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Submissive to Her Master - The Box Set

Page 4

by Simone Leigh

  It slips inside, pressed deep within me, shivering and fluttering its rhythmic song within. Now moaning uncontrollably, pussy in full flow, and simply wanting more, I make no resistance as Brin slips a finger into my hole.

  He makes circles within, stretching and opening me. One finger becomes two, easing me wider. There is a cold wet surge - some kind of lube? - and then another finger enters.

  The fingers rock a little, a slow pulsing rhythm hinting at deeper penetration.

  The fingers withdraw and Brin’s cock-head presses between my butt-cheeks, pressing in. As he eases forward, the pressure between his cock in my ass and the vibe in my cunt sends sweet electric dancing through me. Despite myself, my fears, my doubts, I am panting heavily, flushed and dripping with sweat and my climax is rising.

  Brin starts to thrust, gently at first, then harder as my ass relaxes to accommodate him. My clit and pussy sing in time with the vibe and my panting turns to gasping.

  Hips juddering, thighs trembling, heart pounding, I lie in my head down, ass up position as climax rises and blooms within me. Brin continues his thrusting but I am only vaguely aware of his grunts and gasps.

  My orgasm springs to life and my cunt goes into meltdown. Pulsating pleasure ripples through me. My back arches and my hips buck.

  Brin slaps me down again, but now the sting is only sensation piled on sensation. My pussy clenches and reclenches, juices flowing freely as hot orgasm becomes my Master. Screaming and yelling, I fight-embrace my cumming, but hands pin my wrists and Brin has me speared from behind. Other hands are working my clit in a kind of exquisite torture as the movement sends more sizzling waves tumbling through me. Brain reeling, I simply surrender to this frenzy of the flesh.

  As the glory fades, and just as I relax, Brin groans and bucks, then shoots his load. He rams home into me. I know that at some level, this should be hurting, but I feel no pain, only a kind of triumph. Good or bad. Pleasure or pain. Rapture or anguish. I am alive. Whatever happens now, I want to relish it, devour it. I want to take life in huge bites. I want to experience everything life has to offer. Brin will help me I know. He will guide me, show me things I never dreamed of or considered forbidden. I must simply obey him.

  I have learned more, done more, with my life, in the last day, than I have ever done, or imagined doing in the previous twenty years.

  What more could there be for me?

  The door slams open and sunlight streams in. Several figures stand silhouetted against the brightness, female figures.

  Brin pulls himself away from me and stands up, his semi-erect cock twitching as it relaxes.

  “Oh. Hi Girls. I was wondering where you’d got to. You’ve missed the party for today I’m afraid, but don’t worry, Martha will be playing out with you over the next few days.”

  The Story Continues in ‘Entranced’


  A Tale of Alpha Male, Master and Slave,

  FMF, Erotic Romance

  Part Three of the

  ‘Submissive to Her Master’ Series

  Author: Simone Leigh

  Part Three


  Early morning sunshine slants through the windows, dust motes dancing in the beams. Comfortable under the sheets, I consider the man lying beside me, still sleeping.

  In the last week he has rescued me from my own attempted suicide, given me my first ever orgasm, put me through holy terror by staging my kidnapping and then persuading/coercing me into agreeing to have sex with three men at once.

  It all ended with hints that there were supposed to be women involved in this orgy of lust, except that the girls arrived late for the ‘party’.

  It was fantastic.

  His logic is that if I live on the edge a little, I will learn again that life is to be enjoyed.

  And it has worked. In only a few days, he has given me the will to live once more.

  He has quite a track record.

  I turn to look at Brin and startle as I find his grey eyes open, locked on me.

  “You look deep in thought.” he says.

  “Just running the last few days through my head.”


  What do I say? To a man who has completely re-invented me?

  “Breakfast? Coffee? Toast?” Then I scramble out of bed before the conversation can turn in a direction I don’t know how to handle.

  Later, deciding that I need some time to think. I grab a bus into town, then amble aimlessly, chewing over events. No matter which way I turn it over, Brin has changed me. Or at the very least, unearthed a part of me I had no idea existed, a part buried for so long under convention and ‘what is expected’, that I no longer knew it was there.

