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The Wranglers' New Chef [The Wranglers of Bear Mountain 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 10

by Marla Monroe

Her eyes had opened at the sound of papers and a stapler hitting the floor. Before she could fully rouse herself from the sensual state they’d placed her in, Laredo picked her legs up, and together, he and Laramie laid her on the desk fully clothed. Her slight gasp soon turned to breathy moans as his brother captured her lips with his.

  Laredo took advantage of her distraction and ran his hands up her waist beneath her white blouse until his hands rested on the warm smooth skin of her ribcage. He stroked her lightly before lowering them to the waistband of her white slacks. She wore the full uniform of a chef from head to foot, only she’d ditched the hat before arriving at his office. He was thankful the slacks had an elastic waist. It would make it much easier to remove them.

  Billy still didn’t seem aware of her position or his devious plans for her. He ran his hands down the outside of her pants until he reached her feet. He removed her sensible flats and gently massaged her feet. He imagined they were tired from standing on them all day. Her loud groan of appreciation reached him as he squeezed and smoothed over her arch.

  Laramie chuckled. “I think you’ve found her weak spot, brother. Massage her feet and she’ll follow you anywhere.”

  Laredo smiled and moved to the other foot. Once he’d treated it to the same careful attention, he returned to her hips and ran his hands back up to the waistline of her slacks to curl his fingers around it. He slowly pulled her pants down to the soft flare of her hips. When he started to slip them under her rounded ass, she stiffened beneath them.

  “Shhh, sweetness. Let us show you how good we can make you feel. We’re not going to take our clothes off at all,” Laramie crooned in her ear as he nipped and sucked on her earlobe. “Just feel, Billy Jean. Feel how good it can be between us.”

  As soon as she relaxed a fraction of an inch, Laredo slid the material down her legs to pool on the floor. The delicate white panties she wore covered her mound but didn’t hide the fact that their Billy was a natural redhead. The dark curls above her pussy were clearly red. He couldn’t wait to remove the lacy underwear.

  Instead of jerking them off of her like he wanted to do, Laredo kissed his way up her leg from ankle along the inside of her calf up to her knee. He nuzzled the back of her knee with his cheek then slowly licked and kissed his way up the insides of her thighs, moving from one leg to the other as he went. He relished each shiver and appreciated the chill bumps that erupted on her skin. She wasn’t immune to his touch by any means.

  When he glanced up from between her legs, it was to find Laramie nipping along her chin as he slowly unbuttoned the tiny buttons of her blouse. The damn thing was buttoned almost all the way up her neck.

  He inhaled as the first whiffs of her arousal reached his nose. She smelled amazing. He ached to bury his face between her legs, but they needed to take this slow. He didn’t want to frighten her away. Their future, everything was at stake here. He prayed she would give them a chance, especially when she realized they wanted to share her between them for more than one time.

  Laramie spread the sides of the blouse apart to reveal her delectable breasts encased in a lacy white bra that matched the panties. Her gently rounded abdomen drew his attention. He couldn’t resist, lowering his head, he licked her, tracing her belly button with his tongue.

  “Oh, God!” Her breathy voice barely registered as he placed openmouthed kisses across her ribcage just below her bra.

  Thank goodness it was a front closure. He nodded at his brother as he returned to where the lacy underwear covered her pussy. Using his teeth, Laredo slowly pulled the delicate material down with his teeth, revealing inch by tantalizing inch of her mound with its trimmed nest of fiery red curls. They were a shade brighter than her deep auburn hair. Once he had her underwear to the edge of the curls, Laredo added his hands to hurry the process along.

  “Fuck!” Laramie’s harsh voice had him looking up from the sight of Billy’s exposed sex.

  His brother had removed her bra by stretching her arms over her head and pulling the now open front closure contraption up them. With her arms stretched upward, her generous breasts pointed upwards, the ripened nipples hard protruding nubs.

  Fuck indeed.

  She was gorgeous. Torn between wanting to taste those sweet-looking berries and exploring the depths of her hot pussy, Laredo groaned.

