Yes I do. No car, no uniform, we saw who was here. Chief wasn’t here tonight.”

  “Coast Road MC was,” Gaige said. “Fuck.”

  Miller shook his head. He jumped toward a table and flipped it. More chips, drinks, cash scattered. Repeating until every table was flipped over, Miller then stood with his hands balled into fists.

  “Better?” Gaige asked.

  “Not at all,” Miller replied.

  Nate kept holding Mia tight. He stroked her hair and slipped a finger under her chin. “Look at me, babe.”

  She did.

  Her eyes were big and beautiful, a dark past lingering, but a bright future ahead.

  Not here though. Not a chance here with me… with this…

  “Are you okay?” Nate asked, knowing it was a dumb question.

  “I don’t know.”

  “Did anything happen?”

  “Besides you killing people…”

  Nate felt his chest tighten. He backed up a few inches. “I told you who I was. You wanted the truth.”

  “Come on,” Miller said. “We have to get back to the clubhouse. I’m sure the judge will call this mess in. Chief will then be here soon.”

  “Shouldn’t we stay?” Griffin asked. “Set the boundaries.”

  “No,” Nate said, cutting in. “We have to get out of here.”

  “Why?” Blaine asked.

  “Chief shows up and there’s us and some dead guys… who’s taking the hit for it? Coast Road is working for him. The judge. The entire thing. He’ll take all of us right in and then we’ll sit there. Don’t give him cause.”

  “Fuck,” Gaige said.

  “Nate’s right,” Miller said. “We need to move.”

  Nate held Mia at arm’s length. “You coming with us?”

  “Is that an offer?”

  Nate gritted his teeth. “What do you want from me, Mia?”

  The question hung in the air.

  Blaine gave a whistle and everyone started toward the door. Part of Nate knew he should have just left Mia there. She could have called for a ride. Or better yet - she could have scooped up all the cash on the floor and made a run for it. Christ, there had to be a couple grand just there, right on the floor, ready for the taki

  Trying to imagine his life without Mia simply pissed him off.

  “I hit the guy with a drink tray,” Mia said. “That’s why he came after me harder. He wanted to fuck me and I kept pushing him away. Then he got too close. So I hit him with the drink tray a few times and he lost it.”

  “Christ,” Nate whispered. “You’re a fighter.”

  “Only because I was waiting for you.”

  Nate inched closer again. All the guys were out of the room now. “I’m right here, babe. What I have to do to survive is just… it’s just me. And it’s going to get worse. I can’t control that. This is about surviving. You can either leave right now… with me or without.”

  “What do you want me to do?”

  “Logically? You need to take all the cash you can and disappear. We can make a couple calls to other charters and get you protection as you go east. Go as far east as you can, hide, be gone. But my heart wants you on the back of my ride. I want to take you back to the clubhouse and tear that leather shit off your body and taste you. Lick the fear from your body, hold you until you feel safe, and fuck you until you scream my name.”

  Mia backed up a little and bumped into a poker table flipped on its side. She stumbled, reached back, and the table - and Mia - started to go.

  Nate was right there, a hand behind her back, saving the fall.

  Their bodies were together.

  “This is dangerous,” Mia said, as if she could read Nate’s mind.

  Nate nodded. “Yeah, it fucking is.”

  “We’re not supposed to be going this far, Nate.”

  “I know.”

  “We had rules…”

  “We never had rules,” Nate growled. “I don’t live by rules. I never will live by rules. So you can’t handle that - or what I do for a living - then you need to get that cash and go. I won’t hate you for it.”

  Mia touched his face. “Would you… would you miss me?”

  Nate curled his lip. He killed the rest of the space between he and Mia, kissing her. Her lips were just too good. Soft, thin, they felt great to kiss and they looked pretty sliding up and down his dick. The images raced through Nate’s mind. It was never supposed to turn into something like this. Christ, he was just trying to do her a favor. For all those times he never did a favor when he should have.


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