  My ramblings take me to a familiar place, the bridge. Last time I was here, I was preparing to jump, screwing up the nerve to just do it.

  I rest on the wall of the bridge, arms folded on the cold stone, gazing down at murky waters. They hold no terrors for me now, merely reminders of a life rediscovered.

  A voice interrupts my ponderings. “You know, if there is one place I hoped not to find you, it’s here.”

  Jerked back to reality, I look up to find Brin standing next to me, mirroring my stance, arms folded, leaning on the wall. His face is sombre.

  I shake my head in denial of his implication. “Oh don’t worry. I wasn’t thinking of jumping. Not at all. you’ve cured me of that...”

  Relief washes across his features. “So what are you doing here? I’d hate to think that all my hard work was going to go to waste.... not that it’s not been very pleasant at times....”

  What am I doing here?

  “It’s hard to describe. It just seemed like an appropriate place to... reflect.”

  Brin doesn’t speak, merely cocking head at me, leaving me with a silence to fill. I recall that this was also his technique the first time we met, when I ended up spilling my heart to a complete stranger.

  “You’ve... you’ve changed me. I’m not the same person I was.”

  Brin’s silence is deafening, but his eyes soften.

  “I didn’t know who I was. What I was. I’m not sure I do yet. But I do know that I am not the person I thought. It’s like... like... you’ve taken me into pieces and I’ve not put them all back together again yet.”

  “Oh I dunno.” he shrugs. “You can’t really change someone in a week. I think that all I’ve really done is to show you that life has options.” He turns around, leaning backwards on his elbows, staring up at the sky. “What do you think you are going to do now?”

  “That’s what I was ‘reflecting’ on. What do I do now? I’ve got a life. I know that now, but I need to fill it with something. It’s not as though I have a job or anything. I mean, no offence. Shagging my brains out with you is great, but it’s not something I can dedicate a lifetime to and I know I can’t keep leaning on you for help.”

  He sniffs. “Nope. you can’t. I’m off tomorrow.”

  My heart plummets. “You’re leaving? Already?”

  The dismay in my voice must be obvious. Brin looks slantwise at me. “I did say that I’m a rolling stone Martha. I’m moving on.”

  I try to choke down the disappointment. Fighting against my suddenly tightened throat, “Moving on? Where are you going?”

  “There’s work down South right now. It’s the fruit picking season. They’re always after seasonal workers.”

  “Picking fruit? I had you down as....”

  “As what?”

  I shake my head in confusion. “.... I don’t know. Wheeler dealer. Card player. Hard man. Club bouncer. I don’t know. But picking fruit?”

  He chuckles. “You meet a lot of people. There’s variety, and the money’s good if you’re willing to work hard.”

  But he’s still leaving.

  He’s leaving me.

  Deflated, I feel an encroaching depression.

  “C’mon.” he says. “We have a party to go to.”

  “A party? What kind of par

  “Well, maybe not a party exactly. C’mon. Do as you’re told.”

  I hesitate. “I’m not going to be.... kidnapped or anything again am I?”

  He grins widely. “Nope. Don’t think you’d fall for that twice. Gave you a buzz though didn’t it?” Brin turns on his heel and starts walking, with me trailing in the rear.


  Brin is close behind me. “Come on. The lady wants you in there.”

  I am kneeling, naked, with Brin close behind me, his hand cradling the back of my head. Before me, a girl is bending over a table, skirt hitched up, presenting me with her pussy, separated only by the satin fabric of her panties. A damp stain is spreading through the gauzy fabric and the girl, who is very attractive, is looking back towards me, wearing a bemused expression.

  “Don’t worry.” says Brin to the girl. “She’s only shy. She’ll get used to the idea in a minute.”

  “The girl grins. “Cool!”

  Brin’s hand starts to exert a light pressure on my head, pushing my face towards the dampening crotch.

  “Brin, I can’t. I’ve never.... I don’t.... I’m sorry, I just can’t”

  “You can. Look at her. She’s a looker isn’t she?”