  His brother’s eyes met his. There was an equal amount of desire darkening them as well. He would torment her with his mouth and fingers while Laredo took care of her sweet pussy. Together they would seduce her into allowing them to court her. It wasn’t exactly fair, but considering what they wanted from her, it was the only way he thought they might have a chance with her. He wasn’t above cheating when it came to her.

  He walked around to the end of the desk and carefully pulled her closer to the edge. Then he slipped between her legs and wrapped his arms around her thighs to hold them open while he pleasured her. He felt her thighs tense. Laredo nipped the skin of one of them before burying his face in her wet pussy.

  Chapter Ten

  Billy Jean nearly screamed when Laredo settled his mouth between her legs. At the same time, his devious brother ran his wet tongue across one nipple while he plucked at the other one. All rational thoughts fled her brain as pure desire took over. She wanted them, had wanted them almost from the beginning. She’d dreamed about the mystery man behind the voice when she’d talked with Laredo over the phone. The reality of him and his twin brother was more than rational thought could defend against. She was going to go to hell for what she wanted because Billy Jean wanted them both.

  Laredo’s big callused hands were spreading her legs wide as he nuzzled her pussy lips with his nose. She’d had oral sex before, but always before it had made her uncomfortable for a man to use his mouth on her down there. For some reason, with Laredo, she wasn’t having those feelings. Instead, she felt alive and aroused beyond anything she’d ever felt before.

  He licked her slit all the way to the top where he ran the tip of his tongue around her straining clit.

  “Yes!” she hissed out.

  “Do you like that, sweetness? Do you like Laredo’s mouth on that hot pussy?” Laramie’s wicked words penetrated the fog of lust enshrouding her. She whimpered.

  Laramie chuckled and nipped her swollen nipple before sucking it deep into his hot mouth. It felt so good. Everything they were doing to her felt amazing. She began to wonder if she would survive whatever they planned for her because already she was having trouble breathing through the pleasure.

  Laredo spread her pussy lips and lapped at her opening before running his tongue over her clit. Over and over he tormented her like that. Laramie massaged her breasts with both hands while his lips and teeth toyed with her until she was squirming on the desk between the two men.

  “Please, it’s too much. I can’t stand it!” She thought she would go insane with how good it felt.

  “You can take it, sweetness. We’re going to make you feel so good.” Laramie’s husky voice only amped up her awareness of what they were doing to her.

  “You taste like the sweetest nectar, darling. I could lick your pussy all day long,” Laredo said from between her legs.

  Just the idea had her body convulsing in agreement. He teased her opening with one thick finger before slowly sliding it deeper inside her empty cunt. When she started to lift her hips to push him deeper inside, he pressed down on her to keep her in place.

  “Easy, Billy. Let us take you there. Don’t be in such a big hurry,” he crooned to her.

  Her body strained toward the climax she could already feel building on the horizon. She didn’t want to wait too long. If it got much bigger, it would bury her beneath the waves of pleasure. She couldn’t allow that to happen. She needed to hold on to some measure of control or she would lose everything.

  No amount of wiggling or thrusting got her any closer to a faster end. They paced themselves, holding her back until she thought she would scream in frustration and need. They were killing her
now. Her body was no longer listening to her at all. Arousal had pushed back all rational thought until all she could think about was coming. She needed to come and soon.

  “Please. I can’t stand it anymore. Please let me come,” she finally begged.

  “God, she is beautiful. Look at her, Laramie. She’s teetering on the edge. Her eyes are dark and wild. I can’t wait to see her come apart for us.”

  Billy wanted to scream in frustration, but all that would come out was a moan of need. Then both men struck like vampires intent on draining her dry. They chased her up the ramp with devious mouths and devilish fingers. Laramie sucked her nipple tightly against the roof of his mouth while he twisted and pulled on the other one. Laredo thrust his tongue deep into her cunt before replacing it with his finger where he stroked relentlessly over her sweet spot while sucking the tight bud of her clit into his mouth.

  Fire unlike anything she’d ever known ignited in her blood as it raced through her veins. She fought to breathe around the pressure that built in her chest. The explosion was right there, building, building as she struggled to control it, thought she knew that wasn’t going to be possible.

  A scream escaped her mouth that Laramie quickly caught with his lips. The pleasure erupted like an overactive volcano, spewing shards of ecstasy in every direction. It seemed to go on forever, wringing every drop of energy from her body. Finally, her orgasm faded, leaving in its wake a host of confused emotions and a completely drained Billy. She doubted she would be able to move much less walk to her apartment after this.

  And where did it leave her—them?

  * * * *

  Laramie savored the kiss that tasted of her climax. Seeing how her body bloomed, thrilled him. He gazed over her glowing, sweat-slickened body as she panted trying to regain her breath. She was so gorgeous, and she was theirs. He understood that now. His brother was right. They had to claim her together. It would take both of them to care for her with the burden of the ranch and breeding business resting on their shoulders now.

  He kissed her softly, not wanting to draw her out of the relaxed state she was in. He wanted to hold her in his arms while she slept. The thought of curling around her body, skin to skin, was almost more than he could handle. He couldn’t stop the groan that slipped from his throat.

  “I know, brother,” Laredo whispered.

  Billy Jean stirred and tried to sit up. He could see the wariness already filling her eyes. He braced for the argument he was sure was coming. Evidently Laredo saw the same thing because he suddenly loomed over her, a determined expression stamped on his face.

  “Don’t, Billy. There is more between us than this.” He waved his hand over her body. “You can’t pretend that you don’t feel anything, because the taste of you on my tongue tells me otherwise.”

  Laramie hid a smile when she gasped at his brother’s challenge. He had no doubt she was still going to fight them, but he no longer worried that what they felt for her would end up tearing them all apart. It could work if she would just give it a chance. By the look on his brother’s face, Laredo was going to be sure she did just that.

  “I need to get down. I need my clothes.” Her frantic words said she was panicked and running scared.

  “Easy does it, sweetness. I don’t want you to fall and hurt yourself.” Laramie helped her down off the desk.

  His brother picked up her underwear and slacks from the floor. He grabbed her bra and blouse, dropping them on the desk before he held her at the waist while she struggled into her panties with shaky hands and equally trembling legs. Laredo knelt in front of her and held her slacks out so that she could step into them. They allowed her to pull them up by herself. Then he handed her the bra and blouse.

  “Thank you,” she said with a shaky voice.

  Once she was completely dressed, she turned to the door and would have made good her escape, but his twin stopped her, wrapping his arm around her waist and pulling her back against his chest.

  “Not so fast, hot stuff. What’s going through that busy head of yours?” Laredo asked.

  “Look. I need to get some sleep. It’s late and I have to be up at five in the morning. I don’t have time for this,” she said.

  “Since we’re your bosses, we’re giving you time,” Laredo said.

  Billy’s head whipped around to glare at him. “Are you saying that as your employee I have to have sex with you?”

  Laredo’s face turned red with anger. He released her and stepped back. “You know better than that. Why in the hell would you say something like that?”

  “You’re the one who started it!” she yelled back. “Come see you in your office to talk and giving me permission to take time to be with you. What does that sound like to you?”

  Laredo reached out and pulled her against him. Laramie wasn’t sure what to do. He knew his brother wouldn’t hurt her. He didn’t have it in him to harm a woman, especially their woman. Still, he was going to end up ruining it for them if he didn’t back off some. Billy Jean didn’t take well to threats. Even he saw that.

  But he didn’t really have anything to worry about. Laredo covered her mouth with his and backed her against the wall. After her initial attempt to thwart him, Billy Jean relaxed into the kiss and wrapped her arms around him. Then, to his amusement, she followed up with her legs. His brother ground his pelvis into her body, eliciting a moan from her.

  Laramie wished it was his body she was squeezing like a tube of toothpaste. He’d get his turn though. He just needed to have patience. Right now, the most important thing was convincing her to give them a chance. Fighting over her wouldn’t help their cause one bit. He knew that, but it didn’t stop him from envying his brother’s present position.