  He’s right. The girl is indeed a ‘looker’. Glossy blond hair falls in waves over a figure to die for. She has large breasts and a trim waist, flat stomached, and with a tautness to her muscles that suggests she works out.

  “Y.. y... yes.” I stutter. “She’s gorgeous...”

  The girl interrupts, still grinning. “Thanks Martha.”

  “....... but she’s.... I’ve never been with a woman.”

  Brin cocks his head, pursing his lips. “Correct me if I’m wrong, but you’d never fucked with three guys together before either. It seems to me that you enjoyed it when you tried it.” The pressure from his hand increases. “There’s a first time for everything.”

  Still I hesitate, yet I begin to notice the scent drifting in from the moist pussy being offered to me. It seems familiar and yet unfamiliar, then I realise that is the scent of female arousal. I have only ever smelled my own before, and that only in the last few days, so rare has it been in my life. Now, a wash of musky perfume laves my face, like the scent of a warm summer evening by the beach. I inhale deeply, and find my own body beginning to respond.

  “Atta girl.” says Brin softly. “Wouldn’t you like to kiss her there? I know I would.”

  I bite my lower lip, sucking at it with a bad case of nerves. I do want to do this, but....

  “Do as you’re told.” says Brin. “You know how good it is when someone gives it to you, when I gave it to you. Now you give it to her.”

  “But you’re a man....”

  “Yes, and you’re a woman, which means you should be able to do a better job of it than me. You know what it feels like.”

  That is hard to argue with. “Do are you’re told.” he repeats, and this time, the pressure behind my head is unrelenting as my face is gradually pushed towards the girl’s be-pantied pussy.

  I resist for a last moment.

  “What’s your name?”

  “Eva.” says the girl.

  “Nice to meet you Eva.”

  “You too Martha.”

  With a slight shuddering to my breath, I lean in and kiss the damp satin, lightly, my lips soft. Amazingly, the sky does not fall in on me, nor the earth swallow me up.

  Eva swings her head back towards me. “Love the feel of your warm breath on me Martha. Gorgeous!”

  Encouraged, I kiss a little harder, noticing a widening of the damp stain on the panties. Some of the dampness transfers to my lips. As I lick my lips there is a faint taste of salt and citrus.

  Brin is stroking my hair, his mouth close by my face. “Think how she feels Martha. Think how you felt when a warm tongue worked you. When I licked your clit. When I drank from your pussy....”

  His words spark fire in my belly, and now, scenting the sweet fragrance of Eva’s arousal, I want to tease her with my tongue.

  Pulling aside the satin panties, I see her pussy, pink and glistening, blond curls neatly trimmed and the hooded nub of her clitoris nestling between folds.

  Slipping my lips past the fabric, I kiss Eva’s hooded clit. She shudders and sighs, but for me, but the movement feels awkward and unnatural with the panties in the way.

  “May I?” I ask, my hands poised to slip off the panties.

  “Sure.” says Eva. “Be my guest.” And I slide them down to her ankles where she kicks them away.

  Now I have full access to Eva’s beautiful pussy. I have never thought of a pussy as beautiful before, but gazing at it now, I think of some luscious fruit laid open for me, a fresh fig perhaps, broken open into petals of pink flesh to be consumed and savoured.

  As I hear Eva’s breath deepening, I find that I want to please her. It occurs to me that during both arousal and climax, women are noisier than men. Perhaps there is greater reward in bringing a woman to climax than a man?

  Tracing my finger down the outside of her swelling labia, I breath warm air over Eva’s folds. Again she shudders. Encouraged, I stroke inside her thighs, thinking all the while of where I most enjoy being touched; the tender pale skin of the inner thigh, the delicate skin at the base of my belly. I try my best to do for Eva what I have most enjoyed having done to me. In truth, for most of my life, I have had to do it for myself, but the last few days have been a revelation for me.

  Glancing sideways, I see that Brin, still stroking my hair, is watching intently. He smiles and winks encouragement.

  I use fingers to part Eva’s folds, opening her up and exposing her nestled bud. Resting my opened lips over it, I tongue circles around, twirling it gently. Eva moans; a long drawn out sound, redolent in in lust and satisfaction. Her pussy begins to trickle juices which seep downwards over rosy folds. She tastes lemony and fresh, enveloping my senses, and her moaning is also working magic on me.