  Slowly, Laredo backed away from the wall and turned so that Billy Jean’s back was to him and not the wall. Laramie took the opportunity it gave him and slipped his arms between her body and his brother’s at her waist. He pressed against her, relishing the feel of her soft ass against his aching cock. Laredo had her at the perfect height to rub his dick along the crack of her ass, covered or not.

  “We want you so damn bad, Billy, but we’re willing to wait for you to get to know us first. That doesn’t mean we’re going to let you drag your feet though, darling. You’re ours,” Laredo told her.

  Laramie froze. He hadn’t expected his brother to lay claim to her like this, or so soon. There was still every chance that it wouldn’t work. Threesomes weren’t the norm. An urge to back away hit him hard before he managed to get it under control. He wasn’t going to give in when the possibility of holding Billy Jean in his arms was right in front of him.

  “Y–yours? What are you talking about? I thought we were going to get to know each other and see how things went,” she said.

  Laredo allowed her to slowly slip to the ground much to Laramie’s disappointment. He’d enjoyed holding her close to him. His brother had a serious expression on his face now.

  “That’s what I had planned, but after tasting you and then watching you try to pretend it didn’t mean anything, I’ve changed my mind. We aren’t going to go easy on you, Billy, darling. You’re ours.”

  Laramie felt as if his heart would jump out of his chest at his brother’s words. He was going to scare her off by pressing her like this. What had gotten into him? This wasn’t like Laredo at all. He planned and planned some more. He didn’t jump off in the deep end without knowing how deep it was and what the temperature would be. Worry ate at his already churning gut.

  “B–but…” she began only to be interrupted by Laredo.

  “No buts. Let’s get you to your apartment so you can get some rest now. We’ll talk more tomorrow.” Laredo ushered her toward the door as if they hadn’t just given her an amazing orgasm and weren’t discussing something as serious as sharing her between them.

  Laramie fought to keep up with Laredo’s mindset but failed miserably. For the first time in his life, he had no idea what was going on in his twin’s head. It worried him
on several levels. Had the infamously controlled Commando lost it? Was taking on the nearly impossible task of saving their family’s legacy proving to be more than Laredo could handle?

  Just the fact that his brother had allowed himself to get involved with Billy Jean with all that was at stake had bothered him from the beginning. Then when he’d decided that they would share her, Laramie had begun to question his brother’s mental state. Now, he scrambled to just keep up and figure out how to salvage the obvious cluster fuck they were heading for.

  “Laramie, turn the shower on for her. Don’t make it hot enough to scald her like you like it.” Laredo issued orders as if he was back overseas.

  He hurried to the bathroom and turned on the shower, adjusting the water to what he hoped would be a pleasantly hot but not burning temperature. When he walked out of the bathroom it was to find Laredo undressing an obviously shell-shocked Billy Jean. He talked to her the entire time, his voice deep and soft as if to lull her into a false sense of safety.

  “We’ll take good care of you, darling. As soon as we get past this first set of guests, you can hire someone to help so you aren’t working so many long hours. Easy, there, kitten. Don’t fall getting out of these slacks.” Laredo crooned to her while Laramie watched in shock.

  “Is the water ready?” Laredo asked without turning away from his charge.

  “Um, yeah.”

  “Help her in and make sure she doesn’t slip and fall. I’m going to turn down the bed and fix a warm cup of milk to help her sleep.” Laredo passed her to him.

  Laramie stared at his brother for a second before he snapped out of it and helped Billy Jean to the bathroom. It was obvious that she was just as shocked as he was. He held her arm until she’d stepped into the shower then handed her a cloth to wash with.

  “Do you need anything else?” he asked.

  “Ah, no. I’m good.” She turned her back and picked up what looked like body wash.

  This was too weird for him. He backed out of the bathroom only to find the bedroom empty. The bed had been turned back military sharp. The pillows looked to have been freshly plumped. Shaking his head, Laramie walked out of the bedroom to find Laredo busy in the kitchen area.


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