  “I didn’t know women tasted like this.” I say, more to myself than anyone else.

  “You’re all different.” comments Brin. “No two are the same, but yes, there’s nothing better than the taste of a freshly aroused pussy.”

  I want to laugh out loud at this, but think that it might throw Eva off her stride, so I suck in my cheeks to suppress the laughter and turn my attention back to Eva’s delectable nub.

  I want to make it shudder and twitch, to feel it pulse in my mouth, so, slipping back the hood, I start to gently torment the tip with my tongue, flicking it, working it around, nudging it from one side to another. Probing at the root with my tongue tip, I work at the deeper folds hidden away. Eva is starting to tremble, the smooth skin of her thighs and ass shivering under my attentions.

  It occurs to me that I have not yet tasted her actual pussy. It beckons me, succulent and inviting, and tentatively I lick at the outer lips. This time Eva’s moan is louder and more drawn out. Her arousal is exquisite. I probe more deeply with my tongue, wrapping my lips, open mouthed over her opening and reaching deeply. As I lick circles around her inner muscles, she spasms and floods. Hot juices fill my mouth and I lap eagerly at her for more.

  My own pussy is responding. Twinned with Eva’s, it warms and swells, arousal quickening in me.

  Brin’s hand slips down from my hair to cup a breast. As he kneads and massages me, he manoeuvres himself fully behind me, settling between my legs. Both hands now cup my breasts, stroking soft skin and gently squeezing before moving to pay homage to my rapidly puckering nipples. A shivery thrill ripples through me as I feel his erection pressing into my back. He is not just pressing, but is working himself against me, his shaft caged between our two bodies as he rocks his hips into the small of my back.

  Eva is moaning constantly now, her hips quivering and shaking. I hold her either side to steady myself as I drink her hotly running juices. Her arousal infects me and my own breathing is becoming heavy. Brin’s hand slips further down, gliding bet
ween my legs to my clit. As purposeful fingers roll and rub my bud, I become shaky, struggling between breaths to lick out Eva’s delicious honey. I know she can feel my breathing, because with each panting breath, I feel her react to my heat and an incoherent whimper escapes her lips.

  I am flushing hot, my breasts and cleavage streaked with sweat, my flesh melting into rapture as the tension of my orgasm begins to rise.

  Eva is shaking so much, I wonder if I am hurting her, but when I pull away for a moment, she wails in protest. Fastening my mouth around her clit, I suck hard, manipulating the hard bud with my lips. She must surely be close to climax.

  She is. Almost immediately she convulses and I all but lose my hold on her. Gripping hard at her hips I lock myself onto her, pressing in close to suckle hard on her pulsating clitoris. Waves of tension ripple through her. I can feel her orgasm, the orgasm of another woman. It is thrilling, magical, superb!

  And it triggers my own.

  My cunt spasms hard, an earthquake of the flesh that melts through me, sending electricity sparking through my blood.

  Eva hanging limply over her table, I scream in sheer euphoria at the drumbeat pulsing through my thighs and belly and cunt.

  Even as I revel in magic, Brin seizes me from behind, pulling back my hips and dropping me to all fours. There is nothing gentle about him as he pushes my knees far apart and rams himself home.

  My orgasm, which was on the point of fading, resurges again as Brin jackhammers into me. My gasps dropping into time with his rhythm, my pussy an inferno, it floods anew, sending hot juices spilling down my thighs. Again and again, Brin sheaths himself inside me, balls banging against my thighs, his cock stretching me wide as he pushes deep, plunging his hard body into my softer one. This is simple fucking at its most basic, and I love it.

  Fingers gripping deeply into the flesh of my hips, Brin’s breathing grows rapid. The scent of his sweat is hot and sharp, followed the cold drip of his perspiration dripping to my skin.

  With a growl he shudders to a halt, huffing his climax as he grinds into me. Trying to twist around to see him, I see the clutching of his fingers into my heated flesh, the tremor of his loins as he pumps hot cum into me.


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